Department of Environment and Natural Resources

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 Mandate & Functions

As provided for under Section 4 of E.O. 192, the DENR is mandated to be the
primary government agency responsible for the conservation, management,
development and proper use of the country's environment and natural
resources, including those in reservations, watershed areas and lands of the
public domain, as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural resources
utilization as may be provided by law in order to ensure equitable sharing of
the benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present and future
generations of Filipinos.

Based on the above mandate, the DENR envisions to pass on to Filipinos a

renewed hope in people's ability to chart a new direction for development and
a legacy of a self-sustaining environment, mindful of people's rights to a life of

The DENR's mission is to be the dynamic force behind people's initiatives in the
protection, conservation, development and management of the environment
through strategic alliances and partnerships, participate processes, relevant
policies and programs and appropriate information technology towards
sustainable development.
To accomplish the department's mandate, the following objectives serve as
basis for policy formulation:

 Assure the availability and sustainability of the country's natural

resources through their judicious use and systematic restoration or
replacement, whenever possible;
 Increase the productivity of natural resources in order to meet the
demands for forest, mineral and land resources of a growing population
in a manner consistent with environmental protection and
 Enhance the contribution of natural resources for achieving national
economic, political, social development and ecological integrity;
 Promote equitable access to natural resources by the different sectors
of the populations;
 Maintain a desirable level of environmental quality;
 Conserve specific terrestrial and marine areas representative of the
Philippine natural and cultural heritage for present and future

The powers and functions of the DENR, per Section 5 of E.O. 192, are as

 Advise the President on the enactment of laws relative to the

development, use, regulation and conservation of the country's natural
resources and the control of pollution;
 Formulate, implement and supervise the government's policies, plans
and programs pertaining to the management, conservation,
development, use and replenishment of the country's natural resources.
 Promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with law governing the
exploration, development, conservation, extraction, disposition, use and
such other commercial activities tending to cause the depletion and
degradation of our natural resources;
 Exercise supervision and control over forest lands, alienable and
disposable lands, and mineral resources and impose appropriate
payments, fees, charges, rentals and any such form of levy and collect
such revenues for the exploration, development, utilization or gathering
of such resources;
 Undertake exploration, assessment, classification and inventory of the
country's natural resources using ground surveys, remote sensing and
complementary technologies;
 Promote proper and mutual consultation with the private sector
involving natural resources development, use and conservation;
 Undertake geological surveys of the whole country including its
territorial waters;
 Establish policies and implement programs for the:
 Accelerated inventory, surveys and classification of lands, forest
and mineral resources using appropriate technology, to be able
to come up with a more accurate assessment of resource quality
and quantity;
 Equitable distribution of natural resources through the judicious
administration, regulation, utilization, development and
expansion of natural resource-based industries;
 Promotion, development and expansion of natural resource-
based industries;
 Preservation of cultural and natural heritage through wildlife
conservation and segregation of national parks and other
protected areas;
 Maintenance of a wholesome natural environment by enforcing
environmental protections laws; and
 Encouragement of greater people\'s participation and private
initiative in natural resource management.

 Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to:

 Accelerate cadastral and emancipation patent surveys, land use

planning and public land titling:
 Harness forest resources in a sustainable manner, to assist rural
development, support forest-based industries, and provide raw
materials to meet increasing demands, at the same time keeping
adequate reserves for environmental stability; and
 Expedite mineral resources surveys, promote the production of metallic
and non-metallic minerals and encourage mineral marketing.

