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Personal Life Media • • http://members.personallifemedia.

Advanced Fingering Sessions
Transcript from Audio Segment 6

G-Spot Activation Formula Recap

Previously  we  talked  about  how  she  can  give  birth  to  her  orgasms,  about  when  is  
the  best  8me  to  push  out,  and  then  we  talked  about  several  tricks  of  the  trade  and  
intercourse  techniques  and  riding  the  wave  and  riding  the  edge,  going  to  the  point  
of  no  return.

Our Final Lesson Together

I  would  like  to  share  with  you  in  our  final  lesson  some  yoni  massage,  yoni  or  vagi-­‐
nal  massage  techniques  that  you  can  do.  This  is  really  great  to  nurture  and  pam-­‐
per  her,  and  I  think  the  more  that  she  feels  like  you’re  caring  for  her  and  taking  
good  care  of  her  the  more  obviously  loving  and  in8mate  of  an  experience  that  you  
will  have,  as  well  as  if  she  has  kind  of  tension  or  she’s  in  her  head  a  lot,  then  I  
really  recommend  helping  her  to  get  out  of  her  head  and  into  her  body  by  giving  
her  a  really  wonderful  sensual  massage.  

Some8mes  seDng  aside  8me,  preferably  at  a  massage  table  if  you  have  one  
where  you  can  enjoy  a  session  dedicated  just  for  her  that  is  separate  from  your  
lovemaking  can  be  very  helpful,  and  these  sessions  are  ones  in  which  you’re  giving  
her  a  full  body  massage  while  also  massaging  her  inner  and  outer  labia  and  you’re  
taking  your  8me  to  get  to  know  her  body  to  explore  her  inside  and  out  with  your  
fingers  and  tongue,  to  worship  her  and  bask  in  her  ecstasy.  If  you  have  an  explora-­‐
tory  aDtude  and  one  of  honor,  these  sessions  can  be  incredible  for  her  and  you.  
She  can  also  do  the  same  for  you  as  well,  and  then  you  can  take  some  8me  to  fully  
receive  from  her.  She’s  not  obligated  or  expected  aFer  this  massage  session  to  
perform  in  any  way  or  reciprocate  to  you.  Make  it  clear  from  the  beginning  that  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

this  is  just  for  her  to  enjoy  and  to  be  able  to  just  fully  receive  and  that’s  all  she  has  
to  do.

Yoni Massage Exercise

Here’s  the  yoni  massage  exercise.  Make  sure  she  con8nues  to  breathe  and  take  
deep  breaths  from  8me  to  8me.  Don’t  rush  and  make  sure  you’re  not  distracted  
by  anything  so  you  can  focus  your  energy  on  her.  Decide  if  you’d  like  to  eye  gaze  
with  her  while  you  touch  her  or  if  she  prefers  to  keep  her  eyes  closed.  Encourage  
her  to  guide  you  as  much  as  possible  and  tell  you  exactly  what  she  likes  and  
doesn’t,  as  well  as  what  she  would  like  you  to  try  to  experiment  with.  Create  a  lov-­‐
ing  roman8c  space  that  has  relaxing  music,  phones  are  turned  off  and  there  is  
plenty  of  8me  to  dive  deep  into  the  experience.  

Give  her  honoring  compliments  about  her  body  and  her  sensuality  that  help  her  
feel  loved  and  very  aOrac8ve.  Before  entering  her  vagina  with  your  fingers  ask  her  
permission  first,  and  then  once  she  says  yes  take  your  8me  and  lovingly  enter  her  
or  let  her  take  your  finger  in  slowly  with  her  PC  muscles.  Listen  to  her  body  lan-­‐
guage  and  see  if  she  is  flushed,  if  her  nipples  are  erect,  if  she’s  writhing  around,  if  
something  emo8onal  is  coming  up  for  her.  

Check  in  with  her  if  you’re  not  sure  how  to  read  where  she’s  at.  If  she  is  check  out  
bring  her  back  by  having  her  connect  with  you  and  take  deep  breaths.  If  she  has  
an  emo8onal  release  or  experience  come  up,  check  in  with  her  gently  but  do  not  
abruptly  stop  s8mula8ng  her  or  move  your  hands.  This  could  feel  like  abandon-­‐
ment  for  some  women,  so  be  nurturing  or  gently.  You  might  even  be  surprised  
that  she  wants  you  to  keep  s8mula8ng  her  even  while  she’s  crying.  

Remember  women’s  full  range  of  emo8ons  are  part  of  her  sexuality.  You  might  
not  understand  what’s  going  on  for  her,  but  stay  strong,  solid  and  present.  OFen-­‐
8mes  you  don’t  have  to  do  anything,  nor  do  you  have  to  fix  her.  OFen8mes  she  
just  needs  to  let  it  go  and  release  it  in  a  yell,  moan,  deep  breath,  a  squirt  or  an  or-­‐
gasm.  You  can  start  by  massaging  her  whole  body  and  then  puDng  one  hand  on  
her  heart  and  one  hand  on  her  yoni.  You  can  also  end  the  massage  this  way  and  
hold  her  or  cuddle  her  at  the  end  or  spoon  her  on  the  bed  or  massage  table.  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
Have  an  aDtude  of  explora8on  and  don’t  take  it  personally  if  she  doesn’t  like  a  
certain  technique  you  try.  Just  simply  try  another  one  and  stay  open  to  exploring  
and  finding  out  what  she  likes.  

