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Design of XOR gates in VLSI implementation

Conference Paper · November 2010


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1 author:

Nabihah Ahmad
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


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Design of XOR gates in VLSI implementation

Nabihah Ahmad, Rezaul Hasan

School of Engineering and Advanced Technology

Massey University, Auckland,

Abstract: Exclusive OR (XOR) gate is fundamental building blocks in various digital applica-
tions such as full adder, comparator, parity generator and encryption processor,
which leads to increased in the interests to enhance the performance of XOR gate.
This paper proposes a new design of XOR gate using six transistors for low power
application. The new XOR gate has been compared with previous design in term of
power, delay and power-delay product (PDP). The XOR gate is simulated using
Cadence Virtuoso Analog Environment in 65nm Complementary Metal Oxide Sem-
iconductor (CMOS) technology at different supply voltages with a range of 0.6V to

Keywords: XOR gate, power, delay, PDP

1 INTRODUCTION There are varieties of XOR gate design have been re-
ported in literature [1-7]. The conventional design of
As the essential unit in digital logic design, XOR gate XOR gate is based on eight transistors in static CMOS
contribute to the overall performance and power of the [8]. It can operate with full output voltage swing but it
system. Therefore it is required to design the XOR gate requires more numbers of transistors. Emphasis has
which satisfies the low power dissipation and delay with been done on the design of four transistor XOR gate [1,
small size. 3, 6, 7, 9]. Radhakrisnan [3] proposed a combination of
XOR and Exclusive NOR (XNOR) circuit using 6 tran-
In this paper, we propose a novel design of 2 input
XOR gate using six transistors. The paper is organized as
follows: in Section II, previous work is reviewed. Subse- Wang et al. [6] proposed four transistor XOR gate ar-
quently, in section III, the proposed design of XOR gate chitecture shown in Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b). These
is presented. In section IV, the simulation results are architecture gives a poor signal output for a certain input.
given and discussed. The comparison and evaluation for The average delay for Figure 1(a) and 1(b) was 3.84ns
proposed and existing designs are carried out. Finally a and 1.42ns respectively with 400uW and 310uW. They
conclusion will be made in the last section. improved the level output by cascading a standard tran-
sistor inverter as a driving output to achieve a perfect
1.1 Previous Work
output. This XOR gate is consist of six transistors in
total as shown in Figure 2.
In [7], the set of four transistors P-XOR circuit called Fig. 3 Design of 3 transistors XOR gate by [10]
powerless is proposed which consumes less power than
other design because it has no power supply connection. 2 DISCUSSION
The drawback is it causes a large delay but better than
conventional CMOS. The delay was 350ps with maxi-
mum input frequency 200MHz. The XOR gate functions is shown in Table 1 and
denoted by ⊕. The logic expression for XOR is
XOR gate based on Gate-Diffusion-Input(GDI) cell
A ⊕ B = A'B + AB' (1)
was reported in [9] which requires 4 transistors..
Figure 3 shows the XOR gate circuit in [10] by using XOR GATE FUNCTION
three transistors which modifying a CMOS inverter and A B XOR
PMOS pass transistor. It have a voltage degradation 0 0 0
when the input A=1 and B=0, but can be minimized by 0 1 1
increasing the W/L ratio of PMOS transistor. It offer less 1 0 1
power-delay product compared to four transistors design 1 1 0
in [6] using 0.15um and 0.35um technology.

Vdd The proposed design of XOR gate using six transistors is
shown in Figure 4. It uses a concept of pass transistor
and CMOS inverter. The inverter is used as a driving
output to achieve a perfect output swing. Vdd connection
to transistor M3 and M4 are use to drive a good output of
‘1’. Transistor M4 is use to drive the output signal when
Y=0 when input signal A=B=1. In this condition, when
B transistor M1 or M2 is ON, it will pass a poor signal ‘1’
with respect to the input to the inverter. The output Y
gnd gnd will also be degraded and to achieve a good output sig-
nal, transistor M4 is ON when Y=0, then pass the perfect
(a) (b) signal ‘1’ from Vdd. The W/L ratio of transistor M2 is
bigger than the W/L ratio of transistor M3 to get the out-
Fig. 1(a) and (b) Design of 4 transistors XOR gate by [6]
put Y=1 as both of the transistors will be ON when A=0
Vdd and B=1.

