Innate Defense Against Fungal Pathogen

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Innate Defense against Fungal Pathogens

Rebecca A. Drummond1, Sarah L. Gaffen2, Amy G. Hise3,4, and Gordon D. Brown1

Aberdeen Fungal Group, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, United Kingdom
Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261
Department of Pathology, Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Department of Medicine, Louis Stokes Veterans Affairs Medical Centre, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

Human fungal infections have been on the rise in recent years and proved increasingly
difficult to treat as a result of the lack of diagnostics, effective antifungal therapies, and
vaccines. Most pathogenic fungi do not cause disease unless there is a disturbance in
immune homeostasis, which can be caused by modern medical interventions, disease-
induced immunosuppression, and naturally occurring human mutations. The innate im-
mune system is well equipped to recognize and destroy pathogenic fungi through specialized
cells expressing a broad range of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). This review will
outline the cells and PRRs required for effective antifungal immunity, with a special focus

on the major antifungal cytokine IL-17 and recently characterized antifungal inflamma-

uman fungal pathogens are responsible increases of systemically infected patients. Fungi
H for more than a million life-threatening
infections annually, which can be associated
also cause nonlethal skin and mucosal infec-
tions that are equally difficult to treat and often
with mortality rates reaching 95% (Brown et al. recurring.
2012). Fungal infections are difficult to treat The innate immune system is the first line
and control because of rising problems of anti- of defense against pathogens and broadly pro-
fungal drug resistance and the lack of diagnos- tects against invading microorganisms. Genet-
tics, novel antifungal drugs, and vaccines. For- ically inherited receptors, called pattern rec-
tunately, the majority of pathogenic fungi are ognition receptors (PRRs), are used by innate
opportunistic pathogens (Table 1) and, as such, cells for recognition of conserved pathogen-as-
do not normally cause disease unless there are sociated molecular patterns. Signaling down-
alternations in immune defense. The use of im- stream from PRRs activates cellular responses
munosuppressive drugs, the human immuno- and killing mechanisms, and also helps initiate
deficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, and modern and shape adaptive immune responses. Adap-
clinical interventions result in such alternations tive immunity, unlike innate, is activated by
and have contributed substantially to the recent specific antigens recognized by noninherited

Editors: Arturo Casadevall, Aaron P. Mitchell, Judith Berman, Kyung J. Kwon-Chung, John R. Perfect, and Joseph Heitman
Additional Perspectives on Human Fungal Pathogens available at
Copyright # 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019620
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2015;5:a019620

R.A. Drummond et al.

Table 1. Species of pathogenic fungi that cause disease in humans, the barrier tissue breached and organs
infected, and the PRRs needed for protective immunity
Selected PRRs
Barriers involved in
breached/site protective
Selected disease(s) of infection immunity Selected references
Candida albicans Disseminated Blood, kidneys, TLR-2/TLR- Ferwerda et al. 2009
candidiasis brain, heart 4/TLR-6 Saijo et al. 2010
Vulvovaginal Vagina Dectin-1 Wells et al. 2008
candidiasis GI tract, oral Dectin-2
Mucosal candidiasis mucosa CR3, DC-SIGN
Candida glabrata Disseminated Blood, kidneys, Mincle, MR
candidiasis brain, heart
Aspergillus fumigatus Invasive pulmonary Lung, blood TLR-9/TLR-3 Ramirez-Ortiz
aspergillosis Dectin-1, et al. 2011
Allergic Lung Dectin-2 Werner et al. 2009
bronchopulmonary CR3 Sainz et al. 2012
aspergillosis DC-SIGN
Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia Lung Dectin-1 Saijo et al. 2007
Blastomyces Blastomycosis Lung ?? Wüthrich et al. 2011
dermatitidis ( pneumonia)
Histoplasma Histoplasmosis Lung ?? Wüthrich et al. 2011
capsulatum ( pneumonia)

Paracoccidioides Paracoccidioidomycosis Lung TLR-2/TLR-4 Loures et al. 2011

Coccidioides immitus Coccidioidomycosis Lung, blood Dectin-1 Viriyakosol et al.
Coccidioides (Valley fever) 2013
Fonsecaea pedrosi Chromoblastomycosis Skin TLRs Da Glória Sousa
Mincle et al. 2011
Cryptococcus Cryptococcosis/ Lung, brain/CNS MR Dan et al. 2008
neoformans cryptococcal TLR-2
Cryptococcus gattii meningitis CR3
Trichosporon rubrum Onychomycosis Skin/nails ??
Malassezia Atopic Skin Mincle Ishikawa et al. 2013
sympodialis dermatitis Dectin-2
Atopic eczema
CNS, central nervous system; CR3, complement receptor 3; GI, gastrointestinal; MR, mannose receptor; PRRs, pattern
recognition receptors; TLR, Toll-like receptor.

T-cell/B-cell receptors and has a faster response albicans) (Iliev et al. 2012). For this reason,
time with each subsequent challenge (immune our innate system is equipped to recognize fun-
memory) (Wüthrich et al. 2012). gal particles and maintain commensal relation-
The vast predominance of fungi in the en- ships, but also destroy the pathogenic fungi that
vironment results in continual human expo- we are exposed to. This review will outline the
sure. It is estimated that we inhale several hun- cells and recognition receptors in innate anti-
dred Aspergillus fumigatus spores a day (Rivera fungal immunity, with a special focus on IL-17
et al. 2011), and many humans are also colo- defenses and inflammasomes, both recently
nized with commensal fungi (e.g., Candida identified as major players in antifungal defense.

