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Created By:

3rd Group


 Nurmawaddah
 Muh. RiskanJafri
 Handayani
 AfridaRiniFitriwati
 Anis lisdayanti irwan



Thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His love and mercy so that a
paper entitled "The Audio-Lingual Method" can be finished well. The paper is
requirement to fulfill the task of TEFL 1.

On this occasion we would like to thank profusely to all those who have
helped us in completing the writing of this paper and contributed the ideas also
motivation to complete this paper.

We are fully aware that many flaws in writing of this paper, in terms of
material, technical and presentation material. Therefore, we expect criticism and
constructive suggestion to further refine the writing of this paper. Finally, we hope
that this paper can be useful for readers.

Makassar, November 20th, 2018


PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................. ii


A. Background ............................................................................................................. 1
B. Formulation of The Problems ................................................................................. 1


A. Understanding the Audio-Lingual Method ............................................................. 2

B. History of the Audio-Lingual Method .................................................................... 3
C. Assumptions of the Audio-Lingual Method ........................................................... 4
D. Characteristics of the Audio-Lingual Method......................................................... 5
E. Main Objectives of the Audio-Lingual Method ...................................................... 6
F. Steps to Teaching the Audio-Lingual Method ........................................................ 7
G. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Audio-Lingual Method .............................. 7


A. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 10
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................... 11

REFERENCE .................................................................................................................... 12


A. Background

The Audio-Lingual method is a method in which many practice and practice

in speaking in the form of dialogue, sermon, etc. which are expected to enable
students to speak like the owner of the language itself. The Audio-Lingual method is
basically the development of a direct method that is felt to have weaknesses
especially in explaining things that are difficult for students to understand. For this
method, besides emphasizing language teaching through listening and imitation, it is
also possible to use mother tongue for explanation.

This method is usually applied more with the shape of a drill pattern. The use
of a drill approach is commonly used in military circles. Because at first this method
was widely used in military circles, this method was also called the army method.

B. Formulation of the Problems

1. What is Audio-Lingual Method?

2. What is the history of the Audio-Lingual Method?

3. What are the assumptions of the Audio-Lingual Method?

4. What are the characteristics of the Audio-Lingual Method?

5. What are the main objectives of the Audio-Lingual Method?

6. How are the steps to presenting the Audio-Lingual Method?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Audio-Lingual Method?



A. Understanding theAudio-LingualMethod

Basically the Audio-Lingual method is almost the same as other methods. The
method that appears before this method is the Direct (Direct Method) method. The
Audio-Lingual method is the method which focuses in repetition some words to
memorize. Audio-Lingual method is a method which uses drills and pattern practice
in teaching language. Jill Kerper Mora from San Diego University said:

"This method is based on the principles of behavior psychology. It is an adaptation of

the principles of direct reading, in terms of the reaction to the lack of speaking."

This Audio-Lingual method is a method whose implementation is focused on

training, drill, memorizing vocabulary, dialogue, reading texts. In practice, students
are invited to learn (in this case English directly) without having to bring in a native
language. The basis and procedures of teaching in this method are also taken from the
methods that have been there before, namely the Direct Method. In addition, Audio-
Lingual goals are also not different from Direct Method, which is to create
communicative competence in students. As is known, pronunciation (pronunciation),
arrangement and other aspects between foreign languages and mother tongue are very
different. Therefore, in learning foreign languages (in this case English) the students
are required to recite and or repeat word for word given by the teacher so that as
much as possible not be affected by mother tongue.

Repetitions done over time will become a habit. Likewise in terms of

pronouncing foreign language words (English), if it has become a habit, students will
automatically and reflexively be able to do it. So that in its implementation, so that
the business can run smoothly it is necessary to require seriousness from both the
teacher and students.

B. History of the Audio-Lingual Method

The Audio-Lingual method is a method that has developed during World War
II. American participation in World War II has had a significant influence on teaching
English in the country. To equip the American government with personnel who are
fluent in German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Malay and other languages the
translator, assistant code-room, and language translator need a special language
program training. The government assigns universities in America to develop foreign
languages for American military personnel. Thus until finally the Army Specialized
Training Program (ASTP) was established in 1942. In early 1943 as many as 55
universities were involved in this program.

This method, also known as the Army method, developed as a reaction to the
Grammar-Translation method in the teaching of foreign languages. This Grammar-
Translation method has been used for a thousand years, but it takes a very long time
for learners to be able to speak a targeted foreign language. About 1947-1967 the
Auditing Linguistic approach has become the dominant foreign language teaching
method in America. With more innovative methods, the Audio-Lingual method is
able to reach communicative competencies faster.

