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PREFACE ................................................................................................................................... 5

PRIME NUMBERS – FEATURES ................................................................................................... 6

FACTORIZATION PRODUCTS OF PRIME NUMBERS ...................................................................... 15

PRIME NUMBERS RECORDS ....................................................................................................... 16

BASIC ORDER……………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................... 19

DISTRIBUTION OF PRIMES……………………………………………………………………………………………................... 21

RATIO PRIMES TO THEIR PRODUCTS ........................................................................................... 38

SECRETS OF TWIN NUMBERS……………………………………….…………………………………………………………......... 55

STRONG AND WEAK Goldbach's conjecture ................................................................................ 60

TABLES OF PRIMES FROM 2 TO 10 993 ......................................................................................... 68

TABLES OF TWIN PRIMES FROM 5 TO 10 939 ............................................................................... 79


„It will be millions of years before we’ll have any understanding, and even then it won’t be
a complete understanding, because we’re up against the infinite.“
P. Erdös (P Hoffman - Atlantic Monthly, 1987, p. 74)

„There are some mysteries that the human mind will never penetrate. To convince ourselves
we have only to cast a glance at tables of primes and we should perceive that there reigns
neither order nor rule“.

Leonhard Euler

"Although there is infinitude of primes, their distribution within the positive integers is most
mystifying. Repeatedly in their distribution we find hints or, as it were, shadows of pattern;
yet an actual pattern amenable to precise description remains elusive."

D.M. Burton


That was before the discovery of a regular formula π(x) + Σ[p(p’)] = ½N as saying, that half
of a given size is the sum of primes and the products in a precisely defined ratio, hidden
behind seemingly chaotically distributed primes. In my work I have tried to explain it as
simply as. I have shown that p = a + b, is the only formula that is inherent in the primes,
because it does are distributed haphazardly, but by congruent to each other modulo 7 she
have, as predecessor even number, which half ensures that any number of preformed pair
of extreme components with identical indirect sums have, non-common divisor greater than
1, which proves that they are prime numbers.
All this gives us a hand proverbial network to capture her other outstanding issues, such as
the infinity twin numbers, spaces between them, the strong and the weak Goldbach
conjecture and many others.

Prime numbers are subject to greater attention for mathematicians, both professional and
amateur, since people began to explore the properties of numbers and consider them to be
fascinating. For example, already Euclid showed that primes are infinite. However, some
important properties of prime numbers are not yet well understood. The prime numbers
bothered by centuries of interesting thinkers. First, prime numbers appear to be randomly
distributed among the natural numbers with no other rights as a probability. On the other
hand, the distribution of primes global reveals a very smooth consistency. This combination
of randomness and regularity motivated me to search for patterns in the distribution of
prime numbers, which in the end may shed light on their final character.

In writing this book, I wanted to make a synthesis, what about the theory of prime numbers
is already known and to show it as a field in which systematically examines the natural
problems of number theory as a whole. I hope that all lovers of mathematics will feel happy
when they read these pages.


Prime numbers are "building blocks" that make up all of the other natural numbers.
However, they will not find in any multiplication table, as the number of first can never be
the result of any sensible multiplication, but only addition. Each number is the sum of the
first two components determine its place in the sequence of natural numbers between two
extreme even numbers p = a + b.

Component a - that's half the number prior to the prime, from the smaller even number.
Component b - the following is half the prime number, the greater even number.
1, 2/2, 3, 4/2, 5, 6/2, 7, 8/2, 9, 10/2, 11, 12/2, 13, 14/2, 15, 16/2, 17, 18/2, 19, 20/2, 21,
1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 3 + 2 = 5, 3 + 4 = 7, 5 + 6 = 11, 6 + 7 = 13, 8 + 9 = 17, 9 + 10 = 19,..
A sequence of prime numbers is a numerical sequence, in which each word (except the first
two a1 and a2 equal to 1) is the sum of the two halves of extreme even numbers
p = (2n + 2n’)/2, which is the sum of two consecutive numbers 1 + 2 = 3, 3 + 2 = 5 3 + 4 = 7 ..

Number 2 is only even prime number, and through the principle of "bigger one" will be
transferred to the next natural numbers, guaranteeing connectivity and progress within.

2 = 1 + 1

3 = 1 + 2 = (2)/2 + (4)/2

4 = 2 + 2
5 = 2 + 3 = (4)/2 + (6)/2

6 = 3 + 3

7 = 3 + 4 = (6)/2 + (8)/2

All primes (except 2) as the arithmetic average of the even of his predecessor and successor
is one larger than the smaller one.

2n/2 + (2n + 2)/2 = 2 (n) + 1 = p

3 = (2+4)/2 = (1+2) = 2(1) +1 5 = (4+6)/2 = (2+3) = 2(2)+1 7 = (6+8)/2 = (3+4) = 2(3) + 1

11=(10+12)/2=(5+6) = 2(5)+1 13 =(12+14)/2 = (6+7) = 2(6)+1 17=(16+18)/2=(8+9)=2(8) + 1

We know that every natural number greater than 1 divisible only by 1 and itself is a prime
number. Each prime number form only a pair of relatively prime ingredients, whose greatest
common divisor is one (1 | [s + s']), hence not divisible by any other number, and this is the
best certificate that a number is prime. e.g. 11 = (10 + 1)/1 = (9 + 2)/1 = (8 + 3)/1 = (7 + 4)/1
= (6 + 5)/1, 5(11) = 55/5 = 11

(11² - 11)/2 = 55, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 55/5 = 11 [(p)² - p]/2 = p(p’)/p’ = p.

I pay attention that using this test any business selling prime numbers could realistically
peddle their wares under the banner "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back", without
too much fear of going bust.

The realization that in pairs associating words of the opposite ends of the list of numbers
preceding the given odd number, they bring always the same subtotals allow us to create an
efficient algorithm for testing, whether a particular number of triangle as the sum of the
numbers preceding to a given magnitude, consists only of primes or complex. If the sum of
the numbers preceding decomposed into prime factors up to a given number, i.e., each the
sum of pair of components is prime. (n + n')/1 + (n' + n'')/1 = t = p + p.

Factorization half of the difference between the square of the number and given number of
factors smaller than the given number indicates that at least one pair of the components
have a common prime divisor, and a given number is complex. (x² - x)/2 = t = p *p*(p< x)
(25² - 25)/2 = 300/12 = 12(25) = (2*2*3)*(5*5), 25 = (20 + 5)/5 = (10 + 15)/5

Number eleven is the prime since the five pairs of components which form it 11 = (10 + 1)/1
= (9 + 2) /1 = (8 + 3)/1 = (7 + 4)/1 = (6 + 5 )/1, 5(11) = 55 = (11² - 11)/2 added extreme as
number preceding given number have no common divisor greater than one and in total gives
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 10) = 55, as the sum of the number of challenges it is half
the difference between the square of the number and the given number (x² - x) / 2 = t and is
always a triangular number, completely divisible by the number of identical subtotals, equal
to half standing before her even number. The number of triangles as the sum of the
numbers preceding the given odd number consists of n - the amount of pairs of components

added terms of the opposite ends of the list of preceding numbers equal half of the
preceding even number, which if not have common divisor greater than one form identical
subtotals only primes (4 + 1)/1 + (2 + 3)/1 = 5 + 5 = 10/2 = 5, and if they have at least one
common divisor larger than 1, than form the sum of identical indirectly only of complex
numbers (8 + 1)/1 + (2 + 7)/1 + (6 + 3)/3 + (5 + 4)/1 = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 36/4 = 4 * 9 = (2*2) (3*3)

This property of prime numbers to create as many pairs of extreme components that do not
have a common divisor greater than one, and dividing sum of components on identical
subtotals only primes causes the two straight lines which are numbers preceding divided in
the middle of into 4 equal parts subtotal of prime numbers. (2 + 2 = 4/4, 4 + 4 = 8/4, 6 + 6 =
12/4, 10 + 10 = 20/4, 12 + 12 = 24/4,

From the first dozens, prime numbers take four specific to them the number of unity

n n+2 n+6 n+8

k+1 k + 3 k + 7 k + 9

11 13 17 19

Any natural number greater than one, only divisible by 1 and itself is a prime number. This
property follows from the definition of prime numbers. They have many the properties, that
even if the decompose up the sum p = a + (a + 1), wherein the odd or even addend is one
greater than the previous addend a = 2n/2 equal to half the previous even number. Several
of these properties is trivial, however, has an impact on the numbers that are composed of
prime numbers, as we will see later. Other properties apply to products of prime numbers,

and therefore have only limited use as a criterion of prime numbers. A number of "a" is the
pirme, if when unfolded into components; none of the possible pairs of the ingredients there
is no common divisor greater than one.

So gradually formed prime number as the consecutive natural numbers, which pairs the
extreme components do not have a common divisor greater than 1. (1 + 1)/2 = 1, (1 + 2)/1 =
3, [1 + (2 + 3)+ 4]/1 = 5, {1 + [2 + (3 + 4) + 5] + 6}/1 = 7, but /1 + {2 + [3 + (4 + 5) + 6]/3 + 7} +
8/1 = 9 has one pair of extreme component (3 + 6)/3 = 9, which has a common divisor of 3,
hence (3 + 6)/3 = (1 + 2)(3) = 3(3) = 9

Hence, we can write the number of which, after subtraction the numbers (3, 5, 11, 13, 17,
19, 23, 29, 37, 43, 53, 83) is divisible by 4 indicates that as the prime number built it is with
n - thy quantities of number 7 and the other primes. 59 = /8*7/ + 3, 1039 = /144*7/ + 31,
1093 = /152*7/ + 29, 1091 = /144*7/ + 83, 1117 = /152*7/ + 53, 1171 =/164*7/ + 23, 971 =
/136*7/ + 19, 1109 = /156*7/ + 17, 1163 = /160*7/ + 43, 1049 = /148*7/ + 13, 1153 =
/164*7/ + 5

Similarly, the number of which, after subtraction (25, 35, 49, 65, 77, 85, 91, 115, 119, 155,
221, 235, 247,289, 365, 427, 629, 1003), we obtain the number divisible by 3, it means that it
is a complex 817 – 427 = 390/3, 817 = 19*43, 961 - 91 = 870/3, 961 = 31*31, 713 - 629 =
84/3, 713 = 23*31

The immediate verification which a product of prime number is a given number, that
subtracting from their one of 17 prime numbers (a - 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41,
43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67)/p = 2n, and when divided by this number, it is a sign that it is their
product of 2n(p) + p = p(p'), 817 – 19 = 798/19 = 42, 42(19) + 19 = 817, 961 – 31 = 930/31 =
30, 30(31) + 31 = 961,..

