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Ch na nv tes fore gn d plomats and urges agenc es to v s t tra n ng

centers n X nj ang
By L u X n Source:Global T mes Publ shed: 2019/1/7 23:37:12 7

X nj ang’s efforts lead to two v olence-free years: experts DAILY QUOTES >>

On the Korean Pen nsula there are

currently no more nuclear tests, m ss le
tests or extreme threats between
Wash ngton and Pyongyang. That was
un mag nable when Trump assumed off ce
n 2017. Wash ngton should cher sh th s
hard-won ach evement, follow t up, be
determ ned to prevent retrogress on and
promote better results.

Global T mes

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A national flag raising ceremony at the Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center in Urumqi,
northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Photo: Xinhua

Hong Kong-Zhuha - Denmark eyes to

Macao Br dge br ngs promote h gh-qual ty
Ch na's Fore gn M n stry extended ts nv tat on to "any party who ab des by Ch na's laws and regulat ons and does not nterfere bus ness products and local
w th ts nternal affa rs," as a X nj ang off c al sa d Monday that d plomats from 12 countr es v s ted vocat onal tra n ng centers n opportun t es tour sm at CIIE
X nj ang upon Ch na's nv tat on.

In response to the remarks of Shohrat Zak r, cha rman of the People's Government of X nj ang Uyghur Autonomous Reg on,
that welcomes UN off c als to v s t the educat on centers, Ch nese Fore gn M n stry spokesperson Lu Kang told a press
conference on Monday that "X nj ang s an open area and we welcome all part es, nclud ng UN off c als, to v s t the reg on and Ch na’s new food
Ch nese consumers
respect Ch nese laws." documentary s a h t
choose h gh-qual ty
products thanks to
All part es should ab de by the pr nc ples of the UN Charter and avo d nterfer ng w th the nternal affa rs of other countr es or
consumpt on
underm ne other countr es' sovere gnty.
"They should adhere to an object ve and neutral att tude and avo d be ng b ased or m sgu ded by wrong messages," Lu sa d.

An off c al from the publ c ty department of X nj ang, who requested anonym ty, conf rmed w th the Global T mes on Monday that
fore gn d plomats from 12 countr es, nclud ng Russ a, Indones a, Ind a, Kazakhstan and Pak stan were nv ted to v s t vocat onal
tra n ng and educat on centers n X nj ang n late December. NEWS IN CARTOON >>

A group of fore gn med a, nclud ng Reuters and TASS, v s ted the centers January 3-5.

L We , a Be j ng-based ant -terror sm expert, who was nv ted to v s t the educat on centers n X nj ang n November, told the
Global T mes that many of the 12 countr es face the threat of extrem sm s m lar to X nj ang and the v s t of the d plomats to the
centers would fac l tate exchanges on de-extrem sm measures.

"X nj ang's de-extrem sm measures have taken effect and helped to bu ld a stable soc ety. Wh le many other countr es, wh ch
have been suffer ng from extrem sm and terror sm, have yet to f nd an effect ve way," L sa d.

No v olent nc dents happened n 23 months, wh ch s cons dered an ach evement of X nj ang's current de-extrem sm efforts,
experts sa d.

"Some of the 12 countr es have close ant -terror sm cooperat on w th Ch na. For example, Ch na has brought back terror st
suspects from X nj ang who fled to the M ddle East v a Tha land. And the southern part of Tha land s also affected by
terror sm," L sa d.
Backgrounder: the AIIB expla ned
An Indones an d plomat was also nv ted to v s t X nj ang. Impact of ant -corrupt on campa gn
B g changes n Ch na's top m l tary
Accord ng to reports from The UK-based Independent, several hundred protesters staged a protest outs de Ch na's Indones an brass
Embassy n Jakarta n December, demand ng "an end to the detent on of Uyghur Musl ms."

