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Chapter 1. Basic provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter 2. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 3. Brief Market Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1. Art Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2. Volume of investment into Art startups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3. Artistic Photography Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chapter 4. Art Industry Complications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 5. What is Artex?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.1. What are the benefits of our platform?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Chapter 6. Artex project ecosystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.1. Proposed Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.2. Individual actors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6.3. Verification and adding of new photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.4. Verification and adding of new print labs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.5. Verification of galleries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.6. Process of printing digital photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.6.1. Release of a Photo Token. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.6.2. Actions with a Photo Token. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.7. Description of photo management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.8. Safe Deal mechanics and arbitration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.9. System adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Chapter 7. Project team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chapter 8. Tokens on the Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Chapter 9. Roadmap (Development stages) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Chapter 10. Investing and Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
10.1. Token pre sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.2. Token sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.3. Distribution of Tokens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


Chapter 1

The Basics
Throughout history, the art market was In 2018, we will revolutionize this market.
a vitally important instrument with which to With the ARTEX project, we will make an
hedge risks. It was so valuable that it was artistic catalog where original paintings and
known only to a limited circle of people. The photos worth up to $ 5000 (70% of the market
advent of the Information Society opened is comprised of pieces worth less than $ 5000.
the art market to a plethora of new investors. Less than 1% of these are forgeries) will be
Unfortunately, along with this rapid growth brought only through confirmed galleries;
came a flood of high quality forgeries which they will be verified by a massive community
fooled many investors who were not fully of experts. All information about the works
prepared to understand the nuances of art. will be available in a convenient mobile
application where all relevant details (artist,
The Art Market is filled with various purchase history, previous exhibitions, critical
communities, a multitude of experts, evaluations, and so on) will be available.
many copies and a huge number of fakes.
At present, the market does not resemble what ARTEX will allow anyone who is in the market
it was in the past. Nowadays the art market for a painting or photo to use one click to find
is somewhat of a mystery to uninformed all the pertinent information – the copyright
investors. Despite the chaos, though, the owner, property rights, current location, and
market has grown by nearly 10% per annum the controlling gallery. Art with value should
because good investment portfolios can not be shown in a simple house or office.
realize momentous profits of 1000%, or even Information will be entered into a Ethereum
10 000%, during a 3 to 5 year period. blockchain, specially designed to maintain
the integrity of the information. Thereby, we
The Art Market combines traditional values will eliminate the risk of dishonest dealers
with an opportunity to aggressively increase altering the information in any way. The new,
profits. completely transparent, market will attract
After recent economic crises, the demand a new generation of investors (currently, the
for works of art has, on one hand, expanded average age of art investors is more than 45).
dramatically, but on the other, there are also
many investors who want to sell their art. The debut of ARTEX will herald a new era of
Sadly, not a small number of sellers learned dynamic growth in the art market. Our project
their treasured possessions were indeed fakes, will become the main platform for dealers,
and are not worth anywhere near what they galleries, and buyers who want to guarantee
had believed. the safety and authenticity of their art.


Chapter 2

The Art Token – basic token in the system, the payment tool, will be on sale at the ICO.

The Photo Token – token granting the right to print at a verified print lab.

The Picture Token – token confirming ownership.

Chapter 3

Brief market
3.1. Art Market
During the last decade, the art market grew by • Dematerialization of sales and ease
212%. The MODERN art section of the market of access to the market
exploded by 1400%. This growth was caused This was caused by the fact that the Internet
by a series of factors, including: became the main tool for finding and
exchanging information. Thus, not less than


