Texas Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment Conditions

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l NO.




BE IT REMEMBERED that heretofore on May 31 s+-

2007~ this case came to
trial. The jury unanimously found beyond a reasonable doubt that is a sexually
violent predator as defmed in Health & Safety Code Section 841.003. It is therefore:
ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that is a sexually viol,?nt
predator and is hereby forthwith committed for outpatient treatment and supervision to be
[l coordinated by a case manager whose directive shall follow. Such outpatient
treatment shall begin upon the person's release from a secure correctional facility. It is further:


commitment until
shall continue in such
s behavioral abnormality has changed to the extent that·
is no longer likely to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence. It is further:
D ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in a_ccordance with the Health & Safety
Code Section 841.082 the following commitment requirements are necessary to ensure that
[J complies with treatment and supervision to protect the community:

shall reside in_B a.0 r !S County~ Texas;

0 1.
2. shall not contact, or cause to be contacted, in person, by telephone,
correspondence~ or by any electronic means, a victim or potential victim

0 including t~e complaining witnesses in all cases Respondent has been charged,
convicted~ otherwise committed;
3. shall not possess or use alcohol, inhalants, ora controlled substance unless
[--1 prescribed by a medical doctor for a legitimate medical purpose;
4. shall participate in and comply with a specific course of treatment,
determined by the Council on Sex Offender Treatment; .
0 5. shall submit to tracking by global positioning satellite (GPS) electronic
monitor provided by the Texas Department ofPublic Safety or the Council on Sex
Offender Treatment; shall refrain from tampering with, altering~
U modifying, obstructing, or manipulating the radio frequency of the electronic monitor,
global positioning equipment~ or any other monitoring system utilized.
shall comply with an written global positioning satellite requirements provided by the
lJ case manager. The Texas Department ofPublic Safety, or Council on Sex Offender
Treatment, shall provide the tracking service through the case management system;

0 Page 1

-._--- - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - ---

J 6. shall not change his residence 'without prior authorization from this court
and shall not leave the state without that prior authorization from. said court;
l 7. A child safety zone is established such that
shall not:
supervise or participate in any program' that includes as participants or recipi~nts
persons who are 17 years of age or younger and that regularly provides athletic,
J b.
civic, or cultural activities; or
go in, on, or within 1,000 feet of a premises where children commonly gather,
I including a school, day-care facility, playground, public or private youth center,
J public swimming pool, or video arcade facility;
8. shall notify the case,manager within two (2,) hours of any change in
status that affects proper treatment and supervision, including a change in
lJ physical health or job status and including any incarceration of

Ll 9. shall:
.. ,.... a. submit to periodic monitoring with a polygraph and a plethysmograph as directed

II b:
by the case manager;
not possess, own, or drive a motor vehicle. Motor vehicle, as defined by the
following language in the Texas Penal Code, Section 32.34(2), as follows: "Motor'

n vehicle" means a device, in, on, or by which a person or property is or may be

transported or drawn on a highway, except a device used exclusively on a

o c.
stationary rails or tracks. This prohibition may be modified by the case manager;
, provide appropriate blood and hair samples to allow his inclusion in the DNA
Data Bank maintained by the State of Texas, if has not previously

o d.
given a blood and hair sample;
be afforded a biennial examination and review as contemplated in Section
8'41.101 and 841.102. In addition, there shall be an examination, report by the

o _,__.,e.
case manager to the court, and review conducted approximately 24 months after
the date hereof;
follow written supervision requirements of the Council on Sex Offender
Treatment and/or the case manager;
f. commit no act for which he might be charged with commission of a sexually
violent offense as defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code § 841;
g. reside in a halfway house unless otherwise approved by the Council on Sex
Offender Treatment; and
h. not accept any employment which may require his entering a private residence or

D otherwise enter a private residence as part of his employment.

It is further ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that a treatment plan for'

o shall be developed by the treatment provider with the approval of the Council on Sex
Offender Treatment. It is further:

D Page 2

ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the case manager shall periodically

1 assess the success of the treatment and supervision and make timely
recommendations to this court regarding a change of residence, absence from the state and other
appropriate matters. Xt is further:
] ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the case manager shall provide a
biennial examination report in accordance with Health & Safety Code § 841.101 in order that this
Il court can conduct a bielmial review of the status' It is further:

ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that is hereby given notice

that if violates a commitment requirement under Health & Safety Code § 841.082
or ofthis order, the Respondent may be charged with a felony of the third degree, which may be
enhanced to a more severe punishment. Further, notice is given that shall comply
(1 with the sexual offender registration requirements of Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure or
likely be charged pursuant to Art. 62.101 with a felony of the second degree, which may be

o enhanced to a more severe punishment. Further, notice is given that

pursuant to § 841.122 to file an unauthorized petition for release. It is further:
has the right

o ORDERED that the Respondent be forthwith returned to the Texas Department of

Criminal Justice. It is further:
ORDERED that a biennial review shall be conducted, in accordance with Health and

o Safety Code, Chapter 841, on or about May ~ , 2009.

This Final Judgment and Order have been rev:iewed with by his attorney in
open court on the record, or the record has been waived. All costs are charged to the State of
[J 1
Texas pursuant to Health & Safety Code, Chapter 841. All relief not granted herein is DENIED.
This is a FINAL JUDGMENT as contemplated in Lehmann v. Har-Con, 39 S.W.3d 191

o (Tex.2001).

Counsel for Petitioner

D Thumbprint ofRespondent,
Taken by Paula Mooneyham, CSR
Counsel for Respondent

lJ Page 3



Council on Sex Offender Treatment

Supervision Requirements
Client Printed Name: Date:

When you participate in the Outpatient Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Program (OSVPTP),' you must follow all
the requirements of the program. Failure to comply with these rules may result in legal action. Therefore, you must
(_ .. ~-,
carefully read this document, as it is a part of your Civil Commitment rules. The Treatment Provider or Program
Specialist can help you read and understand the document if you need them to do so. When you sign this document, you
are showing that you have read and understand these requirements.