This systematic method of determining, which number is the product of primes, or prime, is
a good example of algorithm (x² - x)/2 = p * (x = p) or * (p < x) = p(p'). The algorithm is a
method by which we can solve a problem by following the instructions contained in it. When
that we apply then have irrefutable certificate attesting that the number is prime or their

(x² - x)/2 Σ(s + s‘) P p‘ p“ (p<x)= p(p) x=p

(103² - 103)/2 5253 3 17 103
(1003² - 1003)/2 502503 3 17 * 59 167<x=p(p)
(10003² - 10003)/2 50025003 3 7 * 1429 1667<x=p(p)
[(10^⁵+3)^² – (10^⁵+3)]/2 5000250003 3 7 2381 100003
[(10^⁶+3)^² - (10^⁶+3)]/2 500002500003 3 166667 1000003

20/10000000000000000003 = 53*6 709*9 029*216 397*1 473 379
21/100000000000000000003 = 373*155 773*1 721 071 782 307
22/1000000000000000000003 = 67*14 925 373 134 328 358 209
23/1000000000000000000003 = 7*157*601*1 031 137*14 682 887 281
24/100000000000000000000003 = 113*3 049*290 244 589 115 247 419
25/1000000000000000000000003 = 3 529*821 461*838 069*411 605 923
26/10000000000000000000000003 = 13*7 668 629*100 308 773 475 776 339
27/100000000000000000000000003 = 223*161 377 320 703*2 778 770 221 987
28/1000000000000000000000000003 = 813 219 713*1 229 679 979 486 675 331
29/10000000000000000000000000003 = 7*199*571*89 779*140 035 456 540 965 619
30/100000000000000000000000000003 = 31*10 928 153*295 183 134 022 089 846 821
31/ 1000000000000000000000000000003 = 1 859 827*537 684 419 034 673 655 130 289
32/ 10000000000000000000000000000003 = 13*23*1 453*17 021*1 352 315 810 743 633 261 969
33/ 100000000000000000000000000000003 = 19*6 271*839 285 264 668 608 213 245 600 047
34/ 1000000000000000000000000000000003 = 151*439*66883*5 338 459 457*42 250 012 204 817
35/ 10000000000000000000000000000000003 = 7^2*210019*971729 379 975 436 624 732 980 913
36/ 100000000000000000000000000000000003 = 17*26793961*219540251670011409967 913 819
39.(10^38+3) = 76 417 717*50 954 499 311 257*25 681 678 366 581 487
41.(10^40+3) = 7*43*661*50 261 106 447 997 346 213 579 545 740 119 923
42.(10^41+3) = 29*47*149*1 046 191*470 659 572 629 542 911 224 468 953 859
43.(10^42+3) = 9 865 301 191*101 365 379 590 466 879 644 202 035 797 733
44.(10^43+3) = 13*769 230 769 230 769 230 769 230 769 230 769 230 769 231
45.(10^44+3) = 31*2 293*5 113*275 142 993 946 312 101 483 059 532 532 768 657
46.(10^45+3) = 2 621*26 190 869*202 758 977*2 039 334 898 823*35 230 144 787 557
47.(10^46+3) = 7*44 029*774 717 324 390 885 241*41 881 272 672 179 231 514 961
48.(10^47+3) = 397*198 266 889 049*1 270 455 041 555 076 682 580 419 086 613 351
49.(10^48+3) = 4 378 837*69 080 527*1 127 952 811*2 930 857 126 525 877 256 434 827
50.(10^49+3) = 13*464 459*551 342 479*5 952 808 865 209*504 621 641 480 758 757 819
51.(10^50+3) = 19*97*283*994 327 748 569*61 236 769 827 829*3 148 809 563 627 188 687
52.(10^51+3) = 17*3 187*1 353 383*13 637 925 013 200 840 085 919 638 391 816 980 569 079
53.(10^52+3) = 7*5 290 477 824 748 729*270 026 919 286 686 265 519 817 460 570 276 301
54.(10^53+3) = 23*4 116 417 953 254 772 568 899*1 056 215 898 465 504 263 474 971 028 839
55.(10^54+3) = 67*14 925 373 134 328 358 208 955 223 880 597 014 925 373 134 328 358 209
56.(10^55+3) = 13*2 290 143 001*3 696 549 175 591 577*90 865 194 024 447 148 790 098 749 503
58.(10^57+3) =2 448 952 313 317*113 619 994 412 549*3 593 891 055 967 117 960 201 170 304 091
59.(10^58+3) = 7*1033*1382934587*194025722 583 321 808 878 440 049 785 645 138 984926 013

Another feature of all odd numbers, and therefore primes including 2 is of great importance,
and this is the ability to form sum with half of the preceding even number and their same,
which doubled plus one is their a multiple of 3. (n - 1)/2 = Σ, (2Σ + 1)/3, (17 – 1)/2+ 17 = 25,
[2(25) + 1] = 51/3 = 17, (19 – 1)/2 + 19 = 28, [2(28) + 1] = 57/3 = 19

(2Σ + 1)/p>3 = Q/3 = p(p’) (21 – 1)/2 + 21 = 31, [2(31) + 1] = 63/7 = 9/3 = 3(7) = 21

(23 – 1)/2 + 23 = 34, [2(34) + 1] = 69/3 = 23

(2Σ + 1)/p>3 = Q/3 = p(p’) (25 – 1)/2 + 25 = 37, [2(37) + 1] =75/5 = 15/5 = 5(5) = 25

This is very important in testing and factorization odd numbers. If the multiple divided by
only 3 and itself, it is a prime number 48 + 97 = 145, [2(145) + 1] = (291)/3 = 97, where it can
be factoring other numbers is a composite number 49 + 99 = 148, [2(148) + 1] = (297)/9/11,
9*11 = 99.


A given number "a" is the product of prime numbers, when her third multiples can be
decomposed into prime factors smaller than her. The principle of decomposition the third
multiples of prime factors is the fastest and safest method of factorization. We have thereby
also a quick way to qualification primes necessary to build the RSA code.

3*77 = 231/7 = 33/11 7*11 = 77, (70 + 7)/7 = (63 + 14)/7 = (66 + 11)/11 = (56 + 21)/7 = (55 +
22)/11 = (10 + 1)(6 + 1) = 11(7) 3*4759123141 = 14277369423/48 781 = 292 683/97 561 = 3

4,759,123,141 = (4,759,025,580 + 97,561)/97,561 = (4,759,074,360 + 48,781)/48,781 = (48,780 + 1)

(97,560 + 1) = 48,781*97,561

341,550,071,728,321 = (341,550,039,718,164 + 32,010,157)/32,010,157 = (341,550,061,058,268 +

10,670,053)/10,670,053 = (10,670,052 + 1)(32,010,156 + 1) = 10,670,053*32,010,157
2^67 – 1 = 147 573 952 589 676 412 927 = 761 838 257 287*193 707 721

50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003 =

1 000 000 000 037 = 53*18,867,924,529 = 53*59*349*916319

(10^24+37) = 53*188,679,245,283,018,867,924,529 = 53*197*96953*9878628473706469
100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,067 =

(10^⁵⁹ + 3) = 31^2*104 058 272 632 674 297 606 659 729 448 491 155 046 826 222 684 703 433 923

(10^⁵⁹ + 67) = 11*61*8625399823*20229914759*854091090347403953640469105164386261

1020030004000050000060000007 = 11*101*103*140411*5130571*12373564559 = 92.730.000.363.640.909.096.363.637
92.730.000.363.640.909.096.363.637/101 = 918.118.815.481.593.159.369.937
918.118.815.481.593.159.369.937/103 = 8.913.774.907.588.283.100.679
8.913.774.907.588.283.100.679/140.411 = 63.483.451.493.033.189
63.483.451.493.033.189/5.130.571 = 12.373.564.559
12.373.564.559/12.373.564.559 = 1

341,550,071,728,321 = 10,670,053*32,010,157

10^37+37 = 53*1886792452830188679245283018867924529 = 53*6709*9029*216397* 1473379

*97692443917177103 (10^89+37) = 53*18 867 924 528 301 886 792 452 830 188 679 245 283 018 867 924
528 301 886 792 452 830 188 679 245 283 018 867 924 529

167/1, 1667/1, 16667 = 7*2381, 166667/1, 1666667 = 47*35461, 16666667 = 19*739*1187, 166666667 =
2221*2287*328121, 16666666666667= 89*251*746079353, 166666666666667/1, 1666666666666667 =
1292257*1289733131, 16666666666666667 = 7*61*65701*594085421, 166 666 666 666 666 667 =
17*131*1 427*52 445 056 723, 1 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 23*643*60 689*1 856 948 927,

16 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 155 977 777*106 852 828 571,
166 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 107* 1 557 632 398 753 894 081,
1 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 83*11 699*1 716 413 478 514 451,
16 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 7^2*19 961*17 040 030 781 111 603,
166 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 65657*1256673731*2019971201,
1 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 29*263*153 701*1 542 089 *921 953 189,
16 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 19*298 993*2 933 824 479 021 717 401,
166 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 127*1 312 335 958 005 249 343 832 021,
1 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 1 531*142 895 917 147*7 618 224 009 731,
16 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 7*17 041*445 847*313 378 923 550 840 603,
166 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 43*84 623 843*45 802 327 746 425 579 083,
1 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 667 = 67 * 24 875 621 890 547 263 681 592 039 801


The numerical values become larger, the number of primes getting rarer. Only 4% of
numbers in 25,000,000,000 numbers is a prime. This uneven, unpredictable distribution of
prime numbers among the natural numbers contributes to the difficulties in locating
candidates for large prime numbers and determining whether the chosen candidate is a
prime number.