How Long?

This  massage  session  that  I  just  described  can  happen  over  a  period  of  an  hour,  it  
could  be  a  half  an  hour  or  it  could  be  a  couple  hours.  You  could  be  taking  breaks  in  
between  or  you  can  be  feeding  her  fruit,  you  could  be  serenading  her,  you  could  
be  laying  on  the  massage  table  with  her,  you  could  be  cuddling.  You  might  want  to  
spoon  her  aFerwards.  And  the  goal  of  this  is  to  just  help  her  feel  really  loved  and  
nurtured  and  safe  and  s8mulated  and  aroused.  

For  women  a  lot  of  us  really  need  to  be  emo8onally  turned  on  and  excited  by  the  
emo8onal  connec8on,  as  well  as  just  the  physical.  For  guys  it  can  be  more  of  a  
visual  turn  on,  so  seeing  something  visually  can  excite  them;  whereas  for  women,  
some8mes  that  can  be  the  case  too,  but  for  a  lot  of  women  they’re  emo8onally  
aroused,  so  they  need  to  feel  that  connec8on  first.  

They  need  to  feel  safe,  they  need  to  feel  vulnerable,  they  need  to  feel  connected,  
and  then  once  that’s  in  place  they  need  to  feel  also  seen  and  to  feel  beau8ful  and  
aOrac8ve.  And  a  combina8on  of  those  will  help  open  her  up  so  that  she  can  be  
more  aroused  in  receiving  more  pleasure.  For  women  because  it  is  more  of  an  
emo8onal  experience,  and  some  women  are  more  emo8onal  sexually  than  others  
–  and  you  might  feel  like,  “Oh  boy,  this  is  kind  of  a  buzz  kill  that  she’s  so  emo-­‐
8onal”,  but  really  take  that  as  a  sign  that  you  are  doing  a  great  job  and  that  you  
are  really  helping  her  and  turning  her  on  and  helping  her  to  just  feel  even  more  
open  sexually  and  expressive.  

You  don’t  want  her  to  squelch  those  emo8ons  or  repress  them  or  stuff  them  
down.  That  is  part  of  women’s  sexuality,  and  you  won’t  see  that  in  a  porn.  You  will  
certainly  not  see  that  in  a  porn,  a  woman  having  an  emo8onal  release  or  a  woman  
having  a  crygasm.  But  this  is  what  happens  behind  closed  doors  when  couples  are  
in8mate  and  close,  and  what  comes  along  with  that  simultaneously  is  her  being  
more  highly  aroused  and  you  want  her  to  get  as  aroused  as  she  possibly  can.  The  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
more  aroused  she  is,  the  more  orgasmic,  the  more  turned  on,  the  more  she  wants  
it,  the  more  she’s  begging  for  it,  the  more  that  her  body’s  going  to  be  open  to  or-­‐

If  she  knows  that  she  can  let  go  and  fully  surrender  then  she’s  going  to  want  to  
keep  going  and  going  and  going,  especially  if  you’re  encouraging  her  and  she  
knows  that  that  is  something  that  you’re  welcoming  and  excited  it  about  and  it  
turns  you  on.  Don’t  forget  to  tell  her  how  turned  on  you  are,  even  if  you  don’t  
have  this  raging  erec8on,  s8ll  let  her  know  just  how  sexy  she  is  and  aOrac8ve  and  
how  much  it  turns  you  on  when  she  is  just  experiencing  the  ul8mate  pleasure.  
When  you  give  her  that  level  of  permission  –  and  I’ve  said  it  over  and  over  again  
and  I  can’t  emphasize  it  enough  –  this  is  how  the  magic  unfolds.  

The Middle Ring Move

I  want  to  give  you  another  move  and  this  is  a  move  that  actually  is  a  great  way  to  
get  her  to  ejaculate,  as  well  as  have  more  intense  orgasm  that  is  a  g-­‐spot/clitoral  
orgasm.  This  is  a  fingering  technique  that  men  can  use  that  has  been  proven  very  
successful  for  helping  women  to  ejaculate  in  par8cular,  and  it’s  called  the  middle  
ring  move  because  you’re  using  your  middle  finger  and  your  ring  finger  inside  of  
her.  And  this  works  best  when  she’s  on  a  massage  table  and  you  are  standing  next  
to  her  or  if  you  are  lying  astride  her  as  she  in  on  her  back.  

Make  sure  she  is  appropriately  turned  on  and  juiced  up  before  you  start  this  one,  
that’s  key.  You’re  not  going  to  integrate  this  un8l  she’s  already  very  turned  on.  And  
it  works  best  when  her  g-­‐spot  is  engorged  and  she’s  aroused  and  engorged.  You’re  
going  to  take  your  middle  and  ring  finger  and  lovingly  enter  her  and  then  you’re  
going  to  curl  your  fingers  up  towards  the  g-­‐spot  just  behind  the  sponge.  You  want  
to  take  your  palm  while  your  fingers  are  inside  and  cup  her  clit  somewhat  firmly.  

