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Sater Superesot ‘Ase pe cnpanent Be Becan pee eg. PD Body fceconpirect (eg. A) 1 Mean or mitt (eg, AG) Ces piterpery CP) ‘Kal gu (eg, VE=RT/P) routine. 4) Phe teaeion (eg. a) Fain old gid (6 AH) = aint dt codon Tecoming see eh peersinlepecompmet tae Gener rece ate Amber dense eg, Tad) Meanioionioas ng cam Hypertens a it but contit ese condos olay opery (eg. PraP/P) “Hypa pre component eee ? ‘loco te Chenin ea. itn) USE Retoenceconpeca oceans Errno f ‘se ri Mig propery ma) 7 ont (orc) component ot st Samed contin pase ‘colton ga) 7 dural cont pera odie papain Cid 0p) Gendt) we Vaor prem (08. Pe) F Manic reper 1) Speci Notaon ‘soefer” Dents propery f= (arinf) compo ina mice netic Denis pain oar oper eat andr, Dens enenive property (cen) Part | Fundamental Principles. The Scope of Classical 1 Thermodynamics 11 An Enginoorng Perspective “Toth scents, scl thenmadynamis is one of few mate fel epitomized ty a mbar elke, econsiset dy of koowndpe The since of he oral ate of cli homodyne ea et of marae govering the ‘havior of macreeope eats. The law are erved from gercraloaon of ‘pineal btervatons and ae largely independent of any theory hypothesis oncoming th roscoe or mlecl-evel bei of mater. From tes, a lage romber of coral nd aos re derivable by poo base ely on To. "Te setts sreines lst to wderstand why he engineer Dt 0 mich «ately spying the pope of thermodjeanics; er al th eo Geveop- ‘neni tater saightfonerd From te engner’s poet of iw, andesandig the theay at developed by the chemist or pyc snot pastel eal however, the zat el comained presnaion ofthe sabjet by the acest spot seesey ‘snenablto paca pple. Real worl roceses are sual fr rom reversible, ‘abc orwell ited very rel are they itera or atequlbsitm few mixes ‘nds inporance ae el Tos, te engrec stake a raga approach {te apleton of theaodyeanss a estes Prequel, 2 ar equre ent itt redefine the real pcb in tana of Seaiatons fo wich hesodyeamic ‘nips ind metadsope ean be spied nthe eainnringconet, snot al poems of hemodyaricimpocanccan be laid inane of ee pes, 1. Foca pven pots with reste (eal) eral consti ad Soudan endian, how 6 he propre of syn v7? 2. Toco pienchangsinyetom opera shar iene te ose? Cartier pe) 2 Ofthe any lente pce alt» pen change nx yt, wt ie ‘Stes ach wt reget he eres ur ee 2 eSupeel Cosel amodanis tar ‘Probes ofthe fit wo clases cequie spin of the Ft Law, which is evap in Chapter o+w an ere isthe tal energy snd and Ware the Bet and wk etractions, respectively “The Fret Law may also be views as: ‘internal changes = interactions occurring at boundaries “Thechanginenergy can ereated ovarian of therintrnal popes. (en TP Vee) ‘The hed clase probleme requires aplaton of he Second Lau, fr which an ideazaon the reveal proces is odsed ar a andar fer eompurso, “There are basically oly te spr tequred to develop a solauon To any \termodynanic poten: 1 Probl dfniton nd modeling. The rear staton ma be male by {perp te el conto eed comns, cals at gen { iwotioed to make Oe poten eal ar eampl abana pre, Semiprmsl, ov inperaesl? Are he comuirof hesem lied ed ‘omepomcnibeat antr fat ew cle tthe ie ano ret? We ‘om esis we tag occur nr conor? 2 Applian of hrmadyamic ov ad mathemati rasaning. As esctibs sve, ‘Rte eer lt cnr othe sym th extras De Fst La) toy ean he eet feral arene Sec Lau) The combed thee mens pte reldoship ewsen propery vriton, bt ey do mt tole seity magi ofthe chnge in rps, Fer exam ra spe, eng sy of ed aM) sd les ansersing precasn which Be "npc drs areas change om oT Pye mig ho (0) From madam ening, with Ne constant, AE i wie fonction of Pant, Pca rast ntn Thole, Ente evened ve sy path batch as. (0) From mothmatica asm, oe ay ith far wich Ei ted dE may be ‘rene sane een sha (38 1 Aa, tet E/T and DE/IP tbe xpd feces Tard Petre Bp (-eante megs (© Appsing hermntnami reening, lied fn of Tan Poe ‘Secs ath (/STy nd QE/BP)y an eed er varie eater edly qn : whe Gs te conan ees et apy, Nt nt Ba, (12 genera rer rt sad by ny tel wndepig change Gs TP sod iP Homo, ve of Br a ung ite Eom oe trl he stich othe ied and al ep. GHEY v= MATP) reid itaton Acie of ee roped ote eae ‘él hermeyannscs However, ey eto teseaon ea ble th hence wit eae of htt efor exe Cap aa 10), The ngner st make couse ta vey of mebods (og. ee, experimen enmisos a macop heats ne veloped th attra ech) et ean of aposinn ene rope cone. Figur I. surmeraes thi peoeral method for volving enghnecingherdyramict cblems. Before dscssing the apprsch