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Design of microstrip spur-line

band-stop filters
R.N. Bates

Indexing terms: Microwave filters, Strip-line components

Abstract: The paper describes the design of a new class of microstrip bandstop filter. This filter is a very
compact structure, it radiates power significantly less than conventional shunt-stub and coupled-line filters
and is also less susceptible to the infiuence of other components and lines in its vicinity.

1 Introduction is not TEM and the phase velocities for the odd and even
This paper describes the design of a new class of microstrip modes are not equal. For frequencies below about 2 GHz
bandstop filter suitable for moderate bandwidths (of the the propagation may be assumed to be approximately TEM
order of 10%). A similar type of filter was first reported by and the phase velocities for the odd and even modes are not
Shiffman and Matthaei1 and fabricated in strip line. equal. For frequencies below about 2 GHz the propagation
However, in microstrip, this filter, hereafter described as a may be assumed to be approximately TEM and the mode
'spur-line' filter, has several advantages over other types of impedances and phase velocities can be calculated by the
microstrip filter. It radiates significantly less than conven- methods due to Bryant and Weiss3'4 or Judd el al.s At
tional shunt-stub and coupled-line filters, and it forms a about 2 GHz, dispersion on microstrip becomes significant is also virtually nondispersive;i.e. but this can be represented by a modification to the TEM
the response repeats at almost exact odd multiples of the data as described by Getsinger.6'7 The impedance matrix
resonant frequency f0. derived by Jones and Bolljahn was modified and is given in
Appendix 7.1. This matrix accounts for the unequal and
The filter consists of a coupled pair of microstrip lines a
dispersive phase velocities of the two modes.
quarter wavelenth long (referred to the stop-band centre
frequency / 0 ) with an open circuit at the end of one of the
coupled lines and with both lines connected together at the microstrip
other end. Fig. 1 shows an example of such a filter fitting
within the width of a microstrip transmission line.
An approximate equivalent circuit is derived which
enables the filter to be designed and then analysed and substrate
optimised using a computer network-analysis program. (dielectric
Graphs are presented which enable the designer to obtain constant e r )
the microstrip geometry from the equivalent-circuit element
values for the case of alumina substrates with a dielectric
constant of 9.6.
The equivalent circuit assumes that the odd and even
mode phase velocities on coupled microstrip are equal. This ground plane
is not true in practice, and an analysis was undertaken
which takes into account the unequal and dispersive phase Fig. 2 Coupled pair of microstrip transmission lines
velocities in microstrip together with the discontinuity A full analysis of the microstrip filter is shown in
capacitance. The effect of these microstrip properties on Appendix 7.2. This includes the effect of the capacitance
the filter is discussed. between the end of the spur and the main line. The energy
stored by the resonant structure was found to be mainly
determined by the odd mode of propagation. The odd-mode
fields are more in air than the even mode, and, conse-
quently, one might expect the odd mode to be more
sensitive to the disturbance of the fields by external objects.
However, odd-mode fields are confined to the vicinity of
Fig. 1 Microwave spur-line filter section
the conductors and concentrated in the gap between the
2 Spur-line filter configuration strips while the even mode fields tend to fringe away from
the strips. It has been shown by De Ronde9 that the even
Fig. 2 shows a coupled pair of microstrip transmission lines. mode is more affected by close objects than the odd mode,
A convenient way to represent the behaviour of these lines and the odd mode is only disturbed by objects very close to
is by means of an impedance matrix. Such a matrix was the gaps between the strips.
derived by Jones and Bolljahn2 for strip line where the Fig. 3a shows the basic spur-line filter configuration. The
wave propagation is TEM. Microstrip propagation, however, 4-port coupled-line network is connected as shown with
port 3 terminated by a capacitance which represents the
discontinuity capacitance at the end of the spur-line. In
Paper T90M, received 28th April 1977 microstrip form, the filter is shown in Fig. 3b. The full
Mr. Bates is with Philips Research Laboratories, Redhill, Surrey
RH1 SHA, England analysis of this filter is given in Appendix 7.2.
To simplify the filter design an equivalent circuit as the end capacitance was to increase the effective length of
developed. This enables the filter to be designed and then the spur-line. The length extension is derived in Appendix
analysed and optimised using a computer network analysis 7.4.
program. The dimensions d and e in Fig. 3b can thus be determined
It can be shown (Appendix 7.3) that by assuming equal by the graphs in Figs. 5 and 6. The length of the spur a and
phase velocities the spur-line filter circuit of Fig. 3 can be the gap b determine the centre frequency of the stop band
represented by an open-circuit transmission line stub of fo-
characteristic impedance Zx and a length of line of charac-
teristic impedance Z 12 as shown in Fig. 4. 2-997925 x 108
a = "A/, (3)
/o x \KeffO
where / 0 is the stop band centre frequency, Keffo is the
-j 3 || C™> odd-mode effective dielectric constant, and A/t is the
-i HI 11
•o<2) effective length extension due to the gap b (eqn. 43
Appendix 7.4).