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Innate Fungal Defense

CELLS AND BARRIERS through immunopathology. Neutrophil-deplet-

ed animals were shown to survive for longer and
Cells of the Innate Immune System have lower burdens of C. neoformans following
pulmonary infection (Mednick et al. 2003),
Cells considered part of the innate immune sys-
whereas CCR12/2 animals, which have de-
tem are characterized by the presence of inher-
fective neutrophil recruitment to the kidney
ited receptors with broad specificity (see next
during disseminated candidiasis, had improved
section) and a rapid response time. This section
survival and outcome (Lionakis et al. 2012).
will discuss the predominant cell types used for
This may, however, not translate to human med-
antifungal defense: neutrophils, macrophages,
icine in which neutrophil frequency and func-
dendritic cells (DCs), natural killer (NK) cells,
tion appear to be hugely important for host
innate-like lymphocytes, and epithelial cells
defense. A reduction in circulating neutrophils
(ECs). However, it is important to appreciate
is cited as a high risk factor for developing in-
that there are several other cellular populations
vasive candidiasis (Byrd et al. 2013), and chron-
that may contribute in antifungal responses,
ic granulomatous disease patients, whose neu-
although they remain poorly characterized or
trophils are unable to make ROS, are more likely
unstudied in the context of fungal infections.
to be diagnosed with invasive aspergillosis (De
Luca et al. 2012).
Neutrophils are highly phagocytic granulocytic
polymorphonuclear cells that have been well Monocytes are blood-borne cells that differen-
characterized as a result of their importance tiate into macrophages within tissues, which

in antimicrobial immunity. The classic mecha- they infiltrate following an inflammatory sig-
nism of killing by neutrophils is through the nal. Once within tissues, macrophages further
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), develop into a distinct functional phenotype,
which kill phagocytosed microbes when the which is determined by the cytokine milieu.
granules that contain them fuse with the phag- Proinflammatory cytokines, particularly inter-
osome. Nonoxidative mechanisms include the feron g (IFN-g), drive a classically activated
release of neutrophil-specific degrading en- (M1) phenotype, whereas anti-inflammatory
zymes, elastase and cathepsin-G, which were cytokines (e.g., TGF-b) drive alternatively acti-
shown to be nonredundant in A. fumigatus im- vated (M2) macrophages (Mosser and Edwards
munity (Tkalcevic et al. 2000). Other methods 2008). Macrophage phenotype can have a pro-
of killing include the formation of neutrophil found effect on antifungal immunity. In ex-
extracellular traps (NETs), external lattices made perimental pulmonary cryptococcosis (caused
up of DNA, histones, and antimicrobial proteins by C. neoformans), susceptibility is associated
(Byrd et al. 2013). NETs have been described with M2 phenotypes, whereas protective vac-
in human neutrophils exposed to A. fumigatus cine strains induce M1 cells that correlated with
(McCormick et al. 2010), C. albicans (Urban enhanced survival rates to subsequent lethal
et al. 2006), and Cryptococcus neoformans (Ur- challenges (Hardison et al. 2012). Macrophages
ban et al. 2009). The relative importance of are also able to switch between M1/M2 pheno-
NETs in vivo has still to be determined, although types, and this plasticity was recently shown to
a key component of NETs, calprotectin, was re- be crucial in the protection against another re-
cently shown to have efficacy against C. albicans spiratory fungal pathogen, Paracoccidioides bra-
in vivo, and animals deficient in calprotectin siliensis. Using resistant and susceptible strains
were more susceptible to infection (Urban et of mice, both M1 and M2 cells were shown to
al. 2009). control fungal growth, although their protective
Neutrophils have also been shown to value was only evident at different stages of in-
play detrimental roles during fungal infection fection (Feriotti et al. 2013).

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A recent major development in the field of tective cytokine responses exerted against the
innate immunology was the demonstration of fungi by pDCs in vitro (Ramirez-Ortiz et al.
“trained immunity,” a term given to describe 2011). In addition to understanding the roles
short-term immunological memory carried of functional subtypes of DCs, it is also impor-
by innate cells (Netea et al. 2011; Netea 2013). tant to understand how fungi interact with DCs
Innate cells shown to participate in this phe- once engulfed. For example, C. gattii is efficient-
nomenon include NK cells and monocytes. ly killed by DCs; however, it does not appear to
Trained immunity was recently shown to pro- stimulate proper maturation, and thus immu-
tect against fungal infection; monocytes stimu- nity is compromised and may explain the ability
lated in vitro with b-glucans, a component of of this organism to infect otherwise healthy
fungal cell walls, were shown to protect animals hosts (Huston et al. 2013).
deficient in an adaptive immune system against
lethal systemic candidiasis infections, and this
NK Cells
protection was attributed to epigenetic repro-
gramming (Netea et al. 2011; Quintin et al. NK cells are primarily known for their antiviral
2012; Netea 2013). and -tumor properties, for which they were first
identified. NK cells in both mice and humans
have been described to have antifungal activity
against a range of fungi including C. albicans,
DCs are important innate cells involved in the A. fumigatus (Schmidt et al. 2013b), C. neofor-
initiation of immune responses through to the mans (Islam et al. 2013), Pneumocystis murina
generation of adaptive immunity via antigen (Kelly et al. 2013), and P. brasiliensis (Longhi
presentation (discussed in detail elsewhere in et al. 2012). NK cells exert their effect through

