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EVIDENCE Section 6. Pre-trial brief.

— The parties shall file with the court

and serve on the adverse party, in such manner as shall
1. ROLE OF EVIDENCE IN THE ADJUDICATION PROCESS ensure their receipt thereof at least three (3) days before the
date of the pre-trial, their respective pre-trial briefs which
Rule 128. General Provisions shall contain, among others:
Section 1. Evidence defined. — Evidence is the means,
sanctioned by these rules, of ascertaining in a judicial (b) A summary of admitted facts and proposed
proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact. (1) stipulation of facts;

Section 2. Scope. — The rules of evidence shall be the same Section 7. Record of pre-trial. — The proceedings in the pre-
in all courts and in all trials and hearings, except as otherwise trial shall be recorded. Upon the termination thereof, the
provided by law or these rules. (2a) court shall issue an order which shall recite in detail the
matters taken up in the conference, the action taken
Section 3. Admissibility of evidence. — Evidence is admissible thereon, the amendments allowed to the pleadings, and
when it is relevant to the issue and is not excluded by the the agreements or admissions made by the parties as to any
law of these rules. (3a) of the matters considered. Should the action proceed to
trial, the order shall, explicitly define and limit the issues to be
Section 4. Relevancy; collateral matters. — Evidence must tried. The contents of the order shall control the subsequent
have such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce belief course of the action, unless modified before trial to prevent
in its existence or non-existence. Evidence on collateral manifest injustice. (5a, R20)
matters shall not be allowed, except when it tends in any
reasonable degree to establish the probability or Rule 30. Trial
improbability of the fact in issue. (4a) Section 6. Agreed statement of facts. — The parties to any
action may agree, in writing, upon the facts involved in the
Rule 18. Pre-Trial litigation, and submit the case for judgment on the facts
Section 2. Nature and purpose. — The pre-trial is mandatory. agreed upon, without the introduction of evidence.
The court shall consider:
If the parties agree only on some of the facts in issue, the trial
(d) The possibility of obtaining stipulations or shall be held as to the disputed facts in such order as the
admissions of facts and of documents to avoid court shall prescribe. (2a, R30)
unnecessary proof;
2. DEFINITION AND SCOPE litigation, and submit the case for judgment on the facts
agreed upon, without the introduction of evidence.
Rule 128. General Provisions
Section 1. Evidence defined. — Evidence is the means, If the parties agree only on some of the facts in issue, the trial
sanctioned by these rules, of ascertaining in a judicial shall be held as to the disputed facts in such order as the
proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact. (1) court shall prescribe. (2a, R30)

Section 2. Scope. — The rules of evidence shall be the same Section 7. Statement of judge. — During the hearing or trial
in all courts and in all trials and hearings, except as otherwise of a case any statement made by the judge with reference
provided by law or these rules. (2a) to the case, or to any of the parties, witnesses or counsel,
shall be made of record in the stenographic notes. (3a, R30)
Rule 15. Motions
RULE 132. Presentation of Evidence Section 3. Contents. — A motion shall state the relief sought
A. Examination of Witnesses to be obtained and the grounds upon which it is based, and
if required by these Rules or necessary to prove facts alleged
Section 2. Proceedings to be recorded. — The entire therein, shall be accompanied by supporting affidavits and
proceedings of a trial or hearing, including the questions other papers. (3a)
propounded to a witness and his answers thereto, the
statements made by the judge or any of the parties, Rule 132. Presentation of Evidence
counsel, or witnesses with reference to the case, shall be C. Offer And Objection
recorded by means of shorthand or stenotype or by other
means of recording found suitable by the court. Section 39. Striking out answer. — Should a witness answer
the question before the adverse party had the opportunity
A transcript of the record of the proceedings made by the to voice fully its objection to the same, and such objection
official stenographer, stenotypist or recorder and certified as is found to be meritorious, the court shall sustain the
correct by him shall be deemed prima facie a correct objection and order the answer given to be stricken off the
statement of such proceedings. (2a) record.