And  you  take  your  other  hand  and  lay  it  just  above  her  pubic  mound  also  applying  
a  firm  amount  of  pressure  there.  Remember  I  said  earlier  that  this  is  the  back  
door  to  the  g-­‐spot  when  you  have  your  hand  on  her  pubic  mound  and  you’re  
pressing  in.  Now  make  sure  you  check  in  with  her  to  gauge  the  pressure.  And  
you’re  now  going  to  rigorously  move  your  fingers  and  palm  up  and  down  inside  of  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
her  while  anchoring  your  palm  to  her  pubic  bone  and  her  clit.  So  this  way  her  clit  
and  her  g-­‐spot  are  geDng  s8mulated  simultaneously  so  you’re  not  doing  separate  
s8mula8on,  you’re  actually  in  one.  In  the  palm  of  your  hand  is  her  clit  and  then  
your  fingers  are  inside  of  her,  her  yoni,  and  they’re  angled  up  towards  her  g-­‐spot.  

You’re  going  to  check  and  see  if  you  can  go  faster  and  harder  and  more  rigorous.  
Some  women  really  love  rigorous  s8mula8on  and  they  just  love  just  if  you  rail  into  
them,  while  others  really  don’t  like  that  at  all  and  they  find  it  absolutely  just  dis-­‐
turbing  and  annoying.  Again,  you’re  geDng  a  feel  for  her  ero8c  map,  so  this  move  
might  be  great  for  a  woman  who  really  likes  rigorous  pressure  on  her  g-­‐spot.  

Some8mes  this  move  can  appear  aggressive,  but  actually  a  woman’s  g-­‐spot,  like  I  
said,  can  take  a  fair  amount  of  intense  pressure,  so  remember  even  when  you  
think  you’re  going  really  hard  she  might  need  more  pressure.  At  a  certain  point  
when  you’re  rigorously  moving  your  fingers  up  and  down  inside  of  her  somewhat  
quickly  you’ll  hear  those  sloshing  noises  again  and  that  can  mean  that  there  is  
probably  some  ejaculate  building  up  in  her  g-­‐spot.  And  you  can  have  her  just  push  
out  or  she  might  just  do  this  naturally  at  this  point,  and  experiment  with  removing  
your  fingers  to  allow  the  ejaculate  to  be  released  or  seeing  if  the  ejaculate  will  
come  out  while  your  fingers  are  s8ll  inside  of  her.  Some8mes  ejaculate  cannot  
come  out  when  you’re  blocking  the  urethral  opening,  so  taking  your  fingers  out  or  
just  focusing  on  the  u-­‐spot  when  she’s  bearing  down  and  pushing  out  can  be  help-­‐

She  might  also  want  to  s8mulate  her  clit  while  you  focus  on  her  g-­‐spot,  and  this  
works  really  great  too.  The  index  and  middle  finger  work  great  for  a  juicy  come  
hither  mo8on  while  the  middle  ring  move  works  great  for  the  rigorous  g-­‐spot  
s8mula8on  and  helps  a  woman  who  is  afraid  of  leDng  go  because  she  has  to  sur-­‐
render  to  the  intensity  of  the  s8mula8on  and  might  be  able  to  hold  the  ejaculate  
back  even  if  she  wants  to.  Or  the  orgasm,  for  that  maOer.  And  remember,  what  
she  wants  in  one  session  can  be  very  different  for  the  next,  so  always  check  in  
with  her  and  ask  permission  as  much  as  possible  so  she  feels  safe  and  check  in  
and  cared  for.  

This  is  a  rigorous  move  where  you’re  anchored  to  her  clit  and  her  pubic  mound  
with  your  palm  and  your  fingers  are  kind  of  inside  of  her  and  you’re  moving  your  
palm  up  and  down  on  her  clit  and  simultaneously  because  you’re  moving  your  
whole  hand,  her  g-­‐spot  is  also  simultaneously  geDng  the  same  kind  of  up  and  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
down  s8mula8on  while  your  fingers  are  firmly  inside  of  her.  Try  this  one  and  really  
go  for  it.  If  she’s  okay  with  the  pressure  you  can  go  preOy  rigorously  with  it.  Check  
that  out,  that  actually  is  a  really  great  move  that  a  lot  of  women  like  and  can  have  
mul8ple  orgasms  with,  as  well  as  ejaculate.  

Her First Time for Multiple Orgasms?

If  she’s  having  mul8ple  orgasms  for  the  first  8me,  as  well  as  ejacula8ng  with  you,  
well  then  she’s  going  to  look  up  to  you  and  worship  the  ground  you  walk  on  be-­‐
cause  first  8me  experiences  with  women  really  are  exhilara8ng  to  them  and  if  
she’s  going  to  think  you’re  the  ul8mate  sex  god  it’s  because  you’ve  given  her  these  
first  8me  experiences  and  these  amazing  orgasms,  whether  it’s  riding  an  orgasmic  
wave  with  her,  bringing  her  close  to  the  edge  or  giving  her  these  blended  orgasms  
where  she’s  just  wan8ng  more  and  more  and  ejacula8ng  and  really  being  able  to  
let  go.  

Trust  me,  you  can  move  from  a  woman  who’s  just  very  conserva8ve  sexually  and  
has  a  lot  of  pent  up  sexual  energy  and  really  create  this  wild  sexual  uninhibited  
woman  just  by  giving  her  permission  and  being  really  complimentary  and  being  a  
safe  person  that  she  really  feels  authen8cally  and  can  open  up  to,  so  it’s  amazing  
to  watch  her  transform  and  go  from  maybe  even  someone  who’s  sort  of  a  wall-­‐
flower  sexually  to  someone  who’s  just  like  this  8gress,  wild  amazing  empowered  
sex  goddess.  

