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Sample image information

This image contains a single wheat root system, grown on germination paper. This image aims to
provide an overview of many of the features of RootNav. It is possible to reconstruct the entire root
architecture, but where some roots have died, or grown into the germination paper, manual
rerouting of roots will be required. The same is true of areas where roots cross over one another.

The scale of this image is 8.7 pixels / mm.

This image contains a single rice root system. The root was grown in soil, but has been washed and
then scanned in a flatbed scanner. This provides an example of the analysis of a less detailed root
structure. The lateral roots are too small to be measured in root nav, so users should focus on the
first order roots. It is possible to use RootNav’s “Map Profile” function to extract some lateral root
information along a given primary root.

The scale of this image is 12 pixels / mm.

This image contains 5 Arabidopsis seedlings grown on an agar plate. This image is intended to
demonstrate the use of RootNav in capturing multiple plants per image. It might be helpful to note
that after adding a Source terminal, the user can hold Ctrl, then click to add a linked Primary
terminal. By linking terminals in pairs, the shortest path step will be made significantly quicker.

The scale of this image is 12.5 pixels / mm.

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