Performance Script: Yes. Let's Make A Cake. (Pause) Mmmmm... Let's See ..

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♦ Mummy, let's make a cake!?

Teacher ⇒ N And Mummy said
♦ Yes. Let's make a cake.
♦ Mmmmm...let's see ...
We need a bowl.
[mime putting an imaginary bowl on an imaginary table]
Mmmmm...let's see ...
We need some yoghurt.
One spoon(ful), two spoon(fuls), three
[mime putting a yoghurt into the imaginary bowl]
that's enough!
♦ Mmmmm...let's see ..
We need some chocolate
that's enough!

♦ Mmmmm...let's see ..
We need some sugar.
One spoon(ful), two spoon(fuls), ...
that's enough!

♦ Mmmmm...let's see …
We need an egg.
that's enough!

Teacher ⇒ N And then they used the...

♦ Mmmmm...let's see .
Now we need ..the mixer.
♦ Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Taste a little bit.
Teacher (N) And then they put the cake in ...
Teacher ⇒ 2 ♦ Mmmm ...let's see ... the oven.
[mime putting the imaginary cake into the imaginary
⇒ "O" tic-toc, tic-toc, tic-toc, ...
riiiing! The cake is ready.
oouuch! it's hot! I need gloves.
[mime trying to take the imaginary cake out of the oven]
hmmm, what a delicious cake!
Teacher ⇒ N Then Emmy said
Teacher ⇒ 1 ♦ Mummy please, Can I have some cake!?
Teacher ⇒ N But Mummy said
Teacher ⇒ 2 ♦ No, no. Later.
♦ I´m going shopping.
Good-bye, Emmy, don’t eat the cake!
Teacher ⇒ 1 ♦ Good-bye Mummy.
Teacher ⇒ D
D ⇐ Mummy is gone. Let’s eat the cake.
Teacher and pupils ⇒ B2 ♦ Ah, ah, ah ...You can't!
I've got it!
♦ Munch, munch, munch,, … yummy!
Mummy is coming!?
[pointing to the classroom door]
Teacher ⇒ close to D ♦ No, no. Mummy's not coming!
Munch, munch, munch, … yummy!
Mummy's coming!?
Teacher ⇒ close to D Yes. Mummy's coming!
Teacher ⇒ 2 ♦ Oh my goodness! Emmy, did you eat the cake?
Yes Mummy, I ate the cake.
♦ Open your mouth! ... Oh, the cake!
→ Naughty boy/girl. Smack, smack.
Teacher ⇒ N And that's all!

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