Watch  her  unfold,  watch  how  these  exercises  really  open  her  up  and  how  that  
transforms  to  her  daily  life  and  how  she  expresses  herself  on  a  day  to  day  basis.  
She  might  be  wearing  different  clothes,  she  might  have  a  makeover,  she  might  just  
feel  like  she’s  really  ready  to  strut  her  stuff  ‘cause  she’s  just  feeling  so  good  and  
juicy.  And  she  might  be  almost  insa8able  to.  Some  women  have  sexual  awakening  
experiences  because  they’re  with  a  lover  who  really  has  awakened  new  things  
within  them  that  have  been  pent  up  for  years  and  years.  If  you’re  her  partner  and  
she’s  opening  up  and  awakening,  I’ve  heard  story  aFer  story  of  this  happening,  
especially  when  I  teach  women  about  mul8ple  orgasms,  the  g-­‐spot  and  female  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

I’ve  heard  incredible  stories  about  how  it  can  change  and  even  save  marriages.  
Learning  something  new  can  be  just  the  spark  that  your  marriage  needs  if  it  is  
kind  of  in  a  lackluster  monotonous  kind  of  space,  then  trying  something  new  like  
these  techniques,  even  one  of  them,  if  you’re  just  trying  even  one  of  my  tech-­‐
niques  that  I’m  giving  you  with  your  partner,  that  can  open  up  whole  new  doors  
for  you  that  you  never  thought  possible.

Putting It All Together

I  want  to  give  you  another  exercise  and  it’s  the  exercise  puDng  it  all  together.  This  
includes  mul8ple  orgasms,  the  blended  orgasms,  it  includes  working  with  the  PC  
muscles  and  it  also  includes  female  ejacula8on,  so  it’s  just  packed  with  goodies.  
And  if  you’re  ready  to  put  everything  we  learned  together,  this  next  exercise  will  
u8lize  the  main  components  to  mul8ple  orgasms,  the  g-­‐spot  and  female  ejacula-­‐
8on,  and  it  also  includes  the  emo8onal  component  as  well.  Prepare  your  space  by  
puDng  down  towels  or  rubber  sheets,  geDng  lube  and  toys  ready.  Set  the  ro-­‐
man8c  stage  with  candles,  ligh8ng  and  sexy  music.  

Remind  her  to  use  the  bathroom  and  drink  lots  of  water  beforehand.  Do  some  
stretching  with  her  to  help  open  up  her  body  and  move  any  stuck  energy  and  for  
you  as  well.  Have  her  lay  down,  take  some  deep  breath,  sighs  and  clear  her  mind.  
Lovingly  gaze  into  her  eyes.  Compliment  her,  caress  her  face  lovingly  and  stay  con-­‐
nected  to  her.  

Gently  put  your  hands  on  homebase,  one  had  on  her  pubic  mound  and  the  other  
on  her  heart.  Take  some  long  deep  breaths  again  and  release  the  tension  of  the  
day  with  a  sigh  or  a  noise  with  her.  Touch  her  en8re  body  with  light  gentle  strokes,  
tapping  and  massaging.  When  you  feel  ready,  find  your  way  to  her  pubic  mound  
and  start  by  massaging  the  outer  then  inner  lips.  Don’t  forget  to  encourage  her  to  
keep  breathing  and  moaning  and  releasing  any  energy  or  emo8ons  she  needs  to.  
Get  some  lube  on  your  fingers  if  you  haven’t  already  and  explore  her  clit,  the  clito-­‐
ral  hood  and  the  urethral  opening  slowly  and  lovingly.  Start  s8mula8ng  her  clit  
while  using  your  fingers  or  a  vibrator.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Experiment  with  side  to  side,  up  and  down,  circles,  faster,  slower,  more  pressure,  
less  pressure,  direct  s8mula8on  of  her  clit  or  just  the  clitoral  hood,  as  well  as  the  2  
o’clock  spot  we  talked  about  earlier.  Check  in  with  her  every  step  of  the  way.  
When  she’s  feeling  aroused  and  turned  on,  take  your  fingers  in  the  come  hither  
mo8on  or  a  g-­‐spot  toy  and  simultaneously  s8mulate  her  g-­‐spot  while  vibra8ng  or  
rubbing  her  clit.  

Make  sure  you  use  plenty  of  lube  and  enter  her  vagina  tenderly  and  inten8onally.  
Prac8ce  alterna8ng  between  clit  and  g-­‐spot  s8mula8on,  as  well  as  s8mula8ng  
them  simultaneously.  As  you  did  with  her  clit,  experiment  with  various  loca8ons  
on  her  g-­‐spot  –  deeper,  faster,  slower,  harder,  back  and  forth,  circles,  moving  your  
fingers  in  and  out,  one  finger  versus  two,  etcetera.  Once  you  find  s8mula8on  she  
likes  keep  consistent  with  it  and  do  not  change  it  without  asking  her  permission  
when  working  with  her  clit  and  her  g-­‐spot.  

Ask  for  direc8on  from  her  if  you  feel  lost.  Take  deep  breaths  if  you  feel  frustrated  
and  come  back  to  connec8ng  with  your  heart  and  hers  to  get  reconnected.  When  
she  is  very  aroused  try  introducing  more  pressure  and  intensity  to  her  g-­‐spot  and  
see  if  you  can  hear  any  sloshing  noises  from  the  ejaculate  building  up.  Check  in  
with  her  to  find  out  if  she  if  feeling  the  pressure  of  the  ejaculate  building  up.  Invite  
her  to  do  some  PC  muscle  pumps  to  get  her  orgasmic  energy  circula8ng.  Have  her  
prac8ce  squeezing  your  muscle  or  the  toy  with  her  PC  muscles,  as  well  as  pushing  
it  out.  Really  milk  her  g-­‐spot  and  no8ce  it  geDng  engorged  and  full.  

