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NAME: Muhammad Junaid



Types of Fertilizer
 Organic Fertilizer

As the name implies, organic fertilizers are composed of naturally occurring biodegradable
materials. Most organic fertilizers are made with:
 animal manure plus
 compost
 seaweed
 peat moss
 mineral deposits
 and other ingredients from nature.
Organic fertilizer is a great product because it is good for your garden now and later. It will help
increase the direct yield of your plants as soon as you start fertilizing, and also improve the health
and long-term productivity of your soil.
 Plant-based fertilizers
Plant-based fertilizers break down quicker than other organics, but they generally offer
more in the way of soil conditioning than actual nutrients. These materials, such as alfalfa
meal or compost, help to add drainage and moisture retention to poor soils. Other plant-
based fertilizers
 Animal-based fertilizers
Animal-based fertilizers, such as manure, bone meal or blood meal, add lots
of nitrogen to the soil. It’s great for leafy plants and strong growth in the early
weeks of gardening. Additional animal-based fertilizers for the garden
 Mineral-based fertilizers
Mineral-based fertilizers can add nutrients to the soil, as well as raising or
lowering the pH level when needed for healthy plant growth
 Inorganic Fertilizer

Inorganic fertilizer, or synthetic fertilizer, comes in several different forms -- liquid,

powdered, and granular. Often it is a brew of concentrated ammonia diluted with
water. Rock phosphate and potassium are sometimes added to make a compound fertilizer.
Inorganic fertilizers are generally used to treat sizable industrial fields because they are
cheaper and more easily produced on a large scale than inorganic fertilizer. Inorganic
fertilizers are also less bulky than organic fertilizers, which allows the plant to carry
nutrients more easily from the soil to its leaves and fruits.
 Chemical Nitrogenous Fertilizer
Again, as the name implies, this type of fertilizer is rich in nitrogen content. Nitrogen gets
converted into ammonia when the fertilizer is applied and dissolves when rain or irrigation
systems wet the ground. The nutrients from the chemical nitrogenous fertilizer are then
carried through the ground into the root system of the plant.
 Phosphate Fertilizer
Phosphate fertilizer is good for acidic soils. Obtain organic phosphates or synthetic
phosphate fertilizer depending on your needs. Bone meal is usually used to make organic
phosphate fertilizer by grinding or steaming. Superphosphate is the chemical version of
phosphate fertilizer.
 Potassium Fertilizer
Potassium fertilizers work well in sandy soil to improve the quality of plants and vegetables
by increasing the potassium content in inadequate fields. The two main varieties of
potassium fertilizer are: 1) sulfate of potash and 2) muriate of potash. Sulfate of potash is
made by treating potassium chloride with magnesium sulfate to produce a fertilizer that
can be used to enrich garden soil any time up to sowing. Muriate of potash uses a
crystallized form of potash to fertilize plants. It does so without leaching into the soil, since
most of the potash is absorbed at the ground surface level.

Fertilizer Industries in Pakistan

 Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited
The products of FFC are Urea, Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP), SOP is an important
source of Potash, Potassium chloride (commonly referred as Muriate of Potash or MOP) is
the most common potassium source used in agriculture, Sona Boron is a micronutrient
fertilizer in the form of Di-Sodium Tetra Borate Decahydrate in 3 Kg packing, Sona Zinc
is a micronutrient fertilizer in the form of Zinc Sulphate.
 Engro Fertilizers Limited
Engro Urea, Engro DAP, Engro Zorawar, Engro Zarkhez, Zingro
Olpers, Olwell, Tarang, Omore Ice Cream, Dairy Omung, Olfrute.
Total Production rate of Engro Fertilizer is 9000 M tons/ day
 Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited
1369.9 metric tons of urea per day
1150.7 metric tons of ammonium nitrate per day
986.3 metric tons of nitro phosphate per day
 Pak-Arab Fertilizer:
Pak Arab fertilizer Limited has gas demand of45 mmcfd and its fertilizer capacity is 2800
tons/day of which the share of urea is 300 tons, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) 1500
tons and Nitrate Phosphate Fertilizer of 1000 tons a day.
 Pak-American Fertilizer:
Its gas requirement is 28.5 and can produce urea of 1200 to 1300 ton/day. Its products are
ammonia and urea.
 Dawood Hercules Fertilizer:
It has gas demand of 42 million cubic feet/day and its urea production is 2200 tons/day

1. www.networx.com
2. www.gardeningknowhow.com
3. www.landscape-and-garden.com
4. www.ffc.com.pk

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