Ten Fundamental Rules For Opening Game in Chess: Pawn Pawn

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Ten Fundamental Rules for Opening Game in Chess

1. Open With either the king’s Pawn or the Queen’s Pawn.

2. Whenever possible make a good developing move which
threatens something.
3. Develop Knights before Bishop.
4. Pick the most suitable square for a piece and develop it
there once and for all.
5. Make one or two Pawn moves in the opening not more.
6. Do not bring out your Queen early.
7. Castel as soon as possible preferably on the King’s side.
8. Play to get control of Center Squares.
9. Always try to maintain at least one Pawn in the Center
10. Do not sacrifice without a clean and adequate reason.
Ten Fundamental Rules for Middle Game in Chess

1.Have all your moves fit in to definite plans. Do not play

2.When you are ahead in Materials exchange as many pieces
as possible. Especially Queeen.
3.Avoid double, isolated and Backward Pawn.
4.In Cramped position free yourself By Exchanging
5.Do not Exposed your Own king While queens are still on the
6.All combination are Based On a Double Attack.
7.if your opponent has one or more piece exposed look for a
8.To attack the king you must open a file or less open a
diagonal to gain Access for your heavy pieces (queen and
9.Centralize the action of all the pieces.
10. The Best Defence is the counter Attack.
Ten Fundamental Rules for End Game in Chess

1.To Win without pawns you must atleast rook or two

pieces ahead.
2.The king must be Active in End game.
3.Pass pawn must be pushed.
4.The easiest ending to win are pure pawn ending.
5.if you are only one pawn ahead, Exchang pieces,but not
6.Do not place your pawn on the same color as your Bishop.
7.A Bishop is Better then Knight in all, but in Blocked
position Knight is Better.
8.It is worth giving up Pawn to get rook on seventh rank.
9.Rook Belongs Behing Passed Pawn.
10.Blocked Passed Pawns with the King.

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