the literature). DCs have attracted particular at- the direct killing of yeast using perforin, killing
tention in their potential as effective targets for infected host cells, and secretion of proinflam-
novel therapeutic and vaccine strategies. Recent matory cytokines (Schmidt et al. 2013b). How-
studies have shown how use of nonpathogenic ever, the role of NK cells is complicated and
yeast (Kiflmariam et al. 2013) and complexes poorly understood; many articles have suggest-
targeting innate antifungal receptors expres- ed influential roles of NK cells on other cell
sed by DCs (Carter et al. 2006; Lipinski et al. types (reviewed extensively by Schmidt et al.
2013) can induce effective antifungal immunity. 2013b), and a further complicating factor is the
However, to take full advantage of this novel observation of an active suppression of NK-me-
approach it still needs to be understood which diated killing by some fungal species (Schmidt
DC subtypes are needed for antifungal protec- et al. 2013a).
tion and the mechanisms involved. DC subtypes
are based on phenotype, anatomical location,
Innate-Like Lymphocytes
and other functional characteristics. The differ-
ent DC subtypes that contribute to antifungal Lymphocytes, such as T-helper cells, cytotoxic
immunity are still being determined, although it T-, and B-cells are considered part of the adap-
has recently been suggested that plasmacytoid tive immune system and will not be discussed
dendritic cells ( pDCs), typically considered as here. However, there are cells of lymphoid ori-
antiviral cells, may play a protective role to pul- gin that are considered part of the innate system,
monary fungal pathogens. Animals resistant to as they possess more innate-like qualities than
P. brasiliensis infection were shown to generate their adaptive relatives. These cells include gd
a mixed lung DC population, including pDCs, T cells, recently discovered innate lymphoid
which susceptible mice lacked (Pina et al. 2013). cells (ILCs), and invariant natural killer (iNK)
Furthermore, animals depleted in pDCs were T cells.
shown to be hypersusceptible to invasive asper- gd T cells are characterized by the expres-
gillosis, which correlated to the toxicity and pro- sion of an invariant T-cell receptor (TCR),

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Innate Fungal Defense

made up of the g and d chains, and thought to kines in response to C. albicans (Yano et al.
be particularly important in mucosal defenses, 2012), whereas corneal and bronchial ECs both
as they are found primarily in the gut and make produce inflammatory cytokines in response
large amounts of IL-17 (Gladiator et al. 2013), a to A. fumigatus (Guo and Wu 2009; Sun et al.
cytokine crucial for antifungal mucosal de- 2012). Mechanisms driving EC chemokine pro-
fenses (see below). Similarly, ILCs are also found duction include the ligation of TLRs (Guo and
primarily in mucosal surfaces and thought to Wu 2009) and stimulation with antimicrobial
play important roles in fungal allergic asthma peptides (Wagener et al. 2013). ECs are also im-
(see next section). The contribution of ILCs in portant in maintaining commensal populations
fungal infections is a new area with results that and initiating a proinflammatory response fol-
are difficult to reconcile currently. The confus- lowing a switch to a pathogenic phenotype;
ing nomenclature of ILCs has also made this Moyes and colleagues showed that oral ECs
difficult and, thus in this work, we will use the only switched on inflammatory pathways fol-
grouping system proposed by Spits et al. (2013) lowing stimulation with the pathogenic hyphal
in which ILC-1 are predominantly IFN-g pro- form of C. albicans and not the commensal yeast
ducing, ILC-2 are IL-4/13 producing, and ILC-3 form, and that this biphasic response was con-
are IL-17 producing. Using this system, ILC-3 trolled by mitogen-associated protein or mito-
was shown to potentially play important roles gen-activated protein kinase signaling and fun-
in mucosal candidiasis (Gladiator et al. 2013; see gal burden (Moyes et al. 2010). Characterization
below), whereas ILC-2 were shown to have a of PRR expression in ECs has so far been limited
detrimental role in C. neoformans immunity to TLR family members, although expression of
(Flaczyk et al. 2013), suggesting a dependence C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) is less well de-
on anatomical location and fungal species. fined (Weindl et al. 2010). However, it was re-

iNK T cells are a rare population of lympho- cently shown that Dectin-1, a critical antifungal
cytes expressing an invariant TCR that recogniz- PRR (see below), can be induced on human
es lipid antigens in the major histocompatibility bronchial ECs exposed to A. fumigatus, which
complex (MHC) molecule CD1d. Animals de- was required for the induction of ROS and in-
ficient in CD1d, and therefore unable to initi- flammatory chemokines (Sun et al. 2012).
ate NK T-cell responses, were recently shown to
have an increased susceptibility to A. fumigatus
Innate Immune Regulation in Barrier Tissues
infections (Cohen et al. 2011). The investigators
of this article were not able to identify a fungal The skin and mucosal surfaces act as physical
lipid responsible for the phenotype, instead sug- barriers between the environment and deep
gesting the involvement of self lipids. However, tissues. Many of the cell types described above
another group has recently identified an As- are found in abundance within barrier tissues
pergillus-derived lipid, termed asperamide B, and are important in surveillance, maintaining
which could be used to induce airway hyperre- commensal relationships, and protection from
activity and activation of iNK T cells in vivo invasion. This section will outline the most re-
(Albacker et al. 2013). cent developments in the regulation of antifun-
gal immunity within barrier tissues.
ECs are the first point of contact with microbes
and, although not typically considered immune Human skin is readily colonized by fungi, pre-
cells, there have been several recent examples dominantly Malassezia species (Findley et al.
of ECs contributing to the innate immune re- 2013). Malassezia are pathogenic yeast that are
sponse, primarily through the production of associated with exacerbating various skin dis-
chemokines, such as IL-8. Vaginal ECs have eases, including atopic eczema and atopic der-
been shown to produce inflammatory chemo- matitis (AD), in which barrier function and im-

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R.A. Drummond et al.