Rule 30. Trial On proper motion, the court may also order the striking out
Section 6. Agreed statement of facts. — The parties to any of answers which are incompetent, irrelevant, or otherwise
action may agree, in writing, upon the facts involved in the improper. (n)
Rule 18. Pre-Trial Rule 41. Appeal From The Regional Trial Courts
Section 7. Record of pre-trial. — The proceedings in the pre- Section 10. Duty of clerk of court of the lower court upon
trial shall be recorded. Upon the termination thereof, the perfection of appeal. — Within thirty (30) days after
court shall issue an order which shall recite in detail the perfection of all the appeals in accordance with the
matters taken up in the conference, the action taken preceding section, it shall be the duty of the clerk of court of
thereon, the amendments allowed to the pleadings, and the lower court:
the agreements or admissions made by the parties as to any (d) To transmit the records to the appellate court.
of the matters considered. Should the action proceed to
trial, the order shall, explicitly define and limit the issues to be If the efforts to complete the records fail, he shall indicate in
tried. The contents of the order shall control the subsequent his letter of transmittal the exhibits or transcripts not included
course of the action, unless modified before trial to prevent in the records being transmitted to the appellate court, the
manifest injustice. (5a, R20) reasons for their non-transmittal, and the steps taken or that
could be taken to have them available.
Rule 133. Weight and Sufficiency of Evidence
Section 7. Evidence on motion. — When a motion is based The clerk of court shall furnish the parties with copies of his
on facts not appearing of record the court may hear the letter of transmittal of the records to the appellate court.
matter on affidavits or depositions presented by the (10a)
respective parties, but the court may direct that the matter
be heard wholly or partly on oral testimony or depositions. Section 11. Transcript. — Upon the perfection of the appeal,
(7) the clerk shall immediately direct the stenographers
concerned to attach to the record of the case five (5)
Rule 40. Appeal From Municipal Trial Courts to the Regional copies of the transcripts of the testimonial evidence referred
Trial Courts to in the record on appeal. The stenographers concerned
Section 6. Duty of the clerk of court. — Within fifteen (15) shall transcribe such testimonial evidence and shall prepare
days from the perfection of the appeal, the clerk of court or and affix to their transcripts an index containing the names
the branch clerk of court of the lower court shall transmit the of the witnesses and the pages wherein their testimonies are
original record or the record on appeal, together with the found, and a list of the exhibits and the pages wherein each
transcripts and exhibits, which he shall certify as complete, of them appears to have been offered and admitted or
to the proper Regional Trial Court. A copy of his letter of rejected by the trial court. The transcripts shall be transmitted
transmittal of the records to the appellate court shall be to the clerk of the trial court who shall thereupon arrange
furnished the parties. (n) the same in the order in which the witnesses testified at the
trial, and shall cause the pages to be numbered
consecutively. (12a)
Section 12. Transmittal. — The clerk of the trial court shall Rule 44. Ordinary Appealed Cases
transmit to the appellate court the original record or the Section 3. Order of transmittal of record. — If the original
approved record on appeal within thirty (30) days from the record or the record on appeal is not transmitted to the
perfection of the appeal, together with the proof of Court of Appeals within thirty (30) days after the perfection
payment of the appellate court docket and other lawful of the appeal, either party may file a motion with the trial
fees, a certified true copy of the minutes of the proceedings, court, with notice to the other, for the transmittal of such
the order of approval, the certificate of correctness, the record or record on appeal. (3a, R46)
original documentary evidence referred to therein, and the
original and three (3) copies of the transcripts. Copies of the Rule 45. Appeal by Certiorari to the Supreme Court
transcripts and certified true copies of the documentary Section 8. Due course; elevation of records. — If the petition
evidence shall remain in the lower court for the examination is given due course, the Supreme Court may require the
of the parties. (11a) elevation of the complete record of the case or specified
parts thereof within fifteen (15) days from notice. (2a)
Rule 42. Petition for Review From the Regional Trial Courts to
Section 7. Elevation of record. — Whenever the Court of
Appeals deems it necessary, it may order the clerk of court
of the Regional Trial Court to elevate the original record of 5. QUESTION OF LAW AND QUESTION OF FACT
the case including the oral and documentary evidence
within fifteen (15) days from notice. (n)
Rule 43. Appeals From the Court of Tax Appeals and Quasi-
Judicial Agencies to the Court of Appeals Rule 128. General Provisions
Section 11. Transmittal of record. — Within fifteen (15) days Section 3. Admissibility of evidence. — Evidence is admissible
from notice that the petition has been given due course, the when it is relevant to the issue and is not excluded by the
Court of Appeals may require the court or agency law of these rules. (3a)
concerned to transmit the original or a legible certified true
copy of the entire record of the proceeding under review. Section 4. Relevancy; collateral matters. — Evidence must
The record to be transmitted may be abridged by have such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce belief
agreement of all parties to the proceeding. The Court of in its existence or non-existence. Evidence on collateral
Appeals may require or permit subsequent correction of or matters shall not be allowed, except when it tends in any
addition to the record. (8a) reasonable degree to establish the probability or
improbability of the fact in issue. (4a)

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