""' I. r shalJ follow all written requirements of my Program Specialist.

2. 1shall commit no offenses against the laws of this state, or of any other state, or of the United States.
3. I shall not possess, own, or drive a motor vehicle. Motor vehicle, as defined by the following language in the Texas
Penal Code, Section 32.34 (2) is as follows: "Motor Vehicle" means a device, in, on, or by which a person or
property is or may be transported or drawn on a highway, except a device used exclusively on stationary rails or
tracks. This prohibition may be modified by the Program Specialist.
4. I shaH not possess an operator or driver's license or permit allowing operation of a motor vehicle unless approved by

D my Program Specialist.
5.. If my victim(s) attempts to contact me, directly or indirectly, I shall terminate the contact and report the attempted
contact in writing to the Program Specialist and Treatment Provider immediately.

o 6. A potential victim includes but is not limited to persons similar to persons whom I have already sexually exploited.
The Program Specialist and the Treatment Provider will inform me who constitutes potential victims. I agree to use
the definition of potential victims. as designated by the Program Specialist and Treatment Provider.
7. ' I shall not possess or display pictures of children without prior approval from the Program Specialist and the
Treatment Provider.
8. I shall not have contact with persons who are younger than eighteen (18) years of age without the Program Specialist
and Treatment Provider approval.

o 9. I shall not engage in anonymous or casual contact.of a sexual nature.

10. I shaH not unlawfully own, possess, use, sell nor have under my control any firearm, prohibited weapon or illegal
weapon as defined in the Texas Penal Code. Further, I shall not own, possess or use any tool, implement, or object
to cause or threaten to cause injury to myself or other persons.

o II. I shall fully disclose any and all sources of income, goods and services.
12. I shall not communicate with others in amanner which could be considered obscene, threatening or harassing.
13. I agree to take prescribed medications as directed by the attending physician or psychiatrist.
14. In the event I am placed in or allowed to reside in a community residential facility (halfway house), I agree to abide
by the rules, regulations, and polic'ies of the facility.
15. I shall submit to random drug and alcohol screens.
16. I shall not own, possess, borrow, maintain, or operate photographic equipment, including instamatic, still photo,
video camera, audio recorders, CD recorders, DVD recorders, or any electronic or computer imaging equipment
without approval from the Program Specialist and Treatment Provider. I
17. I shall not own, possess, borrow, or use a Post Office Box.
18. I shall not use fictitious names or aliases.
19. I shalJ not purchase, borrow, possess, or wear identifications, badges, or uniforms other than items associated with
my current employment. Prohibited items include but are not limited to law enforcement, fire departments, security
officers, medical staff, religious officials, or military services.
20. I shall obtain written approval from the Program Specialist for all travel within or beyond my county of residence
and agree to abide by my pre-approved daily schedule time for time, destination to destination, without deviation.
21. I agree that while I am at the location listed on my daily activJty schedule I am only permitted to conduct business

o that was my sole purpose for going to that destination. The scheduled activity has been pre-determined and declared
by my Program Specialist. '
22. I understand if I am at an appointment and it will not be completed as scheduled, it is my responsibility to contact
my Program Specialist forty-five (45) minutes prior to my scheduled time back to theresidence.
! I
23. I shall remain at my residence unless given prior written approval by the Program Specialist to participate in
L; activities reflected on my schedule. A residence is defined as the dwelling I live in and does not include the porch,
Page I 01"2 FOfm CCS004
(Rev. 05/09)

yard, garage, or any other area beyond the interior of the residence. A residential facility is defined as the facility I
live in and is limited to the confines ofthe facility.
24.1f I am able to search and secure employment, r shall inform my prospective employer of my criminal history and
the requirements of civil commitment.
25.1 shall not enroll in, attend, or enter an institution of higher learning, including public 01' private community college,
junior college, or university, 01' enter in any oftheir facilities, off site 01' otherwise, without approval of the Program
Specialist and Treatment Provider.
26. I shall not own, maintain, borrow, or operate computer equipment without a declared purpose and prior approval
from the Program Specialist and Treatment Provider. If'allowed to operate a computer, r shall allow the Program
11 Specialist or designee to inspect the computer including all hardware, software, and accessories. I shall allow the
Program Specialist or designee to take the computer to have it inspected by computer experts to determine if the
computer has been used for a sexual purpose.
27. I understand that any mail addressed to me will be reviewed by the Program Specialist or facility personnel to
determine if the contact has been approved by the Program Specialist and Treatment Provider, excluding
legal/governmental mail.
28. I shall not have any contact or cause to be contacted, with family members, casual relations, or friends unless
approved by my Program Specialist and Treatment Provider. I understand that contact means physical and/or verbal
i contact including but not limited to being in the presence of a person. This includes touching, patting, hugging,
l .._ J'
kissing, fondling, rubbing, holding or communicating by talking to a person over the phone, by Internet, in writing,
through a third person or other means directly or indirectly. I agree that I will report any incidental contacts to my

n Treatment Provider and Program Specialist.