When  she  is  close  to  orgasming  or  in  a  very  heightened  state  of  arousal  try  en-­‐
couraging  her  to  give  birth  to  her  orgasm  by  bearing  down  and  pushing  out.  Take  
out  your  fingers  or  g-­‐spot  toy  when  she  does  this  so  as  not  to  block  any  ejaculate  
that  might  need  to  come  out.  Keep  invi8ng  her  to  push  out  and  bear  down  as  you  
s8mulate  her  clit  and  urethral  opening  by  tapping  and  rubbing  with  firm  pressure.  
If  you  no8ce  that  there  is  a  liOle  ejaculate  coming  out  keep  going  and  see  if  more  
needs  to  be  released.  

If  she  has  just  had  an  orgasm  you  can  lightly  touch  her  and  very  gradually  s8mu-­‐
late  her  again  to  go  for  mul8ple  orgasms  if  she  is  ready  for  that.  Chances  are  that  
the  first  orgasm  will  open  up  her  body  and  energize  it  so  that  the  orgasms  to  fol-­‐
low  can  get  juicier  and  juicier.  If  she  pushes  out  while  she’s  actually  having  an  or-­‐
gasm  and  you’re  taking  out  whatever  object  that  is  inside,  then  she  has  just  given  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

birth  to  her  orgasm  and  possibly  ejaculated.  If  she  ejaculates  a  liOle  keep  s8mulat-­‐
ing  her,  encouraging  her  to  ejaculate  even  more.  

You  might  want  to  increase  the  pressure,  enhance  the  speed  of  your  g-­‐spot  s8mu-­‐
la8on,  along  with  your  clit  s8mula8on  to  really  take  her  over  the  edge.  If  she  did  
ejaculate  a  liOle  or  a  lot,  no  maOer  the  amount  check  in  to  see  how  it  makes  her  
feel.  Is  she  exhilarated?  Emo8onal?  Let  down?  Ecsta8c?  Proud?  Make  sure  you  
stay  connected  with  her,  especially  aFer  she  has  had  an  orgasm  or  ejaculates.  
Keep  that  bond  with  her  so  she  con8nues  to  feel  safe  with  you.  It  is  also  a  good  
idea  to  smell  her  ejaculate  so  you  can  get  acquainted  with  what  it  smells  like  and  
confirm  that  it’s  not  urine.  

This  will  help  reassure  her  and  help  you  get  to  know  her  sexy  juices.  Remember  
that  while  doing  these  exercises  follow  her  pleasure  by  con8nuing  to  do  the  things  
that  are  feeling  really  good  to  her.  Don’t  have  any  set  agenda,  plan  or  goal.  If  you  
go  off  on  some  wild  tangent  that  doesn’t  necessarily  involve  working  with  a  given  
exercises  that  is  okay  too.  Or  if  you  need  to  take  baby  steps  and  start  basic  for  a  
while  give  yourself  permission  to  let  go  and  go  at  your  own  pace.  It’s  okay  too  to  
stop  if  something  comes  up  for  her  or  you.  

Honor  your  emo8ons  as  well  as  hers  and  be  honest  with  her  and  emo8onally  vul-­‐
nerable  if  you  can.  Con8nually  keep  checking  in  with  her  to  find  out  what’s  right  
for  her  without  any  kind  of  agenda,  and  this  will  help  take  any  pressure  off  of  you.  
Remember  that  this  is  about  giving  her  lots  of  pleasure,  to  build  an  in8mate  and  
loving  experience  and  to  get  to  know  her  body,  not  just  about  geDng  her  to  ejacu-­‐
late  or  have  mul8ple  orgasms.  

Trouble Shooting

The  thing  that  I  want  to  talk  about  is  a  liOle  troubleshoo8ng  as  well.  You  know  
what  to  do  if  you  hit  a  roadblock  with  her  when  it  comes  to  maybe  some  emo-­‐
8onal  issue  that  comes  up,  so  you  know  how  to  work  through  that.  If  she  has  a  
hard  8me  surrendering  and  leDng  go,  you  know  that  part  of  the  secret  to  that  is  
just  giving  her  permission,  encouragement  and  compliments,  so  you  know  how  to  
troubleshoot  with  that.  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
You  know  how  to  also  troubleshoot  if  she  feels  like  she  can’t  let  go  ‘cause  she’s  go-­‐
ing  to  pee,  and  you  know  how  to  troubleshoot  with  that  because  you  can  encour-­‐
age  her  to  go  to  the  bathroom  beforehand  and  pee  so  that  she  doesn’t  have  to  
worry  about  it  and  trust  that  what  she’s  experiencing  is  ejacula8on  and  not  pee.  