Fig. 3 Spur-linefilterconfiguration


005 0-1 20
Fig. 5 Plot of Z12 against S/H (er — 9-6) for various values of

Fig. 4 Equivalent circuit of one filter section


The filter can be designed by the procedure described by

Matthaei, Young and Jones8 and optimised using the
computer network-analysis program to obtain the required
response. The elements in the equivalent circuit are given

0) S/H 005
7 A- 7 10
1 ry (2)

Zn and Zx were calculated for various values of W/H and

S/H using values for Zoo and Zoe given by Judd et al.5 for 10
0-2 0-5 10 15 20
e r = 9-6. Fig. 5 shows Z 12 plotted against S/H for various W/H
values of W/H, while Fig. 6 shows Zx plotted against W/H Fig. 6 Plot of Z, vs W/H (er = 9.6) for various values of S/H
for various values of S/H. These graphs show the range of 3 Experimental results
values of Zi2 and Zx available on alumina, and thus enable
the filter to be optimised to realisable values. To compare the spur-line filter with the conventional
A comparison of the full analysis given in Appendix 7.2 coupled-line band-stop filter, two filters were made centred
with the equivalent circuit showed that the equivalent on approximately 11 -5 GHz as shown in Fig. 7. The filter in
circuit indicates the bandwidth obtainable and the im- Fig. la is a conventional coupled-line filter and Fig. 1b
pedance of the filter. However, the full analysis showed shows a spur-line 2-section filter with a 5O£2 section in the
that the electrical length / of the filter was determined centre. The filter has been designed to fit compactly within
purely by the odd mode phase velocity. The effect of the thickness of a 5O£2 line.
The return loss over the stop band for the filter of Fig. la the band 11 -7—12-2 GHz with a minimum attenuation. The
is approximately 2-5 dB whereas for the spur-line filter the filter was a 2-section type of the form shown in Fig. 1b.
return loss over the stop band is approximately 1 dB. This The measured response includes microstrip and connector
means that the spur-line filter reflects 78% of the incident losses.
power in the stop band while the conventional coupled line
filter only reflects 56%. The conventional filter is also very 4 Conclusions
sensitive to external objects, and a metal plate distorts the
response even when up to 5 or 6 cm above the substrate, The microstrip spur-line filter has significant advantages
whereas, for the spur-line filter, objects only distort the over conventional bandstop filters when a moderate band-
response when brought very close to the gap (i.e. 1 or 2 mm width bandstop filter is required. It is a very compact struc-
above the gap). ture and also radiates power significantly less than conven-
tional shunt stubs and coupled line filters. A further
advantage is that it is virtually dispersionless and can thus
be used for terminating odd-order harmonics of the stop-
band frequency f0.
An impedance matrix for coupled microstrip has been
developed in order to analyse these filters, and this matrix
could also be used to analyse couplers and other microstrip
coupled line components.