Here are the prime numbers that are included in 100 of numbers above 10¹², 10²⁴, 10³⁶, 10⁴⁸,
10⁵⁷, 10⁶⁰, 10⁷¹, 10⁷². For example, among the 100 100 of numbers between 000 000 000 100
000 000 100 there are 4 prime numbers, but look how many there are in 100 numbers above
10²⁴: only two prime numbers, above 10³⁶: only 1 prime, above 10⁴⁸: any prime, above 10⁵⁷:
also any prime number, above 10⁶⁰: there are 4 prime numbers, above 10⁷¹: again, no prime
number and above 10⁷²: again 1 prime number.

Knowing the properties of prime numbers we can look around for a record-primes.

The next ten prime numbers after (10^99 + 1) are:

(10^99+2)/2 =
00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001*(10^99+3) =

0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,003 = 3*166 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
666 666 666 666 666 666 667 *

(10^99+62)/2 =
00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,031*(10^99+63) =
0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001,953/3 =
,666,666,666,666,666,677 =

(10^9999+2)/2*(10^9999+3) = 3*166,666,..667*(10^9999+3)

(10^9999+62)/2*(10^9999+63) = 3*166,666,..677*(10^9999+63)

(10^99999+62)/2*(10^99999+63) = 3*166,666,666…677*(100,000,000…063)

Here you are records primes 10 000 000, 100 000 000 and 1 000 000 000 digits, consisting of
a specified a product of half of the preceding even number pairs of components and the
prime number which is decomposed into prime factors for a given number (102/2) * 103 =
51 * 103 = 5253/3 = 1751/17 = 103/1,.. thereby confirming that the 51 pairs of extreme
components of number 103 = (102 + 1)/1 = (101 + 2)/1 (100 + 3)/1... they do not have a
common divisor greater than 1, which means that the number is prime.

In case of very large numbers, such as those records principle of non-common divisor
greater than 1 in pairs of components (s + s')/1 = (s' + s'')/1 = p is a certificate confirming
their indivisibility by other numbers. All my records of primes have been created by applying
this method. Prime numbers and their multiples are mathematicians of such great

importance that any breakthrough in better understanding their nature has epoch-making


How are all the numbers to each other results from their natural order. By adding one to the
second receives an increasing number of triangles 1 = (1*1), 1 + 2 = 3 = (2*1,5), 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
= (3*2), 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 = (4*2.5) which can be represented as a product of consecutive
number and factor constantly a larger by 0.5 /2*1,5 = 3, 3*2 = 6/. Similarly, by adding pairs
of extremes components are formed prime numbers 2 = 1 + 1, 3 = 2 + 1, 5 = (4 + 1) = (3 + 2),
7 = (6 + 1) = (5 + 2) = ( 4 + 3), and thus always highest to second lowest (2 + 1), (4 + 1), (6 + 1).
In this way, by adding the 9 consecutive numbers (9 + 1) = (8 + 2) = (7 + 3) = (6 + 4) = (5 + 5),
giving always identical subtotals see that they are together inversely proportional, because
when one component decreases the second rise.

As is known, any positive integer can be written as the sum of a certain quantity of ones, but
also as a sum of two components. If the even numbers are simply doubling of consecutive
integers 2 (1,2,3,4,5, ..) = 2k, that odd numbers representing half of the natural numbers are
the sum of extreme pairs of preceding numbers, as the components having the ability to
create identical subtotals. [1 + (2 + 3) + 4] = 5 = (1 + 4) = (2 + 3)

According to the additive theory of numbers, any odd number may be represented as the
sum of two different components preceding their numbers, however such distributions
forming the same subtotals in this case is 3 (n - 1)/2, (7 - 1)/2 = 3, 7 = 6 + {[5 + (3 + 4) + 2]} + 1
= (6 + 1) + (5 + 2) + (4 + 3) = 21/3 = 7

These in decreasing and ascending sequences of natural numbers /9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-

6-7-8-9=89/ form 17 pairs of extremes components/1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1=81/,
which used as factors (9*1) = 9, (8*2) = 16, (7*3) = 21, (6*4) = 24, (5*5) = 25 gives products
of increasing order of the diminishing odd numbers /9 + 7 = 16 + 5 = 21 + 3 = 24 + 1 = 25/,
which demonstrates that these factors, that is, all the natural numbers form identical
subtotals /17(10) = 170/. This reflects the excellent order reigning in the whole sequence of
natural numbers consisting of 50% even numbers and odd, that is, primes and their

So the basic numbers are not determined by the nature of the method of random coin toss
or dice - God does not play dice with the world - but based on the eternal laws inverse
proportionality. Chance and chaos mathematics are simply unacceptable.


A better understanding of primes is associated for mathematics in the hope of findig News was trug
Theo overwhelming complexity of the world of mathematics. Despite their seeming simplicity and
fundamental of character prime numbers were the most mysterious objects that mathematicians
have studied. Questions about the distribution of primes were the most difficult. Long been a
question purely theoretical, but today prime numbers been applied in various fields

Suddenly, there is also interest in the economic question whether proof of the Riemann
hypothesis can tell us something about the distribution of primes in the world of numbers.
For centuries in vain sought magic formula to draw up a list of primes, maybe it's time to
approach the matter with the new strategy. So far, it seemed that the primes appear
completely random. That attitude does not allow of course to be able to foresee what will
prime number after the number 10 000. No question about amount of primes in a given
interval of numbers, but the observation gaps between two primes, showed me to a certain
regularity with which they appear. 2, 3, 5 -2- 7 -4- 11 -2- 13 -4- 17 -2- 19 -4- 23, and hence 2,
4, 2, 4, i.e. the smallest gap across the endless sequence of primes. After 23 prime number
29, however, it comes at an gap of 6 (23 -2- 25 -4- 29), because the between them is place
for first product of prime numbers 5 = 25 = 5(5). From then on all the products of prime
number, as a product of primes they will occupy free space in sequence of primes, while
keeping able to capture the composition in its entirety. A whole generations note for note
listening to music of primes, however, were not able to capture the composition in its
entirety. For me, it became clear that primes and their product appear in intervals 2 and 4.
/2 + 3 = 5 + 2 = 7 + 2 = 9 + 4 = 13 + 2 = 15 + 4 = 19 + 2 = 21 + 4 = 25 + 2 = 27 + 4 = 31 + 2 = 33 +
4 = 37 + 2 = 39 + 4 = 43 + 2 = 45 + 4 = 49 + 2 = 51 + 4 = 55/ 7 + 4 = 11 + 2 = 13 + 4 = 17 + 2 = 19
+ 4 = 23 + 2 = 25 + 4 = 29 + 2 = 31 + 4 = 35 + 2 = 37 + 4 = 41 + 2 = 43 + 4 = 47 + 2 = 49 + 4 =
Prime numbers do not appear like weeds between the natural numbers, seemingly without
being subject to other laws like the law of chance and no one can predict where the next one
appears, or recognize whether a number is prime.

From this list of primes arranged in sequence, you can read how many of primes and twin
primes is to 100 = 25/14 and to 1000 = 168/68 but nothing else.
When it comes to retrieval patterns and order, that prime numbers are no longer an
unattainable summons. Knowing in so far gaps will appear the next prime number or their
product, we can easily collate the entire list of them. And if to this we have tips on how to
determine the next number in the sequence, whether it is prime or complex, and a list of
primes does not appear to us as a chaotic and haphazard.
Two facts are decisive when it comes to the distribution of primes , which I hope to convince
you to such an extent that it will remain forever in the memory. The first is that despite their
simple definition and role as the building blocks of natural numbers, for themselves are the
building blocks, ie, every prime number greater than 3 is the sum of its predecessors, ie, the
six of primes (2 + 3 + 5 + 11 + 13 + 29 = 63 = 3 (3), 7), and n - thy a multiple of 7 /2, 3, 5, 11,
13, 29 + n(7) = p/
2=2 3=3 4(2) + 3(7) = 29 5 + 8(7) = 61
2+3=5 3 + 4(7) = 31 11 + 8(7) = 67
5+2=7 2 + 5(7) = 37 29 + 6(7) = 71
2(2) + 7 = 11 13 + 4(7) = 41 3 + 10(7) = 73
2(3) + 7 = 13 29 + 2(7) = 43 2 + 11(7) = 79
3 + 2(7) = 17 5 + 6(7) = 47 13 + 10(7) = 83
5 + 2(7) = 19 11 + 6(7) = 53 5 + 12(7) = 89
2 + 3(7) = 23 3 + 8(7) = 59 13 + 12(7) = 97
2 + 15(7) = 107 3 + 14(7) = 101 5 + 14(7) = 103
11 + 14(7) = 109 13 + 18(7) = 139 29 + 12(7) = 113
3 + 148(7) = 1 039 29 + 1430(7) = 10 039 5 + 142 862(7) = 1 000 039
5 + 142 857 142 862(7) = 1 000 000 000 039
3 + 1(7) = 10