That’s  something  too  that  doing  certain  techniques  even  if  she  is  a  liOle  bit  inhib-­‐
ited,  you  can  kind  of  help  her  let  go  and  the  more  and  the  longer  you’re  at  it  the  
more  you’re  going  to  in  some  ways  wear  down  her  armoring.  We  all  have  some  
kind  of  emo8onal  and  physical  armoring  on  our  bodies,  and  when  we  go  for  cer-­‐
tain  periods  of  8me  of  being  in  this  ero8c  trans  state  and  having  orgasm  aFer  or-­‐
gasm  we’re  going  to  start  de-­‐armoring  ourselves  and  be  able  to  truly  let  go.  And  
when  she’s  in  that  space  where  she  just  doesn’t  care  anymore  –  her  makeup’s  
smeared  down  her  face,  she  has  a  weird  look,  she  has  her  back  arched  in  a  funny  
way  or  her  leg’s  shaking  up  in  the  air  –  that’s  really  good.  You  want  that.  You  want  
her  to  feel  that  sense  of  inhibi8on.  

And  if  one  of  your  roadblocks  is  that  she’s  s8ll  somewhat  inhibited,  there’s  s8ll  
some  trust  issues  there  or  there’s  s8ll  an  unsureness  of  her  body,  then  be  pa8ent,  
be  compassionate,  take  baby  steps  with  her,  and  maybe  just  try  the  very  first  exer-­‐
cise  or  just  really  work  with  her  clit  and  maybe  a  certain  toy  can  help  her  open  up  
a  liOle  bit  or  maybe  some  certain  emo8onal  work  that  you  can  do  with  her.  These  
are  just  some  roadblocks  that  might  come  up.  Another  one  could  be  that  she  
doesn’t  like  g-­‐spot  s8mula8on,  it  might  not  be  her  thing.  Well  maybe  you  can  find  
out  well  maybe  she  likes  her  cervix  s8mulated  and  she’s  more  into  the  deep  

Maybe  she’s  more  into  anal  play.  Maybe  there’s  different  ways  that  you  can  work  
with  your  clitoris  or  just  work  with  having  intercourse  with  her  and  she  might  s8ll  
like  vaginal  s8mula8on,  just  not  necessarily  direct  g-­‐spot  s8mula8on.  Maybe  she  
likes  role  playing.  Maybe  she  might  be  more  of  a  person  who  likes  to  talk  dirty.  
Maybe  she  likes  being  handcuffed  or  restrained.  Maybe  she  likes  being  spanked.  

Maybe  she  likes  dressing  up  in  different  oudits  or  having  you  dress  up.  Maybe  she  
likes  more  thrilling  experiences.  Really  it’s  about  checking  in  and  trying  different  
things  and  con8nuously  trying  other  avenues.  If  you  feel  blockage  in  one  place,  
circumvent  it,  go  around,  try  something  else  and  as  long  as  she  has  an  aDtude  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

where  she’s  open  minded  and  she’s  not  feeling  pressure  or  that  you  have  any  set  
goals,  then  really  enjoy  the  adventure  together.  

You  might  want  to  rent  porn  or  find  porn  on  the  Internet  and  look  at  that  with  her  
too.  That  can  be  something  really  excited.  There’s  many  crea8ve  possibili8es,  so  
be  crea8ve.  And  I’ve  given  you  a  whole  bunch  of  sugges8ons  too  that  you  can  
really  work  with.  And  again,  if  you  really  want  her  to  be  able  to  be  mul8  orgasmic  
don’t  necessarily  expect  that  she’s  just  going  to  have  one  orgasms,  boom-­‐boom-­‐
boom-­‐boom-­‐boom  and  all  these  other  mul8ple  orgasms  immediately  aFerwards.  

Actually  there  might  take  some  8me  in  between  and  she  needs  some  refractory  
8me  where  there’s  just  very  minimal  s8mula8on  and  then  work  up  again,  or  
maybe  immediately  aFer  she’ll  be  able  to  come  within  a  minute  of  each  other.  

And  learning  her  ero8c  map  and  really  geDng  to  know  that  dynamic  map  of  hers,  
and  it’s  always  changing  and  it’s  so  exci8ng  to  see  how  it  changes  and  grows  and  
expands.  And  the  way  that  you  can  compliment  her  outside  of  the  bedroom  is  
really  important  too,  and  I  encourage  having  date  nights.  And  these  date  nights,  I  
have  them  with  my  boyfriend  right  now,  and  these  date  nights,  we  have  them  at  
least  twice  a  week  where  we  either  go  out  on  a  date  or  we  have  a  roman8c  8me  
together  at  home,  but  that  also  means  that  we’re  going  to  be  making  love.  And  
when  you  put  aside  that  8me,  it  could  be  spent  not  necessarily  having  intercourse,  
but  it  could  be  something  like,  “Lets  work  with,  I  just  want  to  give  you  a  yoni  mas-­‐
sage  tonight,  and  I  just  want  you  to  be  able  to  receive”  or  “I  want  to  have  a  bath  
with  you”  or  “I  want  to  watch  this  educa8onal  video  with  you”  or  “I  want  to  go  to  
toy  shopping  with  you”  or  “I  want  you  to  wear  that  sexy  lingerie  that  I  got  for  you”  
or  “I  want  to  hear  exactly  what  you  want  to  do  or  what  exci8ng  ideas  do  you  have  
that  would  really  turn  you  on  and  be  exci8ng.”  And  a  lot  of  people  might  thing,  
“Having  a  scheduled  date  might  not  be  that  exci8ng  or  it  might  take  the  spontane-­‐
ity  out  of  it”,  well  you  can  have  that  too,  but  also  put  aside  inten8onal  8mes  to  
really  focus  on  this,  to  really  put  aside  a  couple  hours  or  even  several  hours  that  
you  can  really  focus  uninterrupted  on  each  other.  