95 100 10 5 110 1V5 120 12-5

frequency. GHz

Fig. 8 Insertion loss against frequency for double-section filter

5 Acknowledgments

The author wishes to express his thanks to R.E. Pearson12

for technical discussions, and B.J. Hoad for making the test
filter circuits.
Fig. 7 Band-stop filters 6 References
a Conventional coupled line type
b Spur-line type 1 SCHIFFMAN, B.M., and MATTHAEI, G.L.: 'Exact design of
band-stop microwave filters', IEEE Trans., 1964, MTT-12,
pp. 6-15
It was found that on alumina for values of S/H less than 2 JONES, E.M.T., and BOLLJAHN, J.T.: 'Coupled-strip-
0-2 and W/H less than 0-5 the odd mode is virtually nondis- transmission line filters and directional couplers', IRE Trans.
persive. This effect has also been observed by Gould and Microwave Theory & Techniques, 1956,5, pp. 75-81
3 BRYANT, T.G., and WEISS, J.A.: 'Parameters of microstrip
Talboys.10 To demonstrate this, a filter was made resonant transmission lines and of coupled pairs of microstrip lines', IEEE
at /o = 1 -73 GHz, W/H = 0-4 and S/H = 0-1. The filter was Trans. 1968, MTT-16, pp. 1021-1027
measured at f0, 3 / 0 , 5/ 0 , 7/ 0 and 9/ 0 . The following Table 4 BRYANT, T.G., and WEISS, J.A.: 'MSTRIP (parameters of
shows the resonant frequency, and it can be seen that there microstrip)', ibid., 1971, MTT-19, pp. 418-419
5 JUDD, S.V., et ah 'An analytical method for calculating micro-
is no dispersion up to 15-5 GHz: strip transmission line parameters', ibid., 1970, MTT-18,
pp. 78-87
Table 1: Resonant frequencies 6 GETSINGER, W.J.: 'Microstrip dispersion model', ibid., 1973,
MTT-21, pp. 34-39
fo= 1-728 GHz 7 GETSINGER, W.J.: 'Dispersion of parallel-coupled microstrip',
3f0 = 5-185 GHz ibid., 1973, MTT-21, pp. 144-145
5f0 = 8-638 GHz
8 MATTHAEI, G.L., YOUNG, L., and JONES, E.M.T.: 'Micro-
7f0 =12-10 GHz
9fa =15-54 GHz
wave filters, impedance matching networks and coupling struc-
tures' (McGraw-Hill, 1964)
9 DE RONE, F.C., and SHAMMAS, S.: 'MIC bandfilters using
Fig. 8 shows the measured and predicted performance of a open ring resonators'. Proceedings of the 4th European Micro-
filter designed to reject the band 9-4—9-9 GHz while passing wave Conference,
10 GOULD, J.W., and TALBOYS, E.C.: 'Even- and odd-mode guide This microstrip dispersion model by Getsinger7 agrees well
wavelengths of coupled lines in microstrip', Electron. Lett., with the measured data of Gould and Talboys10 for the
1972,8, pp. 121-122 even mode for various values of W/H and S/H. However, for
11 BENEDEK, P., and SILVESTER, P.: 'Equivalent capacitances
for microstrip gaps and steps', IEEE Trans., 1972, MTT-20, pp. the odd mode it agrees for large values of W/H and S/H but
729-733 not for smaller values of S/H. As W/H and S/H become
12 PEARSON, R.E., 'A novel microstrip bandstop filter' (to be smaller the odd mode becomes less dispersive. For example,
published) Gould and Talboys10 measurements on alumina show that
for W/H ^ 0-3 and S/H ^ 0-19 the odd mode is virtually
7 Appendixes dispersionless from 1 to 12 GHz.
7.1 Coupled microstrip transmission-line impedance
matrix 7.2 Microstrip spur-line filter
Following the same method as Jones and Bolljahn,2 but Fig. 3fl shows the general arrangement of the spur-line filter.
assuming different phase velocities for the odd and even Cend represents the end capacitance due to the discon-
modes, the elements of the impedance matrix are given by tinuity at the end of the spur.
eqn.4 The termination conditions for the circuit arrangement
in Fig. 3a are applied to the impedance matrix derived in
11-^12 7 7 /l Appendix 7.1 as follows:
v2 2lZ 22 7 7
•^ 23^24
/a = V2
v3 31^32 7 7
/3 -B
V* =
4lZ 42 Z43Z44 /4

