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Gut and Liver, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2018, pp.



Current Trends in the Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Dalbir S. Sandhu and Ronnie Fass

The Esophageal and Swallowing Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, MetroHealth Medical Center, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, USA

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) characterized by prevalence of GERD ranged from 18.1% to 27.8% in North
heartburn and/or regurgitation symptoms is one of the most America, 8.8% to 25.9% in Europe, 2.5% to 7.8% in East Asia,
common gastrointestinal disorders managed by gastroen- 8.7% to 33.1% in the Middle East, 11.6% in Australia, and
terologists and primary care physicians. There has been an 23.0% in South America.3
increase in GERD prevalence, particularly in North America The cardinal symptoms of GERD are heartburn and regur-
and East Asia. Over the past three decades proton pump gitation.4 However, GERD may present with a variety of other
inhibitors (PPIs) have been the mainstay of medical therapy symptoms, including water brash, chest pain or discomfort,
for GERD. However, recently there has been an increasing dysphagia, belching, epigastric pain, nausea, and bloating. In
awareness amongst physicians and patients regarding the addition, patients may experience extraesophageal symptoms
side effects of the PPI class of drugs. In addition, there has like cough, hoarseness, throat clearing, throat pain or burning,
been a marked decline in the utilization of surgical fundopli- wheezing, and sleep disturbances.
cation as well as a rise in the development of nonmedical Studies have demonstrated that symptom frequency, severity,
therapeutic modalities for GERD. This review focuses on or combination of both are not predictive of any specific phe-
different management strategies for GERD, optimal man- notypic presentation of GERD.5 However, elderly patients with
agement of refractory GERD with special focus on available GERD appear to experience a more severe mucosal disease that
endoluminal therapies and the future directions. (Gut Liver is associated with overall milder and more atypical symptoms.6
2018;12:7-16) Most patients with typical symptoms of GERD receive empiric
treatment with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) and do not un-
Key Words: Gastroesophageal reflux; Proton pump inhibitors; dergo diagnostic testing. However, in patients with alarm symp-
Heartburn; Surgery toms such as dysphagia, odynophagia, anorexia, weight loss
and upper gastrointestinal bleed, investigation with an upper
INTRODUCTION endoscopy is warranted. The use of other diagnostic tests, such
as catheter based pH test, wireless pH capsule, impedance +pH
The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) guidelines and others are reserved for specific clinical scenarios when fur-
define gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as “symptoms or ther management is needed in patients who partially or showed
complications resulting from the reflux of gastric contents into complete lack of response to PPI treatment. The last decade has
the esophagus or beyond, into the oral cavity (including larynx) seen some major changes in the landscape of GERD treatment,
or lung.”1 Erosive esophagitis (EE), nonerosive reflux disease a growing number of reports about adverse events due to long-
(NERD) and Barrett’s esophagus are the three phenotypic pre- term use of PPIs, a marked decline in the utilization of surgical
sentations of GERD.2 In general, patients tend to remain within fundoplication and the rise in the development of nonmedical
their phenotypic presentation throughout their lifetime with therapeutic options.
very little progression or regression. The following review is focused on the current management
GERD is a common disease with the highest prevalence in of GERD including medical, endoscopic, and surgical therapeu-
North America. A systematic review demonstrated that the tic modalities as well as future directions (Table 1).

Correspondence to: Ronnie Fass

The Esophageal and Swallowing Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, MetroHealth Medical Center, Case Western Reserve Univer-
sity, 2500 MetroHealth Drive, Cleveland, OH 44109, USA
Tel: +1-216-778-3145, Fax: +1-216-778-2074, E-mail:
Received on December 28, 2016. Accepted on January 6, 2017. Published online April 24, 2017
pISSN 1976-2283 eISSN 2005-1212
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
8 Gut and Liver, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2018

Table 1. Currently Available Therapeutic Modalities for Gastroesoph- Table 2. Therapeutic Approaches for Nighttime Gastroesophageal Reflux
ageal Reflux Disease Disease
Type of therapy Subtype Avoid eating at least 3 hours prior bedtime

Lifestyle modifications Raising head end of the bed Elevate the head of the bed

Avoiding meals within 3 hours of bedtime Avoid the right decubitus position in bed

Weight loss Turn off lights when enter bed and minimize disturbances to

Medical Antacids a normal sleep

Gaviscon Treat with a PPI and if symptoms are primarily during

Proton pump inhibitors nighttime-give before dinner

H2 receptor antagonists Split PPI dose (am and pm before a meal)

Prokinetics Add H2RA, Carafate, Gaviscon, etc. before bedtime

Baclofen Consider nonmedical therapy

Carafate PPI, proton pump inhibitor; H2RA, histamine 2 receptor antagonist.

