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BP Sales Classification

In Web UI, the sales classification flag is no longer used in CRM itself, and not manually changeable anymore. The
classifying of BP is now served by "role" in "Roles" assignment block, and sales classification flag in Web UI is only
influenced by BP roles. Sales classification flags now only exist to serve as a means of filtering and mapping with SD
account group during replication between CRM and R3. The setting of sales classification flag is not manual, instead, it's
mapped and controlled by setting of roles of corresponding role categories. (note: BP role category, not BP role, this means,
when any BP role is set, the classification flag corresponding to the mapped BP role category that the newly set BP role
belongs to will also be set in background).

The table for these classification is CRMM_BUT_FRG0041.

Specifically BP Role mapping is:

Flag BP role category

Customer CRM000, CRM002, CRM003,CRM004

Prospect BUP002

Competitor CRM005

Consumers CRM006

table TB009 contains information on BP roles and BP role categories


Whenever you edit account, system will check if any BP role of the corresponding category is still in place, if not, the flag will
be deleted.

If the flag is deleted anyway even if the above condition is met, note 1455355 should be applied.
You can enable classification flag in Web UI by customizing in web page directly, press "show configuration areas", then
click "General Data" block, then in "Marketing", you can find those classification fields, then you can drag any of them to
right part.

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