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The Quality System established, implemented and maintained by GEODETIC OFFSHORE

SERVICES LTD is an effective means of ensuring that the services and products provided by
us conform to CLIENT’s Quality Assurance Policy.

It is the responsibility of GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD to ensure also, that joint
venture companies, consultants or sub- GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD performing
work for us have a Quality System, which satisfies the Quality Assurance requirements of

The majority of work undertaken by us is executed on a Project Task force basis. In all such
operations, the establishment, maintenance and implementation of a Quality Plan shall be
mandatory requirement of GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD The Quality Assurance
and Quality Control Plan, together with associated project work instructions, shall form the
documented Quality System for the project, whilst still within the overall GEODETIC

It will always be the policy and primary objective of GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD
to work satisfactorily to meet her client’s requirements by consistently working according to
client’s specification and standards.

The quality of all jobs executed by us will not only meet client’s satisfaction, but will also
stand the test of time. Our ultimate objective/goal will be a continuous improvement
towards the target of error-free work, to avoid reworking, with its attendant extra cost and
time. GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD will adhere strictly to CLIENT’s QA/QC
requirements upon Award of AGREEMENT.

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Materials and equipment shipped to the work site will be inspected, prepared, labeled,
marked and documented, in accordance with all applicable regulatory standards and
specifications in contracts and orders.

Serviceability and strength of materials and equipment will meet or exceed industry
standards and contract specifications.

Client and GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD agree that the provision of the safe work
procedure Guide on Company safety Requirements are of the highest importance. A breach
or violation of the terms of said Guide by GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD would be
considered a material and substantial breach of the contract.

GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD shall provide every employee with a Quality
Manual. The establishment, maintenance and control of this Quality manual shall be the
responsibility of the Quality assurance Manager, and shall take precedence over all other
Quality System documentation in cases of omission or contradiction.

The Quality manual shall be issued either as a controlled document, in which case each
volume shall be allocated by number to an ascribed user, or as an uncontrolled document.
With all these, GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD is all very ready and capable of
implementing a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program acceptable to the Client.
We shall also abide and adhere to such requirements upon Award of Agreement.

GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD shall include the cost of this program and
adherence in its lump sum price


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Quality standards shall be maintained in every stage of the company’s activities or

operations from personnel recruitment, procurement activities, design, etc.

Responsibility and authority for ensuring that work performed conforms to quality standards
shall be vested on line supervisors, who shall carry out the following:
i) Initiate action to prevent the occurrence of any non-conformities relating to product,
process and quality system.
ii) Identify and record any product, process and quality system problems.
iii) Initiate, recommend and provide solutions through designated channels.
iv) Control further processing, delivery or installation of nonconformity products until the
deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected.
The Quality Assurance Manager shall verify the implementation of solutions and also ensure
that quality standards are set for each level of activity or type of work. He shall be
management’s representative on matters of quality.

1. A Quality System shall be operated by GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD which
shall be as stated in the Quality Manual. This quality system is an integrated system.
Quality system is here defined as “the organizational structure, responsibilities,
procedures, processes and resources for implementing quality management”
2. GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD Quality System will be directed towards
strengthening our competitiveness and achieving the needed product in a cost-
effective way. Our Quality system shall also place emphasis on the satisfaction of our
client’s needs, the establishment of functional responsibilities, and the importance of
assessing as far as possible, the potential risks and benefits. (This is in lime with ISO
9004, which provides guidelines on the technical, an administrative and human factor
affecting the quality of products or services)


The QA/QC Manager directs the broader issues of quality through his staff authority of
coordination, consultation, investigation, auditing and analysis of inspections. He shall also
work with departmental managers to develop new product specifications and high quality

The Quality Plan for a project shall include:
i) The preparation of quality plans

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ii) Identification and acquisition of any controls, total production resources and skills
that may be needed to achieve the required quality.
iii) Ensuring the compatibility of the design production process, inspection and test
procedures and the applicable documentation.
iv) Updating the quality control system, inspection and testing techniques of the
development of new procedures.
v) Identification of any measurement requirement involving capability that exceeds
the known state of the art in sufficient time for the needed capability to develop.
vi) Identification of suitable verification a appropriate stages in the product
vii) The clarification of standards of acceptability for all features and requirements.
viii) The identification and preparation of quality records.


This section conforms to ISO 9001, for use when conformance to specified requirements is to
be assured by a supplier during several stages, which may include design, development, etc.