Vdd Vdd
M1 M2 Y
M4 M5
gnd Y
M3 M6
Fig. 2 Improved 6 transistors XOR gate by [6]
Vdd gnd

Fig. 4 Proposed 6 transistor XOR gate

A The input and output waveform of XOR gate are shown
in Figure 5. From the figure is show that the output
waveform for each input combination is full output volt-
gnd age swing compared to previous design of XOR gate. It
eliminates the voltage degradation in certain input.
Figure 6 Delay of different XOR gates

Figure 5 Waveform of the proposed 6 transistor XOR gate

Comparative analysis has been carried out on the differ-

ent types of XOR gates based on previous XOR design.
By using Spectre Cadence, each of the design is simulat-
ed using the same conditions to measure propagation
delay and power dissipation. The DC and transient anal-
ysis of the circuits were performed at a supply voltage at
range of 0.6 to 1.2V using 65nm technology with load
capacitance of 50fF at 500MHz waveform. The results
of simulation which included a delay, power dissipation
and power delay product are represented in Table 1 and Figure 7 Power dissipation for different XOR gates
Figure 6, 7 and 8. The delay has been computed between
the time the changing input reaches 50% of voltage level
to the time it output reaches 50% of voltage level for
both rising and fall transition. The power-delay product
(PDP) is measured as the product of the average delay
and the average power.
The results indicate that the delay of the proposed XOR
gate is between the four transistors XOR gates in [6]and
three transistors in [10], and less than six transistors in
[6]. The proposed circuit give a lower power dissipation
in a low voltage compared to the other design in 4T [6]
and 3T [10] which is slightly more than [6] in high volt-
age but less than [10]. But when compared to 6T in [6],
it consumes less power than it. Compared to the design
in [6] and [10], the power-delay product of proposed
XOR gate is less at the supply voltage between 0.6V and
0.8V. The PDP of six transistors in [6] is the highest Figure 8 Power-delay product (PDP) for different XOR gates
from other design including the proposed design.
Table 1 Simulation Results of XOR gate

V(v) Proposed(6T) 4T [6] 3T [10] 6T [6]

0.6 2.81 2.656 3.08 5.006
Delay (ns) 0.8 2.75 2.994 2.061 3.251
1 2.642 2.094 2.045 2.111
1.2 2.099 2.068 2.035 2.075
0.6 2.312 4.189 8.703 14.66
Average power 0.8 6.069 7.613 16.25 89.57
(fW) 1 22.77 12.12 25.36 238.9
1.2 25 18.81 34.96 463.3
0.6 6.497 11.13 26.81 73.36
0.8 16.679 22.79 33.49 291.2
PDP (yJ)
1 60.158 25.38 51.86 504.2
1.2 52.475 38.91 71.15 961.5
Table 2 Noise Margin of different XOR gate

Type of
V(v) Voh(V) Vih(V) Vil(V) Vol(V) Nmh(V) Nml(V)
0.600 0.600 0.300 0.295 0.000 0.300 0.295
(6T) 0.800 0.800 0.400 0.390 0.000 0.400 0.390
1.000 1.000 0.523 0.477 0.000 0.477 0.477
0.600 0.600 0.340 0.300 0.000 0.260 0.300
4T [6] 0.800 0.800 0.400 0.400 0.000 0.400 0.400
1.000 0.908 0.500 0.500 0.000 0.408 0.500
0.600 0.600 0.270 0.330 0.260 0.330 0.070
3T [10] 0.800 0.800 0.370 0.430 0.300 0.430 0.130
1.000 1.000 0.470 0.530 0.000 0.530 0.530

Based on DC analyses, the noise margins are measured. In this paper, the new design of XOR gate has been pro-
The noise margin is the ability to tolerate noise without posed using six transistors. The performances of this
affecting the correct operation of the circuit [11] . The circuit have been compared to previous reported XOR
design based on delay, power dissipation and PDP. The
low noise margin, Nml and high noise margin, Nmh are
proposed circuit give a perfect output signal in all input
in following equation (1) and (2) respectively. combinations and better performance especially in low
supply voltage compared to the previous designs.
Nml = Vil – Vol (1)

Nmh = Voh – Vih (2)

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