95% of participants in the market use mobile • Development of the world

devices. Furthermore, 95% of the auction museum industry
houses that exist in the world have a presence Every year, about 700 new museums are
on the Internet (in 2005 there were only opened throughout the world. Thus, the
3%). The influence of the Internet became museum industry has become an economic
irreversible after the generation of «silver entity in the 21st century. (Between 2010 and
surfers» – collectors older than 50 with high 2014 more museums were opened than in the
purchasing power — they are now the main two previous centuries). These institutions are
buyers in the art market. This generation always eager to find works of the maximal
has chosen the Internet as the main platform artistic and historical quality and value.
for art market research, and they use mobile
gadgets which comfortably integrate with • The investment appeal
their way of life. (Research conducted in The risk of market recessions and periodic
2016 showed that the most active users of price adjustments has not slowed the growth
mobile Internet are people over 50 from the in the number of collectors of modern art.
wealthiest countries.)
While the practice of central banks to maintain
• Financialization negative interest rates is destroying savings,
We are transforming the visible financial the modern art market has experienced
capital world into a world of unseen, virtual massive growth of 1370% over the past
capital. This transformation is combined with 16 years. The average cost of a work of
a massive increase in the number of buyers modern art has increased by 115%, an annual
of artwork (from 500 000 during the post- profit of 4,9%. Pieces sold for prices above
war period, up to 70 million in 2015), and a $20 000 have increased 9% per year.
dramatic decrease of their average age. In
addition, the market is notably expanding into Geographically speaking, the three leaders
Asia, the Pacific Rim, South Africa, India, the in the art market, the USA, China, and Great
Middle East and Latin America. Britain, represent 87.5% of the secondary art
market, $14–16 billion.

Antique and Dealer Auctions Private brokerage auctions House Auctions

USD (billion)
0 5 10 11 12






In 2015, 865 700 lots were offered for sale Paintings continue to dominate in the art
at world art auctions, a 3% increase over the market with 42% of purchases in the lower
year before. and average price sectors. At the upper end
of the price structure, two-thirds of the items
The world art market covers all price are paintings. The remainder of the most
categories, and even though prestigious art expensive market consists of sculptures
auctions that attract great media attention (16%) and drawings (8 %). Graphics and prints
are inaccessible to most buyers, everyone represent the most accessible segment of
should be able to find something interesting the art market with 95% of such lots leaving
and affordable. Three-quarters of the market’s auctions for prices below $10 000. Photos
photos, drawings and lithographs are traded occupy the middle position between «original»
at prices below $5000, while 75% leave the and «production» works, and this is reflected
showrooms for less than $7200. Therefore, in their prices. A small number of photos sale
even though the market has a complex for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of
structure, the great majority of items can be dollars, but 85% go for below $10 000.
purchased at affordable prices.

Less than $ 1000

41 %

Market share
by price
More than $ 50 000
Less than $ 5000 6%
28 %

Up to $ 5000, more than $ 50 000

$ 5000 — $ 50 000
25 %

3.2. Investment in Art startups

The amount invested into Art Market startups The total investment for the last 12 years
shows increasing confidence in the online art was about $1.19 billion, 84% of which came
and technology industry. during the period of 2013–2015. Investments
increased exponentially, with the peak coming


in 2015 – $ 505 million among 23 startups. The volume of investment in art startups
Most investments involved digital projects. in 2013–2015 was nearly $1 billion (half
Moreover, we should note that that investors of which came in 2015).
in these startups are people who traditionally
invest in the financial markets, not in the art Source: https://www2 .deloitte .com/content/
market. dam/Deloitte/at/Documents/finance/art-and-
finance-report2016 .pdf

Investments in the art startups volume

in 3 years – $1 billion

600 $ million


200 30M

2004 2007 2010 2013 2016

3.3. Artistic Photography Market

Market size: $1.5 billion • During the first 6 months in 2015, half of
all photos sold were purchased for prices
Photography has become increasingly popular above $ 1560.
in the modern art market and now represents • The average price of a is about $ 10 000
8% of market transactions. • 54% of all photos were sold in the
United States
Fundamentals of the Art Photography Market:
(source: The Contents of Artprice‘s 2015 A serious problem in the market for artistic
Annual Report on the Art Photography Market). photography is unregulated replication and
the absence of system to verify a work’s
• The average price of photos grew by 48% authenticity. By solving this problem, we will
during the years 2010–2015. make the market immensely more attractive to
• Photos are some of the best investments art investors, and provide on demand services
in the Art Market. to the current investors who represent from
35–60% of total market transactions.



