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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

American Civil War Story​.

Accessed 15 Nov. 2018. This source helped prove how the North viewed the South

during the time of secession in the South. The quote by Abraham Lincoln shows his plans

to change Southern states. It shows the thought process of Lincoln during this time.

Charleston, South Carolina Ruins​. 1865. ​Son of the South​, Accessed

16 Nov. 2018. This image was used as a picture in my project. It shows the South in ruins

after the Civil War. The image shows how much damage was done by the Civil War.

The Civil War​. Accessed 5 Oct. 2018.

This source included newspapers from Harper's Weekly during the Civil War time

period, these were used as primary sources in my project. The newspapers show how

even after Hampton's death he had an affect on people. This was used as a reason for

Wade Hampton's triumph.

Confederate Colonel​. Accessed 12 Oct. 2018.

This source includes quotes from leaders during the time of the Civil War. Wade

Hampton's quote shows how he saw the secession of South Carolina. This source was

used for both the triumph and tragedy for Wade Hampton III.

Gallery Images and Information: War of 1812 Battles​. Accessed 30 Nov. 2018. This source shows

images used to give visuals on my project. Includes paintings of battles and people during

the Civil War. The paintings show what it was like during this time.

The Greenville Daily News​. Accessed 6 Oct.

2018. This source includes newspaper articles used to give information to citizens during

the War. It shows what people were thinking during this time. This is a primary source I

used to get a better understanding of the topic.

Lee Surrendering to Grant at Appomattox​.

Accessed 14 Dec. 2018. This source shows the agreement between the North and South

after the Civil War. The image shows the two sides shaking hands. This agreement is a

huge accomplishment for the country.

"Letter, 16 July 1863, from Wade Hampton III, Charlottesville, Va., to Mary Fisher Hampton."

South Carolina Digital Library,​

Accessed 20 Nov. 2018. This source is a primary source because it shows communication

between Hampton III and Mary Hampton. It shows that Hampton was family oriented

and cared. This is a letter to Mary Fisher Hampton.

"Letter to Gov. Wade Hampton III From Catawba Indian Agent RL Crook." ​South Carolina

Digital Library​, Accessed 20 Nov.

2018. This source is a primary source because it is a letter to Wade Hampton. The letter

shows that native american's somewhat trusted Hampton. The Indian's felt safe to express

their opinions to Hampton.

Secession Quotes.​ Accessed 14 Nov. 2018. This

source shows quotes from Lincoln during this time period. It gives an insight on how the

President viewed this topic. It shows what the thought process was at the time.

Southern States​. ​Tulane,​ Accessed 16 Nov.

2018. This image shows the division of the United States. It proves how divided the

country was during this time. The image shows that the war was between the North and

South because of their differences.

Statue of Wade Hampton, III.​ ​Georgetown County Digital Library,​ Accessed 20

Nov. 2018. This image of Hampton's statue in South Carolina proves that he so much of

an impact that the state recognizes him for his duties. The statue is important to show

Hampton's triumph. It shows how the state viewed him.

University of South Carolina: Our History​.

tab=0. Accessed 30 Nov. 2018. This source was used as a primary source because it

shows the University that Wade Hampton III attended. It shows where Hampton got his

degree in law. This degree later helped him in politics.

Secondary Sources

After Slavery: Educator Resources​.

nt_five. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018. This source was used to give more information on a
triumph of Wade Hampton III. The source helped explain how much Hampton risked

with more detail. It gives more information on how Hampton had a positive effect on


America's Reconstruction​. Accessed 6

Dec. 2018. This source gives background on Wade Hampton III and his role to the

country. The information was used in the background paragraph in my project. It gave

more detail to what Wade Hampton was like.

The Cavalier Of CAROLINA​.


h&AN=14602362. Accessed 5 Oct. 2018. This source was used to show Hampton's role

in the South before and after the Civil War. It shows how his views changed overtime.

How they effected the rest of the country.

The Civil War.​ Accessed 5 Nov. 2018.

This source was used to give me an idea of what let the south the secession and how the

North reacted. The North's reaction shows how Hampton's decision lead to a war. The

Secession of South Carolina was a great tragedy for the south.

Confederate General Wade Hampton​. Accessed 6 Oct. 2018.

The source was used to gain more information on who Wade Hampton was and how he
effected the United Sates during his lifetime. His decisions were crucial to how the south

moved on after the war.

Emancipation Proclamation​. Accessed 16

Nov. 2018. This source shows how Wade Hampton changed over time, and how his

views affected other peers views throughout his lifetime. It shows how much of a role

Hampton played in the Civil War. I used this source to show Wade Hampton's tragedy

and triumph.

The End of the Civil War​. Accessed 6 Dec.