Surgical Fundoplication
LinxTM magnetic ring the right decubitus position during sleep. Furthermore, patients
Endoluminal therapies Transoral incisionless fundoplication should improve their sleep hygiene, because sleep reduces gas-
Stretta troesophageal reflux by suppressing transient lower esophageal
sphincter relaxations (TLESRs).10 Physicians should recommend
additional lifestyle modifications based on patient’s report and
avoid a “laundry list” of recommendations, which are unlikely
LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS to be followed by the average GERD patient.

1. Medical therapy
Lifestyle modifications remain the cornerstone of any thera-
peutic intervention for GERD, which is commonly overlooked In patients who continue to have bothersome GERD-related
by physicians and not followed by patients. While patients symptoms despite lifestyle modifications, medical therapy is
report that tobacco, chocolate, carbonated beverages, onion, commonly offered or used. Medical therapy includes, antacids,
tomato sauce, mint, alcohol, citrus juices, spicy and fatty meals Gaviscon, histamine 2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs), PPIs, Cara-
exacerbate their GERD related symptoms, we are still devoid fate, TLESR reducer, and prokinetics.
of high quality trials providing clear evidence for the value of PPIs are considered the most effective medical therapy for
avoiding these food products or habits. A systematic review of GERD, due to their profound and consistent acid suppression
clinical trials that examined the impact of lifestyle modifications (Table 3). The first compound in this class of drugs, omeprazole,
on GERD by change in symptoms, esophageal pH variables, or was introduced in the late 1980’s. Overall, PPIs are safe and
lower esophageal sphincter basal pressure showed that there is demonstrate different levels of satisfaction that range between
either lack of or weak evidence that after cessation of tobacco, 56% to 100% as compared with other antireflux medications.11
alcohol, chocolate, caffeine or coffee, citrus, mint or spicy food PPIs are the most widely prescribed medication for both EE and
there is improvement in clinical or physiological parameters of NERD, although systematic reviews have shown that patients
GERD.7 with NERD respond less well to PPIs than those with EE.12
Obesity has been demonstrated to be an important risk fac- Several large scale studies have shown that PPI treatment
tor for the development or worsening of GERD. A large cohort is superior to H2RA treatment for the symptomatic relief of
study from the United States comprising 10,545 women demon- both EE and NERD patients.13 Importantly, there were no sta-
strated that any increase in body mass index (BMI) in individu- tistically significant differences in the rate of adverse events
als of normal weight was associated with an increased risk of between PPIs and H2RAs, or PPIs and placebo. The overall rate
GERD. Even modest weight gain can exacerbate GERD symp- of symptomatic relief of PPIs in NERD patients has been shown
toms and women who reduced their BMI by 3.5 units or more to reach 51.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.433 to 0.595;
reported a 40% reduction in the frequency of GERD symptoms p=0.0001).14 PPI therapy is better when compared to combina-
compared with controls.8 Thus weight loss appears to be an ef- tion of H2RA plus prokinetic in healing EE (relative risk [RR],
fective lifestyle modification in improving GERD. Importantly, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.59). Interestingly, prokinetic therapy is
lifestyle modifications associated with sleep have been shown not better than placebo in healing of EE (RR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.46
to improve GERD related symptoms and even heal mild EE to 1.10). The aforementioned studies as well as others cemented
(Table 2).9 In addition to elevating the head of the bed, patients the superiority of PPIs over any other medical therapy for GERD
should avoid eating at least 3 hours prior to sleep time, and in controlling symptoms, healing EE, and preventing relapse of
Sandhu DS and Fass R: Current Trends in the Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 9

Table 3. Currently Available Proton Pump Inhibitors

PPI Brand name Dose, mg OTC
1 Omeprazole Prilosec, Prilosec OTC 10, 20, 40 Yes
2 Esomeprazole Nexium 20, 40 Yes
3 Lansoprazole Prevacid, Prevacid 24 hr 15, 30 Yes
4 Rabeprazole AcipHex 10, 20 No
5 Pantoprazole Protonix 20, 40 No
6 Dexlansoprazole Dexilant 30, 60 No
7 Omeprazole with sodium bicarbonate Zegerid, Zegerid OTC 20, 40 Yes
PPI, proton pump inhibitor; OTC, over the counter.