Global Artprice Photography



1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Chapter 4

in the Art Industry
1. The absence of a transparent transaction system, a simple mechanism with which to verify
ownership of artwork, and a reliable authentication mechanism. Verification by experts in one
country may not be recognized by experts in another.

2. There is no common registry of art owners that defends owners’ rights.

3. Half of the art market is a «gray» zone which isn‘t controlled in any way. Absence of a secure
method to carry out safe transactions;

4. Absence of protection against digital reproduction of artistic photos (including new files
created with professional scanners);

5. Absence of a secure method to verify authorship of a digital image.


Chapter 5

What is Artex?
Artex is a platform which will establish the historical record of art objects – both digital images,
and items of cultural and historical importance.

We will unite dealers, galleries, art critics, photographers, collectors, investors, and exhibitors on
a single platform.

At its base, the Artex platform includes several services:

• Restricted printing of digital photos

• Authentication and sale of artwork

5.1. What are the benefits of our platform?

1. It provides an aggregated record 2. Creation of a unified but

of each art work’s transactions decentralized registry for the
authentication of artwork using
Now the buyer of a picture will be able to blockchain technology
learn about its previous owners. The picture
history always begins with a reputable Upon completion, our project will create a
gallery. The initial authenticity of a picture unified history for each piece of art that will
will be defined by an amalgamated group of completely eliminate the possibility of forgeries.
accredited experts from around the world. All elements in said history will be verified by
a decentralized group of experts, and the work
will have a straightforward record.


With our application, each user will be able tier process: a key that consists of the image
to instantly scrutinize the a piece’s exhibition, code (format, materials, veneering, size, date
storage, and ownership record. They will also and place of release), the owner’s code, and
be able to see the quantity of duplications that the producer’s code. The image can be verified
have been made. telephonically at any moment, but only when
all three codes are present. Otherwise the
In addition to a chain of blocks with transaction cannot be made.
information for collectors and dealers, investors
will have easily accessible data (description,
artist, audio, video and so on) which will 5. Copyright protection for
automatically be transferred to museums photographers
during exhibition of artwork.
Artex contends that, in the future,
photographers will not need to use the courts
3. A secure process, Safe Deal1, will use to prove that they are the rightful owners of
Smart Contacts to maintain reliable the copyright. Courts will accept the records
transactions that are confirmed by a blockchain system.
This will greatly reduce legal costs, will reduce
Artex will provide safe exchange. We use an unlawful duplication, and will legally protect
on demand mechanism that allows completely artists.
safe transactions. The process is not complete
until it is confirmed by a third party. The third
party can be the print laboratory, a gallery, or 6. Monetization of knowledge
another expert in the block chain.
Artex will help experts (art historians, critics,
gallery owners, professional photographers)
4. The restricted circulation of digital to monetize their knowledge and abilities.
works of art. Authentication is They will earn Art Token through moderation,
achieved with the formation assessment, and attribution of images and
of a narrowly defined group pictures.

It is carried out according to the Photo We plan to use a world-wide community of

Token‘s release, and a single printing of the experts who have been vetted and verified
photo. After the release of a physical copy, by investors with reliable professional
authentication is confirmed through a three- reputations.

Safe Deal--digital insurance of transactions. Thanks to this payment
service, the client’s money will be delivered only after the terms of the
transaction are completed.


Chapter 6

The Artex project

6.1. Proposed services

The Artex project will provide the following basic services:

1) verification and addition of new photographers;

2) verification and addition of new laboratories;

3) verification and addition of new galleries;

4) promote the restricted printing digital photos;

5) perform moderation of artwork;

6) promote the use of Safe Deal and Arbitration;

7) perform necessary changes to the system.