2 + 14(7) = 100

6 + 142(7) = 1 000

4 + 1 428(7) = 10 000

5 + 14 285(7) = 100 000

1 + 142 857(7) = 1,00E+06

3 + 1 428 571(7) = `1,00E+07

2 + 14 285 714(7) = 1,00E+08

6 + 142 857 142(7) = 1,00E+09

4 + 1 428 571 428(7) = 1,00E+10

5 + 14 285 714 285(7) = 1,00E+11

1 + 142 857 142 857(7) = 1,00E+12

3 + 1 428 571 428 571(7) = 1,00E+13


2 + 14 285 714 285 714(7) = 1,00E+14

6 + 142 857 142 857 142(7) = 1,00E+15

4 + 1 428 571 428 571 428(7) = 1,00E+16

5 + 14 285 714 285 714 285(7) = 1,00E+17

4 + 1,428 571 428e99(7) = 1,00E+100

4 + 1,428 571 428e999(7) = 1,00E+1000

4 + 1,428 571 428e99 999 999(7) = 1,00E+100 000 000

4 + 1,428 571 428e999 999 999(7) = 1,00E+1000 000 000

The second fact is even more surprising because it says that the primes are very regularly
distributed and are subject to the law of congruence according module 7 with remarkable
accuracy. Since all natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0) are congruent to each by the
module 7, as shown in the graph below, that and primes.

Distribution of prime numbers among the natural numbers satisfies certain statistical
regularities, but it is not aware of any formula which would allow designate the primes in a
more efficient way than the method of Eratosthenes, unless we take into account the
formula (x ² - x)/2 = p*(x = p), or (p<x) = p(p') which allows any number of complex factorize
into prime factors. At the core of the distribution of prime numbers in a sequence of natural
numbers is because the factorization products of the agents, first, that the adherence of the
module 7 distinguish a significant part of product number 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,..

According to a small number Fermat's theorem to the power of (p - 1) minus one they are
completely divisible by a prime. e.g. - 1 = 999 999/7 = ↓
- 142 857
857 142
if a ≠ p p ≥ 3 a ≥ 2 = 64 – 1 = 63/7 = 729 – 1 = 728/7
Similarly, when a fraction of: 1/7 = 0,142 857 142 857 1…
2/7 = 0,2857 142857 14 …
3/7 = 0,42857 142857 1 …
4/7 = 0,57 142857 142857 1..
5/7 = 0,7 142587 142587 1..
6/7 = 0,857 142587 142587..
8/7 = 1,142857 142857
9/7 = 1,2857 142857 14..
10/7 = 1,42857 142857 …
11/7 = 1,57 142857 1428…
12/7 = 1,7 142857 14285…
13/7 = 1,857 142857 142…
where the quotient in decimal expansion of a decimal place begins to repeat the six-digit
number into infinity starting with 1 and ending at 7. In practice, this means, that every six-
digit combination of numbers e.g. (xxxxxx)/7 (xyxyxy)/7 (yxyxyx)/7 (xyzxyz)/7 (zxyzxy)/7
(yzxyzx)/7 (zyxzyx)/7 (yxz yxz)/7 (xzy xzy)/7, and their multiples are divided into by 7.
111 111 111 111 111 111/7 = 15 873 015 873 015 873

We already know which number and Why does are prime, time to ask how many there are
and how they are arranged in the sequence of natural numbers. Here are spirally developing
sequence of odd numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37,
39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87,
89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107,.

This spiral-developing sequence of odd numbers forms two twin interweaving sequences
with a fixed gap of 2, in which on square of every primes weave into their products at gaps
2p - 4p - 2p (9 - 15 – 21, 25 - 35 – 55, 49 - 77 - 91). The helicoidal structure arithmetical over
the primes and their product shows a constant difference between the following two terms,
ie. there exists a number d Є R having a properties, that relate to all n Є N: ••+1 ••• = d 11 -
5 = 6 = 13 - 7
2 + 3 = 5 – 2 – 7 – 4 - 11 – 2 – 13 - 4 - 17 – 2 – 19 – 4 - 23 – 2 – 25 – 4 - 29 – 2 – 31 – 4 - 35
– 2 – 37

Therefore, although in the Riemann hypothesis function of the distribution of prime

numbers π(x) is a function of the gradual small serious irregularities, that in the double
arithmetic progression of primes and their products with a constant interval of D = 6, we see
a surprising smoothness. The uniformity with which the graph is increasing, not all due to
express the number of primes for give magnitude N, which can be localized using logarithmic
function, but the regular deployment which comes from a constant difference d = 6 between
the members of dual an arithmetic progression of primes and their product.

If all of the natural numbers be ranked in 6 columns 1 to infinity, is the smallest distance
between the prime numbers in the two parallel columns will be 6, while the products of the
primes are growing in layers, at 6 (p) (5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29) that is 30, 42, 66, 78, 102,
114, 138, 174 numbers and this causes the steady growth of both numbers.

To 100 we have 16 products of 3 (9,15,21,27,33,39,45,51,57,63,69,75,81,87,93,99) for a

constant difference of d = 6 common to the remaining two sequences of primes and their
products, which lets you create a (50 - 16) = 34, 2 sequences of prime numbers and their
products after 17 numbers. (25 + 9) = 34/2 = 17

Is it possible to imagine a more even distribution of primes and their products?


If all odd numbers will prioritize in the columns to 35 numbers, admittedly the spacing
between the prime numbers will increase by 2, 4, 6, 8 up to larger, but in the rows between
the columns constant is the least distance 70 = 10(7), and the rest is n - thy multiple of the
number 7. (13-83-223, 17-157, 19-89, 23-163, 29-239, 31-101, 37-107)

Among the color pattern which in the list primes leave the products of primes weaving in the
sequence in constant distances, products number 3 at 72, 5 every n (70), 7 every n (70), 11
at 66 13 at 78, 17 at 68, 19 at 76/142 23 at 138, 29 at 58, 31 at 62/124) numbers, we can
clearly see how the prime numbers are forming two intersecting diagonal sequences one at
n (70) numbers, the second at 72 numbers, which in the 11 columns leave pleace for
products identified by the congruence numbers 3, 5, and 7. The list of primes is the
heartbeat of mathematics, and the pulse is powered by multiple of the number 7 in rhythm
to n(7). (3 + 10(7) = 73 + 30(7) = 283, ..) in 24 columns.

The pulsepowered by multiple of the number 7 in the rhythm 2(7) and 4(7) in the columns
(5 + 2(7) = 19 + 4(7) = 47 + 2(7) = 61 + 4(7) = 89,..) give a constant spacing D - 6 in three
parallel spiral sequences 5 – 11 – 17 – 23 – 29 – 35, 7 – 13 – 19 – 25 – 31 – 37 – 43, 9 – 15 –
21 – 27 – 33 – 39 – 45,.

Since the distance between primes in columns is always multiple of the number 7, this
means that, all primes are congruent to each other according module 7. Therefore, from
number 7, take place only after the even numbers the completion of unit 0 - 2 - 6 - 8, which
congruent to each other according module 7. 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19

70 – 82 - 83 - 70 - 88 89

The below ring graph illustrates congruence of primes according module 7.

The spirally developing a sequence of of primes, forms 24 columns contiguous according

module 7 of primes and their products greater than 3, 5, 7, which on radar graph are
arranged in 12 double whirls with a constant interval of p - n(72).

In this radar graph we can clearly see 7 zigzag sequences products of number 5 contiguous
to each other according module 7, and beginning with the numbers 25, 35, 55, 65, 85, 115,
145, and 4 sequences products of number 7, begin with from the numbers 49, 77, 91, 133,
and 24 sequences mixed of primes and their products, begin with from the numbers: 2, 3,
11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 79, 97, 103, 109, 127, 139, 191.

Reigning here with the naked eye visible order, the negating of any of randomness and
unpredictability, in addition to high aesthetic qualities for us practical significance. We will
use it to calculate the function of counting the number of primes π(x), the number of primes
less than given magnitude N.

Nature can be booked discovery of prime numbers 13 and 17 for the cicadas, but
mathematicians are looking for a more systematic way to find prime numbers. With all of
these challenges the list of primes stands above all others, for which the mathematicians are
looking for some secret formula. And this is very simple p - n (70) - p '→ n (7) / 350, read -
the number of primes ranked according to characteristic of these numbers of unity k + 1, k +
3, k + 7, k + 9 arranged are according to the formula prime number plus n - thy multiple of 7
(31 – 70 – 101 – 140 – 241, 23 – 140 – 163 – 70 – 233, 17 – 140 – 157 – 70 - 227, 19 – 70 – 89
– 140 – 229), and line spacing are n - thy multiple of the number 7 (3 - 73, 79 - 149).

At the core of the distribution primes in a sequence of natural numbers is the construction
itself odd numbers consisting of two halves of the preceding and the following even number
(2k + 1) = (2n + 2n')/2, which are more apart from each other always one (un = u2-1 + un + 1)
twice to give 35 odd numbers greater than 2 to 69. To count the number of prime numbers

is in this sequence to the number 70, divide it by 2 and 35 is the number of odd numbers
subtract 11 products of the number three (9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69), the four
products number of 5 (25, 35, 55, 65) and one product of 7 (49), 11 + 4 + 1 = 16, 35 - 16 = 19,
and so prime numbers in the sequence, which have pattern π (x) = ½N - Σp (p '). The number
of primes for the given magnitude is the difference between half the given magnitude and
the sum of the products of primes in a given magnitude.