io cls hermadyamics ued hein {Section 13), itr insctive to review the hisoial evouton of tie body of owe 112 Predasscal Thonmodynarics “The gin of lass hrmodyaamis can be ace back tthe el 160s. The laws, ar we know themtodny, wero formalize ntl he ae 180s, Teen 280 10 100 yeas we called te preclascal prod, ding which many of eur cet ‘cepts were developed. “The croolopial development is 2 fascinating example of the sppiaon of iene methodology Experimentation (peter) ed the developmen of ypitecs and cones (ete alate wall) ch in tim, sggese cher ‘experiment (et ealorsesty) flowed by aew concep (Ib pfs sientie ‘lei sch af overempass on etulve tages eg the nate of eat) Which > far beyond te exng body of ebuervatos and fas Coneqpenty, he peli period wa marked wih edagopiel corrversy and mach coafsion. “Thebeaningof he rosie prod sual associated with Glos aegis to quay hemor cn 1600) is teresting to ote tha seventeen ect) ‘ltt wate motatad primary by a deste onder phnomena perceived 39 ther semes. In cots, scents today rege very sensive and elaborate ‘netrmenton io deet phenomena that arf eyo the aces fbi senses, Oe ‘of Caen’ pencipalobjecaves was to quar be subjective experiences of hot and cold. Theexpansonf sr pon esting wa precited inthe Hellenic bat wa ‘eveapliea aie sod bis penarono nisl ands device wh he sem ‘Smerped in water. The measuremets wou change wi ine bt ne eal 16005 there us no eon ears they soul tary Ie a ot i 160, hen ‘ident of alee, Torel, develope the bree, tat was appecited that alles device was move of «“hwehermoscope” tan a themenetr. As sls owing technology advanced, he avallblity of marow caplsis led 0 the development fluid hrsometr inthe 1308 As mist be expeted, water waste ‘it igud wed. Although east shouldbe obvious to today's aden ee ‘expenncd fen yearselaend before the ene slcoolthemometr ged ccepnes ‘Gar hermomaers dino epoca tl te 17s when eae popes were Beer sdesoed ston 12 Pcs hemodai . When any new experinentl too t developed, early ther is the dese to gomfy fo tat resnke among diferent vestigate canbe compated. Te _uanifetion of thermometry eed the nrdaction ft leas Rall or fxd int Stop fra moment and eles om wt fed pois You might ave chosen Ra Sateen scents i 1640 The ling point of water? ware fam day 0 dy The {eezing pot of wat? Its dfcalt of ice daring moot ofthe yer. Fatormore, thee wasn reason to ele ht mati ike water ad ong propre tha ald be reproducible. Thus, it is uhdentandable that oo ancestors tome fo phenome Tope references, sch asthe "warmest wae the han cou sand” othe "most eere ter colt or he “temperate ofthe human boy.” Lae, sleton of be eling Dointoftuterore eeigpinofaieed were seps toward object alougs {hes aio pols wee na ey sharp Iwas not ol 1654 hat the ezine and oun pont of wut ghned acceptance "With ie advance of quanti termontric experimentation soon became apparent itferent pes of containers different ermal properties Hot ise ‘ool const ply cao wood veel thn i meas These craton ld tothe leaned concept of he datas wal, which cou be approached im pacice; ‘ths the sere of eormety was bor, “ftw prtone of teamed were mixed ina alrite te fia temperate cold exprered ar weighed mean ofthe to ial emperatres Oya 8 85 oe as ‘The weihing factor or ould be ass vom Although Eq, (15) fhe foxm oft consereton lw is ota ll clear what i conserved. A simpli inteprcatin woud have tngerature a th conserved quan, The conser nw Was given ore scr in te mi 1700, when Ea. (1S), wih mas or vole at Weighting factor, was shown ob invalid when different quis wee mined to he be, Josep Black sugested mode that was consist wih mixing dt or tern ie, The const, Ea (1-5) were subsvied ino mass eed ‘component anda intensty puts, the spec het, which was amigo Pope ofthe Lud. Ths was the fst tine at it was proposed that mater had cstintve Properties nthe exami ese ‘Black's modifeabonindcaied a something cer than temperatore was conserved inthe mating pocese. The quant was called heo caloric, The terpeaton wert {beyond the pial certs it the realm of metaysice. The alr heey ‘tempi to dfn be mitacopic atte fhe conserved cua Blocks ingenius hypothe edtoa ur of expectation, ding which pele eats were mesnued and repacted in the hen Meussing royal societies. TRE ‘onset lw wae repeatedly challenged batby more cxactng expeimentation te hor wa ord to account for te variation f sei beat wih temperate apd Inet att eats wer itoded wo Secunt or phase ensions

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