mune regulation is compromised (Saunders et ia through the production of IL-5 and IL-13
al. 2012). In these diseases, Malassezia-derived (Bartemes et al. 2012; Doherty et al. 2012). It is
products have been shown to influence host re- hoped that their further characterization may
sponses, including the generation of cross-reac- help identify mechanisms of allergic hyper-
tive T cells that exacerbated AD (Balaji et al. responsiveness to fungal allergens and novel
2011), and down-regulation of human DC therapeutic targets.
maturation and proinflammatory cytokine pro-
duction (Vlachos et al. 2012). Other pathogenic
Gastrointestinal Tract
fungi that target the skin include Trichophyton
species, which cause common infections of the Fungi have been described as both commensals
skin and nails (onychomycosis), and also C. and pathogens in the human gastrointestinal
albicans. C. albicans infections of the skin were (GI) tract. The most commonly described human
recently shown to be controlled by different DC fungal commensal is C. albicans, which initiates
subsets resident in the skin, Langerhans cells, a distinct commensalism transcriptional pro-
and Langerinþ dermal DCs, which were each gram to optimize growth within the GI tract
responsible for driving Th17 and Th1 adaptive (Pande et al. 2013). However, high levels of col-
immunity, respectively (Igyarto et al. 2011). onization have been associated with enhanced
severity of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
(Kumamoto 2011), and many cases of systemic
Respiratory Tract
candidiasis are thought to originate from com-
Inhalation is a common route of exposure to mensal populations in the gut (Odds et al. 2006;
fungal spores in the environment. In immune- Miranda et al. 2009). It has therefore been rec-
compromised patients, these spores may begin ognized that a better understanding of relation-

to germinate, resulting in lethal invasive in- ships with fungal commensals is important to
fection, such as invasive pulmonary aspergillo- delineating disease pathogenesis. It has recently
sis (IPA) and other fungal pneumonias (Table been shown that the mammalian intestinal mi-
1). More commonly, the inhalation of fungal crobiota has diverse fungal species and is in
spores results in sensitization and exacerbation greater abundance than previously appreciated
of allergy and asthma. Allergic bronchopulmo- (Iliev et al. 2012). Analysis of the murine fungal
nary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a hypersensitivity microbiome by Iliev and colleagues identified
disorder to A. fumigatus, leading to severe asth- several fungal species belonging to the genera
ma symptoms and affects nearly five million of Candida, Saccharomyces, and Trichosporon
people worldwide (Agarwal et al. 2013; Denning (Iliev et al. 2012). These fungi interacted with
et al. 2013). ABPA pathogenesis is poorly under- the innate immune system via the PRRs Dec-
stood, although recent insights have identified tin-1 (Iliev et al. 2012) and SIGNR3 (Eriksson
some mechanisms that may help future devel- et al. 2013), and absence of these interactions
opment of therapies. For example, Dectin-1 rec- could enhance severity of a murine model of
ognition of A. fumigatus was recently shown colitis because of loss of fungal recognition
to enhance immunopathology through IL-22 and barrier integrity (Iliev et al. 2012; Eriksson
(Lilly et al. 2012), whereas C3aR2/2 mice pre- et al. 2013). Similarly, humans with a Dectin-1
sented with reduced allergic symptoms when genetic polymorphism were found to be associ-
sensitized with A. fumigatus chitin (Roy et al. ated with more severe forms of colitis, possibly
2013). Other fungi that have been shown to ex- caused by the disturbance of fungal recognition
acerbate asthma are C. neoformans and Alternar- in the GI tract (Iliev et al. 2012). Interestingly,
ia alternata, which induce trademark symp- although Dectin-1 has been shown to be essen-
toms of allergy including eosinophilia and Th2 tial for the protection against invasive infections
polarization (Goldman et al. 2006; Doherty et al. of the gut, it does not appear to play a role in the
2012). Recently, ILC-2 cells have been shown to maintenance of commensal fungal populations
play major roles in allergic responses to Alternar- in the GI tract (Vautier et al. 2012).

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Innate Fungal Defense

Genital-Urinary Tract and we will discuss selected members from

these families based on their identified major
The most common fungal pathogen colonizing
roles in antifungal responses. Although we dis-
the genital-urinary tract is C. albicans (Jaeger
cuss PRRs as individual entities, it is important
et al. 2013). Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is
to remember that these PRRs do not work alone
thought to affect 75% of adult woman at least
and collaborative responses and redundancy are
once in their lifetime, and 8% of these women
common in mammalian immunology. Indeed,
are estimated to be recurrent sufferers (RVVC)
animals and humans lacking signaling adaptors
(Jaeger et al. 2013). Interestingly, recurrent in-
shared by several PRRs tend to show more severe
fections can occur in women with no other
phenotypes than the single PRR deficiencies
known medical complaints and it is still unclear
(Gross et al. 2006; Glocker et al. 2009).
why vaginal candidiasis occurs more often in
some individuals. Recent developments have,
however, shed some light on mechanisms con- TLRs
ferring enhanced susceptibility to RVVC. Ani-
TLRs initiate intracellular signaling pathways
mals deficient in IDO1, an enzyme promoting
using MyD88 or the TRIF adaptor proteins,
tolerant T-cell responses and production of
which ultimately activate transcription factors
tolerogenic kynurenines, were shown to have
NF-kB and the interferon-regulatory factors
increased susceptibility to VVC and treatment
(O’Neill et al. 2013). TLR-dependent cellular re-
with kynurenines could alleviate disease (De
sponses that promote antifungal immunity in-
Luca et al. 2013). S100 alarmin proteins have
clude the production of type I interferons
also been shown to mediate an immunopatho-
(IFNs) (Bourgeois et al. 2011) and proinflam-
genic response in susceptible patients, which was
matory cytokines TNF-a and IL-12 (Ramirez-