The sequence of odd numbers as the sum of two successive natural numbers (1 + 2 = 3 2 + 3
= 5, 3 + 4 = 7, 4 + 5 = 9), is in fact a convolution of three sequences, a constant gap d = 6
between terms in two sequences of primes and their products and the sequence themselves
products of the number 3. /5 – 11 – 17 – 23 – 29 – 35,.. 7 – 13 – 19 – 25,.. 9 – 15 – 21/,
whereby the products of the numbers of primes weave in the sequence of the square of
primes at intervals of 2p - 4p - 2p/25 - 2(5) - 35 - 4(5) - 55 - 2(5) - 65, 49 - 4(7) - 77 - 2(7) - 91/.
Imagine yourself so a sequence products of primes 3 (9 – 15/3 = 5 – 21/3 = 7 – 27 – 33/3 =
11), to which you can attach other products of prime numbers from her square (15 - 25 – 35
– 55 – 65), (21 – 49 – 77 – 91), (33 – 121 – 143 – 187 – 209).

Because the general formula of odd numbers are (2n + 1) = k, the same result can be
achieved taking the half of even numbers standing in front of them, to which we add
consecutively value of primes /4 – (7 + 5 = 12 + 5 = 17,..) – (10 + 14 = 24 + 14 = 38 + 7 = 45) –
(16 + 44 = 60 + 11 = 71 + 22 = 93 + 11 = 104 + 22 = 126). Here is a table 11 sequences of
products of prime numbers with halves preceding even number starting with the square of
the given numbers (25 - 12, 121 - 60, 289 – 144, 529 – 264, 841 – 420, 1369 – 684, 1681 –
840, 2209 – 1104, 2809 – 1404, 3481 – 1740, 4489 – 2244), and 6 sequences themselves

halves of the preceding even number products of the numbers (7, 13, 19, 31, 43, 61). This
allows us to easily calculate how much products of primes is to given magnitude.


If half even parts of odd numbers past deducting the half of even part three times in prime
factor 3 · p = (3p - 1)/2 = [3(5) - 1]/2 = 14/2 = 7, [3(7) - 1]/2 = 20/2 = 10, (7, 10, 16, 19, 25,
28, 34, 43, 46, 55, 61, 64, 70, 79, 88, 91, 100) is divisible by (5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,
37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67), it certainly is a complex number.

Proof: [p(p’) – 1]/2 – (3p – 1)/2 = n/p [p(p’) – 1]/2 –(7, 10, 16, 19, 25, 28, 34, 43, 46, 55,

61, 64, 70, 79, 88, 91, 100) = n/(5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67)

1037 – 1 = 1036/2 = 518 – 25 = 493/17 = 29 1037 = 17(61) = 17(58 + 3)

1991 – 1 = 1990/2 = 995 – 16 = 979/11 = 89 1991 = 11(181) = 11(178 + 3)

2009 – 1 = 2008/2 = 1004 – 10 = 994/7 = 142 2009 = 7(287) = 7(284 + 3)

1067 – 1 = 1066/2 = 533 – 16 = 517/11 = 47 1067 = 11(97) = 11(94 + 3)

437 – 1 = 436/2 = 218 – 28 = 190/19 = 10 437 = 19(23) = 19(20 + 3)

961 – 1 = 960/2 = 480 – 46 = 434/31 = 14 961 = 31(31) = 31(28 +3)

In each of these sequences products of prime numbers every third number is divisible by 3
extra, so be on the line products of the number 3 and all must be deducted from the given
sequence. In sequence of 50 product number 5, is (50 - 2)/3 = 16 products of number 3, and
in the sequence 98 products of the number 5 is their 32. Thus, the product of number 5 is
(98 - 32 = 66).

Because halves preceding even number from the square of given number rising steadily by
the same primes, hence the last half in a given sequence after subtracting the value half of
the first product of the number 3 and 5 (15 - 7), and the value of n - thy amount remaining
products (32*5 = 160), give us a number of product primes in the sequence to given
magnitude [(n - a) - (n*p)]/p = x, [(497 - 7) - (32*5)]/5 = (490 - 160)/5 = 330/5 = 66, and to 95
we have [(47 - 7) - (2*5 )]/5 = (40 - 10)/5 = 30/5 = 6. Hence we see that these numbers are
growing exponentially an + 1 = (anq) + 6, 66 = 6(10) 6, 666 = 66(10) + 6, 6666 = 666(10) + 6.
Similarly, increases the amount of the product a number 3. The final product of the number
3 before 100 ist 99 and even number divisible by 6, ie. the constant gap between the
products is 100 - 4 = 96/6 = 16, 1 000 - 4 = 996/6 = 166, 10 000 - 4 = 9996/6 = 1666 or 166 =
16(10) + 6, 1666 = 166(10) + 6,..

The final product of the number 7 prior to 100 is 91, and half of the even number in front of
her standing 45, a subtracting from it the value of half of the first product of the number 3
and 7 (21 - 10) and values of remaining products of (2 * 7 = 14) will give us the quantity the
products of number 7 in the sequence for given magnitude [(45 - 10) - 14]/7 = (35 - 14)/7 =
21/7 = 3, [(486 - 10) - (31*7)]/7 = (476 - 217)/7 = 259/7 = 37, or 68 numbers on the long

sequence of numbers divisible by 3, 5, 7 contains 68 - 31 = 37 numbers only divisible by 7.

[(4994 - 10) - (332*7)]/7 = (4984 - 2324)/7 = 2660/7 = 380

N 2k + 1 98 – 32 68 – 31 43 – 23 35 - 19 25 - 15 23 – 15 20 -14 14 – 12 14 – 13
66 p(p')
0 3 7 + 5(n) 37 p(p')
1 5 25 10 + 7(n)
2 7 35 49 20 p(p')
3 9 45 63 16 + 11(n) 16 p(p')
4 11 55 77 121 19 + 13(n)
5 13 65 91 143 169 10 p(p')
6 15 75 105 165 195 25 + 17(n) 8 p(p')
7 17 85 119 187 221 289 28 + 19(n)
8 19 95 133 209 247 323 361 6 p(p')
9 21 105 147 231 273 357 399 34 + 23(n)
10 23 115 161 253 299 391 437 529
11 25 125 175 275 325 425 475 575 2 p(p')
12 27 135 189 297 351 459 513 621 43 + 29(n) 1 p(p')
13 29 145 203 319 377 493 551 667 841 46 + 31(n)
14 31 155 217 341 403 527 589 713 899 961
15 33 165 231 363 429 561 627 759 957 1023
16 35 175 245 385 455 595 665 805 1015 1085
17 37 185 259 407 481 629 703 851 1073 1147
18 39 195 273 429 507 663 741 897 1131 1209
19 41 205 287 451 533 697 779 943 1189 1271
20 43 215 301 473 559 731 817 989 1247 1333
21 45 225 315 495 585 765 855 1035 1305 1395
22 47 235 329 517 611 799 893 1081 1363 1457
23 49 245 343 539 637 833 931 1127 1421 1519
24 51 255 357 561 663 867 969 1173 1479 1581
25 53 265 371 583 689 901 1007 1219 1537 1643
26 55 275 385 605 715 935 1045 1265 1595 1705
27 57 285 399 627 741 969 1083 1311 1653 1767
28 59 295 413 649 767 1003 1121 1357 1711 1829
29 61 305 427 671 793 1037 1159 1403 1769 1891
30 63 315 441 693 819 1071 1197 1449 1827 1953
31 65 325 455 715 845 1105 1235 1495 1885 2015
32 67 335 469 737 871 1139 1273 1541 1943 2077
33 69 345 483 759 897 1173 1311 1587 2001 2139
34 71 355 497 781 923 1207 1349 1633 2059 2201
35 73 365 511 803 949 1241 1387 1679 2117 2263
36 75 375 525 825 975 1275 1425 1725 2175 2325
37 77 385 539 847 1001 1309 1463 1771 2233 2387
38 79 395 553 869 1027 1343 1501 1817 2291 2449
39 81 405 567 891 1053 1377 1539 1863 2349 2511

40 83 415 581 913 1079 1411 1577 1909 2407 2573

41 85 425 595 935 1105 1445 1615 1955 2465 2635
42 87 435 609 957 1131 1479 1653 2001 2523 2697
43 89 445 623 979 1157 1513 1691 2047 2581 2759
44 91 455 637 1001 1183 1547 1729 2093 2639 2821
45 93 465 651 1023 1209 1581 1767 2139 2697 2883
46 95 475 665 1045 1235 1615 1805 2185 2755 2945
47 97 485 679 1067 1261 1649 1843 2231 2813 3007
48 99 495 693 1089 1287 1683 1881 2277 2871 3069
49 101 505 707 1111 1313 1717 1919 2323 2929 3131
50 103 515 721 1133 1339 1751 1957 2369 2987 3193
51 105 525 735 1155 1365 1785 1995 2415 3045 3255
52 107 535 749 1177 1391 1819 2033 2461 3103 3317
53 109 545 763 1199 1417 1853 2071 2507 3161 3379
54 111 555 777 1221 1443 1887 2109 2553 3219 3441
55 113 565 791 1243 1469 1921 2147 2599 3277 3503
56 115 575 805 1265 1495 1955 2185 2645 3335 3565
57 117 585 819 1287 1521 1989 2223 2691 3393 3627
58 119 595 833 1309 1547 2023 2261 2737 3451 3689
59 121 605 847 1331 1573 2057 2299 2783 3509 3751
60 123 615 861 1353 1599 2091 2337 2829 3567 3813