If  you  have  kids  this  might  be  a  liOle  bit  harder  to  have  date  night  twice  a  week.  
But  you  can  s8ll  schedule  date  nights  where  you  have  a  babysiOer,  rent  a  hotel  or  
go  camping  or  something  like  that  and  just  be  in  a  place  where  you  can  feel  free.  
You  have  to  carve  out  that  8me  ‘cause  it’s  really  important.  If  she’s  feeling  rushed  
or  you’re  exhausted  and  she’s  exhausted  and  you  haven’t  put  aside  the  right  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
amount  of  8me,  then  learning  these  kind  of  things  cannot  be  given  their  proper  
8me  and  energy,  so  make  sure  that  when  you  are  star8ng  these  kinds  of  exercises  
that  you’re  not  doing  so  when  there’s  a  million  things  piled  on  your  list  and  you  
have  to  race  off  and  be  somewhere  or  the  phone’s  ringing  or  people  are  knocking  
on  your  door  or  it’s  just  a  moment  when  you  have  limited  8me  and  you  have  to  
just  interrupt  the  session.  Scheduling  inten8onal  8mes  to  be  together,  and  that  
way  throughout  the  week  –  this  happens  with  me  and  my  partner,  we  an8cipate  
those  date  nights  and  we  get  excited  and  we  go,  “Oh  my  god,  it’s  date  night  to-­‐

And  some8mes  we  almost  forget  that  it’s  date  night  and  then  when  we  remind  
each  other,  “Babe,  it’s  date  night  tomorrow”,  then  we  say,  “Ooh”,  and  that  ero8c  
energy  is  star8ng  there  from  the  8me  that  you’re  thinking  about  the  date  night.  
That’s  definitely  some  great  advice  if  you’re  in  a  long  term  rela8onship  or  living  
with  someone  to  schedule  this  very  inten8onal  8me  that  you’re  spending  to-­‐

Start Anywhere BUT

Another  thing  that  I  want  to  say  too  that’s  really  important  about  women’s  sexual-­‐
ity,  again,  when  it  comes  to  just  sort  of  coaxing  the  experience  with  her  is  that  
immediately  when  you’re  star8ng  to  go  into  your  sexual  mode  our  natural  inclina-­‐
8on  is  to  go  straight  for  the  genitals.  We  kind  of  just  have  this  immediate  thing,  
“I’m  just  going  to  start  rubbing  her  pussy  ‘cause  I’m  turned  on.”  

She  might  be  responsive  to  that  but  I  would  also  encourage  you  to  start  every-­‐
where  else  but  the  genitals.  You  don’t  want  to  just  jump  right  in  there  ‘cause  
that’s  a  big  mistake  that  a  lot  of  guys  make  and  then  a  lot  of  8mes  women  need  to  
be  warmed  up  everywhere  else  aside  from  our  genitals  and  then  our  genitals  or  
our  yoni  starts  to  awaken  and  we  start  to  feel  that  passion.  

Having  a  beau8ful  make-­‐out  session  with  her  and  kissing  and  really  celebra8ng  
your  kiss  and  gazing  into  each  others  eyes,  wrestling  and  having  fun  and  being  
goofy  beforehand  can  be  very  helpful  where  you’re  wrestling  and  just  being  
youthful  and  childlike,  that  can  be  really  great.  Or  you  set  the  mood  and  the  tone  
P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming
with  candles  and  aromas  and  really  put  that  extra  energy  into  the  seDng  and  just  
making  sure  the  place  is  fluffed  out  and  comfortable,  you  have  your  sheets,  your  
blanket  and  your  towels  down,  that  you  really  have  set  the  stage  and  you’re  show-­‐
ing  her  that  you  know  how  to  create  this  really  roman8c  seDng.  It’s  not  just  about  
literally  what  happens  when  you’re  geDng  down  but  what  happens  before,  what’s  
happening  outside  the  bedroom,  how  are  you  crea8ng  and  seDng  up  a  beau8ful  
space  for  her  that  has  beau8ful  aromas  and  fruits  and  good  toys.  

You’re  just  crea8ng  this  decadent  hedonis8c  experience  that  she’s  going  to  look  
around  the  room  and  see  the  g-­‐spot  toys  and  the  vibrators  in  one  corner,  she’s  go-­‐
ing  to  see  maybe  some  sexy  lingerie  displayed  on  the  bed,  she’s  going  to  have  the  
candlelight  around.  There  might  be  a  blow  of  chocolate  and  cherries  and  whipped  
cream  and  strawberries  or  bananas  or  some  exo8c  fruits.  

And  she’s  going  to  maybe  smell  some  beau8ful  scented  candles  and  say,  “Wow,  
this  guy  is  just  amazing.  Who  could  ask  for  more.”  And  it’s  those  liOle  details  that  
women  love  and  appreciate,  and  you  might  not  be  geared  towards  that.  You  might  
just  like  it  just  straight  up  wherever  whenever  spontaneously.  But  a  lot  of  women  
appreciate  you  puDng  in  the  extra  energy  to  help  set  the  stage,  and  these  are  
things  that  women  really  need.  