6.2. Individual actors

• Photographer – a person who was verified in the system after submitting a portfolio.
Verification is carried out by an expert community through a hidden ballot.
The photographer automatically is considered an expert.

• Expert – any participant in the system who is rewarded for the quality of their work.
Any user can become the expert.


• Advisory council – authorized representatives of galleries or state organizations who

are recognized as experts in art.

• Arbiter – a participant who can solve disputes and earns rewards; each transaction has
its own arbiters.

• Print Lab – an approved print laboratory which prints photos.

• Gallery – the approved list of galleries.

6.3. Verification and adding

of new photographers
• Photographers from the 35awards website who have already been selected by the
decentralized committee will be considered original photographers; selection of other
photographers will be made by hidden ballot.

• New photographers who want to be verified must pay Art Token, which will pay for the
work of the decentralized expert community.

• Experts in this process are other photographers.

6.4. Verification and adding of new labs

• Laboratories certified by «HAHNEMÜHLE» will be considered original laboratories;

• New laboratories that want to be verified must pay Art Token which pay for the work
of the decentralized expert community;

• New laboratories will be verified by a vote of experts from the same region where the
laboratory is located;

• Information about laboratories is stored in blockchain.


6.5. Verification of galleries

Each gallery that wants to use the Artex platform must be verified. The process of gallery
verification is described below.

• Initial verification will be given to the top 100 galleries in the blockchain; these are the
permanent participants in the world’s largest fairs and auctions.

• A gallery that wants to be verified must pay Art Token and send the list of its artwork
(photos, pictures and so on) to be checked by the advisory council. The advisory
council will choose three random works from the list to be verified further. Selected
representatives of advisory council will judge the authenticity and suitability of these
pictures for the gallery.

• Representatives of the advisory council receive Art Token for their work. A gallery
that doesn’t receive verification may request arbitration. The records of each gallery’s
verification process will be saved in blockchain.

6.6. Printing digital photos

This service will allow the Art Photography market to become absolutely transparent for
investors. It will solve the main problem of this market – uncontrolled duplication of photos.

The main goal of this service is to release Photo Tokens for the subsequent restricted printing
of digital products. Both a token, and the resulting artwork (a number of exclusive copies) are
of value.

• Creation of a common decentralized photo registry within blockchain.

• Verifying the authorship of photos.

• Controlling the circulation of printed photos.

• Storage of photo record.


6.6.1. Release of a Photo Token

Photo Token issue infographics

The process looks as follows.

The photographer uploads the photo

• Photo appears on the website;

• To upload a photo, the user must pay a number of Art Tokens which pay for the work
of the experts.

The expert community moderates the photo

Processing and evaluations of photos is implemented on the basis of 35awards – one of the
largest photo amalgamation sites in the world. In 2016, 75 000 people uploaded 200 000
photos to this site. A unique system of voting used more than 36 million user appraisals.


• Each photo uploaded is evaluated by a community experts and users;

• Experts compare the photo with similar photos to determine whether the photo
is already in blockchain;

• Experts determine if the person uploading the photo is truly the author of the photo;

• Experts and users compare the photo to other existing photos and choose the best ones

• The expert community is motivated by payment in Art Token for their work;

• Users are motivated by an opportunity to become an expert and by the potential to earn
Art Token;

• Any user can become an expert if his or her evaluations are similar to the evaluations
of the expert community;

• If the photo is accepted, its information is registered in blockchain.

The photographer may determine the price of the photo

• The photographer can set the photo price with the help of the expert community.

• To determine the cost of the photo, it is necessary to pay Art Token for the work of the

• Experts compare the price of the uploaded photo to the prices of existing photos in the

• Photographers act as experts in this service.

Release of a Photo Token

• The Photo Token gives the user the right to print the photo at approved print labs.

• The author of the photo may release several Photo Tokens.

• Photo Tokens may be released only one time.