both symptoms and esophageal inflammation.15 The value of continuous treatment with a PPI versus an on
PPIs are also the most effective medical therapy as compared demand or intermittent therapy remains controversial. Several
to all the other medical therapies in controlling symptoms of the studies reported that continuous treatment yields a greater pa-
various phenotypic presentations of GERD. In particular, PPIs tients’ satisfaction than on-demand therapy. However, others
significantly improve symptom response rate as compared with have demonstrated that on-demand therapy is superior to con-
H2RAs in patients with NERD.16 tinuous treatment in patients with mild GERD because it is less
Since the introduction of omeprazole, six additional PPIs costly, relieves concern about chronic use of PPIs and overall
have been introduced into the market. Most only slightly differ patients are highly satisfied.20,21
in their structure from each other. Some of these newer PPIs In summary, based on the current evidence PPIs can provide
(Lansoprazole, Rabeprazole, and Pantoprazole) were compared symptom relief in approximately 57% to 80% of patients with
with omeprazole in controlling heartburn and healing EE. A EE and about 50% of the patients with NERD. In addition, heal-
meta-analysis of these studies concluded that the newer PPIs ing of EE (all grades) can be obtained in greater than 85% of
were of similar efficacy to omeprazole in terms of heartburn GERD patients undergoing treatment with a standard dose PPI.
control, healing EE, and relapse rates. All the PPIs were found to However, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are efficacy stud-
be superior to ranitidine and placebo in healing and decreasing ies, reporting the beneficial effect of a medication under care-
relapse rates of EE.17 fully controlled conditions.22 Under “real world circumstances,”
Presently in the United States, four of these PPIs are avail- many factors may affect response to treatment (effectiveness),
able over the counter (Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole such as, access to treatment, accuracy of diagnosis, acceptance
and Omeprazole-sodium bicarbonate) and three can only be of intervention and adherence to treatment.23 Thus, response to
obtained by a prescription (Dexlansoprazole, Pantoprazole, and PPI treatment in clinical practice is unlikely to follow the same
Rabeprazole). Esomeprazole is the S-enantiomer of omepra- success rates as those reported by RCTs. Poor compliance, lack
zole and was Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved of adherence to correct time of PPI administration and incorrect
in 2001. A 2006 meta-analysis evaluated esomeprazole versus diagnosis are some of the important hurdles that plague suc-
the other PPIs (omeprazole, lansoprazole, and pantoprazole) in cessful treatment of GERD patients in clinical practice.24
the healing of EE. At 4 weeks and 8 weeks, there was a 10%
2. Optimization of PPI therapy
and 5% (RR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.08) relative increase in the
probability of healing. At 8 weeks there was an absolute risk According to ACG guidelines, the first step in the manage-
reduction of 4% and the number needed to treat (NNT) was 25. ment of refractory GERD is optimization of PPI therapy (Table 4).1
As compared with omeprazole, lansoprazole, and pantoprazole, Thus, improving compliance with PPI treatment is an important
esomeprazole provided a statistically significant improvement initial step for optimization of PPI treatment. The prescribing
but clinically only a modest overall benefit in EE healing and providers should educate their patients about the importance
symptom relief. Additionally, the clinical benefit of esomepra- of taking the PPI daily in order to achieve maximum effect.
zole appears negligible in mild erosive disease (NNT of 50) but A recent study has shown that compliance with a PPI was the
more pronounced in severe EE (NNT of 8). The PPIs appear to highest if the medication was prescribed by a gastroenterologist
have similar efficacy.18 However, Dexlansoprazole, a dual de- and the lowest if patients obtained their PPI over the counter.25
layed release PPI that provides prolonged concentration time Adherence to proper timing of PPI consumption is also an
profile and extended duration of acid suppression, has been important step in PPI optimization. A study has demonstrated
shown to be effective as a sole PPI in patients who require stan- that 100% of the patients who were refractory to PPI once daily
dard dose PPI twice daily to control their symptoms.19 were not consuming the PPI optimally (30 minutes prior to a
10 Gut and Liver, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2018

