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The importance of accurate meter

We receive an increasing number of orders for under-dimensioned meters. In sales
situations it might be tempting to deliver under-dimensioned flow meters to try to
lower the price. The importance of accurate meter dimensioning is often devalued, and
the consequences are severe. That is why we constantly focus on the pipe dimension
matching the flow rate in order to operate the system at the lowest cost and to ensure the
required supply of energy.

Definition of under-dimensioning system, and in worst case the installation cannot supply the
This brings up the question of when a meter is considered to necessary volume and energy to obtain the required comfort
be under-dimensioned. Meters dimensioned to a continuous temperatures.
operating flow between qp (nominal flow) and qs (maximum
How to dimension your ULTRAFLOW® accurately
flow) are under-dimensioned. The correct dimensioning
parameter of the flow meter is the nominal flow (qp m³/h). When dimensioning your meter, two major conditions must
According to the authorities the area between qp and qs is be stated: pipe dimension and maximum flow of the system.
only to be used briefly - less than 1h/day or 200 h/year. Regarding pipe dimension, going one dimension up or down
in meter size will in general cause no problems, as long as the
The consequences of under-dimensioning second parameter, the maximum flow does not exceed the
Choosing an under-dimensioned flow meter might save you nominal flow of the flow meter. Maximum flow of the system
some money at the purchasing moment. Operating flow must be obtained without exceeding the nominal flow.
meters above qp causes higher pressure losses and demands To view table of nominal flow (qp) and dimensioning, click
an increase of pressure in the system to suppress cavitation. here:
Both incidents will have serious consequences: Increased
operational costs, need of bigger or additional circulation Technical Description ULTRAFLOW® 54
pump, increased costs to balance the system, an unstable Technical Description MULTICAL® 402

Operating pressure in bar

Flow meter
DN65 DN50 qp=15 m³/h DN50 DN65

Flow direction

Max flow of system < qp of the meter

October 2010

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