Fieldwork Booklet

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The Waste and Resource Recovery Centre

Purpose of this field study
Today we will be exploring our local waste distributer, The Waste and Resource Recovery
Centre. Today you will collect information about the types of waste our community
produces each day and the amount of waste that is recycled.
Your goal today is to gather as much information about the issues of waste that our
community is contributing. You are also here, to see a range of items that are recycled and
recovered, minimising the amount ending up in landfill. This is your opportunity to collect as
much data from primary sources to be used in your first assessment task.
Remember that you must present your findings from this trip to the class with a waste
reduction, management or recycling action plan.

Todays Schedule
Time Activity

8:45 School Bell – Students meet at classrooms

9:15 Depart the school from the Bus Zone
9:30 Arrive at The Sunshine Coast Council’s Waste and Resource
Recovery Centre
9:40-10:20 Safety Briefing and talk on how the waste is managed

10:20-10:50 Recess Break and toilet break

10:50-11:20 Talk on waste minimisation strategies

11:20-11:50 Students will be shown the CCTV cameras of the Materials
Recovery Centre

11:50-12:20 Lunch and toilet break

12:20-1:00 Students will take the bus around the Landfill and Resource
Recovery Centre
1:10 Meet back at the bus drop off
1:25 Arrive back at the school Bus Zone
2:45 Students will take usual mode home
How is waste managed at the Waste and
Resource Recovery Centre?
What are some waste minimisation
After walking around, draw a map of the
different areas of the Waste ad Resource
Recovery Centre
What materials are some of the most
common items wasted?
What items are commonly recycled?
How much waste is delivered each day?
Write down some of the questions you would
like answered on this tour:







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