This theory is based on the behavioristic theory developed by Skinner. As is

well known that behaviorists believe that language learning is essentially a matter of
knowledge and formation of culture.With the mindset that the important learning
process is stimulus and response and strengthening. Therefore, in the world of
language learning the theory gave birth to an Audio-Lingual approach that provides
many repetitions. They believe that if language learning is done by repetition, then
the language competence will be obtained.
The flow of behaviorism explains the notion of behavior through action and
reaction or what we commonly know by the term stimulus and response; different
stimuli produce different responses. The relationship between a particular stimulus
and a particular response is called a habit or habit.

Watson, a figure in the classical psychology of behaviorism, once suggested

that a stimulus can bring responsiveness, so it can be concluded if the stimulus occurs
permanently then the response that is trained and directed remains finally able to
occur automatically. In the Audio-Lingual method based on the behavioristic theory
used in this study, the teacher's role is very dominant because the teacher chooses the
form of stimulus, provides punishment and rewards, provides reinforcement and
determines the type, and the teacher who chooses the material, and how to teach it.

C. Assumption of the Audio-LingualMethod

The next step is understanding the basic assumptions. Assumptions are

concepts or ways of thinking, so through this assumption, you will know the essence
of the audio lingual method, how this method works, and what important elements
you should involve. Well, let's look at 3 assumptions about the Audio-Lingual

1. Language is the utterances used in everyday life. With this statement, we can see
that this method emphasizes the musty of speaking. It is true, because in truth,
the Audio-Lingual Method assumes that grammar, and vocabulary are a set of
successful theories when applied directly through speaking. So, students will not
master grammar if they only memorize but must take action.
2. Listening and speaking come first, then followed by reading and writing. This
process is inspired by our own childhood lives. When you are small, you get
language through listening first isn't it? Until now I have not found a single baby
who immediately writes, reads or speaks without hearing first. Then, after
hearing our father and mother speak, then we start chattering little by little like
"mama, papa, brother, etc.". Now, the second aspect is called the process of
speaking. Then the third aspect is understanding the word by reading and then
writing. Makes sense doesn't it?
3. Every language user is directed to speak in different ways. That is, a student will
not be forced to memorize a concept and how to use it repeatedly. They will be
taught how to use language naturally and naturally of course with different

D. Characteristics of the Audio-Lingual Method

Other characteristics of the Audio-Lingual method are as follows:

1. The teaching objective is to master four language skills in a balanced manner.

2. The order of presentation is listening and speaking and then reading and
3. Models of foreign language sentences are given in the form of conversations
to memorize.
4. Mastery of sentence patterns is done by pattern exercises (pattern-practice).
Exercise or drill follows the sequence: stimulus> response> reinforcement.
5. Vocabulary is strictly restricted or expressive, not as stand-alone freelance
6. Teaching system sounds systematically (structured) so that they can be used /
practiced by students, with demonstration techniques, imitation, comparison,
contrast, and so on.
7. Writing lessons are a representation of speaking lessons, in the sense that
writing lessons consist of patterns of learning and vocabulary that have been
learned orally.
8. Translation is avoided. The use of mother tongue when it is very necessary for
explanation is limited.
9. Grammar (in the sense of science) is not taught at the beginning. If
grammatical teaching is needed at some stage it should be taught inductively,
and gradually from the easy to the difficult.
10. The choice of material is emphasized in the unit and patterns that show the
structural differences between the foreign language taught and the mother
tongue of the student. Likewise, forms of students’ error which are general in
nature and of high frequency. For this we need contrastive analysis and
analysis of obedience.
11. The possibilities of student errors in giving a response must be completely
12. The teacher becomes the center in class activities, students follow (respond to)
what is ordered (stimulus) by the teacher.
13. The use of recording materials, language laboratories, and visual aids is very

E. The Main Objectives of the Audio-Lingual Method

The principle of a method is built on goals that are enforced at the beginning
of time. The Audio-Lingual method has four main objectives which include learning
an English as a foreign language. The objectives are :

1. Learners can understand foreign languages when speaking at normal speed

and care about the usual things that happen around the conversation.
2. Language learners are able to speak in received pronunciation and proper
3. Language learners do not have difficulties in understanding printed material.
4. Learners of language are able to write with good standards.
F. Steps to Presenting the Audio-Lingual Method