Z o c cot0 c Zoocot0t
Z\\ — Z 2 2 — Z33
33 — Z44 —
From eqn. 4
K3 = z"iZ31 + / 2 Z 3 2 + / 3 Z 3 3 = -i3k (10)
Z oe cotfl e Z o o cotg 0
— Z21 — Z ^ — Z43 — / Rearranging eqn. 10 gives
2 2
,cosec^e Z oo cosec0, , *\Z3i + i2Z32 + i.z*. (11)
U JJ *•? *t*

2 2
Znocosec0p . Z, Substituting eqn. 11 into eqn. 4
Z 14 = Z41 = Z 2 3 = Z 32 = —/'
V\ ~ hzn + /2Z12 + / 3 Z 13 + / 4 Z 14
where 6e = (2nlf)/Ve and 60 = {2nlf)IVoJ= = *i i2 Z12 -
Ve = the phase velocity of the even mode, Vo = the phase
velocity of the odd mode, Z o e = the characteristic im-
pedance of the even mode, and Zoo = the characteristic U iZid — (12)
A:+Z 33
impedance of the odd mode.
For any combination of W/H and S/H the parameters Z i2 Z 2 2 - 32
= 'l 21 -
Zoe, Zoo, Ve and Vo are given by published curves5 or by k+Z 33
the computer program MSTRIP.4 The frequency depen-
dence of Ve and Vo can be simulated by the expressions U\Z 34
given by Getsinger.7 The dispersion relationships are 24

- * _ (6) Z41 -
- e
r f k+Z 33

+ /*4 I Z44 (14)

fp = ZJ2noH (7) k+Z33
G ^ 0-6 + 0009Zn (8)
Let eqns. 12-14 be represented as follows:
where K^ = the frequency dependent effective dielectric
constant, Keff = the zero frequency effective dielectric vx AXA2A3 h
constant, e r = the substrate dielectric constant, H = the
substrate thickness, Zo = Z o c /2 for the even mode, Z o = v2 = B\B2B3 h (15)
2ZOO for the odd mode and iio = Ait x 10"7 H/m.
Keff is given by MSTRIF* and the frequency-dependent
C\ C2 C3 U
phase velocity is given by
The chain matrix is calculated as follows:
2-997925 x 108 an are
V = (9) KA d IA the input voltage and current.

VB and IB are the output voltage and current.

1 0
vA = vx = v2 M, = (23)
VB = F 4
IA = h + h The chain matrix for a length of line of characteristic
h = -/4 impedance Z 12 is

The impedance matrix of eqn. 15 is converted to an admit- cos0 /Z12sin0

tance matrix by inverting to give eqn. 17. /sin0
Hence, the total chain matrix for the circuit in Fig. 4 is
determinant obtained by cascadingMx and^f12 as follows:
ofeqn. 15
VA COS0 /Z 1 2 sin0
(B2C3 -B3C2)(A3C2 -A2C3)(A2B3 -A3B2)
1 1 -Z12
(B3CX -BlC3)(A1C3~A3Cl)(A3B1 -AM X v2 U ;sin0 — + — cos0 —— sin0tan0
(BXC2 -B2CX)(A2CX -Al v,, (25)
(17) To obtain an approximate chain matrix for the circit of
Let this be represented as follows: Fig. 3a the following assumptions are made compared with
the derivation in Appendix 7.2:
h YuYl2Yl3 Vx
h y21 y22 y23 v2 (18)
l3 = 0
u V
1 V V
31 J 32 •* 33 v, It is assumed that the capacitance Cend may be represented
by an increase in the length of the stub.
From eqns. 16 and 18 From eqns. 4 and 5 in Appendix«7.1.
U = h+k = (Yu + Yl2 + Y2l + Y22) (26)
V2 = hZ21+l2Z22+UZ24 (27)
= QuVA+QnVB (19) V3 = /,Z 3 1 + / 2 Z 32 + /4Z34 (28)
F 4 = / 1 Z 4 1 +/ 2 Z 4 2 +/ 4 Z 4 4 (29)

