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CPS: Center for Preparatory Studies

Students’ Induction and Orientation


Aim :
 Introducing students to the CPS composition and mechanisms
 Raising students’ awareness about the different academic and learning
support and services provided
By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU/ Center for Preparatory Studies
Dear Students
Welcome to SQU and CPS!
We care for you. We listen to you. And we involve you.
Together we make learning successful

Aim of the session:

 To introduce students to the CPS composition and mechanisms
 To raise their awareness about the different academic and learning
support and services provided

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies

1. CPS Vision, Mission & Objectives

2. CPS Composition
3. Courses
4. Student Induction and Orientation
5. Student/Staff/administration communication channels
6. Student Learning/Academic Support
7. Student Advising/ Attendance Policies
8. Teaching and Learning:
9. Assessment / Exam Preparation and Exam Appeals
10. Extra-curricular Activities and Self-access Centre
11. After Foundation

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
 The CPS will provide a creative, co-operative and flexible environment
in which students and staff can learn, grow and fulfill their potential.

 The Centre for Preparatory Studies (CPS) is committed to providing a
high quality preparatory program that develops in the students, the
knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for success in their
respective colleges. It provides students with the necessary language,
technical and life skills to enter, participate and thrive in their academic
undergraduate programs.

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies

 equip students with the requisite knowledge and skills necessary for undertaking university
 provide students with sufficient analytical skills and knowledge in the areas of study.
 Improve the efficiency of teaching and learning through students’ independent learning
 provide quality education in English language, Arabic Language, Mathematics, Information
Technology, and Life Skills.
 develop well-defined assessment criteria for the placement and exit tests and PSP courses.
 implement appropriate internal quality assurance processes for teaching and assessment
 provide the resources (teaching and support services) needed for the various activities

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Department Composition/ Administration (1st floor)
 Director (Dr. Badria Al-Shihi)

 Deputy Director (Academic) ( Dr. Zahra)

 Deputy Director (Administration) (Dr. Ahmed Al Muharbi)

 Student Advising and Registration Department (Ahlam Al-Ajmi)

 Deputy Director for Professional Development and Research (Pooja Sancheti)

 Department of English for Social Sciences and Humanities (Andrew Daniels )

 Department of English for Sciences (Zainab Al-Balushi )

 Math & IT Department ( Dr. Ibrahim)

 Course Leaders: For each study course a CL is assigned to run and monitor the course
By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
CPS Organisational Chart

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies

 Foundation Program English Language (FPEL) 6 levels



 Credit courses: English for post Foundation students (3 levels)

 Math Courses: FPMT 0106/FPMT0107/FPMT 0108

 IT Courses: FPCS 0101/FPCS0102

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Induction and Orientation
 Done by university during the Induction week at the beginning of the
semester: this includes a visit to the main university buildings and
 Information about placement and exit Tests and course registration
 CPS arranges class visits to the main library, Writing and Tutorial Centre
 Teachers give advice and assist new in-take students with any queries
they have
 New students are introduced to the rules and regulations, reminded of
attendance policies/ exam policies and appeals/ learning
 Health and safety rules: clinic/ fire drillings/ safety & danger signs and

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Student/Staff/Administration Communication Channels
 Students’ Council at SQU: GFP students are represented by 2 or 3 members.
 CPS Students Representative Committee
 Students are encouraged to access the CPS building to meet their teachers or
any member of the administration for consultations and learning purposes
 Students can contact their teachers either directly in their offices during office
hours. (Teachers’ timetables, emails and phone numbers are usually displayed in
their offices)
 Teachers communicate learning updates or announcements to students through
SQU email
 Moodle (the online learning system) also allows teachers and students to
communicate with each other through learning forums for academic discussion
 Students are also allowed to contact their teachers through WhatsApp
By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Student Learning/Academic Support
 Teachers office hours: to assist students with their learning and to help them
with any academic or advising issues
 The Writing Centre helps students to improve their writing skills (open to all
SQU students)
 The Tutorial Centre offers great help to students in improving all their language
skills. Students can book meetings with volunteer tutors to help them
understand any language problems
 Math and IT support is also provided by volunteer teachers in the tutorial

 Students with Special Needs: highly considered, regular follow up and

facilities/ e.g. Visually impaired students have their materials and exams in
Braille/ special lab for them
By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Student Advising

 Student Advising and Registration: deals with registration and matters related
to attendance/behavior /discipline/ personal and psychological issues.(a male
advisor for boys and a female advisor for girls)
 Students with learning difficulties: students who feel they have any of these
issues may personally refer to the social advisors or are referred by their
 Conventionally, your teacher is your first advisor/ facilitator in class and during
office hours: daily contacts, on-spot advice and directing students to the right
 Teachers who notice any issues of this kind may refer students (on-line referrals
and follow-up) for advising.
 Students with Special Needs: highly considered, regular follow up and
facilities/ e.g. Visually impaired students have their materials and exams in
Braille/ special lab for them

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Student Advising
 Attendance Policy:(Read the policy)
FPEL 1-5 10%

FPEL 603/4 15%

LANC 15%


When a student reaches 5%, a warning is issued, if he continues to be absent

without reason, the student is Referred for advising, if he /she reaches the
course percentage barring stage, the teacher may issue a barring.
(You won’t be able to sit for mid or final exams/ you repeat the course)

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Teaching and Learning
 Varied teaching materials including commercial textbooks, in-house
materials, booklets and online materials (Moodles/ Mreader) are used
and tailored to students’ needs
 High Qualified and Multi nationality Teachers
 Varied teaching methods: student-centered learning, group-work,
independent learning, project-based learning. Online teaching and
assessment may be used through Moodle, Mreader and online apps e.g.
Kahoot , Quizlet, Google docs
 Teaching and Learning Evaluation: at the end of each semester,
students complete an online survey evaluating teachers, teaching and
materials. Survey results are used for course and teaching reviews.

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
Assessment/ Exam Preparation and Exam Appeals
 Varied Assessment Methods: formative & summative assessment, continuous
assessment, mid-term and final exams. Some CA marks are based on online
and independent learning activities (e.Moodle/ Mreader). Assessment
through portfolios and projects using process-based evaluation (study skills)
 Special Assessment Unit to assure efficient assessment and exam
administration, security, validity, fairness
 Preparation: Practice exams before Mid-term and Final exams (in class and
on Moodle). Students review their Continuous Assessment marks before the
final exam with their teachers.
 Criteria-based Marking; blind and double marking
 Appeals: After the results are released, students have a 2-week period to
appeal if they have serious concerns about the results or marking of exams.
 Complaints: (of any kind) Teacher/ CL/ HoD /Deputy Director/Director
By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
(ECA)Extra-curricular Activities and Self-access
 Self-access Centre: Offers variety of language learning materials in both soft
and hard copy to enrich the students’ knowledge and meet the portfolio
requirements . In addition to a wide range of books , novels, IELTS materials
and National Geographic DVDs.
 CPS Extra-curricular Activities: CPS has an ECA office and venue located on
the first floor of the CPS building /arranges a wide range of activities for the
students. Activities are presented by both teachers and students
 ECA is run by volunteer teachers as well as CPS students and GFP Alumni:
Examples of activities

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies
After Foundation:
CPS still continues to assist you, and gets feedback from you

 Credit Courses: content based and project based

 Tutorial Centre and Writing Center ( you can be a tutor or you can get
academic assistance)
 Advising
 Extra Curricular Activities ( you can either attend or conduct activities)

By Abderrazak Chouchane
SQU / Center for Preparatory Studies

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