61 125 625 875 1375 1625 2125 2375 2875 3625 3875

62 127 635 889 1397 1651 2159 2413 2921 3683 3937

63 129 645 903 1419 1677 2193 2451 2967 3741 3999

64 131 655 917 1441 1703 2227 2489 3013 3799 4061

65 133 665 931 1463 1729 2261 2527 3059 3857 4123

66 135 675 945 1485 1755 2295 2565 3105 3915 4185

67 137 685 959 1507 1781 2329 2603 3151 3973 4247

68 139 695 973 1529 1807 2363 2641 3197 4031 4309

69 141 705 987 1551 1833 2397 2679 3243 4089 4371

70 143 715 1001 1573 1859 2431 2717 3289 4147 4433

71 145 725 1015 1595 1885 2465 2755 3335 4205 4495

72 147 735 1029 1617 1911 2499 2793 3381 4263 4557

73 149 745 1043 1639 1937 2533 2831 3427 4321 4619

74 151 755 1057 1661 1963 2567 2869 3473 4379 4681

75 153 765 1071 1683 1989 2601 2907 3519 4437 4743

76 155 775 1085 1705 2015 2635 2945 3565 4495 4805

77 157 785 1099 1727 2041 2669 2983 3611 4553 4867

78 159 795 1113 1749 2067 2703 3021 3657 4611 4929

79 161 805 1127 1771 2093 2737 3059 3703 4669 4991

80 163 815 1141 1793 2119 2771 3097 3749 4727 5053

81 165 825 1155 1815 2145 2805 3135 3795 4785 5115

82 167 835 1169 1837 2171 2839 3173 3841 4843 5177

83 169 845 1183 1859 2197 2873 3211 3887 4901 5239

84 171 855 1197 1881 2223 2907 3249 3933 4959 5301

85 173 865 1211 1903 2249 2941 3287 3979 5017 5363

86 175 875 1225 1925 2275 2975 3325 4025 5075 5425

87 177 885 1239 1947 2301 3009 3363 4071 5133 5487

88 179 895 1253 1969 2327 3043 3401 4117 5191 5549

89 181 905 1267 1991 2353 3077 3439 4163 5249 5611

90 183 915 1281 2013 2379 3111 3477 4209 5307 5673

91 185 925 1295 2035 2405 3145 3515 4255 5365 5735

92 187 935 1309 2057 2431 3179 3553 4301 5423 5797

93 189 945 1323 2079 2457 3213 3591 4347 5481 5859

94 191 955 1337 2101 2483 3247 3629 4393 5539 5921

95 193 965 1351 2123 2509 3281 3667 4439 5597 5983

96 195 975 1365 2145 2535 3315 3705 4485 5655 6045

97 197 985 1379 2167 2561 3349 3743 4531 5713 6107

98 199 995 1393 2189 2587 3383 3781 4577 5771 6169

In the same way we calculate how many products of the number 11 to a thousand. The last
is 979, deducting the 1, divide in half and the quotient subtract 16 as the value of half of the
first product of the numbers 3 and 11 (33 - 16) and the difference subtract the product of 10
numbers also divisible by 5, and 7, and the product 13 numbers divisible by 3 (165, 231, 297,
363, 429,..) and the difference is divided by 11 to give 20, which is long at 43 the number
sequence of numbers divisible by 3, 5, 7 and 11 contains 43 - [10 + 13] = 20 numbers
divisible only by 11. (979 – 1) = 978/2 = 489 – 16 = 473 – [10(11)]=363–[13(11)]=220/11=20.

Similar treatment would in calculation of the quantities products numbers 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, to 1000. 949 – 1 = 948/2 = 474 – 19 = 455 – [9(13)] = 338 – [10(13)] = 208/13 = 16 = 35 –
19, 901 – 1 = 900/2 = 450 – 25 = 425 – [9(17)] = 272 – [6(17)] = 170/17 = 10 = 25 – 15, 931 –
1 = 930/2 = 465 – 28 = 437 – [5(19)] = 342 – [10(19)] = 152/19 = 8 = 23 – 15, 989 – 1 = 988/2
= 494 – 34 = 460 – [3(23)] = 391 – [11(23)] = 138/23 = 6 = 20 – 14, 899 – 1 = 898/2 = 449 – 43
= 406 – [12(29)] = 58/29 = 2 = 14 – 12, 961 – 1 = 960/2 = 480 – 46 = 434 – [13(31)] = 31/31 =
1 = 14 – 13.

In 1000 natural numbers we have 166 numbers divisible by 3 and (66/5 + 37/7 + 20/11 +
16/13 + 10/17 + 8/19 + 6/23 + 2/29 + 1/31 = 166) other primes. Subtracting now from half
the given magnitude the sum of the products of primes, we'll find out how much is in the
same primes. 500 - (166 + 166) = 168 π(x) = ½N - Σp(p'), 500 = 168 + 166 + 166 For 35 column
list of primes show that products of number 5 form a 7 sequences, and products of number
7, they form 4 sequences, i.e., the ratio of products numbers 5 and 7 is as 7: 4 /66 = (7*9) + 3
37 = (4*9) + 1, 666 = (7*95) + 1, 380 = (4*95)/.

Whereas triple-intertwined sequence of primes and their products of the congruence

according module (n)7, extracts 24 the mixed sequences primes and their products. On this
basis a close approximation we can determine the number of primes for a given magnitude;
25 = (24 + 1), 168 = 7(24), 1229 = (51*24) + 5


In fact, the distribution of prime numbers depends on their strict ratio to their products, and
this follows from the ability to create of identical subtotals to a given magnitude. To ten we
have 4 primes (2 + 3 + 5 + 7) = 17, they form 4 identical subtotals to 10 [2 + 8 = 10, 3 + 7 = 10,
5 + 5 = 10, 7 + 3 = 10. (8 + 7 + 5 + 3) = 23, 17 + 23 = 40/4 = 10]. According to this scheme will
be at ratio of prime numbers of those products, i.e. on 40 odd numbers in a given set may be
17 the prime numbers and 23 of those products.

And so it looks like a line graph. Here, the sum of 4 prime numbers (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17),
complemented by the sum of the difference to 10 (8 + 7 + 5 + 3 = 23), shows how is the ratio
of 17 prime numbers /from 20 – 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,
97 to 100/ to 23 of those products /21, 25, 27, 33, 35, 39, 45, 49, 51, 55, 57, 63, 65, 69, 75,
77, 81, 85, 87, 91, 93, 95, 99/ in 17 + 23 = 40 numbers, that is, in half of given magnitude.
π(x) + Σ[p(p’)] = ½N

As is shown in the following table in column 10 the first row are four pairs or eight primes (2,
3) (5.7) (11, 13) (17, 19) and only two products of the numbers 3 (9 and 15) - (8 + 2). In the
following rows, the ratio is as follows (4 + 6) (5 + 5) (5 + 5) (3 + 7) = 17 + 8 = 25 primes to 23 +
2 = 25 of those products, and therefore in the fifth row this ratio is leveled.

As in the sixth row occurs evenly over 5 prime numbers and their products at total 30, that
primes into their products are in a ratio of 1: 1.

In further rows 6 to 11, the ratio is 17/33, i.e., in the range of 50 numbers (50 = 17 + 33) is a
prime numbers 17 and 33 of those products, or prime numbers are distributed among their
products in a precisely defined ratio . But always preserved the principle that the sum of
primes and their products creates half a given magnitude /π(x) + Σ[p(p ')] = ½N, 68 + 102 =
170, 2:3:5/.

In the next row / 34 - 46 / ratio of prime numbers to their products shall be doubled from
17/43 to 34/86 because, it covers the range of 34 + 86 = 120 numbers. Here we have the
range 17 + 43 = 60 numbers, 17 + 53 = 70 numbers, 34 + 66 = 100 numbers, 34 + 96 = 130
numbers and 34 + 106 = 140 numbers.

We cannot say that primes occur every 12, 18, 20, 22, 40, 42, 68, or 70 numbers, but it is
certain that arrives there in close relation to their products in groups after, 17 + (23, 33, 43,
53, 63, 73, 83, 93) numbers, after 34 + (66, 86, 96, 106, 116, 126, 136, 146, 156, 166, 176)
numbers, after 51 + (119, 139, 169, 179, 199, 229), after 68 + 202 = 270 numbers, after 68 +
222 = 290 numbers, the 68 + 232 = 300 numbers, the 68 + 272 numbers, as we see in the
table below to 10960 numbers .

Σ[p(p')] π(x) ½N
2 8 10
23 17 40
25 25 50
30 30 60
33 17 50
63 47 110
66 34 100
129 81 210
135 85 220
43 17 60
178 102 280
184 106 290
33 17 50
217 123 340
86 34 120
303 157 460
86 34 120
389 191 580
139 51 190
528 242 770
33 17 50
561 259 820
106 34 140
667 293 960
53 17 70
720 310 1030
43 17 60
763 327 1090
53 17 70
816 344 1160
43 17 60
859 361 1220
63 17 80
922 378 1300

86 34 120
1008 412 1420
53 17 70
1061 429 1490
73 17 90
1134 446 1580
53 17 70
1187 463 1650
43 17 60
1230 480 1710
96 34 130
1326 514 1840
106 34 140
1432 548 1980
53 17 70
1485 565 2050
116 34 150
1601 599 2200
106 34 140
1707 633 2340
73 17 90
1780 650 2430
222 68 290
2002 718 2720
2009 721 2730
63 17 80
2072 738 2810
2080 740 2820
43 17 60
2123 757 2880
43 17 60
2166 774 2940
2174 776 2950
73 17 90
2247 793 3040
179 51 230
2426 844 3270
53 17 70
2479 861 3340
2487 863 3350
53 17 70

2540 880 3420

53 17 70
2593 897 3490
63 17 80
2656 914 3570
2664 916 3580
136 34 170
2800 950 3750
43 17 60
2843 967 3810
2851 969 3820
116 34 150
2967 1003 3970
2975 1005 3980
73 17 90
3048 1022 4070
3057 1023 4080
116 34 150
3173 1057 4230
3181 1059 4240
232 68 300
3413 1127 4540
169 51 220
3582 1178 4760
63 17 80
3645 1195 4840
126 34 160
3771 1229 5000
179 51 230
3950 1280 5230
199 51 250
4149 1331 5480

It is difficult to imagine a more even distribution of prime numbers, and their products than
those resulting from this as follow one after the other at regular distances what /18, 20, 22,
or 18, 60, 42, 23 - 5 - (25) - 47 25 - 7 - (67) - 49 / numbers, complementing each other in a
precisely defined ratio (17/23, 17/33, 17/43,..) to half a given magnitude ½N as seen in the
line graph below.