6.6.2. Actions with a Photo Token


Let’s consider a simple situation when photographer has issued 4 Photo Tokens of his picture.
This means that there will be only 4 different works of art based on this picture in the whole
world. After the time expires, all Photo Tokens except one were sold and printed out. What do
you think will happen to the price of the remaining one? It will definitely grow.


• Photographers can sell their pictures solely on the inner exchange, and the
photographers set the photo price by themselves.

• Every sale proceeds through a Smart Contract which guarantees the fulfillment of the



A Photo Token owner can print this picture in a verified lab.

• User negotiates conditions of print and payment with the lab; this information
is recorded into blockchain.

• After the information is inside blockchain, a token is sent automatically from the user to
the lab.

• After the work is printed and received by the user, final payment is made, and the token
expires. In case of any disputes between user and the lab, they can be resolved using

• A settlement between the customer and the laboratory is achieved through a Smart

6.7. Description of photo management

As technologies move forward, we have While creating the history of works of art
decided to inscrbe the records of each today, after 10 years, there will be no art that
piece of artwork and picture in blockchain does not have a digital record in blockchain.
and make them open to all the market Art work that is not in blockchain will be
participants. This will allow us to confirm the classified as low liquidity, and high-risk
pictures authenticity, protect photographers’ material.
copyrights, and solve many other issues.
Our service will the transfer of the
When entering the art market, we primarily provenance 2 of the artwork digitally, to create
want to handle artwork that is worth up to a decentralized registry of art objects in
$ 5 000. The probability of forgery is low and, blockchain, and to attract new art investors.
therefore the cost of insurance is low. At the It will also avoid fraud during the sale.
same time, the potential for monetary profit
is at a maximum.

Provenance (FR. provenance — origin, source) — the art work’s
ownership record, and its origin. On art and antique markets,
provenance is an integral part of the documentation supporting the
authenticity of art objects.


• The storage, ownership, and sale price record of pictures will be entered in blockchain.

• Creation of new market outlets for classic picture galleries.

• Safe Deals using the Artex platform.

Picture sale
Enter information about the painting in the block, and issue the Picture Token

• To add a new picture in the platform, the gallery sends info about it to blockchain and
pays Art Token for verification. This is payment for the expert’s work. If the picture’s
authenticity is confirmed, Smart-Contract sends the picture’s token to the gallery’s
account in the platform.

• If a picture owner, who is not a gallery, wants to sell one of his or her pictures, they
should come to an agreement with a gallery about conditions.

• Transaction details are recorded in blockchain.


Picture token sale

• A gallery can put up a picture token for sale.

• The sale is held on an inner exchange with Safe Deal.

• The picture’s token can be sold for Art Token.


• We plan to collaborate with famous exhibitions and get picture information from them.

• All exhibitions are run mainly with the one single goal – to increase the monetary
value of art objects or to increase an author’s recognition.

• Therefore, it is advantageous for exhibitions to have their information posted in Artex.

6.8. Safe Deal mechanics and arbitration

• Every transaction inside the system is processed through Safe Deal mechanics.

• Every expert in the system has a rating.


The system must guarantee the fulfillment of the terms of the transaction between the
customer and the executor. The funds must be returned to the customer if the transaction is
not completed.

In the event of a dispute, the parties to the transaction may use the arbitration mechanism. The
cost of arbitration will be determined by the amount of the transaction.

Arbitration algorithm is described below

• Initially, the system randomly selects arbiters from the pool of arbiters.

• Customer and contractor submit their comments regarding the issue.


• Every arbiter decides independently and submits his or her comments regarding the

• The outcome is decided by a majority of votes.

• Each arbiter has an individual rating. The decisions by arbiters who are judged to be
more reliable are given more importance.

6.9. System adjustment

• We understand that we may need to adjust the system in the future. Therefore, we have
created a mechanism by which we can change elements of the Smart Contracts.

• Changes are voted on by all token holders, and are approved by a majority of votes.

• Any member who holds a certain number of tokens can initiate a change.


