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Reflection Document

Yaritza Orellana

National University


Throughout this course I have learned about the importance of creating a learning

environment for all students in my classroom. I have learned about the prominent roles that

teachers possess which include: being flexible, owning effective classroom strategies, and

assessing student learning. Also, I feel that learning about the theories are significant for

educators to understand, as some will guide us through what we implement throughout our


The artifact I have chosen from this course is the Universal Design of Learning (UDL)

Assignment. This assignment has helped me gain a better understanding as to what the main

roles od UDL are all about. Being able to understand the functions of each of the regions of the

brain is absolutely necessary for someone who plans to be an effective instructor to all students.

The TPEs that I found strongly relate to my artifact are TPE 1 Element 4 and TPE 4

Element 4. TPE 1 Element 4 is being able to create a learning environment that implements

diverse ways of teaching that incorporates UDL for all learners in a general education classroom.

This assignment provided me with detailed information as to what the purpose of UDL is all

about and how imminent it is for educator to integrate it in the classroom.

TPE 4 Element 4 is using an array of instruction, ensuring that it is effective and

providing learning opportunities for all students. Something crucial I learned by completing this

assignment is the importance of flexibility. I have learned that accustoming to one method is not

an effective teaching strategy as students may learn at a different pace, encounter language

barriers, have a learning disability, etc. Due to such variation that teachers encounter, being able

to adjust to and accommodate to meet the needs of each student is key. As a future educator, my

goal is to implement different techniques to provide effective outcomes for each one of my


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