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TECHNIQUE IN CHESS GERALD ABRAHAMS TECHNIQUE IN CHESS GERALD ADRAHAMS Technique in chess, as Abrahams defines it, is “not what to do but how to do it.” Good players play technique without knowing it. But any player can build up his awareness of powers and limita- tions of the pieces, the geometry of the board, and certain dexteri- ties of play. In this book the author of the well-known Teach Yourself Chess (Dover 21832-5) explains the general concepts of chess technique and the methods for using technique to plan ahead, to gain an advantage (or prevent your opponent from doing so) and to cash in that advantage for a winning situation. In early chapters the author explains the concept of technique and the advantages of the study. In this section the influences of seeing accurately, planning correct strategy and then carrying through with correct technique are analyzed. Central chapters deal with specific techniques of end-game play—with the king and pawns, with the varying values of pieces according to situation, and with the relative merits of different pawns. With this knowledge you can more confidently prepare for the end-game and know if and how you can win. The final chapters deal with gaining an advan- tage in the middle game through early initiative and exploita- tions, control of the center, and taking advantage of opponents’ mistakes. Throughout nearly two hundred examples from problems and actual play increase “technique consciousness” for a great number of situations. One of the great advantages of chess technique is that when you begin to see it, you can begin to apply more of your effort toward analyzing and preparing for situations realistically. This book, based on a series of lectures by Gerald Abrahams for BBC and greatly expanded for book publication, will teach you a number of techniques and whet your appetite for learning a great deal more on your own. Unabridged, corrected republication of the original (1961) edition. 190 diagrams. Index of themes. vi + 2l6pp. 53% x 814. 22953-X Paperbound A DOVER EDITION DESIGNED FOR YEARS OF USE! We have made every effort to make this the best book possible. Our paper is opaque, with minimal show-through; it will not discolor or become brittle with age. Pages are sewn in signatures, in the method traditionaily used for the best books, and will not drop out, as often happens with paperbacks held together with glue. Books open flat for easy reference. The binding will not crack or split. This is a permanent book. ©, $3.00 in U.S.A. usa atopoayy Aq ydea8oj;0yd pure ustsap 1as075 TECHNIQUE IN CHESS GERALD ABRAHAMS Copyright © 1961 by Gerald Abrahams. Copyright © 1973 by Dover Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under Pan American and Inter- national Copyright Conventions. Published in Canada by General Publishing Com- pany, Ltd., 30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario. Published in the United Kingdom by Constable and Company, Ltd., 10 Orange Street, London WC 2. _ This Dover edition, first published in 1973,-is an unabridged and corrected republication ofthe work originally published by G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., in 1961. This edition is published by special arrange- ment with G. Bell and Sons, Ltd. International Standard Book Number: 0-486-22953-X Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 73-77379 Manufactured in the United States of America Dover Publications, Inc. 180 Varick Street New York, N. Y. 10014 CONTENTS Page PART ONE. INTRODUCTORY Chapter I. Description of Technique 1 Chapter II. The Scope and Uses of Technique: Some Instances of Method 14 _ PART Two. Tse EXPLOITATION OF MATERIAL ADVANTAGES Chapter II. Kings and Ascending Pawns 41 Chapter IV. The Varying Values of Pieces 91 Chapter V. The Relative Merits of Some Pawns 133 PART THREE. THE STRUGGLE FOR ADVANTAGE Chapter VI. Some Early Initiatives and Exploita- tions 152 _ Chapter VII. Control of the Centre in the Early Game 173 Chapter VIII. On Taking Advantage 199 INDEX OF THEMES 216

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