interestingly independent of Th17 cells that are

Ortiz et al. 2008, 2011), and the promotion of
known for their anti-Candida properties and a
adaptive immunity (Carvalho et al. 2012).
role in the induction of S100 alarmins (Yano
MyD88-deficient mice, which have defective
et al. 2012). The balance between tolerogenic
TLR responses from multiple family members,
and protective responses appears to be critical,
have shown a role for TLRs in immunity to a
however, as mice deficient in IL-22, a protective
range of pathogenic fungi including C. albicans
inflammatory cytokine, were also more suscep-
(Marr et al. 2003), A. fumigatus (Bretz et al.
tible to VVC (De Luca et al. 2013). Human poly-
2008), and C. neoformans (Biondo et al. 2005).
morphisms reflect the delicate nature of this
This does not appear to be the case in humans,
balance; a polymorphism in the IL-4 gene was
however. MyD88-deficient humans are highly
found in significantly higher frequency in RVVC
susceptible to bacterial infections but not fungal
sufferers compared with healthy controls, which
(von Bernuth et al. 2008), although associations
correlated to enhanced levels of anti-inflamma-
with systemic candidiasis and TLR-1/4 poly-
tory IL-4 resulting in a reduction in nitric oxide
morphisms have been described (Van der Graaf
levels and fungal killing (Jaeger et al. 2013).
et al. 2006; Plantinga et al. 2012). This is in con-
trast to patients deficient in the CLR-signaling
adaptor, CARD9, who have a high risk of devel-
oping severe fungal infections (Glocker et al.
The initiation of an immune response begins 2009). Indeed, one of the primary roles of TLRs
with the innate recognition of the pathogen by in fungal immunity is thought to be modulation
PRRs, which drive early protective mechanisms of CLR-dependent responses and several exam-
that are critical to host defense (Fig. 1). There ples of TLR/CLR collaboration have been de-
are several families of PRRs that are grouped scribed (Netea et al. 2006). TLR-2, which recog-
based on phylogeny, structure, and function. nizes fungal glycolipids (Bauer et al. 2008), has a
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and CLRs are the well-documented relationship with Dectin-1 in
key families involved in antifungal immunity, which synergy promotes phagocytosis and cy-

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R.A. Drummond et al.

TLR-2 Dectin-1 Dectin-2 Mincle MR CR3 DC-SIGN


Phagocytosis Proinflammatory Proinflammatory ↑ Th17
cytokines cytokines
cytokines ↑ Th17
ROS production Phagocytosis cytokines
MHC class II loading IL-17 production ROS production
↑ Th17

Type 1 IFNs

Candida Aspergillus Pneumocystis Y FcRy Carbohydrate

recognition domain
Coccidioides Paracoccidioides
ITAM-like motif
Cryptococcus Malassezia

Figure 1. The PRRs discussed herein are depicted showing the fungal species they recognize and downstream
effector functions they mediate following recognition. Receptor collaboration between Dectin-1 and TLR-2, and
Dectin-1 and Dectin-2, is also indicated by conjoining arrows. See main text for all references.

tokine production (Drummond et al. 2011), Gordon 2001) in the cell walls of numerous
and cross-regulation between signaling path- pathogenic fungi, including C. albicans, A. fu-
ways results in specifically tailored responses migatus, and Pneumocystis carinii (Drummond
(Dennehy et al. 2009). Indeed, the lack of and Brown 2011). Dectin-1 is expressed pri-
TLR/CLR collaboration can have a profound marily by myeloid cells and drives complex
effect on the outcome of infection. Fonsecaea intracellular signaling pathways of which the
pedrosoi infections, which cause chromoblasto- best characterized is the Syk-CARD9 pathway
mycosis, could be resolved in vivo through the (Drummond et al. 2011; Hardison and Brown
external application of TLR agonists, which re- 2012). Signaling then leads to a multitude of
paired defective TLR recognition, and required cellular responses, including phagocytosis, cy-
cooperative CLR recognition and downstream tokine production, the respiratory burst, and
signaling (Da Glória Sousa et al. 2011). activation of inflammasomes. The intracellu-
lar signaling pathways downstream from Dec-
tin-1 have been reviewed extensively elsewhere
(Drummond et al. 2011; Hardison and Brown
Dectin-1 is the best-described antifungal CLR 2012). Briefly, the tyrosine in the immunore-
that recognizes exposed b-glucans (Brown and ceptor tyrosine-based activation motif-like mo-

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Innate Fungal Defense

tif (YXXL) is phosphorylated by Src-family ki- 2010; Ishikawa et al. 2013). Dectin-2 associates
nases on b-glucan binding. This phosphoryla- with FcRg to drive intracellular signaling path-
tion event allows recruitment of Syk kinase and ways, of which the best characterized is the
the formation of a molecular scaffold composed Syk-CARD9 pathway, shared with Dectin-1
of CARD9, Bcl10, and MALT1. The signaling (Drummond et al. 2011; Hardison and Brown
cascade that follows is responsible for the acti- 2012). Protective roles for Dectin-2 in antifungal
vation and translocation of several transcription defense have been best characterized for C. albi-
factors into the nucleus (NF-kB, AP1, NFAT), cans, in which Dectin-2-dependent CD4þ T-cell
leading to cytokine production and gene tran- Th17 polarization (Robinson et al. 2009) was
scription. recently shown to contribute to fungal clearance
Innate recognition and the downstream as Dectin-22/2 animals had reduced survival
functions of Dectin-1 have significant function- and greater fungal burdens when systemically
al consequences to in vivo antifungal immunity. challenged (Saijo et al. 2010).
Dectin-1-deficient mice show accelerated mor-
tality when systemically infected with C. albicans
(Taylor et al. 2007) and A. fumigatus (Werner
et al. 2009), whereas increased burdens have Mincle is another member of the Dectin-2 fam-
been reported with P. carinii (Saijo et al. 2007) ily and, like Dectin-2, associates with FcRg and
and Coccidioides immitus (Viriyakosol et al. signals through Syk-CARD9. Using deficient
2013). The human Dectin-1 polymorphism mouse models, Mincle has been shown to play
(Y238X), which renders patients Dectin-1 defi- protective roles during infections with C. albi-
cient (Ferwerda et al. 2009), has also been linked cans (Wells et al. 2008) and Malassezia (Yama-
to an increased susceptibility to mucosal candi- saki et al. 2009). The specific ligands that acti-