29. I understand that family members may be required to submit to a criminal background check. I agree to allow family
members to attend trainings or meetings conducted by the Program Specialist and Treatment Provider. I understand
that I may not be allowed to have contact with family members or contact with family members may be suspended,
unless the family members have completed counseling sessions required by the Program Specialist or Treatment
30. I shall sign a release permitting free, two-way communication between family members and the 'program Specialist,
the Treatment Provider, and other professionals involved in my treatment and supervision.
31. I understand that it is my responsibility to schedule appointments, (e.g. sex offender registration, medical
appointments), that do not conflict with my individual or group treatment sessions.
32. I shall advise my Program Specialist of appointments two (2) weeks prior to the appointment time so that
transportation can be arranged.
33.1 understand that I am not allowed to be in possession of a cellular telephone unless approved by my Program
Specialist. Possession includes actual holding, with or without the rights of ownership, using, touching, care or
I: control of a cellular phone, receiving and/or making telephone calls, accessing the Internet, text messaging,
l ! accessing the camera, or utilizing any features that the cell phone provides.

I agree that the Supervision Requirements has been read and explained to me. I fully understand the requirements. By
signing this contract, I agree to abide by these requirements. A photocopy of this contract is as valid as the original.

Client Signature.).. (
Id-J 7 /01
.C~{A. J\; . . . S·y·
,.,J J
Program Specialist Signature

Dist: Program Specialist File (original)
Treatment Provider File

Page 2 of2 Form CCS004

(Rev. 05/09)
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CtDuncil 0111 SteX OfJender Treatment
Agreement ReQ:ardirwJberapeutjc Actjvjt:ies

Client Printed Name: Date: INSERT

n When you participate in the Outpatient ScxuaJly Violenl Predator Treatment Program (OSVPTP), you must
follow all the rules of the program. Failure to comply with the rules may result in legal action. Therefore, you must
carefully read this agreement. The Treatmenl Provider or Case Manager can help you read and undersrand the contract
jf you need them to do so. When you sign this document, yOll arc showing that yOll have read and understand these

I. 1 agree to complete the Olltpatienl Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Program. 1 understand that if J fail to make
progress, I may be terminated from the program. J understand thaI my Treatment Provider is the one who
determines whether or not 1am lTI11king progress.
2. J shall attend all group and individual scheduled sessions and I shall be on time for all appointments. The Treatment
[J Provider will document and report my status to the Council on Sex Offender Treatment.
3. I agree that there are only three ways to be excused from a scheduled treatment session: (A) I am sick and have a
doctor's excuse to miss work and treatment for the day. I must· bring the medical documentation to the next
rl treatment session, 01' the absence is nol: excused. I agree I will not schedule medical appointments at the time of
LJ treatment sessions. (B) I am in court at the exact time I am supposed to attenq the scheduled treatment session. (C)
The Case Manager approves the absence due to extenuating circumstances.
4. 1 agree to follow the rules the Treatment Provider makes for me. I agree that if J do not follow the rules of civil
0 commitment (including supervision and treatment), I may be discharged from the treatment program.
5. I agree to reveal and discuss my rule violations at the time .of the treatment session that immediately follows the
vjol~tion. 1 agree to correct violations. ..... ,. ..".,:~., ::. ":~:':.:':::' '.':"'::~:;::'.::~.

0 6. I agree to have a written assignment ready to present every group treatment session. I agree that paltially completed
work is not acceptable. I agree to be working on revisions ofworkshe~ts or new versions of worksheets at all times.
I agree to be prepared to present at least twenty minutes of worksheet material from my (:1 ient handbook every group
therapy session.
0 7. When not presenting my own assignment during a group session, I agree to actively listen and actively give
feedback to group members who do present topics.
8. 1 agree to actively participate in and sUGcessfully complete the OSVPTP. Active participation includes talking

D constructively during therapy sessions and completing assignments. The Treatment Provider will determine if 1 am
actively participating in treatment.
9. I agree to take and pass polygraph exams with a polygraph examiner selected by the TreatmentProvider. I agree to
attend the polygraph session only after the Treatment Provider has submitted the questioris to the polygrapher. I
[J agree to reveal all releval1t information before I attend the polygraph session. I agree that if J reveal secrets or new
relevant information to the polygrapher before J take my polygraph exam, r might not be allowed to take the
polygraph. I understand that I may have to continue to take polygraph exai11inations until the Treatment Provider is
I . satisfied with the results. I understand that the indication of deception on the polygraph might result in my
l )
unsuccessful discharge from treatment
10.1 agree to submit to penile plethysmograph exams as directed by the Treatment Provider. I agree to use u
plethysmograph operator selected by the Treatment Providel:' I agree to attend the plc:thysmograph exam session
D only after the Treatment Provider has set: up the exam session. I agree to c(;llnply with all requirements of the
plethysmograph exam process. J agree to continue to take plethysmograph exams until it yields valid results. 1
r, agree that 1 might be discharged from the treatment program jf J fail to provide valid plethysmograph results. 1 agree
J will not use counter-measures while the PPG is being. administered which could ultimately interfere with the
LJ validity of the instrument.
I J . I agree that the Treatment Provider does not provide mental health c:oul1seling, cpul1seIing over the telephone, 01'

nLJ crisis/emergency counseling. J agree to contaclln)' physician or the 10call1lentaJ health emergency services if I have
a mental health emergency.
12. J agree to attend other types of therapy, such as Anger Management 01' Substance Abuse Treatment, ifthe Treatment
Pl;ovider determines that it might assist me in reaching l11y goal of NO MORE V1CTIMS.
Form CCT017

U Page I ()f2
(lnit. 05109)