 Regulate the development, disposition, extraction, exploration and use of the

country's forestland and mineral resources;
 Assume responsibility for the assessment, development, protection,
conservation, licensing and regulation as provided for by law, where applicable,
of all natural resources; the regulation and monitoring of service contractors,
licensees, lessees, and permittees for the extraction, exploration, development
and utilization of natural resource products; the implementation of programs
and measures with the end in view of promoting close collaboration between
the government and the private sector; the effective and efficient classification
and sub-classification of lands of the public domain; and the enforcement of
natural resources laws, rules and regulations;
 Promulgate rules, regulations and guidelines on the issuance of co-production,
joint venture or production sharing agreements, licenses, permits, concessions,
leases and such other privileges and arrangement concerning the development,
exploration and utilization of the country's natural resources and shall continue
to oversee, supervise and police our natural resources; to cancel or cause to
cancel such privileges and arrangements upon failure, non-compliance or
violations of any regulations, orders, and for all other causes which are in
furtherance of the conservation of natural resources and supportive of the
national interest;
 Exercise exclusive jurisdiction on the management and disposition of all lands
of the public domain and shall continue to be the sole agency responsible for
the classification, sub-classification, surveying and titling of lands in
consultation with appropriate agencies;
 Implement measures for the regulation and supervision of the processing of
forest products, grading and inspection of lumber and other forest products and
monitoring of the movement of timber and other forest products.
 Promulgate rules and regulations for the control of water, air and land pollution;
Promulgate ambient and effluent standards for water and air quality including
the allowable levels of other pollutants and radiations;
 Promulgate policies, rules and regulations for the conservation of the country's
genetic resources and biological diversity, and endangered habitats; which will
be presented to the Cabinet for the President's approval;
 Formulate an integrated, multi-sectoral, and multi-disciplinary National
Conservation Strategy, which will be presented to the Cabinet for President's
 Exercise other powers and functions and perform such other acts as may be
necessary, proper or incidental to the attainment of its mandates and

 DENR Directory
 Issuances
 Proclamations
 Administrative Orders
 Administrative Order No. 2010-12
 Memo Orders
 Memo Circular
 Special Orders
 Attached Bureaus & Agencies
 Environmental Management Bureau(EMB)
 Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau(PAWB)
 National Mapping and Resource Information Authority(NAMRIA)
 Mines and Geosciences Bureau
 DENR Official Website
Environmental Management Bureau(EMB)
Initially established as a supporting body for the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources in 1987, the Philippine Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) became a line
bureau with its own offices and independent enforcement authority in 2002. It is the national
authority responsible for pollution prevention and control, and environmental impact
EMB is guided by the vision of a nation empowered to protect its finite natural resources in
pursuit of sustainable development, to ensure a healthy environment that enhances the
Filipino quality of life for present and future generations. Its mission is to restore, protect,
and enhance environmental quality towards good public health, environmental integrity, and
economic viability.
EMB is the national authority in the Philippines that sets air and water quality standards and
monitors ambient and point source pollutants. It manages hazardous and toxic wastes under
the Toxic Substances, Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act and implements the
Philippine Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system.
To promote compliance with environmental standards, EMB has innovated an approach to
engage industry and environmental agencies in voluntary self-regulation. Under the Philippine
Environmental Partnership Program, the EMB provides a suite of technical and regulatory
assistance as an incentive for industry to explore and implement cost-effective and
sustainable pollution management strategies.
EMB has also made public participation and transparency key elements of its EIA system,
involving affected communities and stakeholders at various stages of project developments
to ensure safe, smart, and sustainable development.
operates offices at the central, regional, provincial and community levels throughou
t the Philippines.
Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau(PAWB)

Protected Areas in the Philippines

The mission of the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB), a Bureau of the Department
of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of the Philippines, is the
conservation of the country's biological diversity through:
 Establishment, management and development of the National Integrated Protected Areas
System (NIPAS)
 Conservation of Wildlife Resources
 Information and Education for Nature Conservation
PAWB envisions a perpetual existence of biological and physical diversities in a system of
protected areas and such other important biological components of the environment managed
by a well-informed and empowered citizenry for the sustainable use and enjoyment of present
and future generations.

National Mapping and Resource Information Authority(NAMRIA)

As provided for in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

Administrative Order No. 31, series of 1988, which prescribed the guidelines implementing
Section 22 (a) of Executive Order 192, NAMRIA is mandated to provide the public with
mapmaking services and to act as the central mapping agency, depository, and distribution
facility for natural resources data in the form of maps, charts, texts, and statistics.