2018. This source was used as an image to show the Emancipation Proclamation. It

shows both the North and the South shaking hands and agreeing. This image shows the

impact Hampton had even after the war.

Expansion of Slavery in the U.S.

MX32hKhPY. Accessed 14 Dec. 2018. This source shows a picture of the United States

divided into different political views. This shows how much the country disagreed with

each other. The views of the South are clear.

Find a Grave: Wade Hampton III.​

Accessed 6 Dec. 2018. This source was used on the interactive timeline on my project. It

shows a picture of General Wade Hampton's headstone in the graveyard he was buried in.

Even after his death people are still being affected by Hampton.
Hampton, Wade III​. Accessed 26 Oct.

2018. Includes information on the triumph of Wade Hampton. It shows how much he did

to help out after the Civil War was over. This triumph has had countless positive affects

on the country today.

How the Civil War Changed Your Life.​

. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018. This is a source for the history of the Triumph and Tragedy.

This shows both sides of Hampton. Hampton's decisions have had both positive and

negative effects on the country.

Infantry Regiment, Hampton’s Legion, South Carolina​.,_Hampton_Legion,_South_Carolina.

Accessed 1 Nov. 2018. This is the third source for tragedy. This webpage points out what

Hampton has done that has had a negative impact on the U.S. This source gives more

detail to his tragedy.

The Issaguena Geneaolgy and History Project.​

Accessed 3 Dec. 2018. This source gives background information on the Hampton

family. It shows how even though Wade Hampton III was raised with slaves he was

willing to give them up because he knew it was wrong. This source can be used to

support Hampton's triumph.

Know Southern History​. Accessed

5 Oct. 2018. This source gives information on the history of Wade Hampton. It shows
what he was like during the Civil War time period. Wade Hampton was aware of the

damage that would occur why the Civil War.

Rebel Officer a Postwar Voice for Blacks.​

6718r/. Accessed 1 Nov. 2018. This source is the third course for triumph. It shows how

Hampton III affected the lives of many during this time. This is one of the most important

sources I have because it proves how much Wade Hampton did to help the freeing of

slaves in the south.

The Road to Emancipation​. Accessed 1

Nov. 2018. This source is the second source for significance in history. It shows how

overtime the country has changed. After the Civil War the U.S. became a different


Scenic USA - South Carolina.​ Accessed 30 Nov. 2018. This

source shows Hampton's tragedy. It is an image of Wade Hampton's plantation house.

This is one of Hampton's failures because of his part in slavery.

The Secession of South Carolina​.

Accessed 26 Oct. 2018. This is source 1 for wade Hampton's tragedy. It explains the

secession of the South. Southern secession was a massive tragedy for the U.S. that was

hard to recover from.

South Carolina Secedes from the Union.​ Accessed 16 Dec. 2018. This

source gives good evidence to support my claims about Wade Hampton. Bruce G.

Kauffmann helps show Hampton's affects with detail and facts. This supports Wade

Hampton's triumph.

South Carolina Secession: History of State's Attempts to Secede, from Slaves to Guns.​

-877933. Accessed 26 Oct. 2018. This source was my second source for Hampton's

tragedy. Hampton fought in the Confederate army which was one of the U.S. greatest

failures. The affects of the Civil War will forever have effects on people.

Wade Hampton​.


88829344&db=ers. Accessed 5 Oct. 2018. This source gave more background

information on Wade Hampton. It shows how he viewed things as a southerner in the

United States during secession and the Civil War. The source shows the reader both sides

of the War.

Wade Hampton​. 1876. ​American Reconstruction​, 2003, Accessed

16 Nov. 2018. The image was used as a cover photo for my Weebly website. It shows

what Hampton looked like during the time of the Civil War. I also used some of the

information on the webpage to gain more information on Hampton. This was a secondary

source I used.
Wade Hampton III.​ Accessed 1 Nov. 2018.

This source shows Wade Hampton's significance in history. Wade Hampton was one of

few that helped the freeing of slaves in the South. Wade Hampton III helped the South

get to where it is today.

What Lincoln Said in His Final Speech​. Accessed 15 Nov. 2018.

The quote shows President Lincoln's last speech and what he had to say about the South

after the Civil War. What he said concludes that the South has lost the war and he

expects that they change their ways of life. Hampton was one of the leaders that was

trying to help the South reunite with the Union.

Why Lincoln's Last Speech Matters​.

Accessed 15 Nov. 2018. This source shows Abraham Lincolns last speech. In his speech

he is talking about the war and how it has affected the country. This shows how after the

war Hampton changed into an anti-slave activist, and how the South was moving towards


Youtube​. Accessed 18 Jan. 2019. This source gives

background information on Wade Hampton. It gives information on his job as a General

in the Confederate army. The video shows how he effected the United States.

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