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Beaded Flower Bookmark [Atelier *mati]

`COCO Aroma` or other fingering/sport
5 beads
2.5mm crochet hook
Yarn needle

Finishing Measurements:
Approx. 16cm long

dc = double crochet
hdc = half double crochet
sc = single crochet
tr = treble crochet
Sl st = slip stich
Ch = chain

Special stitch instruction:

bead-sc = insert hook in stitch, yarn over, pull yarn thru stitch, slide bead next to hook,
yarn over again and pull yarn thru all 2 loops on hook.

cluster = (yarn over, insert hook in stitch, yarn over, pull yarn thru stitch, yarn over pull
yarn thru 2 loops on hook) 3 times, yarn over and pull yarn thru all 4 loops on hook.

Put all beads on the strand before crocheting.

Start with an adjustable ring of just ch1.

Round1: ch1, 5bead-sc in ring, join with sl st in first sc. Turn.

Round2: ch4, sl st in next sc; repeat around. DO NOT turn.

Round3: ch1(do not count as sc), [1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, 3tr, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc] in ch4 sp, repeat
around, join with sl st in first sc. Do not fasten off.

Ch, sc to the join, [pull a loop out from the second loop of last sc to have two loops on the
hook, pull a loop through both loops] repeat 5times; ch33, 1cluster in 4th ch from hook,
ch3, sl st in same ch.

Fasten off. Weave in ends.

Copyright ©Asami Togashi (Atelier *mati*)
Pattern may be used for personal use only or for charity projects.

There’s more free crochet pattern.


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