13.1fJ am referred to another counselor or mental health professional, ] shall sign a release allowing the Treatment
Provider and Case Mwwger 10 cOl11l11unicale with the individual. If requested by the Treatment Provider or Case
rl Manager, I will cease attending therapy or receiving treatmen1 and agree to be referred to another counselor or
IJ mental health professional for serviceii,
14, I agree that if the Treatment Provider is working with other persons or professionals, the Treatment Provider can

il communicate with them about me, I agree the Treatment Provider can tell anyone he is working with anything that I
say, write, do 01' communicate.
15. J understand thai there will be open communication with the: Case Manager, Treatment Provider, and other
professionals who are involved in my treatment and supervision, Information will be discLlssed with all
,professionals and all agencics involved in my treatment: supervision, and outpatient civil commitment. I understand
that these professionals may communicate by email: Internet, telephone, fax, letters, progress reports, incidenl
reports and any other form of communication.
16. I understnnd that the Treatmcnt Providel' must talk to law enforcement professionals, medical professionals, and
other relevant people if J try, or appear inc! ined, to hurt myself' or someone else,
17. I understand that the Treatment Provider must report' abllse of a child, elderly person or disabled person. I
understand that there is 110 lime limit 011 reporting abuse. The abuse could have happened many years ago and the
Treatment Provider mllst still report thai abuse.
18. J agree to allow visitors to come to the program. I agree to allow visitors to observe treatment sessions. I agree to
allow the Treatment Provider to exercise his judgment to determine who is allowed to be a visitor.
19. I agree that [ will not reveal the identity of any person in this program to my family, friends or contacts.
\1 20. 1 agree that what is discussed in individual treatment may eventually be discussed in group treatment. ] agree that
U my individual treatment provider may tell my group treatment members about things discLlssed in individual

21. 1 understand that if I am discharged fi'om group, arrested or abscond, the group Treatment Provider will discuss my
absence or departure with group members,
22.1 understand information will be kept in a database for the purpose of outcome evaluation 'studies. 1 understand all ' t;:.' J.:::: :'''~':.

o information is kept confidential and iftbe results of the evaluation studies are released, the're'wil! be ncl'iJiformatibn .' '
that would reveal my identity,
23. I agree not tarecord any sessions, conversations: telephone calls or any other contacts with the Treatment Provider,
or clients in the program.
,0 I agree that the Agreement regarding Therapeutic Activities has been read and explained to me. I fully understand these
requirements. By signing this contract, I agree to abide by these requirements. A photocopy of this contract is as valid as

II the original.

3j'f Jo1(;JJ/}
Client Signature Date .
[] ) (q L23J(D
Treatment Provider Signature Date

Dist: Program Specialist File (original)
Treatment Provider File

Form CCTOl7
(lnit 05109)
Council on Sex Offender Treatment
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, Texas 78756-3183
Phone (512) 834-4530 Fax (512) 834-4511


1. I understand that there will not be any modifications made to my weekly schedule

u unless an emergency arises.

2. IfI am at a scheduled appointment and I foresee that the appointment will not be

n completed as scheduled, it is my responsibility to contact my case manager 45

minutes prior to scheduled time back at facility. My ,case manager will decide
whether or not reason warrants that an extension to schedule is made. This is
valid for ALL activities including, but not limited to sex offender registration,
[J 'medical appointments, and group and individual treatment sessions. IT IS MY

o ,3. r' will not have contact with any persons who are not approved by my 'treatment
team. 'I understand that contact means physical and lor verbal contact including
but not limited'to being in the presence of a person. This includes touching,
patting, 'hugging, kissing, fondling, rubbing, holding or communicating by talking
to a person over 'the phone, by internet, in writing, through a third person or other
means directly or indirectly. I understand that any incidental contacts will be
reported to my treatment provider and case manager. I will not have any contact
with any minors.

I understand that ifI want to add someone to my contact list I must completely fill
out a Civil Commitment Collateral Contact form, including date of birth, and
submit this fom1 to my case manager. The treatment team will then'review the
request and notify me if the contact person has been approved.
lJ 4. As per GPS rules, I understand that when traveling by vehicle I will place PTD in
my lap or the seat next to me. I will only carry PTD/MTD by handle or bag
provided by my case manager. I will NOT carry PTD/MTD in my own bag,
0' duffle, backpack, briefcase, etc. Nor will I make any attempt to cover or obstruct
my PTD/MTD by covering it with any articles of clothing or other items. Upon
exiting abuilding and prior to getting into a vehicle, I will stand away from the
[j building-and any over:-hangings, awnings, trees, carports, etc. for 5 minutes.

o 5. I will charge my PTD/MTD in the charger throughout the night and will only
remove it from the charger ifI need to take it to the restroom. I will then
immediately replace it on the charger. Additionally I will charge it for a
minimum of one (1) hour in the morning and (l) hour in the evening.
6. J will fully disclose any and all sources of income, goods, and services.

rl 7. I will not communicate with others in a maru1er that could be considered obscene,
threatening, or harassing.

8. I will not engage in violence or aggression, which includes verbal or non-verbal,

or inflict harm toward others, property, animals.or myself.

9. I understand that it is my responsibility to schedule appointments, (e.g. sex

offender registration, medical appointments), that do not conflict with my
individual or group treatment sessions.

10. I will advise my case manager of appointments two (2) weeks prior to the
i l
\ ! appointment time so that transportation can be arranged.
11. I understand that I am not allowed to be in possession of a cellular telephone. I
[} understand that possession includes but is not limited to the act or fact of
possessil1,g. This includes actual holding, with or without the rights of ownership,
physical control,' direct occupancy, using, touching, direct physical custody, care
D or control ofa cellular phone, receiving and/or making telephone calls, accessing
the internet, text messaging, accessing the camera, or utilizing any other feat~res

o that cell phones provide.