Core Functions :

Geodetic Reference System Development

Pursuant to Executive Order number 192, NAMRIA is mandated to establish and maintain the
Philippine Geodetic Reference System, the primary reference for all surveying and mapping
in the country. It is in line with this mandate that the agency is undertaking the modernization
of the national geodetic system (NGS) as part of its core initiatives under its vision of helping
to build a geospatially-empowered Philippines by 2020. The program is aligned with the
United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/69/266 of 26 February 2015, that urges
the adoption of, and calls for the active participation of member states, in the definition of a
global geodetic reference frame for sustainable development. The modernization program
will upgrade the existing Philippine Reference System of 1992, unify the national vertical
datum, and strengthen core competencies on geodesy of the NGS stakeholders. A modern
NGS is anchored on a more robust, accurate, and globally consistent reference frame that
takes into consideration the complex geodynamic behavior of the Philippine archipelago, and
makes full use of modern positioning technologies, such as the global navigation satellite
system, for improved positioning, geographic information interoperability, and international
surveying and mapping cooperation.

Topographic Base Mapping

NAMRIA produces updated topographic base maps and derivative maps at various scales, in
paper form or digital data, for use by the national government agencies, local government
units, the academe, the scientific community, and the private sector. These are used as basic
tools and common reference in most aspects of governance such as development planning;
disaster-risk reduction and management, and delivery of government services. They are also
used by the private sector in investment planning and exploration, by the academic and
science communities in research and development activities, and by the general public. They
are regularly updated using the latest aerial photographs, satellite imageries, and field
surveys. Small- and medium-scale topographic maps (1:250,000 scale and 1:50,000 scale)
generally cover large areas. Large-scale topographic maps (e.g., at 1:10,000 scale or larger)
generally cover smaller areas but show more detail. NAMRIA likewise produces updated
administrative maps in the form of provincial and regional maps.

Hydrography, Physical Oceanography and Nautical Charting

NAMRIA conducts hydrographic and physical oceanographic surveys and produces nautical
charts (berthing, harbor, approach, coastal, general sailing and overview charts), predicted
tide and current tables, coast pilot book, list of lights, notices to mariners and other nautical
publications depicting the country's maritime jurisdictions. The surveys and charts ensure
safety in maritime navigation and provide basic information for the management of the
maritime space and resources, as well as base data for climate change studies. The charts
and hydrographic data are important in complying with the provisions of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea relative to the country's maritime entitlements. Likewise,
the nautical publications are required under the Safety of Life at Sea Convention. NAMRIA is
the national hydrographic office and the focal point for the International Hydrographic
Organization and East Asia Hydrographic Commission. NAMRIA undertakes survey activities
utilizing its two multidisciplinary survey vessels, BRP HYDROGRAPHER PRESBITERO and BRP
HYDROGRAPHER VENTURA. The agency also has two 23.55-meter catamaran hydrographic
PALMA for use in the expansion of the agency's hydrographic and oceanographic survey
capabilities. To date, NAMRIA operates and maintains 47 primary tide stations in the country
for the continuous monitoring and recording of sea level. Twenty-four of the tide stations are
equipped with telemetry system for near-real time transmission of tide data to the NAMRIA
office in Manila. Another six tide stations in Manila; Legazpi, Albay; Subic, Zambales;
Currimao, Ilocos Norte; Lubang Island, Occidental Mindoro; and Davao City are also linked to
the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's Sea-Level Station Monitoring Facility
from which users can download in near real-time via the Internet. NAMRIA also serves as the
National Oceanographic Data Center and operates the Muntinlupa Magnetic Observatory
which facilitates local and international exchange of oceanographic and magnetic data.

