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1) The American representative at Yalta: A) General Mac Arthur B) General Marshall C) President
Roosevelt D) President Truman

2) The purpose of the Yalta Conference was to: A) decide whether to drop the atom bomb on Japan
B) determine which Chinese leader to support C) decide how Europe should be structured after the war
D) select a leader for the U.N.

3) Immediately after WWII, which country was the strongest military power in the world? A) France
B) Germany C) Great Britain D) Soviet Union E) United States

4) Which of the following was a main concern of the Soviet Union after WWII? A) protecting their country
against future wars B) bringing democracy to Europe C) demobilizing its armies D) uniting
Germany into a single country

5) Countries whose policies are dictated or heavily influenced by another country are called: A) buffer zones
B) partisans C) satellites D) charter members E) serfdoms

6) A plan to provide massive aid for economic recovery after WWII was called the: A) Truman Doctrine
B) NATO Alliance C) Marshall Plan D) Warsaw Pact E) Comecon

7) The NATO Alliance promised military support among the: A) Soviet Union and Western European
nations B) U.S. and Western European nations C) Soviet Union and Eastern European nations
D) U.S. and Eastern Europe

8) The communist countries of Eastern Europe served as _____ for the USSR: A) buffer zones
B) partisans C) an iron curtain D) a balance of terror

9) Nonalignment is the policy of: A) refusing to recognize political borders B) refusing to take sides in the
cold war C) forming political alliances D) accepting foreign aid

10) The part of the U.N. in which five permanent members each have veto power: A) International Court of
Justice B) Security Council C) Secretariat D) General Assembly

11) Which of the following was NOT part of the ideology of the USSR during the cold war: A) political control
by the Communist Party B) government control of the economy C) a two-party political system
D) support for worldwide communist revolution

12) The agreement made at Yalta about the future of Germany provided that Germany would: A) pay huge
reparations to the Allies B) be divided into four occupation zones C) be occupied by only the USSR
D) be tried and punished for making war

13) The term iron curtain refers to: A) the use of nuclear weapons B) the division of Europe into communist and
democratic regions C) the Berlin Blockade D) Europe's economic condition after the war

14) All of the following were results of the Marshall Plan EXCEPT: A) the fast pace of economic recovery in
Western Europe B) the start of economic cooperation among Western European nations
C) increase in trade between Western Europe and the U.S. D) more cooperation between Eastern and Western

15) After WWII, the USSR controlled all of these countries EXCEPT: A) Poland B) Belgium C) Romania
D) Hungary

16) Which of the following was NOT part of Truman's policy of containment: A) prevention of any extension
of communist rule to other countries B) acceptance of existing communist countries C) military and
economic aid to countries facing communist takeovers D) intent to overthrow existing communist

17) The body within the United Nations that has the authority to send troops to halt aggression is the:
A) General Assembly B) Security Council C) UN Charter D) International Court of Justice
Cold War – Take home TEST 1
18) Which action was NOT taken by the Western nations to "contain" communism? A) the U.S. supplied
military aid to Greece and Turkey B) the Marshall Plan was put into effect C) twelve nations
signed NATO treaty D) the U.N. was established

19) The postwar era saw anti-Soviet movements violently repressed in all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Hungary B) Czechoslovakia C) East Germany D) Yugoslavia

20) The Brezhnev Doctrine stated that the Soviet Union would: A) let neighboring countries govern
themselves B) pursue arms control agreements with the West C) intervene in any country in which a
communist government was in danger of being overthrown D) seek to expand its influence throughout

21) When the Soviet Union shipped missiles to Cuba, the U.S. responded by: A) beginning a blockade of
Cuba B) threatening to bomb Moscow C) shipping missiles to Finland D) cutting off diplomatic
relations with the USSR

22) Which of the following was NOT an outcome of the Korean War? A) the pattern in which neither side
could gain a clear victory B) the two Koreas separated by the same border as before
C) the re-arming of Japan D) the emergence of China as a major power

23) The belief that the fall of one country to communism would lead to the fall of its neighbors is: A) the
domino theory B) containment C) nonalignment D) partition

24) Both Korea and Vietnam experienced all of the following EXCEPT: A) wars involving U.S. troops
B) French colonization C) civil wars between north and south D) struggles between democratic and
communist forces

25) The outcome of the war in Vietnam was that in 1975: A) Vietnam remained divided between a
communist north and an anti-communist south B) Vietnam was invaded and occupied by an army
from Thailand C) all Vietnam became communist D) all Vietnam became part of China

26) The U.S. main objective in entering the Vietnam War was: A) to replace France as the colonial power in Indochina
B) to gain bases for its Pacific fleet C) to limit the spread of communism D) to prevent communism from
reaching the Philippines

27) The Korean War started when: A) the communists came to power in China B) North Korea attacked
Japan C) North Korea invaded South Korea D) the communists in North Korea refused to allow

28) A likely effect of the communist takeover of South Vietnam was: A) the punishment of the people that
had supported the previous government B) the loosening of government controls over industry
C) increased free speech D) greater economic prosperity

29) If you had supported President Johnson's decision to escalate U.S. Involvement in the Vietnam War, you would have
been called a: A) dove B) hawk C) hippie D) beatnik

30) Which American president began the U.S. policy of aid to South Vietnam? A) Truman B) Eisenhower
C) Kennedy D) Johnson

31) Czechoslovakia's Prague Spring of 1968 was: A) a political reform movement of creative ideas and discussions
B) a celebration of the coming of spring C) the overthrow of the Czech government
D) Czech withdrawal from the USSR

32) Chiang Kai Shek and his followers fled to Taiwan when: A) the Japanese invaded China B) the U.S. gave support
to Mao Zedong C) the Chinese Nationalists defeated the communists D) the communists defeated the

33) The Common Market is an organization intended to A) sell American goods abroad B) encourage
trade between the West and the Soviet Bloc C) boost trade within Europe D) bring East Asian
goods to Europe
Cold War – Take home TEST 2
34) The Warsaw pact was an alliance that included all of the following EXCEPT: A) Poland B) USSR C) France
D) Czechoslovakia

35) The Berlin airlift was a result of all of the following EXCEPT: A) the Allies proposing to unite Berlin
B) Stalin seeing the Allied presence as a check to Soviet dominance C) there was no written guarantee of free
access to Berlin D) Truman threatening to use the atomic bomb against the USSR.

36) The term perestroika refers to

A. A new freedom to comment and criticize the Soviet government.
B. Economic restructuring and more leeway for private ownership.
C. The Soviet space program.
D. The establishment of a liberal democracy.
E. The Soviet goal of world domination.

36) What is a cold war?

37) What is a dissident?

38) Why was the Berlin Wall built? Did it achieve its purpose? Explain.

39) Should the United Nations be abandoned, or does it serve a useful purpose? Explain your opinion.

40) List two Soviet actions that worsened superpower relations during the early 1980's. How did the U.S.
respond to each of these actions?

41 – 42) Ask and answer two of your own critical thinking questions. You will get credit for both the quality of your questions
as well as the thoroughness of your responses.

Cold War – Take home TEST 3

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