Field Study Permission Form

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Field Study Permission Form

In Year four, students will begin to explore and discuss the natural resources and waste in
their local environment, such as in the school and in their community in their Geography
studies. Students will be actively involved in the unit: Sustaining our World and will be
exploring renewable and non-renewable resources and where they come from, some of the
ways resources can be managed sustainably and at the end of the term, will create their own
sustainable management strategies.

To provide students with real life context for this unit, a field trip to The Sunshine Coast
Council’s Waste and Resource Recovery Centre will take place in week three, on the 14th of
February. The Sunshine Coast Council will run the Waste and Recycling Education Centre
and Landfill Tour, which involves taking a bus behind the scenes of the Resource Recovery
Centre so that students can experience how waste is managed and some minimisation waste
techniques, such as reduce, reuse and recycle.

Students should come to school at 8:45am for their usual roll call and school messages.
Teachers will then walk students down to the bus pick up area and will leave the school at
9:15. The teacher aide Sam Tim will be accompanying this trip along with parents.

When: 14th February

Time leaving bus zone: 9:15am
Arriving back to school: 1:25pm
Cost: $5.00 for the bus, please return by week two to your student’s classroom teacher
What to wear: School Uniform
What to bring: School hat, drink bottle, recess and lunch

If you would like more information about this trip or would like to join us, please contact
Kaitlyn Grieve, Head of Primary Humanities and Social Sciences.

I give permission for ………………………………………………………. to go to the
Sunshine Coast Council’s Waste and Resource Recovery Centre on the 14th of February. I
understand that ………………………………………………………… will be travelling via
bus to the Waste and Resource Recovery Centre at 9:15am and returning by bus to school at

Additional Medical Information

If there is any new or updated medical information about your child that has not been given
to the school on enrolment, please specify below.
In the event of an accident, I understand that Sunshine beach State School will make every
reasonable effort to contact me immediately. However, if I am not available, I authorise the
staff at Sunshine Beach Highschool to secure emergency medical care as is needed.
Parent/Guardian name…………………………………….

Contact Number……………………………………………..

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