Table 4. Steps for Optimization of Proton Pump Inhibitor Treatment tory heartburn or other typical GERD symptoms, often do not
Lifestyle modifications have GERD as the underlying cause.32 The commonly implicated
Improve compliance mechanisms include functional heartburn and reflux hyper-
Ensure proper dosing time sensitivity. Psychological comorbidity (anxiety, hypervigilance,
Split the PPI dose depression, and somatization) does play an important role in
patients with refractory heartburn. In addition, several other
Switch to another PPI
mechanisms including compliance, improper dosing time, con-
PPI, proton pump inhibitor.
comitant functional bowel disorder, delayed gastric emptying,
eosinophilic esophagitis, bile reflux, residual acid and nonacid
meal).26 Instead, they were consuming it more than an hour be- reflux, rapid PPI metabolism, PPI resistance may play a role
fore a meal, during a meal and at bedtime. Thus, it is important in varying degree in refractory heartburn. Overlap of these
to explain to patients about proper timing of PPI consumption mechanisms can further add to the complexity of refractory
for maximum effect. heartburn.33 Importantly, patients who failed once daily PPI are
Another important step in optimizing PPI treatment is the more likely to have advanced grading of EE, NERD, reflux hy-
continuous need to follow life style modifications related to persensitivity, or functional heartburn in comparison to patients
GERD.7 Overall, there is no PPI that patients cannot “out eat.” who failed twice daily PPI who are more likely to have reflux
Thus, regardless of PPI consumption, patients should consider hypersensitivity and functional heartburn.34
avoiding large, spicy and fatty meals, lose weight and embark Medical options for patients who are poorly controlled on
on nighttime precautions (elevating the head of the bed, avoid twice daily PPI are very limited. In patients who continue to
eating at least 3 hours prior to bedtime and follow guidelines demonstrate an abnormal esophageal acid exposure on twice
for good sleep hygiene). daily PPI, the addition of an H2RA at bedtime has gained popu-
Interestingly, recent studies have shown that spreading the larity after studies have demonstrated an improved overnight
PPI dose during the day improves control of intragastric pH. A intragastric pH control. However, the effect appears to be short
study reported that the median intragastric pH was 4.8, 5.7, and lived as tachyphylaxis develops very quickly when daily dosing
6.6 with Rabeprazole given 40 mg once daily, 20 mg twice daily of H2RA is used.35
or 10 mg four times daily, respectively.27 However, spreading Baclofen, a gamma-aminobutyricacid-B agonist has shown
the PPI dose throughout the day may reduce compliance. promising results in the management of refractory GERD pa-
The evidence for the value of doubling the PPI dose in im- tients with residual acid or weakly acidic reflux (abnormal lev-
proving symptom control of patients who failed once daily PPI els or normal levels but positive correlation with symptoms) by
therapy remains limited to a very few studies. In a group of 96 reducing the rate of TLESR and thus gastroesophageal reflux.36,37
GERD patients who failed omeprazole 20 mg once daily, only Neurological side effects such as dizziness, tiredness, sleepiness
26.1% demonstrated some type of a response to omeprazole 40 are commonly reported with the use of baclofen. Less com-
mg daily compared to 22.7% on lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily mon side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and flatulence. A meta-
(p=NS).28 However, another study showed that the rate of EE analysis reported no serious adverse events or deaths related to
healing and specifically early healing was significantly higher the use of baclofen in GERD patients. In addition, there were
in patients receiving 40 mg pantoprazole versus 20 mg or 10 no significant differences in the overall adverse events between
mg daily, regardless of EE severity.29 Comparison of Omeprazole baclofen and placebo. All reported side effects of baclofen were
40 mg versus 20 mg daily showed a statistically significant dif- of mild-to-moderate intensity, and the drug was well tolerated.
ference in the healing of EE (p=0.05) at 4 weeks; however, this The study also supported the value of baclofen in treating GERD
difference was lost at 8 weeks (p=0.10). Additionally healing patients, who failed PPI twice daily, but continued to demon-
was influenced by severity of EE at entry level with fewer than strate residual reflux as the underlying cause of their symp-
half of grade D EE patients healed with either 20 or 40 mg of toms.38 Although not approved by the FDA for GERD, a trial of
omeprazole.30 5 to 20 mg of Baclofen three times a day can be considered in
GERD patients not effectively controlled by twice daily PPI, who
3. Refractory heartburn
continued to demonstrate residual gastroesophageal reflux.
Refractory heartburn is defined as symptoms of reflux of Because reflux hypersensitivity and functional heartburn are
gastric content that do not respond to a double dose of a PPI by far the leading causes for refractory heartburn, diagnosis and
given for at least 8 weeks.31 Successful treatment of refractory treatment of these disorders should be initially considered. These
heartburn depends on the underlying mechanism. Fig. 1 depicts patients are commonly managed with neuro-modulators which
the management algorithm and the different therapeutic options include, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake
in heartburn patients who failed PPI treatment. inhibitors, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and
Recent studies have shown that most patients with refrac- trazodone.
Sandhu DS and Fass R: Current Trends in the Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 11