We shall review all tender/quotation requirements clients and ensure that they are
adequately defined and documented.

Upon award of contract, we shall review the contract documents to ensure that differences
(if any) from the stated in the tender are resolved. The project manager is responsible for
coordinating these reviews, clarifying any questions, and preparing the formal response to
the proposal.

A documented procedure shall be established to control and verify design of product (ISO
9001, sec 4), each design, including a plan. This plan shall include responsibilities assigned
to each stage of the control process.

During design, input requirements relating to product such as applicable statutory and
regulatory requirements, climatic conditions, codes, standards and specifications as stated
by client shall be identified, documented and reviewed for adequacy.

At appropriate stages of design, formal documented reviews of the design results shall be
planned and conducted.

Design verification shall take place at appropriate stages of design to ensure that the
product meets the design stage input requirements. Results shall be documented. Validation
of design shall be carried out to ensure that products conform to defined user needs and/or

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All design changes and modifications shall be identified, documented, reviewed and
approved by authorized personnel before their realization.

These changes shall be indexed, filed and maintained in a manner that will allow
engineering and appropriate personnel access to these documents. All drawings, codes,
standards, specifications, references, modifications, etc shall be properly documented.

Revision or periodic updates to correction is reported, a process is changed, or four years

from the previous major review.
Documents shall be reviewed and approved prior to issue. The project manager shall
approve all designs.

All purchasing activities shall be directed towards ensuring that the purchased products
conform to specified requirements.

Where applicable, the following inspection applies;

(a) Visual inspection
(b) Measurements tests
(c) Testing products

Purchasing documents shall clearly describe the product being ordered and any other
information required to guarantee the delivery of the product.

The data shall include the following;

(a) Type, class, grade or other process identification
(b) Any positive identification, process, data sheets, other technical information including
any certification or qualification required for procedures, process, equipment and

Every process shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure strict compliance with

It shall be the responsibility of the Departmental managers to provide for process monitoring
and control of operations within their assigned area of responsibility.
Deviations from procedures must be corrected as soon as possible by the person responsible
for monitoring and, when necessary, reported to the next higher level of authority.

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Documented procedure for inspection and testing shall be carried out. The required
inspections and tests, and the records to be established, shall be documented in the Quality
plan or documented procedures.
We shall not utilize any incoming product until they have been verified as conforming to
specified requirements.
We shall test all products as required by the Quality plan and/or documented procedures.

We shall establish witnessing and holding points at various stages of the process, and shall
hold products until the required inspections and tests have been completed.

We shall carry out final inspection and testing in accordance with the Quality plan and/or
documented procedures to complete evidence of conformance of the product to specified

No product shall be dispatched until all the activities specified in the quality plan and/or
documented procedures have been satisfactorily completed and the associated data and
documentation are available.
We shall establish and maintain records to provide evidence that the product has been
inspected and/or tested. These records shall show whether the product has passed or failed
the inspections and/or tests according to defined acceptance criteria.
We shall maintain documented procedures to control, calibrate and maintain inspection,
measuring and test equipment used by us to demonstrate the conformance of products to
specified requirements.
Inspection, measuring and test equipment shall be used in a manner, which ensures that
measurement uncertainty is known, and is consistent with the required measurement


It is the policy of GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD that all procedures, materials,
equipment and process, which do not conform to, specified requirements are identified,
documented, controlled and properly disposition in order to prevent continued or
inadvertent use. Preventive actions must be directed towards root cause solutions.
Documentation and identification control procedures are required for all non-conforming


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We shall be responsible for ensuring that the final products meet the project specification.
Prior to the removal of the old structure, GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD shall
submit a detailed QA plan which shall address among others, all the procedures and clearly
spells out non-conformance control procedures (identification, disposition and close out),
corrective action procedures and procedure for the control of quality records.

We shall submit an inspection and Test plan for Construction Management Team (CMT)
review and approval. The CMT shall assure that all our activities are conducted in
accordance with approval procedure.

NON-CONFORMANCE CONTROL PROCEDURES (Identification, Disposition and close

Any product supplied shall be examined on receipt to check for identity, quantity and
damage. Checks shall be carried out during storage to detect deterioration; and re-
inspection shall be carried out where specified by CLIENT requirements. The product shall
be identified and safeguarded to prevent unauthorized use or improper disposal. Any
deficiencies found on receipt, during storage and subsequent stages shall be reported to the

Identification of purchased or other items shall meet the specified requirements, shall be
indicated on applicable drawings, or other documents. Where trace ability of the product is
specified, this shall require the establishment of unique identification for each item or batch
of items. A record shall be maintained of the product identification as a controlled.