1. A short dialogue or reading presentation, by the way the teacher reads it

repeatedly, and the student listens to see the text.
2. Imitation and memorization of dialogue or short reading, with the technique
of imitating the reading of the sentence teacher in a sentence in a classical
way, while memorizing the sentences. This technique is called mimicry-
memorization (mim-mem) technique.
3. Presentation of sentence patterns contained in short dialogues or readings,
especially those that are considered difficult, because there is a structure in the
student's mother tongue. This is done by dri techniques which are generally
4. Dramatization of short dialogues or readings that have been trained. Students
demonstrate or dramatize dialogues that have been memorized in front of the
class in turn.
5. Exercises to make other sentences that match the sentence patterns that have
been learned.

G. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Audio-Lingual Method

We implicitly alluded to some of the advantages of this Audio-Lingual

Method. As well as other language teaching methods, then besides the advantages,
there are also some weaknesses or shortcomings of the Audio-Lingual Method.

1. The advantages of this method include:

a. Can be applied to moderate classes.
b. Give lots of practice and practice in aspects of listening and speaking
c. Suitable for the students' linguistic level.
d. Audio-Lingual may be the theory of first language teaching which
openly claims to be formed from a combination of linguistics and
e. The Audio-Lingual method tries to make language learning more
accessible to learners in large numbers (large classes). This causes
learning participation through drill techniques to be maximized.
f. Positive drill can help students develop their oral abilities.
g. Teaching techniques in the Audio-Lingual method using tape
recording and language laboratories offer speaking and listening skills
training which is the most important thing in language learning. Drill
patterns give students more practice.
h. The Audio-Lingual method develops language skills into "pedagogic
equipment" which is listening (listening), reading and writing. The
Audio-Lingual method specifically introduces the design of listening
and oral training techniques. This shows success in developing
listening and speaking fluency.

2. While the disadvantages in the Audio-Lingual Method include:

a. Skilled and skillful teachers are needed
b. Tests are often tedious and inhibit the hypothesizing of language rules
and give very little attention to spontaneous utterances.
c. The techniques used in Audio-Lingual methods such as drill,
memorization, etc. may be able to make language a behavior (habit),
but it does not eliminate the expected competencies.
d. With the Audio-Lingual method, the teacher may complain about the
amount of time (long) needed, and students will complain about the
boredom caused by the continuous use of the drill pattern.
e. Teacher roles and activeness are important in the Audio-Lingual
method, so teachers dominate the class more.
f. According to Roestiyah, the weakness of a method or learning
technique that uses drill is as follows:
1) There are often ways or movements that cannot change, because it
is a standardized method, so that it can hinder students' talents and
2) Students may not use other methods or methods according to their
own minds.
3) Skills acquired by students are generally also sedentary, which
will be a rigid habit / wrong skill.
4) An exercise carried out in a certain way that has been considered
good and appropriate; so it must not be changed; resulting in
skills acquired by students generally also settled / certain, which
will be a rigid habit; or wrong skills.


A. Conclusion

The Audio-Lingual method is a method in which many practice and practice

in speaking in the form of dialogue, sermon, etc. which are expected to enable
students to speak like the owner of the language itself. The Audio-Lingual method is
basically the development of a direct method that is felt to have weaknesses
especially in explaining things that are difficult for students to understand.The Audio-
Lingual method is a method that has developed during World War II.

In the Audio-Lingual method you have assumptions that are concepts or ways
of thinking, so through this assumption, you will know the essence of the Audio-
Lingual Method. In the Audio-Lingual method there are 3 assumptions, namely:

1. Language is the utterances used in everyday life. With the statement

2. Listening and speaking come first, then followed by reading and writing.
3. Every language user is directed to speak in different ways. That means.

It has four goals:

1. Learners can understand foreign languages when speaking at normal speed

and care about the usual things that happen around the conversation.
2. Language learners are able to speak in received pronunciation and proper
3. Language learners do not have difficulties in understanding printed material.
4. Learners of language are able to write with good standards.
B. Suggestion

From the description above, the writer hopes that anyone who will study the
learning media, should understand about understanding, history, characteristics,
teaching steps, advantages and disadvantages specifically.

Mora, Jill Kerper. 2008. Second-Language Teaching Method.California: San Diego

State University.

Kifuthu, Susan.2002.Background and Characteristics of the Audio-Lingual Method.

New Jersey: The College of New Jersey.

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