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DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY COMMANDING OFFICER USS INO JIMA (LHO7) FPO AE 34094-1800 Cane frp: Jun 17 LHD7NOTE 5050 EXEC 12 Jun 17 USS IWO JIMA (LHD 7) NOTICE 5050 From: Commanding Officer, USS WO JIMA (LHD 7) Subj: BAHAMAS RECEPTION ON 16 JUNE 2017 Enel: (1) Schedule of Events (2) Hangar Bay Diagram 3) Reception Script (4) Charge Bio 1. Purpose. To provide information, assign responsibilities, and ensure effective coordination of the Bahamas VIP Reception on June 2017 at Berth 4/5 in Freeport, Bahamas. 2. Discussion. On 16 June 2017, USS TWO JIMA (LHD 7) will host a reception in the Hangar Bay for approximately 600 personnel including distinguished guests of the Bahamas from 1900 to 2100. ‘Guests will depart the ship after the reception. 3. Uniform: a. Civilian Guests: Business attire, civilian informal. b. Military Guests: Summer Whites with ribbons (E7-06). Dress Whites (E1-E6). Service ‘Charlies (Marines). Covers are not required. 4. Responsibilities and Actions: a, Commanding Officer (CO). Host the event, introduce keynote speaker, Embassy Charge de Affairs, and lead support effort in execution of reception. b. Executive Officer (XO). Serve as event Master of Ceremonies (MC). . Food Service Officer. Coordinate all aspects of the reception and liaison with each department to ensure accomplishment of all assigned tasks. d. Reception Coordinator. Assist FSO with all aspects of the reception and with communicating responsibilities for the SOE. e. Public Affairs Officer (PAO) (1) Organize and coordinate with the Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché U.S. Embassy Nassau, for reception guest list and ensure proper honors are rendered upon Distinguished Visitors arrival (2) Coordinate tours throughout the event. Tours will start at 1845 and end at 2030. (3) Coordinate photo and video coverage of the event. Provide slide show montages to CST for display during the event. g. Command Duty Officer (CDO) (1) Check all spaces accessible by the public are safe and clean with particular attention to the pier, Quarterdeck, Hangar Bay, and Flight Deck. (2) Ensure quiet hours are in effect and prevent unnecessary IMC and 3MC announcements (except in cases of genuine emergency) during the reception from 1900-2100. (3) Ensure Quarterdeck watches are in place and briefed on guest check in procedures. Ensure the guest binder is present at the Entry Control Point and the Quarterdeck. (4) Clearly identify male and female heads for use by visitors. Ensure they are cleaned, stocked with supplies (prior to and during the event) and routes to and from heads are clearly marked. (5) Provide personnel at designated spots around the Hangar Bay to prevent guests from entering unauthorized portions of the ship. Guests are only authorized passage to the Well Deck, Hangar Bay, and Flight Deck. (6) Provide eight officers, O1 or above, and eight E5 — E7 personnel to be escorts for tour groups going between the Well Deck, Hangar Bay, and the Flight Deck via the ramps. (7) Post signs at Hangar Bay access points that read “Do Not Enter, Authorized Personnel Only.” (8) Post signs at the bottom of the ramp to the Flight Deck that reads “No food or drinks allowed beyond this point.” (9) Ensure greeting party, escorts, tour guides, and Sideboys are in place by 1900. (10) Provide a working party for set-up and break down of the reception area, and provide one E7 or above to supervise. h. CSI Department (1) Ensure proper operation of Hangar Bay sound system to include test and preparation of microphones, music, CD/iPod player. Ensure the band has all electrical needs during setup. (2) Provide and operate audio-visual equipment to display slide show montages during the reception including projector and laptop computer. (3) Op-test of all audio and visual equipment all equipment by 1200. i. Operations Officer. Will ensure the reception is listed on the Plan of the Day and all other events are deconflicted, j. Scourity Officer. Will develop and execute In-port Security Plan (ISP) for reception and brief the chain of command. k. Air Department (1) Leave both ACE doors fully open. If winds are judged to be too high, close Port ACE door. Ensure Port ACE stanchions are raised and authorized area for guests is clearly marked. (2) Coordinate with the Navigator to dress the Hangar Bay with signal flags to read “WELCOME BAHAMAS” prior to arrival pier side (3) Coordinate with Engineering to maximize lighting in the Hangar Bay. 1. Engineering Department (1) Assist with power and display lighting requirements in the Hangar Bay and Flight Deck, as required, for set up. Ensure all wires are taped down to prevent trip hazards. (2) Coordinate with Air Department to tag out and tag in the Hangar Bay wash down and sprinkler system. m, Supply Department (1) Coordinate the rental, delivery, and setup of all tables, chairs, and equipment required for reception setup. (2) Set up the reception area in the Hangar Bay per enclosure (2). (3) Prepare and serve all food for reception in accordance with the menu, n, Navigator (1) Coordinate honors information with PAO and CDO.

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