Chapter 7

Project team

Vladimir Povshenko (CEO, co-founder)

One of the leading figures in the Russian photo market over the last
10 years, Valdimir is the owner of the «Russian photo» magazine,
and the creator of the largest professional photography club, Russian
photo. He has organized over 100 different events – from seminars and
exhibitions, to the The Photographer’s Day festival, which attracted
over 20 000 people in 2012. The Photographer’s Day is a holiday widely
celebrated every year on July 12th (registered trademark). He is the
­co-owner of the project

Valeriy Kochergin (CTO, co-founder)

Valeriy is the Creator of the largest professional social network in the
field of photography,, and the founder of Russia‘s largest
(the world‘s second largest) photo competition, 35awards. He is a co-
owner of an educational project, and a technical partner of
Russian Photography Week.


Evgeniy Galiakhmetov (CFO, co-founder)

With 13 years of banking experience, Evgeniy was promoted from a sales
manager at Citibank to the head of corporate sales at HSBC, and then
to the head of retail business at ZENITH Bank. He is also a blockchain

Anna Shvets (ART-manager & PR)

Anna is an Art Manager, and an expert on trends and events in the
world of art. She is a CEO at THAtchers Art Management, the
Director of Antarctic Biennale, an author of educational programs
on contemporary art, and an independent curator. After studying
art management in Italy, she actively collaborates with leading art
institutions and artists working in different fields and genres.

Alexander Krivoshein (developer)

Alexander is the founder and CEO of payment service provider
Europay s.r.o, Czech Republic. He is also a co-founder, CEO and
­IT-Director of the Internet provider NETBYNET.

Vladimir Pluzhnikov (developer)

Vladimir is an experienced full stack web developer. He has a good
understanding of design and usability using such programs as HTML/
CSS, and Javascript/ES2015 with and without frameworks. He has
experience with Webpack2 and Gulp. He has experience with interfaces
such as PHP5. He also has significant experience writing a full-fledged
CMS, modifying a 3rd party’s code, and he can work intuitively without
instructions or support.


Dina Gurariy (ART-Banking)

Dina is an art historian, co-owner of the «MustART» gallery and an active
participant in the art market and the creator and curator of several
major Museum exhibitions. She is the visionary, initiator, and organizer
of complex socio-cultural events and programs throughout Russia.
She is also the Chairman of the Dissertation Committee in the History
Department at Kosygin RSU.

Mark Cobert (ART-manager)

Mark collects photography, is a curator, and a professional photographer.
He participated in the reproduction of a collection of paintings and
photographs for the Museum of Modern Art,, and private
collectors. He also worked with archives and private collections of
the greatest masters of world photography. Since 2010, he has been
the Director of the Gallery of Classic Photography in Moscow. He is an
organizer of the Moscow Photographic Salon, the only photo fair
in Russia.


Chapter 8

on the Platform
The Art Token
Art Token acts as the main method of payment in the Artex ecosystem, it allows the user to:

• pre-screen photos;

• estimate the cost of a photo;

• pay for an experts’ work;

• verify a print lab;

• pay for printing services;

• pay for Escrow services;

• verify a gallery;

• produce a photo token;

• vote on a system change;

• pay for a work of art.

The Photo Token

A photo token gives its owner the right to print a photo in one of verified laboratories.

The Picture Token

The picture token holds ownership rights of a picture recorded in blockchain


Chapter 9

(stages of development)

Stage 1 Details:
• infrastructure development;
Q4 2017 – Q4 2018
• verification and adding of new photographers;
Development • photographers can add photos to the artex database by adding
of Artex for the information about authorship in the blockchain;
photography market • accreditation of primary photo printing labs and exhibition
photo galleries;
• processing and pre-assessment of a picture by an expert
community (payment to examiners);
• creation of a preliminary large database of authentic photos
from verified authors on the basis of 35photo and 35awards
(aprox. 1.6 million professional photos);
• the creation of a mechanism for finding similar photographs
using other photos in the database;
• development of a quick photo search app for mobile ios and
• issue and acquisition of tokens that give permission to print
• creation of a photo exchange.