Environment and Natural Resource Mapping

NAMRIAs conducts nationwide environment and natural resource assessment and mapping of
various thematic geospatial information such as land cover, coastal resources, low-lying areas
vulnerable to sea-level rise, tenurial instruments, and upland/forestland population, among
others. These fundamental datasets serve as vital inputs in policy formulation, physical and
developmental planning, provision of social services, disaster-risk reduction and
management, and climate change mitigation and adaptation studies at various levels. In
addition, the agency continues to provide information on classification of lands of the public
domain as well as technical assistance to the DENR on the delineation of forestland boundaries
to support legislation by Congress of the final limits of forestlands and national parks.
Maritime Zones and Boundaries Mapping

NAMRIA is responsible for the survey and mapping of the country’s terrestrial and maritime
territories. It delineates the different maritime zones of the archipelago including the
Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelves. It spearheaded the successful submission
to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf the Philippine
extended continental shelf in the Benham Rise Region. It also provides technical support to
various government agencies on matters pertaining to maritime boundary delimitation and
Law of the Sea issues, as well as to the local government units in the delineation and
delimitation of the 15-kilometer municipal water boundaries.

Geospatial Information Management and Services

NAMRIA's geospatial information management and services include information system

strategic planning; geospatial databasing; information and web system development;
information and communications technology resource and network management; geographic
information systems (GIS) project collaboration and technical assistance; GIS trainings;
packaging of geospatial information knowledge products and services; stakeholder relations
and partnership development; information, education, and communication; and customer
services. NAMRIA also plays active roles and even acts as lead in various international
working groups, fora, conferences, symposiums, and other activities in the area of geospatial
information management and services relevant to disaster risk reduction and management
and climate change adaptation. NAMRIA leads in the implementation of a national spatial
data infrastructure (NSDI), which is designed to provide a mechanism for sharing of and
access to geospatial information produced and maintained by the various stakeholders and
custodians across the country. A major output of the NSDI is the Philippine Geoportal. This
application system, managed by NAMRIA, serves as a platform for online and open sharing of
geospatial information.

Mines and Geosciences Bureau

I. Narrative
The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) is the primary government agency under the DENR
that is responsible for the sustainable exploration, development, utilization and conservation
of all mineral resources in public and private lands within the territory and exclusive economic
zone of the Republic of the Philippines.
The Cagayan Valley is endowed with rich mineral resources that has generally remained
untapped. From the numerous mining rights applications filed with MGB R02, only 88 mining
rights were approved that covers an aggregate area of 150,481.81 hectares. These include
six (6) Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) nickel, limestone, iron and chromite,
two (2) Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) for gold and copper, fifteen (15)
Exploration Permits (EP) for gold, copper and magnetite sand, and fifty five (55) Industrial
Permits (IP) for sand and gravel.
The local government as our partner in stewarding our mineral resources is responsible for
the issuance of Small Scale Mining Permits (SSMP), Special Pebble Permits (SPP) and Quarry
Permits (QP).
For the year, revenue generated from the extraction of mineral resources and payment of
occupation fees by mining companies amounted to P14,232,887.75.
1. Mineral Resource/Reserves
Iron, Clay, Pebbles, Manganese, Perlite, Copper, Gold, Gypsum,
Sand and Gravel, Limestone, Guano, Coal, Natural Gas, Basalt, ,
Sulfur, Diorite,
Copper, Sand and Gravel, Clay, Gold, Chromite, Nickel,
Isabela Manganese, Gemstone, Guano,
Chert, Pyrite, Gypsum, Coal, Gemstone, Chert,
Nueva Gypsum, Nickel, Limestone, Sand and Gravel, Copper, Clay, Gold,
Vizcaya Lead, Silver, Silica, Clay, Molybdenum, Manganese
Copper, Gold, Marble Clay, Limestone, Sand and Gravel, Basalt,
Guano, Marble

2. Permits Issued by Local Government Units (LGUs)

Batanes -
Cagayan 25
Isabela 6
Nueva Vizcaya 3
Quirino 1
Regional Total 35

3. Mineral Production
3.1 Annual Metallic Minerals – No Data
3.2 Annual Non-Metallic Minerals Other Than Sand and Gravel (As of CY-2011)