diasis, and an increased risk of invasive aspergil- vate Mincle are currently unidentified for C.
losis following transplant surgery (Cunha et albicans, whereas Malassezia-derived glycero-
al. 2010; Chai et al. 2011). Other recently iden- glycolipid and mannitol-linked fatty acids were
tified downstream functions of Dectin-1 include recently described to activate Mincle-dependent
modulation of the autophagy pathway to pro- cytokine production (Ishikawa et al. 2013). Cy-
mote antigen presentation of fungal antigens on tokine production appears to be the main pro-
MHC Class II (Ma et al. 2012) and production of tective mechanism downstream from Mincle, as
type I IFNs needed for efficient renal infiltration phagocytosis is unaffected in the absence of this
during murine systemic candidiasis (Del Fresno PRR (Wells et al. 2008). Other potential roles
et al. 2013). for Mincle include the modulation of adaptive
immunity, which has been described in antimy-
cobacterial responses (Schoenen et al. 2010),
although this has yet to be shown during fungal
Members of the Dectin-2 family have a single infections.
carbohydrate recognition domain and lack in-
tracellular tails with signaling motifs, although
Mannose Receptor (CD206)
there are some members that are exceptions
(e.g., DCIR) (Kerscher et al. 2013). Dectin-2 is The mannose receptor (MR) recognizes a broad
the best-characterized member of this cluster, range of pathogenic microbes including bacte-
and has been shown to bind a number of fungal ria, parasites, viruses, and fungi through ter-
species including C. albicans, P. brasiliensis, A. minally mannosylated molecules (Drummond
fumigatus (Kerscher et al. 2013), and Malassezia and Brown 2013). Several antifungal activities
(Ishikawa et al. 2013). Dectin-2 binds high- downstream from the MR have been shown,
mannose-containing structures and, according- including the production of IL-17 from human
ly, a-mannose and a mannose-rich glycoprotein peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
were recently identified as ligands (Saijo et al. stimulated with C. albicans mannans (van de

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R.A. Drummond et al.

Veerdonk et al. 2009), phagocytosis of C. In vitro assays have shown SIGNR1 recognition
albicans yeast in DCs (Donini et al. 2007), and of C. albicans leading to cytokine production
are also hypothesized to be involved with sam- (Takahara et al. 2012) and activation of the
pling of phagosomes because of the late-stage respiratory burst (Takahara et al. 2011), al-
recruitment pattern (Heinsbroek et al. 2008). though some of these functions seemed to
Despite these roles in antifungal immunity, depend on Dectin-1 signaling, suggesting a col-
the MR appears to be redundant for a number laborative effort (Takahara et al. 2011). The
of fungal infections (Hardison and Brown phenotype of SIGNR1-deficient mice following
2012) except C. neoformans in which MR2/2 fungal infection has not yet been reported and,
mice were shown to be highly susceptible be- therefore, only in vivo roles to bacteria and par-
cause of defective CD4þ T-cell responses (Dan asites have been described so far (Lanoue et al.
et al. 2008). 2004; Saunders et al. 2009). However, it has
been shown in a small cohort of patients that
polymorphisms in DC-SIGN are associated
Complement Receptor 3
with developing IPA, although the mechanism
Complement receptor 3 (CR3) is an integrin remains to be defined (Sainz et al. 2012).
made up of CD11b and CD18, and is part of
the evolutionary ancient complement system
that marks and attacks foreign microbes using
functionally diverse complement proteins re- Immunity to fungal infections is traditionally
leased by a proteolytic cascade (Sandor et al. considered in the purview of adaptive immune
2013). CR3 is involved with leukocyte adhesion, responses, particularly because of the incidence
phagocytosis, and chemotaxis using mecha- of fungal diseases in HIV/acquired immunode-

nisms that can either be dependent or indepen- ficiency syndrome patients, such as Pneumocys-
dent on other components of the complement tis pneumonia, oral candidiasis, and cryptococ-
system (van Bruggen et al. 2009). CR3 has been cal meningitis (Glocker and Grimbacher 2010).
shown to bind b-glucan-containing particles This concept was reinforced by the discovery
(van Bruggen et al. 2009) and may act as the that the cytokine IL-17 is critical for immunity
primary b-glucan phagocytic receptor in hu- to fungal infections, particularly mucosal can-
man neutrophils that, unlike murine neutro- didiasis (Huppler et al. 2012). Although IL-17 is
phils, were not dependent on Dectin-1 for b- classically associated with CD4þ Th17 cells, in
glucan phagocytosis (van Bruggen et al. 2009). recent years there has been an increasing appre-
CR3 may also prove to be an important link ciation of the importance of innate lymphoid
between the innate and adaptive immune sys- sources of IL-17 (Cua and Tato 2010; Spits et al.
tems through functions independent of b-glu- 2013; Walker et al. 2013). These sources include
can recognition. CR3 was shown to help drive NK T cells, gd T cells, CD42CD82TCRbþ cells,
Th1 and Th17 responses during A. fumigatus and “natural” Th17 cells that do not require
infections (Gresnigt et al. 2013), and has also activation by a specific antigen and are there-
been described to promote antibody-mediated fore considered innate. Nonetheless, these in-
complement-independent phagocytosis (Ta- nate “type 17” cells bear several similarities to
borda and Casadevall 2002). conventional Th17 cells in that they express
CCR6, IL-7Ra, IL-23R, and the master tran-
scription factor ROR-gt. However, it is thought
that they do not necessarily require a TCR for
DC-SIGN is a human CLR expressed on mye- their development as some cell types have been
loid cells that binds fucose/mannose-contain- identified in Rag12/2 mice, which do not have
ing glycans. There are eight murine homologs an adaptive immune system (Cua and Tato
(named SIGNR), which have been used to study 2010). There is also literature proposing that cer-
the probable antifungal activities of DC-SIGN. tain myeloid cells may be additional sources of