Stage 2 Details:
• verification and adding of new photo labs;
Q1 2019 – Q3 2019
• photo printing in a lab;
Development • safe Deal mechanism, arbitration.
of Artex for the
photography market


Stage 3 Details:
• attract major art galleries to the artex system;
Q4 2019 – Q4 2020
• digitization of famous paintings. creation of artists’ registry;
Development • creation and accreditation of a primary database of experts
of Artex for the (art historians);
paintings market • realization and release of a fully functional picture token;
• realization of a fully functional token sale.

Stage 4 Transfer of the operational Artex mechanism to other areas

• Antique cars.
Q1 2021 –
• Coins.
Expansion to other • Jewelry.
promising markets

Chapter 10

and Economy
Funding of the project will be carried out using a crowdsale.

A crowdsale will be held inside a Smart-Contract based Etherium ecosystem. Our goal is to
collect a minimum of $ 5 million and a maximum of $ 15 million. These figures may change due
to the ETH/USD exchange rate.

• Maximum funding – $15 million.

• Minimum funding – $5 million.


• Exchange rate – from 10–13 Art Tokens per dollar (this may vary due to ETH/USD
exchange rate).

• Address of a token’s Smart-Contract will be added later.

• Launch date – October, 2017 the block number will be added later.

• Duration – 30 days from the launch.

• Termination conditions – collection of ETH equivalent to $15 million.

Artex will charge a 1% commission for all transactions made inside the system. These funds will
go to maintenance and future project development.

10.1. Token pre sale

Token pre sale is the primary stage of a crowdsale.

• The Artex Smart Contract issues Art Tokens, the number of which during the Token p
­ re
sale is limited to $500.000, at which point, no more tokens will be issued.

• Tokens are sold at a fixed price of USD: $1 = 10 Art Tokens.

• The purchase is made by transferring the Ether to the address of the Smart Contract.

• At this stage, the investor benefits in the form of a 30% greater bonus compared to the
Token sale stage.

All collected funds are transferred to the team and should be spent on:

• Creating a product MVP

• Marketing and promotion of the project, and preparation for the crowdsal.

10.2. Token sale

Token sale is the main stage of a crowdsale.

The Artex Smart Contract performs the primary Art Token issue, the number of which during the
Token sale is limited to a maximum of $15 million, at which point, no more tokens will be issued.

Tokens are sold at a fixed price in USD of $1 = 13 Art Tokens.


The purchase is done by transferring the ether to the address of the smart contract.

After the crowdsale is over, an additional one-time token issue is carried out, during which 26%
of the total tokens are issued, 20% of which remain within the project team, 1% for a bounty
program, and 5% is transferred to partners.

The duration of the crowdsale is 30 days from the launch.

There is a discount system for early investors:

11,5 Art Token = 1 $ if purchased during the first day of the crowdsale;

11 Art Token = 1 $ if purchased during the first week of the crowdsale;

10,5 Art Token = 1 $ if purchased the second week of the crowdsale.

Funds received during the crowdsale are designated for:

• artex infrastructure creation and its operation;

• attraction and integration into the system of photographers, print labs, galleries,
experts, etc.;

• participation in the landmark international exhibitions to encourage and attract new


Tokens will not be issued after the crowdsale

• A successful crowdsale will collect at least $5 000 000 not counting the funds collected
during the Token pre sale.

• In the event of an unsuccessful crowdsale, all collected funds are refunded to investors,
minus transaction fees and gas cost.

• The number of project stages depends on the amount of funds collected during the


10.3. Distribution of tokens

The amount of Art Tokens issued will be from 76 870 748 to 243 537 415.

At the present time and going forward, the spread depends on the amount collected during the
Token sale. The Art Coin distribution is as follows.

Minimum, % Maximum, %
Token pre sale 4,19 2,58
Token sale 69,81 71,42
Team 20 20
Partners 5 5
Bounty 1 1


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