Heartburn on once +
Alarm symptoms
daily PPI

Optimization of PPI treatment Upper endoscopy

- Lifestyle modifications
- Compliance and adherence assessment
- Split the PPI dose
- Change to another PPI
- Add non-PPI medication (H2RA, Gaviscon, baclofen, etc.)

Symptom +
improvement/resolution Double PPI dose

+ Treat mucosal
Upper endoscopy with biopsies
Taper down to lowest abnormality
dose that controls
patient symptoms

Impedance +pH on treatment or pH capsule off treatment

Abnormal reflux Esophageal manometry Treat motility abnormality

Compliance Normal pH test but positive Normal pH test and negative

Lifestyle modifications symptom indexes symptom indexes
Endoscopic treatment
Antireflux surgery Reflux hypersensitivity Functional heartburn

H2RA Neuro-modulators
Endoscopic treatment Psychological intervention
Antireflux surgery Complimentary medicine
Psychological intervention
Complimentary medicine

Fig. 1. Management algorithm of heartburn patients who failed treatment with proton pump inhibitor (PPI) once daily.
H2RA, histamine 2 receptor antagonists.

Proposed sequence for managing patients with refractory of PPI dosing time and compliance, possibly adding H2RA at
heartburn is to begin with impedance plus pH study if patients bedtime (if symptoms correlate with acid reflux), considering
have documented history of GERD (abnormal pH test or EE a TLESR reducer such as Baclofen.39 Other nonpharmacologi-
on endoscopy) or wireless pH capsule if there is no history of cal options could be considered, such as endoscopic treatment
GERD. Patients with a normal test (any of the 2 mentioned or antireflux surgery. In patients with functional heartburn or
above) but demonstrate positive indexes should be considered reflux hypersensitivity neuro-modulators are the cornerstone of
having reflux hypersensitivity. Those with normal tests and treatment.
negative symptoms indexes should be considered having func-
4. Side effects of PPIs
tional heartburn.
Treatment of refractory heartburn is focused on evaluation PPIs have long been considered a safe class of drugs however,
12 Gut and Liver, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2018

