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Lethbridge G Professional Semester III Final Report Faculty of Education Field Experiences Fall__Spring_ Semester, 20__ (Please check appropriate semester) ‘Professional Semester Il 1s a five-course equivalent infograled semester Including hallcime teaching and professional study in curriculum design, leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. Intern Teachers are assigned full ime to schools for the semester during which they assume responsibilty for approximately one-half of the teaching day. PS ll professional study is designed to complement and enhance the intemship. The professional study components may occur on or off-campus and are coordinated by the Faculty Mentors in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel Place a checkmark (3) in front of the course in which you are registered Education 4571 Elementary Education Education 4572- Secondary Internship Education 4573 Special Focus Internship Education 4574— Fine Arts Internship - Art or Drama Education 4575— Fine Arts Internship - Music Intom Teacher Medan Ges Grade Levels) Year BiG (Grace 1/6) School Fanatic: ChetstiGa Schwe\ Administrator Peter Bectran Teacher Mentor Witter Bertram | Mackin FacultyMentor _Macla Steecl ‘Scrot Intern Teacher's Descriptive Report: | arrived at Ponatahi Christian School in the beginning of January 2018, ready to work! Iwas greeted heartily by the various staff members, two of whom were to be my teacher mentors. Mr. Schot was my teacher mentor for Inquiry Learning ~ a brand new class for the school. This gave me the opportunity to brainstorm with my teacher mentor as to how the class would be set up. The class was for year 8's and 9's (equivalent to grade 7 and 8 in Canada). The purpose of the class was to combine health, technology, social sciences, and science curriculum into one class that was taught through inquiry learning. It was really great to have the opportunity to plan such a unique, new, and interesting class. The second subject | was assigned was Math. Mr. Bertram provided mentorship as | taught the Year &s as well as the Year 9s {really enjoyed working through the subject with them. With both of these classes combined, | was teaching a fifty percent workload. Both classes were quite new for me as my teachable major is CTS: Business, but | enjoyed the opportunity to work with my teacher mentors, the subjects, and the curriculum, While teaching inquiry Learning, | spent the first term focused on a unit about Maori Medicine. This unit combined various curricula as we talked about Maori community and their methods of healing (social sciences), cells, ecosystems, bacteria, and wounds (science], and ways to heal them (health), and technology were used in the process. | had the opportunity to gamify this class which was fascinating. My students were split into teams and worked together to complete various quests related to the class material. The second term was dedicated to urban planning, Students built their own city as they investigated how to build structurally sound buildings, how to direct the movernent of traffic, how to provide energy for the city (science), how to use resources sustainably, what the consequences of people moving around are, and how economic decisions impact people (social sciences). For the first portion of Page tof 5 SII Final Report for Megan Bos this unit, health did not have a huge presence, but would be covered when | left and the class discussed they physics of bikes and bike safety. Once again, the class had some gamified aspects. During math in both Year 8 and 9, | spent the first term teaching my students about measurement and geometry. The second term focused on Number in Year 8 and Algebra in Year 9. | had the opportunity to integrate games into math as well which was very successful. My Year & class had a fairly large range in abilities so working with them in order to make sure they were all moving forward in their learning, albeit at different rates, was challenging. However, | enjoyed that challenge! ‘This practicum experience was the first time I've had to opportunity to participate in parent/teacher interviews and I really enjoyed that process. Throughout my practicums | had the opportunity to meet Parents at community events and during meetings about immediate student learning needs, but the ‘opportunity to do so in parent/teacher interviews was been an invaluable experience. Related to my immediate teaching, | also created two goals. The first was to use classroom management strategies to create a classroom climate that promotes effective group work and cooperative learning. ‘ne of the main methods through which I did this was to gamify my class. thought this would provide incentive for my students to work on their assignments and become self-managing. | also thought that it would encourage teamwork and cooperation as students completed quests together. In order to reinforce this, a point system was used where students could have points added or deducted, based on behavior. Points were also added based on the amount of quests they had completed. My second goal ‘was to use inquiry learning to facilitate higher-order thinking. | attempted to achieve this through questioning, encouraging my students to research things they didn’t know, and introducing interesting topics that got them to think further about them, Gamification was also used as my Professional Inquiry Project (PIP). | created a website about gamification and some game resources for both structural gamification and content gamification in the classroom. The purpose of this was to encourage student engagement, help with classroom ‘management, provide immediate feedback, and also to allow students to have some fun in the classroom. Beyond my direct teaching, | created a portfolio, created resources for my PIP, created a long term plan, unit plans, and lesson plans, participated in seminars with my fellow university classmates, attended staff meetings, observed other teachers, and participated in meetings in regards to individual learning needs These were very helpful in informing my teaching. Os -30- 2018 ate Intern Teacher Signature D: This page is to be attached to the Intern Teacher's Report. Page 2015

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