Chp#2 Kinematics Made by Ahmed Malik

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Q.1:Define Kinematics?
Ans.1:The first thing concerning the motion of an object is its
Kinematics.Kinematics is the study of motion of an object without
discussing the cause of motion.
Q.2: Differenciate between rest and motion of our body?
Ans.2:A body is said to be at rest, it does not change its position with
respect to its surroundings.
A body is said to be in motion, if it changes it position with respect to
its surroundings.
Q.3:Define surroundings of an object?
Ans.3:We see various things around us. Some of them are at rest while
others are in motion. Surroundings are the places in its neighbourhood
where various objects are present.
Q.4:Give an example of body is at rest and in motion at the same
Ans.4:A passenger sitting in a moving bus is at rest because he/she is
not changing his/her position with respect to other passengers or
objects in the bus. But the observer outside the bus, the passengers and
the objects inside the bus are in motion.

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Q.5:Is the rest or motion of a body is relative?
Ans.5:Yes, the state of rest or motion of a body is relative.
Q.6:How many types of motion are there?
Ans.6:There are three types of motion.
(a) Translatory motion (linear, random, and circular).
(b) Rotatory motion.
(c) Vibratory motion (to and fro motion).
Q.7:Define Translatory motion?
Ans.7:In translational motion, a body moves along a line without any
rotation. The line may be straight or curved.
Q.8:What is the type of motion if aeroplane or a car move with?
Ans.8:A car and an aeroplane moving along a straight line are in
linear motion.
Q.9: How many divisions of a translatory motion are?
Ans.9:Translatory motion can be devided into linear motion, circular
motion, and random motion.
Q.10:Define Linear motion?
Ans.10:Straight line motion of a body is known as its linear motion.
Q.11:What type of path followed by a stone?
Ans.11:A stone tied at the end of a string can be made to whirl. The
stone moves in a circle and thus has circular motion.
Q.12:Define Circular motion?

Ans.12:The motion of an object in a circular path is known as circular

Q.13:Define Random motion?
Ans.13:The disordered or irregular motion of an object is called
random motion.
Q.14:Define Brownian motion?
Ans.14:Random motion of gas molecules is called Brownian motion.
Q.15:Write the examples of random motion?
Ans.15:The Brownian motion of gas or liquid molecules along a zig-
zag path is an example of Random motion.
Q.16:Define an axis?
Ans.16:An axis is a line around which a body rotates.
Q.17:Define Rotatory motion?
Ans.17:The spinning motion of a body about its axis is called its
rotatory motion.
Q.18:Write an example of rotatory motion?
Ans.18:The motion of a wheel about its axis and that of a steering
wheel are the examples of rotatory motion.
Q.19:Define Vibratory Motion?
Ans.19:To or fro motion of a body about its mean position is known as
vibratory motion.
Q.20:Write any two examples of Vibratory Motion?

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Ans.20:(1)Vibratory motion of a child and a swing.
(2) Vibratory motion of a pendulum and a clock.
Q.21:What is meant by magnitude of a quantity?
Ans.21:Magnitude of a quantity means its numerical value with an
appropriate unit such as 2.5kg, 40s, 1.8m, ect.
Q.22:What is scalar quantity?
Ans.22:A scalar quantity is described completely by its magnitude
Q.23:Write the examples of scalar quantities?
Ans.23:Examples of scalars are mass, length, time, speed, volume,
work, and energy.
Q.24:What is a vector quantity?
Ans.24:A vector quantity is described completely by magnitude and
Q.25:Write the examples of vector quantities?
Ans.25:Examples of vectors are velocity, displacement, force,
momentum, torque, etc.
Q.26:Define Symbolic Representation?
Ans.26:To differentiate a vector from a scalar quantity, we generally
use bold letters to represent vector quantities. Such as F, a, d or a bar
or arrow over their symbols such as , , or , , and .
Q.27:Define Graphical Representation?