12. IfI am scheduled to report to a particular destination that has been pre-approved
by my case manager and is referenced on my daily activity schedule, I understand'
D that I am to only conduct whatever business that has been pre-detennined and
declared by my case manager as my sole purpose for going to that particular
13. I will not accept/hold property left behind by residents who, for whatever reason,
no longer reside at the residential facility to which I still reside. I will also not
[l maintain possession of someone's property that does not belong to me.

n 14. I understand that, if given a written assignment or assigned a specific task as a

l) result of a sanction for a committed violation or for any other reason, I will
complete the assignment/task as my case manager or treatment provider has
[J dictated. I will also complete said assignment/task within the time frame set forth
by my case manager or treatment provider.

. r-J 15. I understand that ifI am instructed to submit to a polygraph, penile"

plethysmograph (PPG) or any other instrument or testing that my case manager
'and/or treatment provider deems necessary, I will fully participate in said testing.
IJ I understand that participation includes but is not limited to talking constructively
during the testing, if talking is necessary. J further understand that participation
1 means sharing, partaking, aiding, cooperating, taking an interest in, taking.part in,
U and communicating honestly.

16. I understand that should I become homicidal or suicidal, before I attempt to harm
l or kill others, or myself, I will firstinfonn someone that I am feeling homicidal or
suicidal. I also understand that "someone" would include my treatment provider,
case manager, or halfway house staff. I further understand that becoming
fl physically aggressive with anyone, without the intent to kill, will also not be

n I hereby certify that the above written rules have been read and explained to me. I
fully understand these requirements. By signing this contract, I agree to abide by
r 1 tbes'e requirements: A photocopy of this contract is a valid as the original.
i I

LJ ate

o ( 0&,?-1 / elf
ate I


I Council on Sex Offender Treatment
Additional Supervision Requirements

Name: _ Date: - - - - - - - - - -

J understand the following additional written requirements are part of my civil commitment
requirements. J understand I shall:

1. not possess, own, or drive a illataI' vehicle. Motor vehiCle, as defined by the 'following
language in the Texas Penal Code, Section 32.34 (2) as follows: "Motor Vehicle" means
a device, in, on, or by which a person or property is or may be transpOlted or drawn on a
highway, except a device used exclusively on stationary rails or tracks. This prohibition
may be moclified by the case manager.
[1 2. not possess an operator or drivers ·license or permit allowing operation of a motor vehicle.

o 3. not sell sex to others, provide sexual acts, for compensation or otherwise act as a
4. not engage in anonymous or casual contact of a sexual nature.

o 5. not unlawfully own, possess, use, sell nor have under my control any firearm, prohibited
weapon or illegal weapon as defined in the Texas Penal Code. Further, I shall not own,

o possess, or use any tool, implement, or object to cause or threaten to cause injury to
myself or other persons.

[] 6. fully disclose any and all sources of income, goods and services.

7. not communicate with' others in a manner which could be considered obscene,
threatening or harassing.
8. not engage in violence or aggression, or inflict harm toward others, propelty, animals or

1 hereby agree that the above written requirements have been read and explained to me. I fully
understand these requirements. By signing this, 1 agree these rules have been read and explained
to me. A photocopy of this contract is as valid as the original.

Clients Signature Date


Program Specialist/Case Manager Date
l J

j Council on Sex Offender Treatment
Global Positioning Tracking Service Requirements for WMTD
l J
Client Printed Name: Date:

] When you participate in the Outpatient Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Program (OSVPTP), you must follow all the
rules of the program, Failure to comply with these rules may result in legal action. Therefore, you must carefully read this
document. The Treatment Provider, Program Specialist, or Court Liaison can help you read and understand the requirements
if you need them to do so. When you sign this contract, you are showing that you have read and understand these

rO-l 1. J agree that r will be required to wear a Wearable Miniature-Tracking Device (WMTD) twenty-four (24)
I, I
hours per day, seven (7) days per week. I understand that the global positioning satelhte equipment will

L. monitor my location. r understand all activities will be monitored by phone calls, surveillance, and personal
visits by representatives of the Council on Sex Offender Treatment Such visits may be random and at any

2. I agree that a CSOT representative will place the Wearable Miniature-Tracking Device on my ankle and
will have the yellow display facing out at all times. I agree J will not wear any footwear that would cover
the WMTD unless ~iven written permission fi'0111 my program specialist..
3. r agree that an offiCial of the Council on Sex Offender Treatment or designee will place a WMTD magnetic
power cord in my residence or residential facility. Officials must be aIJowed to enter my residence to
[1 4..
mstall, maintain, and inspect the tracking equipment.
I acrree not to unplug or relocate the Wearable Miniature-Tracking Device (WMTD) magnetic power cord
witilOut approval from my Program Specialist. If I reside in a residential facility, I understand that I wi II
charge my WMTD two tImes per day: every night for a minimum of two hours and every morning for a
minimum of two hours. .
5. r agree that theft or destruction of the global positioning equipment (WMTD or magnetic power cord) may
result in prosecution. .
6. I agree not to tamper with, alter, modify, obstruct, or manipulate the ceIJular or GPS signal of the Global
r-l Positioning equipment, or any other monitoring system utilized by the Council on Sex Offender Treatment
u for the duration of my term of Civil Commitment. I further agree that the computer printout and activity
schedule may be used as evidence in a court of·law to prove said violation(s).
7. I asree that any attempts on my part to prevent the cellular or GPS signal of the Global Positioning

o 8.
equipment, or any other monitormg system from reporting my status to the monitoring computer may be
subject to legal action.
I agree that when the WMTD vibrates, I shall contact my program specialist immediately.
Upon exiting a building and prior to getting into a vehicle, I will stand away from the building and any
over-hangings, awnings, trees, carpOlts, etc. for 5 minutes.
10. I understand that 1 must remain on home confinement twenty-four hours per day, 7 days per week, unless
~iven w~itten approval by J!1Y Program Special,ist to leave the residence. Home confinement is a period of
tnne which I am not authonzed to leave my reSidence. .
I agree that the Global Positioning Tracking Service Requirements have been read and expla:ined to me. I fully
understand these requirements. By signing this contract, r agree to abide by these requirements. A photocopy of this
contract is as valid as the original.

