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«) United States US 201 140271 765A «2 Patent Application Publication (10 Pub. No.: US 2014/0271765 Al Patel (43) Pub, Date: Sep. 18, 2014 (54) METHODS AND DEVICE FOR TREATING OPIOID ADDICTION 61) Inc (71) Applicant: Titan Pharmaceutial, Ine, South San AGIK 9/6 (2006.01) Francisco, CA (US) A6IK 31/085 (200601) (72) Inventor: Rajesh Patel, Rewood City, CA (US) AGIK 9/1635 (2013.0; ABIK 31788 (201301) usr 429142; s14279 (13) Assignee: ‘Titan Pharmaceutieal, In. Francisco, CA (US) on ABSTRACT Theiaveaton described herein solves the chllenges encoun- tered in proving a safe ecacions and satisfactory option (21) Appl. Nos 14211,497 forthe treatment of pio adction. Methods and devices of te invention allow a subject to receive an implantable for- oo ‘lation comprising an opioid recepor ligand, buprent 22) Filed: Mar. 14,2014 pine, ora melabolite theres a treatment or opioid adic- tion. The invention preps several dficlies encountered 4 ‘with conventional methods forthe treatment of opioid aic- Related US. Application D tion, sndby doing othe invention improves tretment adhe (6) Provisional aplication No 61/799.224, filed on Mat. ence, compliance, subject stisfaction, and overall success 15,2013. Patent Application Publication Sep. 18, 2014 Sheet 1 0f27 US 2014/0271765 AI mH For S implants. n= 61) (or S implants, n= 113) o 4 8 2 6 » 2 Weeks on Study FIGURE 1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 18, 2014 Sheet 20f27 US 2014/0271765 AI 3 25 ++@-+Double-Blind Study (4 or $ 2 Inoplants, n=101) 2 a = Open-Label Study (4 or 5 Implants, 2 ,; — 176) E Bi 5 Begg a i 05 0 + 4 +. +. 0 4 8 12 16 20 4 Weeks On-Study FIGURE2

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