All work processes executed by GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD, which directly
affects quality, shall be identified, planned and conducted under controlled conditions. Such
conditions shall include the establishment, issuance and maintenance of documented work
instructions (including project procedures), which describe the acceptance criteria, and the
manner of, and the responsibilities for, the execution of work and workmanship to specified

Control shall further be exercised by checks, inspections, reviews, audit and where specified,
approval of the processes and products during all the stages of the project.

Where the results of processes cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and testing
of the project, or by reliability and/or commissioning studies, they shall be subject to
planned and systematic review and/or audit on a continuing basis.

No received product shall be used or processed without prior verification, in accordance with
the project procedures, that it conforms to specified requirements.

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During the processing of a product, it shall be subject to identification, inspection and test,
to establish conformance to specified requirements.

At all stages of receiving, in-process and final inspection and testing, non-conforming
products shall be identified and held, pending either corrective active or rejection. Records
shall be established and maintained that provide satisfactory evidence that the product has
passed inspection and/or test to specified requirements.

Any product that does not conform to specified requirements shall be identified to prevent
use, installation, dispatch or mixing with conforming products. The relevant functions shall
be notified and the product segregated (whilst retaining its identification) from conforming
products, pending evaluation and disposition.

The decision to scrap, rework, regard for alternative application or accept with or without
repair by concession (waiver to specified requirements) shall be made by appropriate
authorizer i.e. Design engineer or CLIENT representative. A repaired or reworked product
shall be re-inspected in accordance with documented procedures.
Records shall be maintained of all scrapped, reworked, or regarded products, together with
any approved concessions and a description of nonconformity.

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The cause of a nonconformance shall be investigated and corrective action taken by

authorized personnel to prevent a repetition. Audits and/or analysis of all work processes,
operations, concessions and quality records shall be made to detect and eliminate actual
and potential causes of nonconformance. Such analysis shall be conducted within the
project or company Quality System in a manner that identifies any common cause for

All preventive actions that are instituted shall be at a level that corresponds to the risks
encountered, e.g. factors such as production costs, performance, and safety and client
satisfaction shall be taken into account.

Records shall be maintained, documenting all changes to the quality system and procedures,
resulting from corrective action.

Where an improvement to a work process is needed, that shall be brought to the attention of
the department responsible and the continuous improvement coordinator.


All products and services by GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD for or on behalf of
company shall conform to the requirements specified within the relevant contract
GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD shall ensure that the work (when positioned) will
permit easy access for the inspection of all parts and corners of the installed structure.
We shall confirm that the materials provided conform to specifications and ensure conducive
We shall ensure that the necessary QA/QC instruments provided are in good operational

We shall also ensure that proper documentation of the quality control program has been


This aspect of the QA/QC plan is to provide a formalized system of safety inspection, which
will provide the Project Management Team (PMT) with a means of observing, and monitoring
the level of safety activities at the work site.

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The purchasing data will provide a clear description of the materials and services required,
and include where applicable, specifications, drawings, together with quality surveillance,
inspection test, certification and Q/A requirement and shall list the documents needed for
submission for review and approval.
All designs, development and verification activities necessary to ensure that the specified
requirements of the contract are met, shall be identified and presented in the Test Plan. All
documentation and data relating to the requirements of the Q/A system shall be subject to
review and approval by the construction management team.

The inspection and test status of a product shall be identified and maintained as necessary,
during all stages of the removal of old and structure installation of new structure
Inspection and test status shall be signified by the use of authorized markings, stamps,
routing cards, inspection records, or other means that indicate conformance or
nonconformance with specified requirements.
Records shall be established and maintained which identify the inspection authority
responsible for the release of a conforming product.
Quality audits shall be carried out where specified in the Quality Plan, to verify compliance
with the Quality Assurance system.

QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (For Controlling and Assuring the Quality

of Work)

A QA/QC plan specific to each project shall be established, maintained and controlled by the
relevant Project QA Manager or his nominee. The scope and content of the QA plan shall be
determined by the quality requirements specified within the concerned contract documents,
and shall be developed around the following subjects: -
1. The plan shall define the quality objectives to be attained, the specific allocation of
responsibilities and authority during all phases of the project and the procedures,
methods and work instructions to be applied. This document shall also specify those
areas of work that will be subject to audit and review by inclusion of a preliminary
audit schedule.
2. Assessment of the effectiveness of the company Quality system will be achieved by
planned and documented audit of all elements of the system. The QA personnel shall
review such audits, schedules on the basis of progress and importance of the activity.
The audit finding shall be reviewed by the QA Manager to determine the
effectiveness of the Quality System, areas for possible improvement of work
processes, and to identify any recurring deficiencies which shall take into account the
results of Quality audits carried out in the period since the last review.

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3. Assessment of the effectiveness of a Project Quality System shall be conducted by
trained QA personnel assigned to the project, to a schedule specified within the
relevant Project quality Plan. The plan shall determine the area of work to be subject
to audit and will identify those projects procedures that form the bases of audit. The
audit finding shall be reviewed by the concerned project QA Manager and/or Project
Manager to determine whether or not the Quality System is effective in achieving the
stated project quality objectives and to identify areas for possible improvement of
work processes. The QA Manager shall make further independent assessment of the
effectiveness of a Project Quality system by whatever measure he may consider
4. All designs, developments and verification activities necessary to ensure that the
specified requirements of the contract are met, shall be identified and presented in
the project plans. Such plans shall describe or reference each activity, identifying the
possibility for their completion and be subject to regular review, update and the
possibility for their completion and be subject to regular review, update and issuance
in a controlled manner, throughout the lifetime of the contract.

5. All design inputs requirements for the contract shall be identified, documented and
reviewed for completeness and adequacy and any deficiencies resolved, prior to
commencement of the relevant activity.

6. Where required, verification that the designs are correct and meet specified
requirements shall be established by a planned and documented system of checks
and reviews conducted by our qualified and experienced personnel other than those
responsible for producing the designs. Such verification methods shall include but
not be limited to the institution of alternative calculations, undertaking tests and
demonstrations, the comparison of new design with similar proven design, or the
holdings of technical reviews by personnel independent of the project.
7. All changes to specified requirements shall be identified, documented and reviewed
by authorized personnel, to establish the total effect on design parameters,
production, resources, schedule and cost prior to approval and implementation of the

8. All products and services procured by us for and on behalf of client shall conform to
the requirements specified within the relevant contract document.

9. Purchasing data shall provide a clear description of the materials and services
required and include, where applicable, specifications, drawings, and process
requirements, together with quality surveillance, inspection, test, certification, and

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QA requirement, and shall list the documents needed for submission for review and

10. Control or purchase products and/or services shall extend to sub-contractors of

suppliers and sub- GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD via the main supplier.

11. Any product supplied by the manufacturer shall be examined on receipt to check for
identity, quantity and damage, although such examination shall not lessen the
manufacturer’s responsibility for the quality of the product.

12. Checks shall be carried out during storage to detect deterioration and, re-inspection
shall be performed where specified by client’s requirements. The product shall be
identified and safeguarded to prevent unauthorized use or improper disposal.
13. Any deficiencies found on receipt, during storage and subsequent stages of the
project shall be reported to the client.

14. All work process executed by the Company, which directly affect quality shall be
identified, planned and conducted under controlled conditions. Such conditions shall
include the establishment, issuance and maintenance of documented work
instructions, which prescribe the acceptance criteria, and the manner of and the
responsibilities for, the execution of work and workmanship to specified

15. No received product shall be used or processed without prior verification, in

accordance with the project procedures, that it conforms to specified requirements.

16. During the processing of a product, it shall be subject to identification, inspection and
test to establish conformance to specified requirements.
17. At all stages of receiving, in-process and final inspection and testing, non-conforming
products shall be identified and held, pending either corrective action or rejection.
Records shall be established and maintained that provide satisfactory evidence that
the product has passed inspection and/or test to specified requirements.
18. Any product that does not conform to specified requirements shall be identified to
prevent use, installation, dispatch or mixing with conforming products. The decision
to scrap, rework, regards for alternative application or accept with or without repair
by concession (Waiver to specified requirements) shall be made by the appropriate

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The responsibilities of personnel of GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD in the

implementation of Quality Assurance/Quality Control plan are defined here. Specified and
detailed responsibilities of those who manage, perform and verify work affecting Quality, are
also stated.