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Innate Fungal Defense

IL-17 (e.g., mast cells, neutrophils, and macro- tor et al. 2013). However, it was not shown in
phages) (Hueber et al. 2010; Lin et al. 2011; that report that ILC-3 cells were actually pro-
Werner et al. 2011); however, this remains con- ducing IL-17, and Rag12/2 mice have been
troversial as many cases can be explained by shown to be very susceptible to OPC in other
receptor-mediated uptake of cytokine rather systems (Pandiyan et al. 2011; Hernández-San-
than de novo production. Intestinal Paneth cells tos et al. 2013). In disseminated candidiasis,
were also reported to express IL-17 (Takahashi IL-17 also protects against infection (Huang
et al. 2008), which may play a key role in main- et al. 2004; Saijo et al. 2010; van de Veerdonk
taining commensal populations of fungi in the et al. 2010), although it is unclear whether the
GI tract. dominant source is adaptive or innate. How-
In fungal settings, innate IL-17-producing ever, as most disseminated candidiasis models
cells have been most closely examined in the are studied in a time frame compatible with
context of mucosal candidiasis in which IL-17 development of adaptive immunity, indirect ev-
is crucial to defense. Humans with defects at idence suggests that adaptive responses are im-
various points along the Th17 pathway are sus- portant.
ceptible to mucosal, but usually not disseminat-
ed, candidiasis (Hernández-Santos and Gaffen
2012). Although many of these defects are as-
sociated with reduced adaptive Th17 responses, Inflammasomes are a recently described family
innate immunity has also been shown to of proteins originally characterized for their
be compromised. In patients with hyper-IgE/ crucial role in the induction of inflammation,
Job’s syndrome, who have mutations in STAT3 which contain a carboxy-terminal leucine rich
resulting in reduced IL-6/23 signaling, a reduc- repeat, a central nucleotide oligomerization do-

tion in salivary antimicrobial peptides was main, and an amino-terminal effector domain
found that correlated to reduced antifungal ac- used to categorize inflammasomes into one
tivity of the saliva, and may explain why these of three classes: pyrin-containing NOD-like re-
patients have increased growth of C. albicans ceptors (NLRPs), CARD-containing NOD-like
in the oral cavity (Conti et al. 2011). In mice, receptors (NLRCs), and a baculovirus inhibitor
C. albicans is not a commensal organism (Sue- of apoptosis protein repeat (BIR) domain-con-
gara et al. 1979; Iliev et al. 2012) permitting taining class. Caspase-1, a proteolytic enzyme,
evaluation of both innate and adaptive respons- is activated following the formation of inflam-
es. The use of mouse models has therefore pro- masomes and is responsible for processing pro-
vided key insights to IL-17 regulation and pro- IL-1b. IL-1 functions both locally and sys-
duction in response to C. albicans. For example, temically (Roh et al. 1986; Gauldie et al. 1987)
in dermal Candida infections, the gd T cell pop- and is distinct from many other cytokines as
ulation was shown to be the dominant source its production and release involves a two-step
of IL-17, which contributed to the resolution process. The first step is the transcriptional up-
of skin lesions (Kagami et al. 2010; Hirota et regulation of IL-1b as an inactive precursor
al. 2011; Igyarto et al. 2011). In oropharyngeal ( pro-IL-1b) downstream from Dectin-1 and
candidiasis (OPC), there is also a powerful in- TLR-2/4 (Netea et al. 2002; Bellocchio et al.
nate response as the organism is cleared within 2004; Hise et al. 2009), and the second step is
3– 4 days of infection without notable involve- a proteolytic cleavage by caspase-1 releasing ac-
ment in the draining lymph node or induc- tive IL-1b (Wilson et al. 1994). Similarly, pro-
tion of adaptive immunity, yet IL-17 is crucial IL-18 is also cleaved by caspase-1 (Pedra et al.
for protection (Kamai et al. 2001; Conti et al. 2007), although this cytokine does not appear
2009; Hernández-Santos et al. 2013). One re- to play as predominant a role in fungal immu-
port suggests that ILC-3 cells may be the source nity as IL-1.
of protective IL-17 in OPC based on a claim that Host responses to numerous fungal patho-
Rag12/2 mice are resistant to disease (Gladia- gens depend on IL-1 receptor signaling (which

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R.A. Drummond et al.

