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Organizer of education and special staff related to development

of Indonesia National Police Management
- Responsible for organizing management education for first
, middle and top level manager including research and
development of INP Strategies and Policies.
- Responsible for researching and developing na-
tional security system,national security man-
agement and national security leadership
- Responsible guiding security manage-
ment education for either member
and non-member of Indonesia
National Police
- Organizing pre service
and in service edu-
cation program in
security manage-

Creating Police Staff and Command College as the highest educa-
tional institutions which organizes education
For candidates of Indonesia National Police administrators and other
law enforcement agencies . such candidates are expeceted to have
professionalisme , strateqis leadership & strong commitment on
moral integrity as public protector and public server.

- Organizing the education for candidates of first , middle & top manger
of Indonesia National Police and other law enforcement agencies.

We Create
- Organizing the study & development of leadership values , law en-
forcement & national development as well as domestic security sta-
- Socializing Indonesia National Police new paradigm in justic system
, law enforcement institution & law enforcement strategies in order
to create law supermancy and to maintain domestic security stability
The Future Leaders
High Level
Police Staff & Command Course

- Upper level management education II. Strategic environtment studies

- Length of course : 7 months • Globalization effect on domestic security is-
- Rank : senior commisioner of police / colonel sues
armed forces • Politics development studies
- Law enforcement agencies or military personnel • Economic monetary and banking studies
- Competencies : • Social development studies
• Ability to analyze the development of strategic • Culture development studies
environtment ( global , regional , local ) com- • Cyber crime development
perhensively and correlatively
• Ability to formulate the scenarios of threat on III. Strategic management studies
domestic security for long terms • National development strategy
• Ability to realize the superiority of organiza- • Goverenment system
tions • Strategic plan system
• Ability to formulate strategies and policies in • Indonesia national police on supporting na-
achieving the goal of the organizations tional development
• Ability to be accountable on duties based on • Management of organizing domestic security
moral values • Strategy of law enforcement

- Lectures given by : president , vice precident
, ministry , professor,chief of armed forces /
joint chief of staff / chief of indonesian national
- Local obligatory social action
- Overseas obligatory social action
- Book review
- Seminar
- Training on strategy process and national
management system
- Writing individual paper


I. Paradigm studies
• Paradigm of learning organization adn learn-
ing scenarious
• Comparative of development paradigm
• Paradigm of civillian police and democratic
• Police leadership
• Building law enforcement image
Middle Level
Police Staff & Command Course

- Middle level management education ACTIVITIES

- Length of course : 7 months - Management course
- Rank : commisioner of adjunct senior commisin- - Training on tactic
er of police / major or letcol of armed forces - Obligatory social action internship
- Law enforcement agencies or military personel - Seminar
- Competencies : - Writing individual paper
• Ability to notify , observe and understand the - Lectures by law and social experts
development of strategic environtment either
external and internal organizations CURRICULUM STRUCTURE
• Ability to apply police profession as well as to
formulate the prediction of threats on public I. Management
order and security for middle term • Security management
• Ability to audit and to improve the health of the • Indonesia national police oprational manage-
organizations and measure people perception ment
on organizations • Conflict management
• Ability to implement strategies and policies in
carry out indonesia national police main duties II. Strategy
• Ability of accountability based on moral values • Strategic environtment
• Strategic leadership
• Strategic management

• Indonesian national police code conduct
• Police ethic
• Public accountability

IV. Law and regulations

• Conduct of police regulations
• Police behaviour
• Criminal justice system
• Admireable and obedient law

V. Social science
• The rules of the local culture
• Democratic policing
• Human right
• Community policing
First Level
Police Staff & Command Course

First level police staff and command course III. Profession

- First level management education • Indonesian national police code conduct
- Length of course : 4 months • Police ethic
- Rank : adjunct commisioner or commisioner of • Public accountability
police / captain or major of armed forces
- Competencies : IV. Law and regulations
• Ability to apply police profession , handling of • Conduct of police regulations
threts on public order and security for a first • Police behaviour
managerial tasks • Criminal justice system
• Ability to implement strategies and policies • Admireable and obedient law
from the leader of organization
• Ability of accountability based on moral values V. Social science
of society • The rules of the local culture
• Ability conceptual knowledge in police man- • Democratic policing
agement operations • Human right
• Ability to implement science and technology in • Community policing
the police field


- Management course
- Training on tactic
- Obligatory social action internship
- Seminar
- Writing individual paper
- Lectures by indonesia national police


I. Management
• Security management
• Indonesia national police oprational manage-
• Conflict management

II. Strategy
• Strategic environtment
• Strategic leadership
• Strategic management

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