Ans.27:Graphically, a vector can be represented by a line segment

with an arrow head. In figure 2.14, the line AB with arrow head at B
represents a vector V. The length of the line AB gives the magnitude of
the vector V on a selected scale. While the direction of the vector V.

Figure 2.14: Graphical Representation of a vector V.

Q.28:Define the term Position?

Ans.28:The term position describes the location of a place or a point
with respect to some reference point called origen.
Q.29:Write an example of the term position?
Ans.29:For example, you want to describe the position of your school
from your home. Let the school be represented by S and home by H.
The position of your school from your home will be represented by a
straight line HS in the direction from H to S as shown in figure 2.16.

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Figure 2.16: Position of the school S from the home H.
Q.30:What is Distance?
Ans.30:Length of a path between two points is called the distance
between two points.
Q.31:What is Displacement?
Ans.31:Displacement is the shortest distance between two points
which has magnitude and direction.
Q.32:Which is the fastest animal on the Earth?
Ans.32:Falcon can fly at a speed of 200 kmh.

Q.33:Define Speed?

Ans.33:The distance covered by an object in unit time is called its

Q.34:Write the formula of speed?
Ans.34: Speed =
Q.35:What is the nature of speed?
Ans.35:Speed is a scalar quantity.
Q.36:Write the SI unit of Speed?
Ans.36:The SI unit of Speed is metre per second (ms-1).
Q.37:What is uniform speed?
Ans.37:A body has uniform speed if it covers equal distances in equal
intervals of time however short the interval may be.
Q.38:What is a LIDAR Gun?
Ans.38:A motorway speed camera is known as LIDAR Gun. A LIDAR
Gun is a light detection and ranging speed gun. It uses the time taken
by laser pulse to make a series of a vehicle’s distance from the gun.
The data is then used to calculate the vehicle’s Speed.

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Q.39:Define Velocity?
Ans.39:The rate of displacement of a body is called its Velocity.
Q.40:Write the formula of Velocity?
Ans.40: velocity =
Q.41:Write the nature of Velocity?
Ans.41:Velocity is a Vector quantity.
Q.42:Write the SI unit of Velocity?
Ans.42:The SI unit of Velocity is metre per second (ms-1).
Q.43: What is uniform velocity?
Ans.43: A body has uniform velocity if it covers equal displacement in
equal intervals of time however short the interval may be.
Q.44: Define Acceleration?
Ans.44: Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity of a
Q.45: Write the formula of Acceleration?
Ans.45: Acceleration = OR
Acceleration = OR
Acceleration =
Q.46: What is the nature of Acceleration?

Ans.46: Acceleration is a vector quantity.

Q.47: What is SI unit of Acceleration?
Ans.47: The SI unit of Acceleration is metre per second per second
Q.48: What is uniform Acceleration?
Ans.48: A body has uniform acceleration if it has equal changes in
velocity in equal intervals of time however short the interval may be.
Q.49: Define positive Acceleration?
Ans.49: Acceleration of a body is positive if its velocity increases with
time. The direction of this acceleration is the same in which the body is
moving without change in its direction.
Q.50: Define Negative Acceleration or Retardation or Deceleration?
Ans.50: Acceleration of a body is negative if velocity of a body
decreases. The direction of negative acceleration is opposite to the
direction in which the body is moving. Negative acceleration is also
called deceleration or retardation.
Q.51: What is meant by Graphical Analysis of Motion?
Ans.52: Graph is a pictorial-way of presenting information about the
relation between which a graph is plotted are called the variables One
of the quantities is called the independent quantity and the other
quantity, the value of which varies with the independent quantity is
called the dependent quantity.
Q.52: Write the uses of graphs?

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Ans.52: A graph is also be used in everyday life such as to show year-
wise growth/decline of export, month-wise rainfall, a patient’s
temperature record or runs per over scored by a team and so on.

Graph is shown on
next Page.


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