h =- Y32)VA - Y33 VB = Q21 VA + Q22 VB

Z\\ = Z 22 = Z 3 3 = Z44 = —}(Zoe + Z O O ) — -
= B cos0 (30)
Putting in matrix form
-Q22 1 Z 12 = Z 21 = Z34 = Z 4 3 = ~j(Zoe — Zoo) ——
VA (221 021
= A cos0 (31)
G22G11 cosec0
(2n Z13 = Z 3 1 = Z 24 = Z 42 = ~f(Zoe —Zoo)

= A (32)
Ac Bc z t 4 = z 4 i = z 2 3 = z 3 2 = —j(zoe
Cc Dc
= B (33)

A computer network-analysis program can be used to calcu- Vi = /!J?cos0 + / 2 ^cos0 + UB (34)

late insertion loss and input impedance for filters using the V2 = Vx = /x,4cos0 + /2J5cos0 + U (35)
above chain matrix.
V4 = 1XB + 12A + UBcosd (36)
Adding eqns. 34 and 35
7.3 Equivalent-circuit derivation
2F, = (I1+12)(A+B)cosd + U(A (37)
The chain matrix (also known as the ABCD matrix) for an
open-circuit stub of characteristic impedance Zx and elec- Multiplying eqn. 36 by cos0, and subtracting eqn. 34 from
trical length 6 is the result


- F x = i4£(cos20-l) (38) J_
* cosfl = VA cos0
C3 = 2Cn
(39) The total end capacitance of the spur is C\ in parallel
with C 3 , i.e. Cx + 2Cn. From Reference 11 Cx = Ceven/2
and Cn = [C o d d - C i ] / 2 . Hence Cx + 2C12 = C o d d .This
Comparing with the transmission matrix shown in eqn. 25 is the end capacitance designated Cend in Appendix 7.2.
V, = VB;lA = (h+l2);iB =~U The effect of this end capacitance is to increase the length
of the spur. This length increase A/ is given by:
A/ = V x 7 (46)
r A
U = CVB+DlB po ^oo

C3 C3
i II Ji II J
II ' II '

— 5sin20 z
Ci = m
O—i —n
D= — = cos0 -sin0tan0 (41)
A+B COS0 Fig. 9 Equivalent circuit for microstrip gap capacitance

From eqns. 40, 32 and 33


From eqn. 41 and eqns. 30—33, after simplifying C1


'.i Zc Fig. 10 Equivalent circuit for spurline gap capacitance

Therefore To check this equation three single-section spur-line filters

were made. These were made to fit within a 50SI line width
2i = I 2 - 6 Z 12 (43)
and referring to Fig. 3b the dimensions were a = 18-6 mm,
c = 450 jum, d = 200 fun and e = 50jum. The substrate
height H = 500 ixm and Er = 9-6. Gap b was made
Substituting eqn. 43 into eqn. 42 one of three lengths 50JLUTI, 100/um and 200/um. The
resonant frequencies of the three filters were measured at
(44) /o > 3/o, 5/o, 7/o and 9/o and the length A/ calculated. Cend
From eqn. 40 was then calculated from eqn.46.. The table below shows
the calculated capacitance from Reference 11, together
7 with that calculated from eqn. 45.

Codd from Codd from

Reference 11 measured filters
7.4 Spur Line End Capacitance
Microstrip gap capacitance can be represented by the 50 4 0 X 10" 14 f 3-9 X 1 0 ' 1 4 f
equivalent circuit of Fig. 9 given by Benedek and 100 3-4 x 10" 14 f 3-4 x 1O~14 f
Silvester/ 10 For the spur-line filter this is modified to that 200 2-8 X 10" 14 f 3-3 X 1 0 ' 1 4 f

shown in Fig. 10. This is because at resonance no current It can be seen that there is good agreement for values of b
flows across the gap. less than 100 Mm.


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