Cagayan Sand and Gravel 19,500.00
Pure Sand 179,775.20
Pebbles 21,680
Earth Materials 1,300
Boulders 29,726
Isabela Sand and Gravel 329,312
Nueva Vizcaya Sand and Gravel 284,387
Boulders 268,376
Quirino Sand and Gravel 21,128
Regional Total 1,155,184.20

3.3 Annual Sand and Gravel (CY 2011)


Batanes -
Cagayan 96
Isabela 45
Nueva Vizcaya 258
Quirino 17
Regional Total 416

3.4 Annual Non-Metallic Price Monitor

Mineral Type of Selling
Province/City Remarks
Commodity Product Price/Cu.m.
Sand and Mixed Cagayan 150.00 Average
Gravel Sand Isabela 150.00 Average
Nueva Vizcaya 100.00 Average
Quirino 100.00 Average
Cagayan 180.00 Average
Camalaniugan 250.00 Average
Ordinary Earth Cagayan 50.00 Average
Boulders Cagayan 390.00 Average
Nueva Vizcaya 100.00 Average

4. Approved and Existing Permits

4.1 Mineral Production Sharing Agreement

Province No. Area Commodity

Limestone, Nickel,
Regional Total 6 58,398.80 Iron, Chromite

Batanes - - -

5 Limestone and
Cagayan 56,007 Magnetite Sand

Isabela 1 2,391.80 Nickel, Iron, Chromite

Nueva Vizcaya - - -

Quirino - - -

4.2 Financial Technical Assistance Agreement

Province No. Area Commodity

Regional Total 2 24,558.50 Gold

Batanes - - -

Cagayan - - -

Isabela - - -
Nueva Vizcaya 2 24,558.50 Gold

Quirino - - -

4.3 Exploration Permit

Province No. Area Commodity

Gold, Copper &

Regional Total 15 66,803.35 Magnetite Sand

Batanes - - -

5 37,072.56 Gold, Magnetite

Cagayan Sand, Iron Ore

Isabela 1 1,308.77 Gold

Gold, Copper
Nueva Vizcaya 7 26,012.32

Quirino 2 2,409.70

4.4 Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit

Province No. Area Commodity

Regional Total 55 721.16 Sand and Gravel

Batanes - - -

Cagayan 54 701.16 Sand and Gravel

Isabela 1 20 -do-

Nueva Vizcaya - - -

Quirino - - -

4.5 Lease Contracts – Not Applicable

4.6 Special Mines Permit - Not Applicable
4.7 Mineral Processing Permit

Province No. Commodity

Regional Total 1 Sand and Gravel

Batanes - -

Cagayan 7 Magnetite Sand

Isabela - -

Nueva Vizcaya - -

Quirino 1 Sand and GRavel

4.8 Treasure Hunting Permit – Not Applicable (Issuance was transferred to Central
5. Revenue Collected (CY-2011)

Province Extraction Fee Occupation Fee Total

Regional Total 12,823,862.75 1,409,025.00 14,232,887.75

Batanes - - -

Cagayan 7,593,387.75 164,625 7,758,012.75

Isabela 1,263,560 - 1,263,560.00

Nueva Vizcaya 3,861,275 660,600 4,521,875.00

Quirino 105,640 583,800 689,440

Mining Projects Within Region 2

Operating Mines

 _ cement plant and_ quarries

 _ Medium Scale Direct State Utilization Project
 _ Industrial Sand and Gravel quarries issued by LGUs
 _ sand and gravel quarries issued by LGUs
 _ earthfill quarries issued by LGUs
 _ small-scale magnesite quarries
 _ small-scale silica quarries
 _ small-scale limestone quarries
 _ small-scale chromite quarries

Mining Rights Granted

There are currently ________ hectares of land covered by approved mining tenements,

 _ Mineral Prod’n Sharing Agreements(MPSA)

 _ Exploration Permit (EP)
 _ ISAG

Mining Tenement Areas

Tenement Maps
- visit
OF JULY 2012

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