π(x) + Σ[p(p ')] = ½N, 4(17) = {68 + [3(23) + 33] = 102} = 170

For a full doubling occurs but it was only with 540 numbers, when on 180 primes falls 360 of
those products. Since then the ratio of prime numbers to their products will be getting
smaller, as shown in the line graph below /Σ[p (p')]: π(x) = (25:25 = 30:30 = 1:1), (360:180 =
2:1) (3165: 1055 = 3:1).

Similarly, is formed the ratio of prime numbers to half a given magnitude, namely a gradually
decreasing ½N: π (x) = (50: 25 = 60: 30 = 2: 1) (540: 180 = 3: 1), (4220: 1055 = 4: 1)

When half a given magnitude grows exponentially f (½N) = 5 ), the number of primes
with the products of greater than 3 exponentially, which is the sum of the difference
between the number of primes successor and predecessor π (x) / 25 - 4 = 21 /, and between
the amount of those products larger than 3 /Σ[p(p')]> 3, 9 - 0 = 9/, f[π(x)] + Σ[p(p')> 3] = 21 +
9 = 30 = 3 (10). Thus the number of prime numbers in relation to half a given magnitude
asymptotically decreases, while the amount of those products higher than three increases
asymptotically. And so it looks like radar charts:

The spirally developing a sequence of prime numbers, forms the columns 35 congruent to
each according to module 7 primes and their products greater than 3, that radar chart
arrange themselves into six double of dextrorotatory whirls with a constant spacing d - (6) ².

And the above spiral developing sequence of prime numbers, creates 42 columns congruent
to each other at a constant spacing d - 126 = 18 (7) of primes and their products greater
than 3, which on the radar chart arrange themselves into 21 right and left-hand whirls about
spacing d - L(60), P - (66).

Here we see how a spiral developing sequence of prime numbers, creates 34 columns
congruent to each other at a constant spacing d - 102 = 6 (17) of primes and their products
greater than 3, which on the radar chart arrange themselves into 17 right and left-hand
whirls about a constant spacing d - (50) - (52)

This constant spacing /50 - 52/ in 17 columns of the above table is crucial for the constant
increase of primes from 54 + 33 to 87 and from 87 + 33 to 120 always what 102 numbers and
from 127 + 23 to 150 and from 156 + 23 to 179 always what 77 numbers.

Spirally developing prime numbers arranged in 10 columns with a constant spacing d - 20

form a three double left-handed whirls with a constant spacing d - 3(6) = 18, starting from /5
+ 18 = 23 + 18 =41/, /7 + 18 = 25 + 18 = 43 + 18 = 61/, /11 + 18 = 29 + 18 = 47/, /13 + 18 = 31
+ 18 = 49/, /17 + 18 = 35 + 18 = 53/, /19 + 18 = 37 + 18 = 55 + 18 = 73/. For reasons of
transparency intentionally been omitted here 3 sequences the products of number 3 /9 + 18
= 27, 15 + 18 = 33, 21 + 18 = 39,/, which never formed parallel pairs of prime numbers, to
that done products of numbers greater than 3 /5 - 25, 29 - 49 /.

Interestingly, the quantity products of numbers greater than 3, is always number the same
parity as number of prime numbers π(x). The sum and difference of two numbers of the
same parity is always an even numbers, and therefore divisible by 2. Rule half of the sum
and difference of primes and their products greater than 3, which allows us to calculate the
quantity of primes in a given magnitude of numbers follows therefore with properties that
specifies even parity of numbers.

Theorem: If the number of products greater than 3 (Σ [p (p ')]> 3) is the same parity as the
number of prime numbers, then half of their sum and difference are added, when the
product of numbers greater than 3 is less than prime numbers, or subtracted, when there
are more than prime numbers, gives the exact value of π(x) for given magnitude.

Proof: To 100 we have 25 primes and 9 products of numbers greater than 3/25, 35, 49, 55,
65, 77, 85, 91, 95 /. Half the sum and the difference of numbers of the same parity summed,
when products numbers greater than 3, there are fewer than primes [25 + 9]/2 + [25 - 9]/2 =
17 + 8 = 25, or be subtracted, when it is their more than primes [2105 + 1229]/2 - [2105-
1229]/2 = 1667 - 438 = 1229, gives the exact value of π(x) for given magnitude.

{∑[p(p’)]>3 - ∑(p)]/2 ± {∑[p(p’)]>3 + ∑(p)}/2 = π(x)

∑[p(p’)]>3 {∑[ p(p’)]>3 - ∑(p)}/2 {∑[p(p’)]>3 + ∑(p)}/2 π(x)

9 8 ± 17 25
166 1 ± 167 168
2 105 438 ± 1667 1229
23 742 7 075 ± 16667 9592
254 836 88 169 ± 166667 78498
2 668 755 1 002 088 ± 1666667 664 579
27 571 879 10 905 212 ± 166666667 5 761 455
282 485 800 115 819 233 ± 1666666667 50 847 534
2 878 280 823 1 211 614 156 ± 16666666667 455 052 511
29 215 278 521 12 548 611 854 ± 166666666667 4 118 054 813
295 725 421 316 1 29 058 754 649 ± 1666666666667 37 607 912 018
2 987 267 796 495 1 320 601 129 828 ± 16666666666667 346 065 536 839
30 128 391 582 532 13 461 724 915 865 ± 166666666666667 3 204 941 750 802
303 488 762 910 665 136 822 096 243 998 ± 1666666666666667 29 844 570 422 669
3 054 094 992 299 409 1 387 428 325 632 742 ± 16666666666666667 279 238 341 033 925
Graphic illustration of the ratio of prime numbers for the size shows that it is asymptotically
declining it means that prime numbers 25 is less in the size, the greater number consider. If

in 100 on 50 odd numbers, what the second, or 25 is prime that, in 1000 the ratio is as
168/500, or 0,336. Thus, density of their distribution steadily decreasing.

Prime numbers seem to be completely randomly distributed among other numbers. When
they were observed prime numbers is the fewer the greater number we consider. Prime
numbers are subject to, distribution of a single law, the law of congruence module 7 and
their amount is in ratio a decreasing alike as to the amount of numbers in given magnitude,
and their products. 25:25 = 30:30 = 1: 1, 50:25 = 60:30 = 360:180 = 2:1, 540:180 = 3165:1055
= 3:1, 4220:1055 = 4:1

The following radar chart shows how far and widthwise in the distribution of prime numbers
there is this basic spacing 3(6) in a double sequence of primes and their products greater
than 3 (5, 7, - 23, 25 - 41, 43 - 59, 61 - 77.79), which makes between numbers with the same
number of unity is maintained constant spacing of 20 and 40 between the turns of spiral,
and so it looks to 1000.

In contrast, tightly arranged primes form 6 spiral sequences with a constant spacing 18
starting from the numbers (5 - 23 – 41, 7 - 25 – 43, 11 - 29 – 47, 13 - 31 – 49, 17 - 35 – 53,
19 - 37 - 55).

According to the same module 17 with the smallest spacing between the turns 4 (17) = 68,
expanding spiral prime numbers from 2 through 883 to infinity and where there may be
some question about chaos? (269 - 68 - 337 - 204 - 541 - 136 - 677 - 204 - 881)

So every prime in a straight line occurs what 68, 136, 204, 340 and more numbers divisible
by 17, as seen in the above radar graph or in mixed zigzag sequences with products for
greater than 3 at spacing 34, 68 (3-37- 71-139-173-241) (11-79-113-181-215-283), as seen in
the graph below.

The primes and their products arranged in sequence in 34 vertical columns have a constant
spacing n(17) 59 - 127-263 - 331 there between and form a dextrorotatory whirls of the
same number of unity and a constant spacing n(7) 13 - 83 - 223 - 293 - 433 - 503 - 643 - 853.

How regularly distributed are prime numbers among their products greater than 3, we
discover when will prioritize them in 12 columns one by one. They create then ranks, in
which there is consistent clearance 47 - 2 - 49 - 4 - 53 - 2 - 55 - 4 - 59 between them and
between the rows 6², causing the formation of vertical four of numerical sequences what 36
numbers ending in 31 - 6² - 67 - 6² - 103 - 6² - 139. These even spacing between them so as
along as far and wide make it that, from 19 prime numbers (67) a smaller or larger bracket of
numbers arrives they always 52 /19 - 52 - 71 - 52 - 123/.

You can also all primes arranged in 12 columns where between the rows is maintained
constant distance 28 = 4(7), indicating that all the primes, we can write with formula n(7) +
(2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 29) = p, /45(7) + 2 = 315 + 2 = 317/. However, the fixed spacing 30 forms 8
dextrorotatory whiles of the same number unity starting from /7-37, 11-41, 13-43, 17-47,
19-79, 23-53, 29-59, 31-61/.

