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RON WYDEN COMMITTEES: meer Wnited States Senate — Less WASHINGTON, DC 20510-3703 (at seus January 30, 2019 The Honorable Christopher Wray Director Federal Bureau of Investigation 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Director Wray, | write to follow up on our exchange at yesterday’s Senate Select Committee on Intelligence he: Worldwide Threats. As we discussed, recent press reports claim that the Saudi government helped multiple Saudi nationals facing criminal charges or awaiting trial escape from Oregon and return to Saudi Arabia. The identified individuals are Abdulrahman Noorah, Abdulaziz Al Duways, Waleed Ali Alharthi, Suliman Ali Algwaiz, and Ali Hussain Alhamoud, I write today to request any available information regarding the departure of these individuals. gon All five of these young men were students in Oregon and were arrested for serious criminal charges including vehicular murder of an innocent teenager, sexual assault, rape, and child pornography. According to The Oregonian, U.S. government officials believe the Saudi government helped these five men with actions ranging from posting bail to facilitating their escape from the United States. ‘These reports claiming the Saudi government is whisking away criminals facing justice in Oregon show a shocking disdain for our country’s criminal justice system. Given the disturbing simila these five cases, a thorough investigation is essential to better understand the involvement of the Saudi ‘government, To help constituents in Oregon, law enforcement officials, the victims and their families better understand the facts please respond to the following questions. What information, if any, has the FBI received about the aforementioned Saudi nationals? 2. Does the FBI have any evidence of assistance the Saudi government may have provided these five individuals or other Saudi nationals charged with crimes in the U.S.? 3. Since the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with Saudi Arabia, what steps is the FBI taking to investigate this issue and ensure that these individuals are held accountable for the crimes they committed? 4. What is the FBI's role in this matter with regard to investigating possible violations of federal law or international treaty violations, or in providing assistance to state and local law enforcement and judicial authorities? ‘As we discussed at the hearing, I would appreciate responses by February 8, 2019. Thank you for your prompt and fair investigation into this issue Sincerely, Ron Wyden United States Senator oniaieee (natant, on eso MEDFORD, om 7501 ND, OF 970 suse HTTP:/AWYDEN.SENATE.GOV

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