i) Define and document the commitment to Quality on behalf of the Company
ii) Authorize and provide adequate resources for the implementation,
maintenance and verification of the Quality System.
iii) Delegate authority and responsibility to all Managers of departments,
performance and verification of this Quality System.
iv) Appoint a Manager of Quality Assurance with the authority and responsibility
of ensuring that this Quality System is implemented, maintained and verified.
v) Participate in annual Management reviews of the Quality System.

i) Establish, maintain and control their departmental procedures and
work instructions to control the work and to satisfy the requirements of the
Quality System.
ii) Ensure that all his departmental personnel are aware of and comply
with relevant departmental and company work instructions.
iii) Identify, evaluate and record actual and potential quality problems
within the department or at the interface with other departments.
iv) Delegate authority and responsibility within the department to all
concerned with the implementation and verification of the Quality System.
v) Liaise with the Quality Assurance Manager in implementing changes
affecting the Quality System.
vi) Initiate, recommend and provide corrective and preventive measures,
subsequently verifying implementation of the solutions.
vii) Participate in periodic management reviews of the Quality System.
viii) Provide support and access, when required, to internal audits of the
Quality System.
ix) Provide support and access, when required to evaluations conducted
by external assessors and/or client, on the company’s Quality System.


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Shall in addition to those responsibilities assumed as a Manager of a department.
i) Document and distribute the Quality Policy for the Company.
ii) Verify that the quality system is implemented and maintained by ensuring
that a comprehensive system of planned and documented internal quality
audits is conducted by trained personal.
iii) Prepare, distribute and maintain the Quality manual, ensuring that controlled
copies of this document fully describe the Quality System and contain all
revisions resulting from the annual management review.
iv) Ensure that the Quality System for the company properly and efficiently
satisfies requirements of ISO 9001.
v) Initiate management reviews of the Quality System to ensure its continued
suitability and effectiveness.
vi) Represent the company for Quality evaluation conducted by external
assessors and/or client, on the company’s Quality System.
vii) Provide adequate resources and/or trained personnel to satisfy the contractual
requirements of projects executed by the Company.


(i) Initiate post award contract review by collection and dissemination of contract
documents to all key project personnel. Respond to queries and comments
and ensure that all contractual and company obligations and requirements are
fully understood and satisfactorily completed.
(ii) Authorize and provide adequate resources for the establishment, maintenance
and verification of the Quality system for the project.
(iii) Delegate authority and responsibility for interfaces between departments and
groups to all functional Managers and key personnel concerned with the
Management, performance and verification of the Quality System for the


(i) Review contract documentation to identify quality requirements.
(ii) Ensure that the project Quality System properly and efficiently satisfies the
requirements of the projects.

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(iii) Prepare the Quality Plan in accordance with requirements of the contracts
and applicable Quality standard and subsequently maintain and control
the document.
(iv) Verify that the Quality System for the project is implemented and
(v) Respond to reviews of the project Quality System by the Quality Assurance
department and/or assessors representing the client.
(vi) Report to the project manager and Quality Assurance manager, keeping
them fully appraised with regard to project quality matters.
(vii) Ensure that the project has adequate and trained Quality Assurance
personnel at all times by advising the project manager of Quality
Assurance requirements.

(i) All GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD personnel shall be responsible for
the quality of their own work, and for the self-checking of this work prior to any
departmental and inter – departmental checks that are required.

(ii) Supervisors shall ensure that those reporting to them are aware of, and follow
the procedures and work instructions governing their current activities.

The Quality System established, implemented and maintained by GEODETIC OFFSHORE
SERVICES LTD is an effective way of ensuring that the products and services provided by
us conform to Company’s Quality Assurance Policy.
The majority of work undertaken by us is executed on project task force basis. In all such
operation, the establishment, maintenance and implementation of a Quality Plan is
mandatory. The Quality Assurance and Quality Control Organization and implementation,
together with associated project work instructions, shall form the documented Quality
System for the project, whilst still within the overall GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD
Quality System.

GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD shall provide every employee with a Quality
Manual. The establishment, maintenance and control of this manual shall be the
responsibility to the Quality Assurance manager, and shall take precedence over all the
other Quality System documentation in cases of omission or contradiction.
The responsibilities of personnel of GEODETIC OFFSHORE SERVICES LTD in the
implementation of Quality Assurance/Quality Control are defined here. Specified and
detailed responsibilities of those who manage perform and verify work-affecting quality, are

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