LJ Program Specialist Signature Date

Disl: Progra'l11 Specialist File (original)

Treatment Provider File
c, Client
il-.JI Central

Form CCS027
(Rev. 09/09)
l I



Client Printed Name: Date:

'l On. you were civilly committed pursuant to Health & Safety Code, Chapter
841, by the Judicial District Court, Montgomery County, Texas.

During the 80 th Texas Legislative Session, the Health and Safety Code was amended
adding Section 841.084 to read as follows:
U Sec. 841.084. COST OF TRACKING SERVICE. Notwithstanding Section
841.146 (c), a civilly committed person who is not indigent is responsible for the cost of
the tracking service required by Section 841.082 and monthly shall pay to the Council the
Ll amount that the Council detennines will be necessary to defray the cost of operating the
service with respect to the person during the subsequent month. The Council

o immediately shall transfer the money to the appropriate service provider.

This document provides notification to you of the new statutory requirements. By your

o signature below, you hereby acknOWledge this fonn has been read to you and you have
received a copy of this document.

II Client Signature: _ Date: --------
Case Manager Signature: _ Date: - - - - - - - -

Dist: Original-Client file
Copy-Client I
[J I


lJ Created 4/08 I
Council OJl1 S(f~X Offender Treatment
I Treatment Behavior Contl"act Requirements
Client Printed Name: Date: INSERT

The Behavior Contract is an agreement' between you (Inc! your Treatmenr Provider. You are agreeing to use what you have
learned during treatment sessions: when you are outside of treatment sessions. You are agreeing to behave in a prosocial
manner at home, work, treatment and in the community. There are two types of hehaviors that you must control while in

il II Sexual Behavior: While yOll are working on replacing deviant sex with healthy sex, yOll cannot
continue to use deviant sex. Every time you use deviant sex, you are erasing the benefits of treatment
and reinforcing YOUI' sexual deviancy. Vou must agree to refi'ain from using deviant sex. 1f you have
sexual activity, you need to use healthy sexual behavior.
.. High Risk Behaviors: There are non··sexual behaviors that you can use to erase the positive effect of
treatment. You need to refrain from using these behaviors, e.g., substance abuse, criminal activity,
physical aggression, etc.

Controll of Thir!.9!.§i Thclt ~<eep My Devianc:e Alive _

J. Devialrl Fantasy - I a!!ree nor to create cieviant sexual fantasies. A sexual fantasy is a mental image of. a sexual act
between me and another person. A deviant sexual fantasy is a sexual fantasy about me and anyone other than l11y current
intimate partner. (Exception: You call use a positive sexual script for sexual fantasies.) Fantasies start after I focus on and
enjoy an impulse. Fantasies feel good and they make me want to transform the fantasy into reality. _
2. Deviant Plans - 1 agree that 1will not make plans for using deviant sexual behavior. Making plans for sex is sexually

o exciting. When I think about having sexual cOlltact: with someone the positive feelings that 1 feel allow me to be pulled in
the direction of making the plan happen.
deVIant and It pulls me In the dlJ'ectlOll of deVIant sex and away fi'om healthy sex. -
3. Cr~ising - ! agree not ',to look, at o,thers in a,sexual "vay \vhile driving or \valking. This is Just mental praptice. of being
- . --___
4. Pornography - The term pornooraphy is defined in a clinical way:" Pornooraphy'is:any:sexual:·ima'Oe:.(p:ictUl:e0vjdeo,:: :":::::::::
movi~, etc.) 61' ~ny image !hat I .1I~~ in a sexual WCl)'. 1am aware that some deviant people can use nons;xual ima~es (e.g.,
clothing, advelilsements) In a devlGlnt way. I agree not to purchase, borrow, subscl'lbe to, create, or possess lIterature,
magazines, books, pictlll'es, videotapes, CD's, DVD's or other materials that depict pornography. ] agree not to view
pornography. I agree not to watch movies rated TV-MA. Some cable movies rated "R" are~also pornographic. If one of

o the reasons that a movie is rated "Ft" is due to sexual content, or strong sexual content, I agree not watch that movie. I
agree not to go to adult bookstores. 1 agree not to channel surf because sometimes this results in me seeing sexually
explicit images. I .recognize th~ dan~~er of looking at sexual pi~tures of strangers -: it reinforces the idea that I cap have
sexual pleasure WIthout a reJatlonsrllp. Some types of sexual pIctures can show fetishes or other unhealthy behaVIor and
this is also very wrong for me to view. I realize that the more I look at these pictures, the more I am drawn towards
deviant sex.
5. Sexual jol<es - ] agree 110t to tell sexual jokes. I realize that sexual jokes can be funny and they are fairly common in our
society. However, since I am trying to cut off the life-line of sexual deviance in my life, 1'aoree to avoid telling or
listening to sexual jokes. When sexual jokes begin, 1 agree to leave the area. If! can't leave, I will change the subject.
6. Sexual talk - I agree not to talk about sexual matters with anyone other than my intimate partner. Often times coworkers
or Clcquaintances will talle abouf sex. Healthy sex is a private'matter between two people. When I talk sexual to someone
who is not my sexual partner, I am practicing deviant sex, or sex without a relationship.
7. Stalking or Sexual Following - J agree not to follow others if the following is sexllaJ]y or romantically motivated or- if J
~et sexual 01' devious pleasure fl'om the act of following. For example, let's say I am in a grocery store and I have an
Impldse towards someone. 1 agree that I will not follow that person down an aisle at the grocery store. 1 agree that this
LJ type of following keeps my deviant sex alive and thm is a bad thing.
8. PU~lic Voyeul'ism - 1 agree not to use public voyeurism. rub!ic voyeurism i~ wa.tching o.tbers in public places while
havll1g sexual thouohts ancl dCBires. The most common type of publJC voyeul'lsl11 IS done m E1 group of men, who are
working together. If a sexually attractive person come:; to the work area, one man notifies the other men. Soon, all men
are sexually rating this person. The men might even start having sexual talk. Even though public voyeurism can happen in
a group, lrealize 1can do this all by myself.
9. Sexual Harassment - ] agree not to make sexual comments or sexual gestures to anyone other than my intimate partner
01' dating partner. I agree that if I do make sexua I comments or gestures to anyone other than my sexual partner, it is
sexual harassment, which is just another way for me to keep my devianc:e alive. Sexual harassment is II way of rehearsing
sex outside a relationship.
10. Flirting -;-1 agree not to flirt with anyone other than my.intimate partner or dl~ting palin.er. Flirting is any interaction that
1 have With someone that has lin element of sexual excitement. J agree that If J flirt 'wlth anyone other than my spouse,
intimate pminer or dating partner, 1 am introducing sex to a nonsexual relationship. That is wrong because this is one way
I keep my deviance alive. .
II. Deviani Mastm'bation - J agree not to use deviant masturbation. Deviant masturbation is masturbating while buving

