Employee Attitude Towards Rewards and Recognisation

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Objectives of the study

Primary objective :

To study the reward the reward and recognition program and its attitude among the
employees at kudanthai motors

Secondary objectives :

1. To asses the overall employee opinion about the current reward and
recognition program in the organization
2. To determine the factors which can motive the employees to perform to
the fullest extent of the capabilities
3. To identify the level of satisfaction employees have towards the current
reward and recognition program in the organization
4. To discuss alternative reward and recognition program including non-
monetary benefits
5. To suggest various methods which and innovatively recognize and reward
employees for exemplary individual and team behaviors

Scope of the study :

1. The study enumerates the import of the reward and origination and its
attitude of employees in the organization
2. Recognizing and rewarding good performance in an organization
3. Booking an effective employee recognition strategy
4. Work content project the respondents feeling about the type of work they
5. Payment probed respondents satisfaction with their salary
6. Promotion probed for the opportunity the that the organist ion offers for
7. Recognition probed whether the respondent was receiving the recognition
and feedback for the job they perform
8. Working conditions were probed as he fifth factor and looked at
opportunity to mix with colleagues and inter personal relationships
9. Benefits looked at whether the benefits such as reward and recognition
schemes satisfactory
10. Personal probed the respondents feeling toward their job
11. Leadership (or) supervision probed the level of satisfaction with the
12. General probed if the respondents has considered alternative employment
and hence their level of satisfaction with the organization

Need of the study :

The employee recognition is so important bin today’s completive workplaces but

here are same significant reasons why there is a need to consider implementing a recognition
Racine in the office today to continue to build a great business

1. To meet the present and emerging challenges of the organization a need

has been felt to optimize the potential of executives in line HRM mission
2. Improve reward and recognition program and team culture in the
3. Increased performance motivated and driven employees produce
outstanding results take pride in their work and in their job responsibilities
4. Feel appreciated for their contributions

“go the extra mile”

5. Heighten level of commitment to the organization

6. Improve relationships between co-worker
7. Be more open to constructive feedback on reward and recogination
8. Strive to meet and (or) exceed performance expectations
9. Support and promote a positive atmosphere in which praise prevails
10. Get more enjoyment out of the work they do
11. To increase the job morale day by day

Limitations of the study :

1. Time was the most important constraint in carrying out this project
2. During the research methodology process time it was difficult to collect
information because of the busy shedule for their work
3. There was scope of biased response employees be biased regarding
opinions towards certain factors while answering the qustionnaire
4. The data used for the study relies or what organizations have shared it is
assumed that companies have provided accurate data for the purpose of
the study
5. Data and inferences are based only on the information collected from the
few employees that have participated

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