Word Count Rules For IELTS Writing

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Word Count Rules for IELTS

July 21, 2017 IELTS, IELTS Free Training, IELTS Strategy, IELTS Vocabulary,IELTS
Writing 1 Comment

Today you’ll find out all the most important word count rules for IELTS
Writing, and gain insight into some vital tips for exam day.

Word Count Rules:

 Every word counts– even small ones, like articles and

 Hyphenated words count as one word, like “self-improvement.”
 In Task 1, you can abbreviate measurements, such as km.
 Even if there is an abbreviation on the chart, do not use it in your
writing. Spell out the whole word.
 Otherwise, do not use abbreviations in Task 1 or Task 2, as
this is considered informal.
 Also, do not use contractions, such as can’t, in formal writing.
 In Academic Task 1, do not spell out the numbers and the
symbols, like thirty percent. This is a waste of time, as these
words do not improve your vocabulary score as they are easy.
Also, it is awkward to do that- just write 30%.

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 In Academic Task 1, you do not need a conclusion. However, if
you have a question with not enough information, and you
are not reaching 150 words, you can write one. This conclusion
can paraphrase your overall trend.
 You need at least 150 words on Task 1, and 250 words in Task
2. If you write fewer, you can lose points from your score. On
the other hand, writing too much is also detrimental.
 We recommend writing 150-180 words for Task 1, and 250-280
words for Task 2.
 On average, most people write about 10 words per line, which
means you don’t have to count every word, just the lines.
 You should be practicing your essays on IELTS Answer sheets.
That way, you can get used to what 150 words and 250 words, in
your handwriting, look like.
IELTS Writing Task 2: Tips, Lessons & Models
Success in IELTS writing task 2 is based on using the right techniques. These
free tips, model essays, lessons, videos and information will help develop the
skills for writing task 2. This page will teach you how to maximise your IELTS
writing task 2 score. All lessons are on this page are for both GT and
Academic writing task 2.

On this page, you will find for free:

1. Test Information for Writing Task 2

2. Practice essay questions
3. Essential tips for IELTS writing task 2
4. Free video lessons
5. Model essays
6. Practice lessons to improve your IELTS essay writing (paraphrasing, skills,
ideas, spelling etc)
Although some lessons are dated from years ago, all lessons and tips are 100%
relevant to IELTS writing task 2 today. There is also a link below to
my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons which can be purchased for those who
wish to learn in greater depth and achieve a higher score. I wish you all lots of

luck in your test. Liz

1 IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information

Learn about your IELTS writing task 2 test.

1. IELTS recommend you spend no more than 40 mins on writing task 2.

However, the time is yours to manage as you wish.
2. You should write over 250 words. In the lessons below you will learn about
word count, penalties and essay length.
3. IELTS writing task 2 is worth only about 66% of your total writing marks.
1. Learn how your total writing score is calculated: Total Writing Score
4. You will be marked on:
1. Task Response (25%)
2. Coherence & Cohesion (25%)
3. Vocabulary (25%)
4. Grammar (25%)
5. For band score tips and details, see this page: IELTS Writing Task 2 Band
6. Academic writing task 2 is a formal essay. The common types of essays are:
Opinion, Discussion, Advantage/Disadvantage, Direct Questions, Solutions.
These categorisations will differ from teacher to teacher depending on how
they like to teach. See below for 100 IELTS Essay Questions to practise at home.
7. GT writing task 2 is the same as Academic IELTS. The essay is written in the
same way and the scoring is the same. The only difference is that GT essay
questions are often easier and topics are simpler.
8. All words will be counted, even small or repeated words. See this page: How
Words are Counted
9. For more information about IELTS test rules and info, see this
page: IELTS Test FAQ
2 IELTS Practice Essay Questions
Practice essay questions to help you prepare ideas for topics in IELTS writing
task 2. These questions have been written based on questions reported by
IELTS students. They are not IELTS tests.

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