o deviant fantasies. Not all masturbation is deviant masturbation. Masturbation can be patt of a normal sex life. Positive

Page I 01'3 Form CCTOl6

(lnit. 05/09)

I i
I masturbation occurs when! think about my current partner while masturbating. f understand that positive masturbation is

Control of lDeviallltr Sexual J3eh~rvior That 1 'Wound Not Get Arrested for Doing
12. Fetishism - I agree not to use objecrs or non-sexual body parts for sexual gratification. 1agree not to use Vibrators, dildos,
candles, tools, food, and ()th~r oqjects during sexual acts without the permIssion of my "treatment provider.
J3. Troilism - I agree not to use dolls or mannequins during sexual acts. I agree not possess, buy, or own dolls used for
sexual purposes.
14. Manipulative Sex - I agree nol to trick 01' bribe a person to have sex with me. I agree not to make a person feel guilty so
he or she will have sex with me. I agree not 10 g.el a person intoxicated so that I can have sex with that person. ] agree
'l that prior to engaging in sexual contact with 11 \)erson who 1 have an established, committed, and 1l10norramous
i J
relationship with, f shall inform them of my :;exua offense and my sex offender treatment so that the person 'flas the
oppoliunity to consider these factors before having sex with me. ] understand that the Case Manager and Treatment
Provider must meet with l11y potential sexual partner before there is sexual contact. I agree to sign a consent/release form
to allow communication between my partner and my treatment provider and case manager.
15. Obscene Calls - I agree nol to use the telephone 01' electJ'Onic devices to make se):ual comments without a person'8
consent. ] agree no! to lise telephone sex 01' 900~sex numbers. I agree not to listen to 01' make sexual talk on the telephone,
Internet 01' by other means. .
J 6. Adlllter"y - I agree not to have sexual contacl with someone other than my pmtner if! am in a committed relationship. ]
agree not to Iwve sexual Gontac:1 with someone who is married or in a committed relationship with someone other than
17. Domination - I agree nol to make or receive humiliation or degrading comments during sexual activity. I agree not to
dominate or be dominated by a sex partner. I ll/!ree not to giVE: or receive spankings for sexual gratification. ] agree not to
Iil) use bondage, tying up a sex partner or being tiea up, while engagin o in sex.
18. Topless Bars - J agree not to go to a topless bar. I agree not to work in or for a topless bar.
19. Casual Sex - I agree not to have sex WIth a person who I am not in a committed, mono~amous relationship with. 1 agree
not to have sex with a person that] have not told about 111)' sex offense. (Note: If sex IS pmt of your relationship with a
person, including if that persoll is your partner, you must SiglHI release so that the treatment provider can talk with that
20. Multiple Partners -1 agree not to have sexual contact with two or more persons at one time. ] agree not to watch others
have sex.
21. Internet Sex - ] agree not to mie the Internet to acquire sexual materials, have sexual conversations, or meet potential
1 sexual partners. I will not subscribe to, or participate in, any sex clubs or dating services on the internet or by any other
22. Sadism - I agree not to inflict psychological or physical pain for sexual pleasure: I agree not to possess, buy, borrow or .. . ......
~ use sado!nasochistic bindings, restrain!sor other ~uch paraphern!ijia,.. " .... ".'.",';"'...--.::::::!~::. '··:-::::·Z·.:::c:. ~.:: '>:.:::; .:.c::::. ,,,'.:'::::':::::::.;::::.
2j. Masochism - I agree not to engage In, or receIve, psvchologlCal or phySical pam for sexual- pleasure: I agree not to .
D submit to or allow others to use on me sadomasochistIc bindings, restramts or other such paraphernalia.
24. Cross-Dressing/Role P'lay - ] agree not to dress in clothing of the opposite sex for purposes of sexual gratification,
sexual fulfillment or other sexually related motives. I will not use costumes, plushies, costume accessories, masks or
theatrical equipment for sexual purposes.
25. Elimination - I ae:ree not to use: feces or urine during sexual acts.
26. Bestiality - I agree that] will not engage in any sexual behavior with an animal.