We  need  romance,  we  need  to  be  romanced  and  to  keep  that  spark  alive  by  doing  
crea8ve  fun  things.  One  thing  that  you  can  do  that’s  outside  of  the  bedroom  is  
write  in  chalk  on  the  sidewalk  outside  your  front  door  a  big  heart  saying  “I  love  
you”  or  “You’re  the  one”  or  have  her  name  in  it  or  both  of  your  names  in  it,  and  
just  doing  liOle  things  like  that  creates  this  roman8c  hot  beau8ful  energy  between  
you  guys  so  that  when  you’re  together  sexually  it’s  this  beau8ful  recipe  for  her  to  
just  be  having  these  explosive  amazing  orgasms.  

And  especially  when  she  starts  ejacula8ng  and  having  these  first  8me  experiences,  
you’re  really  going  to  see  her  open  up  and  transform  and  be  absolutely  just  in-­‐
credibly  radiant  and  even  more  beau8ful  than  you  think  that  she  is.  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

Big Recap

This  is  an  amazing  journey  that  you’re  about  to  embark  upon.  I  hope  I  have  given  
you  enough  tools,  and  I’ve  probably  even  given  you  more  than  you  can  even  han-­‐
dle,  that  you  can  feel  like  you’re  geDng  a  feel  for  her  ero8c  map  and  you’re  able  
to  cul8vate  her  ero8c  energy  on  many  different  levels  with  manually,  orally,  
through  intercourse,  through  different  posi8ons,  through  how  you  are  emo8on-­‐
ally  solid  with  her,  and  all  these  things  combined  together  will  for  sure  lead  to  
mul8ple  and  orgasmic  experiences,  and  if  they  don’t  right  off  the  bat  keep  prac8c-­‐

Whatever  headway  you’re  making  just  don’t  be  aOached  the  outcome.  Just  enjoy  
the  ride.  Enjoy  the  things  that  do  happen  that  are  new  and  exci8ng,  and  know  
that  some8mes  it’ll  be  on  fire  and  electric  and  super  hot,  and  other  8mes  it  might  
be  kind  of  flat  or  some  issues  might  come  up  or  you  might  be  more  connected  at  
other  8mes  than  others,  so  just  be  prepared  for  the  energy  to  constantly  be  dy-­‐
namic  and  shiFing  between  the  two  of  you  as  a  couple.  

If  you  have  the  inten8on  that  you’re  building  in8macy  with  her,  and  that  is  your  
ul8mate  goal  and  this  is  helping  you  be  closer,  this  is  going  to  spice  up  your  sex  life  
and  help  you  reach  new  ero8c  dimensions  and  really  building  the  in8macy  
through  eye  contact,  through  puDng  your  hand  on  her  heart,  through  doing  
emo8onally  healing  prac8ces  with  her,  these  are  powerful  experiences  that  will  
ul8mately  bring  you  closer  together,  whether  you’re  having  intercourse  or  just  giv-­‐
ing  her  a  beau8ful  massage  or  just  laying  with  her  and  cuddling  with  her  and  
spooning  her  and  holding  each  other.  

This  will  lead  to  profound  fulfillment  and  deep  happiness,  and  seDng  the  mood,  
crea8ng  the  stage,  not  going  right  for  her  genitals  but  really  going  for  her  neck  and  
touching  her  body  and  kissing  her  passionately  and  running  your  fingers  through  
her  hair  and  even  pulling  her  hair  if  that’s  what  she  likes  or  trying  these  new  excit-­‐
ing  things  and  giving  her  just  tons  of  permission  to  really  let  go  and  release  her  
juices  and  move  into  these  spaces  where  she’s  having  orgasm  aFer  orgasms  aFer  

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming

What’s Next?

There’s  nothing  more  thrilling  than  geDng  your  woman  to  this  amazing  juicy  or-­‐
gasmic  place.  And  there’s  nothing  more  thrilling  than  having  her  think  of  you  as  
her  master  and  sex  god  in  bed.  There’s  nothing  more  thrilling  than  making  her  
squirt  and  giving  her  a  new  experience  that  she’s  never  had  before.  I’ve  given  you  
a  wealth  of  inside  knowledge  and  wisdom  about  women  and  what  makes  them  
8ck  and  what  makes  them  squirt  and  what  makes  them  come  again  and  again  and  
again.  Most  men  out  there  have  not  been  given  this  informa8on,  so  you  are  way  
above  the  bar  on  this  one.  Trust  me,  she’ll  be  in  total  awe  of  your  skills  and  deep  
wisdom  of  her  body,  as  well  as  your  techniques  and  expert  space  holding,  and  
she’ll  be  able  to  let  go  and  surrender  into  ecstasy  like  never  before.  Get  ready  for  
a  wet  and  wild  ride  that  will  have  her  hooked  and  coming  and  coming  and  coming  
again  and  again  and  again.  


Good  luck.  You’re  well  on  your  way.  And  please  let  me  know  if  I  can  assist  you  fur-­‐
ther.  Juicy  blessings  to  you  and  yours.  Thank  you.  

Copyright©  2010  Personal  Life  Media  All  Rights  Reserved

Please  do  not  copy,  pirate,  forward  or  in  any  way  unscrupulously  use  this  material.  Tallulah  has  spent  years  accumu-­‐
la8ng  this  informa8on  and  deserves  to  be  paid  for  it.  Have  a  heart.  If  you  have  received  this  from  someone  else,  
please  go  to  Keep  Her  Coming  and  purchase  it  fairly.  Thank  you.

P e r s o n a l L i f e M e d i a! Keep Her Coming


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