Primarch Generator Fun

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Legion : Doom Crusaders (formelly Delta Vipers)

Number : II? (It’s either that or XI, really)

Homeworld : Lenzara
Primarch : Euric
Nickname : Ironclad
Modifier : -1/+1//0

Part 1 : Early Life

• He was raised by a normal family. (+1)

• Hive World
◦ A world were the cities are divided into social castes, with a warrior caste at the top. This
caste is competent, but sometimes violent, especially toward opposition.
• Yes, but without support and brutally(-1)

• He rule the country with an iron hand, many perceiving him as a tyrant. (-1)

• Yes (+1, -1 if perceived to be a superior being)

• Yes, but wished to finish important matters on his planet first (-1)

• Renamed his legion and change it to mark a new beginning for it.

“I you do not agree with me, then so be it, but shall you voice those concerns, I will have your head cut
off.” -Euric to a local man.
Euric crashed into the artisan department of a hive city on Lenzara. He was found by people of the
butcher class, who raised him as their own. As he grew up, Euric realized how shitty his planet was.
Billions and billions of people crammed into cities, all divided into strict classes based on their job.
Everyone married into his class, everyone in the class did the same job. And at the top was a warrior
class, the Guardians, who as the only one with access to weapons easily kept themselves as the superior
class. To make sure that the people stayed in line, they encouraged interclass hatred, and class warfare
was a frequent occurrence in the streets made to blow up steam. Each city was independent however,
but in order to contain the masses, no war was ever waged.
Euric grew into a strong man with hard traits hidden behind a small beard. One day, he decided that he
would bring order to his city. The Guardians were not amused when he slaughtered the entirety of the
mailman class in a battle, smashing most of their heads with his bare hands. Not willing to let them
take the initiative. Euric when on a rampage, many following him in this to finally get back at the
Guardians. Euric overthrew the Guardians and took over his city. However, he was disgusted by the
anarchy his revolution had brought. He reinstated the class system, with him at the top. This made him
widely unpopular, but the counter coup failed spectacularly and was only followed by brutal reprisal.
He then drilled himself a new warrior class, one entirely loyal to him. The drilling was so intense that
many died, but at the end of the day, slaves would have been less loyal to his cause. By then, the other
cities had organized against him, leading to thirty years of war for control of the planet. Each time he
took a city, he would put all opposition to death, then drill some locals into his army. When he finally
achieved his total victory, order became the word of law on Lenzara.
When the Emperor finally arrived, he revealed himself to all. When he first heard of this “Emperor”,
Euric was dubious, but the fact that the Emperor came alone made the Primarch willing to at least meet
him. The people cheers the Emperor when he passed in the streets, hoping that he came to lighten the
rule of Euric “Ironclad”. This did not sit well with Euric. He now wished to have the man killed, but as
soon as he met the Emperor, he realized the truth. The Emperor was his creator, his superior, his father.
He soon learned of the Great Crusade, a war to bring order to the galaxy, just like he did on Lenzara.
Before following his father, however, he first purged the city of all those that had hoped that the
Emperor would end his rule. He was the master of Lenzara, now and forever. He was then brought to
his Legion, his sons, the Delta Vipers. The idea of behind associated with snakes disgusted Euric, who
renamed them after what he perceived to be their mission. As with his soldiers on his homeworld, Euric
demanded total obediance from his sons. Some Astartes called their Primarch “Lord” or “Father”. Him,
they called him “Master”.

Part 2 : Great Crusade

Ulanor Countdown : 20/18/17/15/13/10/7/-3
• Friend with Leman Russ (+1)

• Enemy of Mortarion (+1)

• Campaign 1

◦ alone

◦ humans

◦ Easy Victory (2)

◦ No probs

• Campaign 2

◦ With Alpha Legion (Alpharius)

◦ Another kind of Xenos

◦ Swift Victory (1)

◦ No probs

• Campaign 3

◦ With Ultramarines (Roboute Guilliman)

◦ Another kind of Xenos

◦ Easy Victory (2)

◦ Due to some events in this campaign, the Imperial Army comes to respect your Primarch
and his Legion, while they themselves begin to appreciate the Imperial Army. (+1)
• Campaign 4

◦ With Night Lords (Konrad Curze)

◦ Eldars

◦ Easy Victory (2)

◦ No Probs

• Campaign 5

◦ With Space Wolves (Leman Russ) +1

◦ Humans

◦ Well Deserved Victory (3)

◦ One of the Primarchs on this campaign act in an excessive way -1

• Campaign 6

◦ with Ultramarines (Roboute Guilliman)

◦ Orks

◦ Easy Victory (2)

◦ Dispute of tactics slow the war, Primarchs accuse one another and leave enemies (Enemy
with Roboute Guilliman) (1)
• Campaign 7

◦ with Thousand Sons (Magnus)

◦ Humans

◦ Bitter Victory (5)

◦ Unknown enemy secret weapon slowed us (1)

• Campaign 8

◦ with Ultramarines (Roboute Guilliman) (-1)

◦ Other Xenos

◦ Well Deserved Victory (3)

◦ Secret Weapon (1)

• Would have preferred someone else than Horus

Euric learned the rope of the Imperium under the “tutelage” of Leman Russ

Part 3: Warmaster Crusade

Itssvan V Countdown: 10/6/4/0
• Campaign 1

◦ Humans

◦ Hard-Won Victory (4)

◦ Most of the forces found dead on the planet (+2)

• Council of Nikaea

◦ Doesn’t care, possibly had other reasons

• Campaign 2

◦ Humans

◦ Swift Victory (1)

◦ Enemy Secret Weapon slowed (1)

• Campaign 3

◦ Humans

◦ Hard-Won Victory (4)

◦ No probs

• Stay Loyalist

• Somehow got out mostly intact of Drop Site Massacre

• Killed by a Traitor Primarch (-1 all battles)

Part 4: Horus Heresy

Terra Countdown: 10/4/-2
• Battle 1
◦ with Dark Angels (lion El’Jonson)

◦ against Death Guard (Mortarion)

◦ Ambushed by enemies (-2)

◦ Modifier: -3

◦ A massacre (6)

• Battle 2

◦ alone

◦ Against Sons of Horus (Horus), Emperor’s Children (Fulgrim) and Death Guard
◦ standard battle

◦ Modifier: -4

◦ A massacre (6)

Part 5: Aftermaths
• Grudgingly accepted, not always respected by new Chapters

• 3 Second Founding Chapters

◦ Nova Brotherhood

◦ Euric’s Disciples

◦ Gamma Sons

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