n Control (]If DeviEnt Sexual Beha'vior That I W maId Get Arrlested for Doling
27. R~pe - J ~gree not force, manipulate, coerce, payor bribe any persall to have sex. I agree not to have sex with someone
Without hIS or her consent. (Note: The persOll must be capabfe of consent. ] agree not to have sex with someone whose
mental impairment precludes consent, including but not limited to individuals .who are hallucinating, unconscious or
under the influence of drugs, inhalants or akohol.)
28. Child Molesting - I agree not to have sexual contact with a person under the age of legal consent.
29. Exposing - ] agree not to shoV\: my genitals, breasts, or buttocks for the purpose of sexual gratification to anyone that 1
am not in a committed, consentin~, monogamous sexual relationship WIth. ] will not urinate in public. I will not be a
nudist or participate in nudist actiVJties.
30. Voyeurism - ] agree not to watch someone disrobe, shower, get ready for bed, etc" without that person's consent or
knowledge. I agree not to watch others, for the purposes of sexual gratification. ] will not take pictures of persons who are
nude or partially nude. 1will not watch others have sex, even iff have their permission.
31. Frottage - I agree not to toucb, bump, wrestle, or have contact with a person for sexual gratification, unless I am in a
committed, monogamous relatiollship with that person. Each time I touch that person, ] must have his or her consent to
touch him or her.
32. Prostitution - I agree not to pay for sex or be paid to have sex. Payment is not limited to money. ] agree it is also
.prostitution to swap sex so someone will pay my rent or give me drugs. Prostitution is any sex when I gIve or receive
I 1 some materia! benefit for the sex. J. Vi'ill not travel through areas whereJ)rostitutes are known to work.
lJ 33. Incest - I will not have sexual contact with a family member or a bloo relative. It does not matter if I initiate the contact
or the other person initiates the contact. .

C(mtt~ClI of High FiUsl< BehaVior

34. Violence - ] agree not to use aggression or violence towards myself or others. 1 agree not to use verbal aggression or
emotional abuse with 111Y spouse. children, other fal'niJy members and persons with whom I have a relationship.
35. Substance Use - I agree not drink alcohol or use illegal drugs while in treatment. J agree not to work in business where
the sale of alcohol is the primal)' source of business. I agree to submit to drug and alcohol screening when requested by
the treatment provider.
Pnge20D Form CCT016
(Jllie 05109)

._---~ ..._-._------_._._-~-
.._----_._--~.. _--------~~-._------- ----_._------------
36, Financial Responsibility - I agree to take care of 'financial obligations, including paying for treatment services. 1 agree to
make sure thaI my income covers my expenses.
-1 37, Negative Personal Relationships - J agree not to have personal relationships with persons who have a criminal histor)', j
agree nor to have relationships with persons wlto are on probation or parole, I agree not to have relationships with people
J who do not suppori the behavior contract or the civil commitment requirements, (Note: YOLI might have to be around
negative relationships in the workplace but you should not associate with these people outside the work setting.)
38, Coopernte with Authol'ity Figures ,.- J agree to cooperate with the authorit)' figures in tn)' life. While J am in treatment, I
agree ~(). cooperate with my treatmel~t providel', While j am 011 ,c~tnmlll1it)' supervision, 1 agr~e to coop~rate with 111)'
supervlsll1g officer. When J am not Il1 treatment ai' undel' superVISion, I agree to follow all SOCia! rules, CIt)' laws, state
laws, and federal laws,
39, Denial of Risk 1'01' Relapse - I agree that J will not be over-confident and think that if is impossible for me to commit a
n new sex offense. j understand that if I am too confident, I am more likely to commit a new offense. J agree thaI I will
always watch for signs that 1 might be on the path ro a new ommse. I ~Igree to stop m)'selfand tell my treatment provider
ii when I do things that bring me closer to cornmittin!!' 11 new sex offense.
40. Sexual Entitlement - J agree 10 change my thinkirlg that makes me believe that deviant sex is okay. 1 will stop all deviant
sexual tantasies, 1 willnol use allY form of'deviant sex. 1 will not: have the attitude that deviant sex is aka)',
fl 41. Citizen-Lifestyle - I agree to live a responsible lifestyle, obey nIl laws, und follow and follow all of my supervision and
lI treatment rules,

n J agree that the Treatment Behavior Contract Requirements has been read and explained to me, I fully understand the
requirements. By signing this contract, I agree to abide by these requirements. A photocop)' of this contract is as valid as the
original. .
Cli~ Date '"") 111 /
) f7 (tor V
o Program Specialist Signature

o Treatment Provid,er Signature Date· . ':::'.:::: :.;;:'::'.:..:; ,'.:. ::.:::::;:


Dist: Program Specialist File (original)

Treatment Provider File
r: Central
U Page 3 of3 Form CCT01G
(Inil. 05109)

) Council on Sex Offender Treatment
Supplemental Instructions
Client Printed Name: Date: 12/07/09

l J
My Program Specialist has given me the below instruction(s), 1have received a copy of the instruction(s) and 1 understand 1
must comply with the instruction(s),

~ 1will provide my Program Specialist with verification ofall prescription medication and/or medical information from
fl ~g physicians and hospitals, ~. ;) 'J'

. I~ (!)'7 ~ (~~~
Date Instructio Given Client Signature and Date Program Specialist Signature and Date

~ I will report all income to my Program Specialist. Upon request, I will provide verification of income from Social
Security, V(orker's Compensation, any employment agency, 01' an entity that 1 may r~~~ive incornl ~i'

f:J- ~d C:~.A.-.'.Lx..-
Date Instr ction iven Cliens;gnature and Date -==. Program Specialist Signature and Date

II ~ Other No basketball

r bl .
,.~ o,
Date Instruction Given Client Signature and Date Program Specialist Signature and Date
n Date Instruction Given Client Signature and Date Program Specialist Signature and Date


Dist: Program Specialist File (original)


Form CCS025 .
(lnit. 05109)

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