So arranged prime numbers not only show a steady increase of 29-31 and twin at 10 (8-18-
28), but also clearly defined ratio to the number of their products, which is always an even
multiple of 7 (29/98, 30/98/112, 31/70/84/98/112/126).

Conclusion in according with above, it is obvious that Riemann zeta-function is based on

false hypothesis to represent Prime numbers. Therefore, it is impossible to justify proof or
disproof on Riemann Hypothesis, where there is no foundation to base on.

Thus, the distribution of prime numbers puzzle has been solved. Since then a sequence of
primes is not similar to the random sequence of numbers, but an orderly gradually declining
ratio of primes to the half of a given magnitude and their products. In the end seeking for
centuries by mathematician’s mysterious structure of primes and their products was
discovered and the music it can been write endlessly.


Prime numbers are a rich source of ancient mathematical mysteries. 2000 years, we know
that there are infinitely many.

Only primes, which after deducting from them these 10 pairs (3-5, 11-13, 13-15, 15-3, 23-53,
53-83, 83-29, 29-31, 31-61, 37-11), give numbers divisible by 7 (59 - 3 = 56/7, 61 - 5 = 56/7,
179 - 11 = 168/7, 181 - 13 = 168/7), created not only the so-called twin prime e.g. 5 and 7, 11
and 13, as n and n + 2, but once even primes "triplets": 3, 5, 7, as n and n + 2, and n + 4,
which is still about 2 more one than the other 3 + 2 = 5 + 2 = 7. When a followed by two pairs
of twin numbers in one ten / 11-13, 17-19 /, then we are talking about "quadruplets." There
are also one pair of consecutive primes 2 and 3, which are not "twin" but only the

If the number of primes about endings are arranged by the same number of unity 1 - 3 - 7 - 9
form 17 pair of prime numbers with a common gap (6) 2-3, 5-7, 11-13, 17- 19, 23-25, 29-31,
35-37, 41-43, 47-49, 53-55, 59-61, 65-67, 71-73, 77-79, 83-85, 89-91, 95-97. Such a system
shows the pair of primes maintain gap about 2 characteristic for twin numbers , and wherein
said gap is blocked by the products of the numbers 5 (25, 35, 55, 65, 85, 95), and 7 (49, 77,
91). We clearly see that numbers twin are in pairs 2, 3-4, 6, 8, 11 and 13, that is in seven
pairs and there are to 100 - 14.

Since the numbers 2 and 3 as consecutive never form a pair of twins and 16 the products of
3, to calculate the amount of twin to a give magnitude enough at amount primes π(x) minus

2 and the number of products of the numbers that are greater than three according to the
formula [(πx - 2) - Rip(p')] = Σp,(p + 2), [(25 - 2) - 9] = 14. The whole of the 50 odd numbers
can be arranged in 25 pairs that is 17 mixed pairs of prime numbers of the products of the
numbers greater than 3 and the number of products of the eight pairs of three fixed-gap 6
(9-15, 21-27, ..), either alone are twin pairs of numbers here seven plus 18 pairs of numbers
the rest of the system, gives also 25. This clearly shows that the ratio of 17 mixed pairs of
primes and their products of up to 7 pairs of numbers twin (17 + 8 = 7 + 18), is inversely
proportional, because the number of pairs of numbers twin in the system decreases by 10,
it's about the same growing number of mixed pairs primes and their products. When the
length of the sequence primes and their products greater than 3 is continuously increased by
[(15) * 1 * 11 * 111 * 1111] + 2, .. 17, 167, 1667, 16667 pairs, and the number of pairs of
products of 3 comes about half [(15 * 1 * 11 * 111 * 1111) + 1]/2 = 8, 83, 833, 8333, is a twin
pairs in the 10, 133, 1 463, 15 444, 158 499, 1 607 688, par less.

On the radar graph divided into four quadrants by the sequences of products numbers 5, a
pair of twin numbers are growing progressively 17-19 -40- 59-61 -40 - 101-103, 29-31 -40-
71-73, 107-109 -40- 149-151 -40- 191-193, 137-139 -40- 179-181, 197-199 -40- 239-241 -40-
281-283, 227-229 -40- 269-271 -40- 311- 313, 419-421 -40- 461-463, always about 40 of
numbers up.

In this table, we can clearly see how gradually every 5 pairs of twin numbers arrive. To 40
there are 4, to 120 – 9, to 200 – 14, to 320 – 19, to 560 – 24, to 680 - 29, and to 1000 - 34
pairs of twin numbers.

Until 1120 - 39, to 1520 - 49, to 1760 - 54, to 1960 - 59, to 2320 - 69 to 2680 - 74 to 2840 -
79, to 10 000 - 204, to 100 000 - 1 223, to 1 000 000 - 8 168, to 10 000 000 - 58 979.

50 847 534 prime numbers up to 1 000 000 000 creates only 6 849.010 twin prime.
86 029 961 - 86 029 963 is one of the pairs of the range. Another such pair about the
completion of -61, -63 we find among the number of 13 digits 10 ^ 12 + 61 and 10 ^12 + 63.
These are twin prime since after subtraction of these, 13 and 15 are divisible by 7, (1 000 000
000 061 - 13)/7, and (1 000 000 000 063 - 15)/7, (142 857 142 864 * 7 ) + 13 = 10^12 + 61,
(142 857 142 864 * 7) + 15 = 10^12 + 63.

And here the next 97, 9 999 997, 99 999 997, 999 999 997 and 9 999 999 997 digits pairs of
twin numbers elaborate this reliable method.


Now we are able to re-take the "strong" Goldbach conjecture, which says that every even
natural number greater than 4 is the sum of two primes.

If the proportinality factor for all even numbers up to given magnitude is ½, it means that
equation, ½N/N = π(x)/Σ(p + p') is the answer to the problem of Goldbach, who believed that
every even number can be submitted with two primes.


If the quotient of prime numbers by double their number is equal to the quotient of the
amount of even numbers by a given magnitude, then the equality of two relations, which
means that the product of the term extreme is equal to the product of the term middle.

π(x)/ Σ 2(p + p’) = Σ(2k)/N = Σ(2k)/Σ2(p + p’) 25/50 = 50/100 = ½


The sum of two numbers of the same parity is always an even number/2k = p + p'/, as is
apparent from the properties, which states numbers parity. Hence, every even number
greater than 4 can be presented as the sum of two even numbers or primes. /6 = 4 + 2 = 3+3,
8 = 2 + 6 = 3 + 5, 12 = 4 + 8 = 5 + 7, 14 = 2 + 12 = 3 + 11 = 6 + 8 = 7 + 7/

The ratio of ½ in the case of even numbers means, that all even numbers in the block consist
of two primes. 5/10 = 4/8, 50/100 = 25/50, 500/1000 = 168/336. To 10 is 5 pairs of prime
numbers whose sum is an even number 2 + 2 = 4, 3 + 3 = 6, 3 + 5 = 8, 5 + 5 = 10, 3 + 7 = 10,
and to 100 by selecting the closest to the center find 50 pairs of primes about even the sum
/ 5 + 7 = 12, 3 + 11 = 14, 5 + 11 = 16, 7 + 11 = 18, 7 + 13 = 20 5 + 17 = 22, 11 + 13 = 24, 7 + 19
= 26, 11 + 17 = 28. So 50 even numbers in block 100 number is the sum of 2(25 + 25) 100
primes and the number of pairs of prime numbers about even sum grows exponentially 5-
50-500-5000, with a common quotient q = 10, to infinity.

So, every even number greater than 4 may consist of 1 to 3 pairs of primes constituent, and
yet it primes in a given block does not run out/8 = 5 + 3, 10 = 7 + 3 = 5 + 5, 22 = 19 + 3 = 17+5
= 11 + 11, 26 = 23 + 3 = 19 + 7 = 13 + 13/. Regardless of how many of primes are in range of
numbers for given magnitude it an even number, it is always the sum of the pairs of
preceding ingredients , among which never run out of prime numbers, together with their
products increases exponentially 5-50-500, so as pairs primes about even sum.

The easiest way to find pairs of primes by subtracting ii adding from half of even number the
same number e.g. 105 (2516/2 = 1258 - 105 = 1153/1, 1258 + 105 = 1363/1, 1153 + 1363 =
2516). Rightness "strong" Goldbach's conjecture proves rightness of a "weak" Goldbach's
conjecture, because enough of the odd number greater than 7 minus 3, and the resulting
even number given in accordance with the strong Goldbach’s conjecture.

(2k + 1) - 3 = 2k = p + p' → 2k + 1 = p + p' + p"


Now we see that the weak Goldbach’s conjecture is true for all odd numbers, i.e. all odd
numbers greater than 7 are the sum of three primes (not necessarily different), as we see in
the graph above.

Simply proportional distribution of primes allows sums of two primes / numbers are adding
up in pairs, form a set of even natural numbers / and sums the three primes / numbers are
adding up threes, form a set of natural numbers odd / fill a number line all the natural
numbers (except 1). This is the easiest way to combine into pairs and tryple prime numbers
can generate of seeming chaos the set of natural numbers. / 2, 3, (2 + 2) (2 + 3), (3 + 3), (2 +
2 + 3), (3 + 5), (3 + 3 + 3), (5 + 5) (3 + 3 + 5), (5 + 7), (3 + 5 + 5), (7 + 7), (3 + 5 + 7),

So with seeming disorder of primes emerge extraordinary beauty ½ ratio of their parts to
other parts and to the whole set of natural numbers, generating the greatest harmony
compatible with the human being, and the Book of Wisdom 11, 21, we can exclaim:

"But you have everything sorted by measure, number and weight."

The seeming disorder is regulated, for which be unto God thank, so that we do not have at
least one million years to wait to understand the mysteries of prime numbers.








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