in the last decade a rush of publications reported a variety of with still abnormal pH test while on maximum PPI dose, symp-
side effects due to long term treatment like nutritional deficien- toms of regurgitation, large hiatal hernia (>5 cm) and possibly
cies (magnesium, vitamin B12), increased risk of gastroenteritis, those with symptoms associated with nonacid reflux (Table 5).
travelers’ diarrhea, Clostridium difficile colitis, osteoporosis Laparoscopic surgical fundoplication is presently the most
and bone fracture, microscopic colitis, ischemic heart disease, common technique performed in GERD patients. Current data
chronic kidney injury and dementia. Recent data demonstrated lend a level 1a support for the use of laparoscopic posterior ap-
an increased incidence of chronic kidney dysfunction second- proach as the surgical treatment of choice for GERD. The preva-
ary to acute interstitial nephritis in patients receiving PPIs. lence of heartburn, PPI use and reoperation rate is higher after
The risk was higher with twice daily than once daily dosing.40 the laparoscopic anterior approach.43,44
More recently, PPIs have been shown to increase the levels of Comparative studies between antireflux surgery and medical
β-amyloid in the brain of mice. Furthermore, a large prospective therapy demonstrated mixed results in patients with GERD. A
cohort study showed a significant increased risk of dementia large meta-analysis that included seven trials showed that sur-
in patients on PPI compared to patients not receiving PPI.41 gical treatment of GERD is more effective than medical therapy
Overall, the risk of any of the aforementioned side effects due with respect to patient-relevant outcomes in both the short and
to long-term treatment with a PPI is relatively modest. Because medium term. Heartburn and regurgitation were less frequent
almost all of the studies reporting these side effects are popula- after surgical intervention. However, a considerable proportion
tion based, it is unclear if any of the aforementioned retrospec- of patients still needed antireflux medication after surgical fun-
tive reports will be confirmed in a prospective trial. Regardless, doplication. Patients who underwent surgery were significantly
patients should receive the lowest dose of PPI that control their more likely to be satisfied with their symptom control and also
symptoms, the need for chronic PPI treatment should be evalu- showed a higher satisfaction rate with the treatment received.45
ated on a regular basis and alternative options to chronic PPI However, a recently published Cochrane review that included
treatment should be sought out in patients with high risk for a total of 1,160 participants in four RCTs who were randomly
PPI-related adverse events. assigned to laparoscopic fundoplication (589 patients) or medi-
cal treatment with a PPI (571 patients) demonstrated that there
5. Surgical treatment for GERD
is a considerable uncertainty in the balance of benefits versus
Several surgical techniques are currently available for the harms of laparoscopic fundoplication when compared to long-
treatment of GERD. However, a recent study demonstrated a term medical treatment with a PPI. The authors recommended
rapid decline in the rate of utilization of surgical fundoplication that further RCTs of laparoscopic fundoplication versus medical
in the United States between 2004 and 2013 to the level seen management in patients with GERD should be conducted with
in 2004. Overall, there was a rise in the utilization of antireflux an outcome-assessor blinding to achieve a more conclusive
surgery from 2004 until 2009 but a steady decline since then recommendation. Such trials should include long-term patient-
with a significant trend (p=0.044). The rate in 2013 of surgical orientated outcomes such as treatment-related adverse events
fundoplication’s performed was 0.047%, similar to the percent- (including severity), quality of life, and also report on the social
age a decade before (0.041%). Additionally, the use of PPI and and economic impact of the adverse events and symptoms.46,47
H2RA postsurgical fundoplication has been steadily increasing A recent addition to the surgical repertoire for GERD is the
over the past 4 years (PPI, 80%; H2RA, 52%). Overall, PPI use LinxTM reflux management system. The device consists of a
postsurgical fundoplication has increased from 45% in 2010 to series of titanium beads with a magnetic core connected with
80% in 2013.42 titanium wires to form a ring. This ring is placed around the
Patients who are candidates for antireflux surgery, should lower end of the distal esophagus by laparoscopy and it helps
undergo pH testing prior to the procedure if they have normal
endoscopy and no history of prior pH testing. Additionally, all
patients should undergo high resolution esophageal manometry Table 5. Candidates for Surgical Therapy
prior to surgery to rule out achalasia or other esophageal mo-
Side effects from medical therapy
tor disorders, such as absent contractility. Patients with typical
Poor compliance with medical therapy
heartburn that is fully controlled on a PPI or those who demon-
Concern about or wish to discontinue chronic medical therapy
strate an abnormal ambulatory pH monitoring with a positive
Symptomatic with a large hiatal hernia
symptom correlation appear to have the best surgical outcome.
Atypical or extraesophageal symptoms of GERD tend to show Regurgitation

less response to surgical therapy. Candidates for surgical fun- Not interested in medical therapy
doplication include subjects who are not interested, concerned Abnormal pH test on maximum PPI dose
about, developed adverse events and who are unable to comply Symptoms correlate with nonacid reflux while on maximum PPI dose
with regular, long term medical treatment. In addition, those PPI, proton pump inhibitor.
Sandhu DS and Fass R: Current Trends in the Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 13

