Pressuregasweldingprocess 180326141507

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 This is an oxy-fuel welding process producing a weld

simultaneously over the entire faying surfaces with the

application of pressure and without filler metal.
 There are two types of pressure gas welding according to the
pressure level of gas which is used to weld. They are;

I. Low pressure Gas Welding (LPGW)

I. High pressure Gas Welding (HPGW)

 Heat each reinforce bar at cross section by acetylene and
oxygen mixture gas at about 1200 -1300 degrees and put
pressure, then join each bar firmly.
 Bars are steel, hence welding stick each reinforce bar by their
join of crystal.
 Then use heat to make re-arrangement of each atom easily at
each reinforce bar joining.
 Both atom start to move actively by heating at once and also
change structure of crystal as before then diffuse.
 The process starts by heating the interface of two
components using a gas welding torch.

 The torch is withdrawn once the interfaces begins to melt.

 A force is applied to pressing both components together and
maintained until the interfaces solidifies.
Heating Welding by pressing
 There are two basic types of gas pressure welding.

Gas pressure welding

Open square Closed square

 In this type, there is a gap between the two components in
the heating process.
 The torch is inserted between the open gap and the interfaces
are heated.
 In this type, there is no gap between the two components
when heating.
 For that a ring shaped burner is used.
 Portability
 Versatility
 Economical for simple and low-quality work

 Very thin plates can not welded

 Lower strength

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