In a press conference held n Jakarta on concerns over X nj ang's educat on centers, a spokesperson for the Ch nese Embassy
n the country sa d that Ch na protects ts people's rel g ous freedom, nclud ng the Uyghur people. PROFILE>>

As a country w th the largest populat on of Musl ms, Indones a was threatened by terror sts com ng from the M ddle East, L Ch na's f rst carr er-borne f ghter jet p lot
sa d, c t ng two traged es n May. ded cated to tra n ng p lot teams

It was a dream
In May, at least 13 people were k lled and dozens njured n mult ple su c de bomb ngs at three churches n Surabaya,
from ch ldhood to
Indones a's second-largest c ty, n a coord nated attack pol ce sa d was carr ed out by one fam ly and the r ch ldren, who
fly nto the blue
returned to Indones a from Syr a.
sky for Da
M ngmeng, ...
It seems that none of the 15 countr es, whose ambassadors n Be j ng spearheaded by Canada sought a meet ng w th the top
off c al of X nj ang, was n the v s t to the tra n ng centers. The man who named, protected
endangered Il p kas n X nj ang to ret re
In response to poss ble reasons, L sa d "It would not benef t global cooperat on on ant -terror sm and de-extrem sm f some after 35 years
Western countr es keep hold ng a b as aga nst Ch na. Noth ng n X nj ang s sens t ve when our measures n the place are
For the past three
a med at protect ng the people's secur ty and nterests."
decades, L
We dong, aged 63
Response to attacks
and a nat ve of
X nj ang Uyghur ...
Inv t ng these d plomats and fore gn med a to the educat on centers would be a response to some Western med a's groundless
reports and the r attack on X nj ang's de-extrem sm efforts, off c als n X nj ang reached by the Global T mes sa d on Monday.

Some Western med a accused X nj ang of deta n ng Uyghur n poor l v ng cond t ons and offer ng less food, and of not prov d ng
tra nees w th vocat onal tra n ng.
Belt and Road In t at ve news desk
However, a report from the Pak stan-based The Internat onal News sa d none of the Uyghur tra nees at the centers "appeared
to have been m streated." In h s separate
v s ts to
Th s Pak stan med a outlet was one of the fore gn press agenc es nv ted to v s t X nj ang. Kazakhstan and
Indones a n
Reuters reported on Sunday that tra nees n the centers learned Putonghua and "Uyghur students learned n Mandar n about September and
the dangers of extrem st thought and sang and danced for reporters." October ...

Ch na-US Trade Fr ct ons 2018

Pak stan-based The Internat onal News reported that "a number of tra nees sa d they were prev ously affected by extrem st
thought and had part c pated n such k nds of art and sports act v t es, and were now conf dent to start a pract cal l fe." Ch na-US Trade
Fr ct ons 2018
Erk n Oncan, a Turk sh journal st and also a X nj ang pol c es observer, told the Global T mes on Monday that he cons ders the
fore gn d plomats' v s t a pos t ve development s nce X nj ang has become "an argument frequently used n ant -Ch nese

However, he also warned that "the people or organ zat ons cr t c z ng Ch na's X nj ang pol c es regard Ch na's pos t on and
progress n the world as a threat," and that he can already mag ne what fore gn press organ zat ons wh ch v s ted X nj ang
would report after the v s t.
Ch na's new fly ng saucer-l ke stealth
"Those who have 'ant -Ch na thoughts' n the r agenda may not be sat sf ed w th th s v s t anyway," he told the Global T mes. drone seen n f rst publ c fl ght
Fore gn d plomats d scover a true
X nj ang, d fferent from Western med a
Newspaper headl ne: Envoys nv ted to X nj ang reports
PLA tra ns super sold ers w th futur st c


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Raymond Hsu • 2 days ago

"confirmed with the Global Times on Monday that foreign diplomats from 12 countries, including Russia,
Indonesia, India, Kazakhstan and Pakistan were invited to visit vocational training and education centers in
Xinjiang in late December. "

Indonesia, Kazakhstan and Pakistan are predominantly Muslim majority nations,

their opinion will be critical and convincing as Xinjiang is muslim majority, and their welfare is of concern to
these diplomats.
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