to augment the lower esophageal sphincter and thus prevent relief of troublesome regurgitation in a larger proportion of pa-
gastroesophageal reflux. The initial experience of the LinxTM de- tients (67%) than PPI treatment (45%) (p=0.023). Subjects from
vice in a small series of carefully selected patients (n=100) have both groups who completed the protocol had similar reductions
shown normalization of esophageal acid exposure or a 50% or in GERD symptom scores with rarely experiencing severe com-
greater reduction in acid exposure at 1 year in 64% of the pa- plications.54
tients (95% CI, 54 to 73). A reduction in PPI usage and overall A recent RCT comparing TIF versus sham intervention to
improvement in quality of life was reported in greater than 90% control chronic GERD also showed that TIF is effective in
of patients. The most frequent adverse event was dysphagia in chronic PPI-dependent GERD patients when followed for up to
68% of the patients.48 When compared to Nissen fundoplication, 6 months.50
the LinxTM device has shown similar improvement in quality of Even though TIF has been around for several years, the newer
life and symptomatic relief, with fewer side effects, but lower technique has been shown to have an excellent safety profile.
PPI elimination rates.49 Although the initial results are promis- With increasing number of centers performing TIF, it is likely to
ing, the long term efficacy, durability and safety of the device gain popularity in the near future for the management of care-
has yet to be proved in larger group of patients. fully selected GERD patients.
Another endoscopic technique for GERD that has been
ENDOLUMINAL THERAPIES FOR GERD around longer than the TIF procedure is the Stretta procedure.
The Stretta device is a balloon-tipped four-needle catheter that
Over the last 20 years, researchers have focused on the de- delivers radiofrequency energy into the smooth muscle of the
velopment of endoluminal therapies for the management of EGJ. The first published report in 2001 showed promising results
GERD. The endoscopic techniques are less invasive and safer of the Stretta procedure in 25 patients with GERD.55 Over the
than surgical fundoplication with the aim of achieving similar last 16 years this therapeutic modality has markedly improved
efficacy rates. In addition, there is decreased reliance on PPIs or and has been used in more than 20,000 patients.
other oral medications used for GERD. The original endoluminal A recent systematic review that included all four RCTs com-
therapies have been broadly categorized to four different types; paring the Stretta procedure to sham, has concluded that the
(1) fixation, (2) ablation, (3) injection, (4) mucosal excision and procedure was not more efficacious than sham intervention.56
suturing. Today, only two endoluminal techniques are available The earlier RCTs were critiqued to be of poor methodological
in the market, the Stretta and EsophyX®. The EsophyX® device, quality. However, a long-term follow-up of patients who un-
also known as transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF), is used derwent the Stretta procedure was recently published by Noar
to restore the angle of His by creating a valve at the esophago- et al .57 The authors performed a 10-year, open label, prospective
gastric junction (EGJ). This is achieved by delivering multiple follow-up of patients with refractory GERD who were treated
full thickness, nonabsorbable fasteners at the EGJ. Since its first with the Stretta procedure. Out of 217 that reached the 10-year
use in 2005, about 17,000 TIF procedures have been done. The follow-up, 72% had normalization of health-related quality of
Randomized EsophyX versus Sham Placebo-Controlled Trial life and 64% had greater than 50% reduction in baseline PPI
(RESPECT), a multicenter study conducted at eight centers in the use with discontinuation in 41% at the 10-year mark. Despite
United States, reported that TIF provided better control of heart- the conflicting results current evidence suggests that the Stretta
burn than the sham procedure off medication.50 The findings procedure is an effective therapeutic modality for patients with
were further supported by the TIF EsophyX versus Medical PPI GERD.
Open Label (TEMPO) trial that reported elimination of trouble-
some regurgitation in 97% and 93% of the TIF patients at 6 and FUTURE DIRECTIONS
12 months follow-up period, respectively.51,52 The long-term
efficacy of TIF has been tested in a small group of 50 carefully Drug development in the GERD arena has markedly declined,
selected symptomatic GERD patients followed for up to 6 years. due to the overall feeling that no other medication can surpass
The TIF procedure achieved a long lasting elimination of daily PPIs. At the same time, there are still many areas of unmet need
dependence on PPI treatment in 75% to 80% of the patients.53 in GERD, providing a unique opportunity for drug development.
Ideal candidates for the TIF procedure are patients with chronic Furthermore, the growing number of reports about the differ-
GERD (abnormal pH test or low grade EE) who have absent or ent adverse events of long-term PPI treatment drive patients to
small hiatal hernia (≤2 cm). seek alternative therapeutic options. Consequently, endoluminal
Another multicenter trial randomly assigned patients with therapy for GERD and antireflux surgical techniques may see a
GERD and hiatal hernias ≤2 cm to groups that underwent TIF rise in patients’ interest, which may lead to further development
and then received 6 months of placebo (n=87), or sham surgery of new and minimally invasive nonmedical interventions.
and 6 months of once- or twice-daily omeprazole (controls,
n=42). By intention-to-treat analysis, TIF provided a complete
14 Gut and Liver, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2018

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