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Global Warming Litigation

February 16, 2005

Boalt Hall
University of California, Berkeley
Global Warming Facts
• The 1990s were the warmest decade since 1861,
when thermometer records began.
• 1998 was the warmest year on record.
• The temperature increase of the 20th Century was
the largest of any century in the last 1,000 years.
• The ten hottest years since the beginning of the
last millennium have all occurred since 1983.

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Photo: NASA/
New York Times

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No Scientific Debate re Causation

• Intergovernmental Panel on Climate


• National Academy of Sciences

• American Geophysical Union

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“There is scientific consensus on the reality of
anthropogenic climate. Climate scientists
have repeatedly tried to make this clear.
It is time for the the rest of us to listen.”
Science Magazine
December 3 2004

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American Electric Power
“There is not a lot of debate in the scientific
community that rising concentrations of
greenhouse gases are occurring and will
lead to climatic changes.”

Dale Heydlauff
AEP senior vice president for
government and environmental affairs

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The US Will Get Hotter

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Winter (DJF) and Summer (JJA) temperature change (degrees C)
for 2070-2099, relative to 1961-1990

Copyright ©2004 by the National Academy of Sciences

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Illinois Will Have the Climate of Texas

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Changes to California

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Ozone exceedance days & temperature

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Other Impacts & Changes
• Wildfire in Western States
• Arctic Ice Cap Will Be Gone by 2100
• By 2100 Greenland Glacier Likely to be
Locked Into Complete Melting

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector

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Power Sector Emissions Are Increasing

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Iowa Wind Farm

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Xcel Energy Inc.
“Give us a date, tell us how much we
need to cut, give us the flexibility to meet
the goals, and we'll get it done.”

Wayne H. Brunetti
CEO and Chairman
Xcel Energy Inc.

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Non-Litigation Options Have Failed

• US will not participate in Kyoto Protocol

• EPA ruled in 2003 that CO2 not covered by

Clean Air Act

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Plaintiff States’ Public Policy: Reduce GHGs

• California Automobile CO2 Law

• Northeastern States Regional CO2 Cap &
• Many Others

Problem: out-of-state sources

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Litigation Overview
• Federal Common Law of Public Nuisance
• State Common Law in the Alternative
• Defendants are Five Biggest CO2 Emitters
• States & NYC Filed Together in One
Federal Court
• Land Trusts Filed Parallel Complaint
• Injunctive Relief Only

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• AEP Co., Southern Co., TVA, Xcel,

• Together emit ~ 650 million tons CO2/year

• 25 percent of US power sector CO2

• 10 percent of all US CO2

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Global Warming as a Public Nuisance
• Widespread harms to the general public
• Harms to public health, public comfort and
public safety
• Harms to natural resources and environment
• Harms are substantial
• Harms are long-term & irreversible
• Defendants know of the harm

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Federal Common Law of Public Nuisance

“The elements of a claim based on the

federal common law of nuisance are simply
that the defendant is carrying on an activity
that is causing an injury or significant threat
of injury to some cognizable interest of the
7th Circuit

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• Preemption
• Primary Jurisdiction
• Foreign Relations Preemption
• Justiciability
• Remoteness
• Statute Limitations/Laches
• Unclean Hands
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• Indispensable Parties Attorney Work Product
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• Joint Tortfeasors

• Reduction of Risk – Laidlaw

• Police Power

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• Injunctive

• Declaratory as part of injunctive

• Not damages

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