can be activated by both IL-1a and IL-1b), in- identified secreted aspartic proteases from Can-
cluding C. albicans infections (Bellocchio et al. dida as capable of stimulating IL-1b release via
2004; Hise et al. 2009), Fusarium species caus- NLRP3 (Pietrella et al. 2013). Aspergillus hyphal
ing ocular keratitis (Tarabishy et al. 2012), and fragments, but not spores, have also been found
Histoplasma capsulatum pulmonary disease to invoke the NLRP3 inflammasome to medi-
(Deepe and McGuinness 2006). Interestingly, ate IL-1b release from monocytes (Said-Sadier
the dependence on IL-1R signaling appears to et al. 2010). Despite extensive research, relative-
be dependent on both the species and site of ly little is known about the precise molecular
infection, as it was not required in pulmonary events involved in NLRP3 activation. In one
disease caused by Aspergillus (Bellocchio et al. study, it was determined that internalization and
2004; Deepe and McGuinness 2006), but essen- subsequent lysosomal damage, a characteristic
tial in Aspergillus-mediated ocular keratitis common to crystalline activators, were required
(Leal et al. 2010). for Candida-mediated IL-1b release from mac-
The best-studied inflammasome to date, rophages (Joly et al. 2009; Pietrella et al. 2013).
NLRP3 (also known as NALP3) was identified However, a conflicting report identified no dis-
as a result of a gain-of-function mutation asso- cernible role for lysosomal damage in response
ciated with autoinflammatory diseases charac- to Candida in DCs (Gross et al. 2009). It re-
terized by high levels of IL-1b (Aganna et al. mains to be seen whether these differences are
2002; Dowds et al. 2003, 2004; Agostini et al. attributable to different Candida strains used or
2004). NLRP3 is expressed in macrophages, point toward differential mechanisms for in-
DCs, T cells, B cells, and nonkeratinizing mu- flammasome activation in these two cell types.
cosal epithelium (Kummer et al. 2007), and re- For Aspergillus, it was found that Kþ efflux and
sponds to a wide range of stimuli including ev- ROS production was required for IL-1b release

ery class of microorganism (Allen et al. 2009; from immortalized human monocytes (Said-
Craven et al. 2009; Dostert et al. 2009; Harder Sadier et al. 2010). These mechanisms were
et al. 2009; Shio et al. 2009; Thomas et al. 2009), also found to be important for human PBMC
and host-derived molecules, such as ATP (Wa- IL-1b release in response to Candida (Pietrella
lev et al. 1995; Mariathasan et al. 2006; Petrilli et al. 2013).
et al. 2007; Qu et al. 2007), uric acid crystals Limited studies have been performed on
(Martinon et al. 2006), and fibrillar amyloid-b the role of other inflammasomes in fungal im-
(Halle et al. 2008). Crystalline compounds, such munity. A noncanonical inflammasome using
as silica crystals, asbestos, and aluminum salts, caspase-8 was recently shown to be activated di-
are also potent activators (Dostert et al. 2008; rectly downstream from Dectin-1 in response to
Hornung et al. 2008). C. albicans, and was independent of phagocy-
The first evidence for a role for NLRP3 in tosis (Gringhuis et al. 2012). Another inflam-
antifungal defenses was established using a mu- masome, NLRC4 (formerly known as IPAF),
rine model of oral candidiasis, in which NLRP3 has been best studied for its role in inflamma-
deficiency resulted in increased susceptibility to tory responses to common bacterial pathogens
mucosal candidiasis, as well as subsequent dis- (Miao et al. 2006; Franchi et al. 2007; Suzuki
seminated infections (Hise et al. 2009). NLRP3 et al. 2007) and was recently shown to mediate
has also been shown to be critical for protection a tissue-specific protective response to C. albi-
in intravenous models of Candida challenge cans (Tomalka et al. 2011). Another inflamma-
(Gross et al. 2009; Joly et al. 2009). The specific some studied in fungal infection is NLRP10,
component of Candida required for activation which was found to have minimal impact on the
of the NLRP3 inflammasome is not yet known; release of IL-1b in response to Candida; how-
however, several yeast cell-wall preparations, in- ever, mortality was increased in Nlrp10 2/2
cluding curdlan (Kumar et al. 2009), zymosan, mice following intravenous challenge because
and mannan (Lamkanfi et al. 2009), have been of extensive kidney damage and abrogated Th1
shown to activate NLRP3, and a recent report and Th17 T-cell responses (Joly et al. 2012).

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Innate Fungal Defense

CONCLUDING REMARKS DT. 2013. Invariant natural killer T cells recognize a fun-
gal glycosphingolipid that can induce airway hyperreac-
This work has provided an overview of the es- tivity. Nat Med 19: 1297– 1304.
sential players in innate antifungal immunity. Allen IC, Scull MA, Moore CB, Holl EK, McElvania-TeKippe
E, Taxman DJ, Guthrie EH, Pickles RJ, Ting JP. 2009. The
Although our understanding has recently ex- NLRP3 inflammasome mediates in vivo innate immuni-
panded significantly in certain areas, such as ty to influenza Avirus through recognition of viral RNA.
the identification of fungal ligands, there are Immunity 30: 556– 565.
many aspects of innate immunity that are yet Balaji H, Heratizadeh A, Wichmann K, Niebuhr M, Crameri
R, Scheynius A, Werfel T. 2011. Malassezia sympodialis
to be defined and understood. For example, thioredoxin-specific T cells are highly cross-reactive to
further definition of PRR-signaling pathways human thioredoxin in atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin
and the source of innate IL-17, as outlined Immunol 128: 92– 99.e4.
here, will be paramount to our understanding Bartemes KR, Iijima K, Kobayashi T, Kephart GM, McKen-
zie AN, Kita H. 2012. IL-33-responsive lineage- CD25þ
of early antifungal responses. Furthermore, CD44hi lymphoid cells mediate innate type 2 immunity
much work is needed to clarify how individual and allergic inflammation in the lungs. J Immunol 188:
PRRs work together in the recognition of dif- 1503–1513.
Bauer S, Hartmann G, Goodridge HS, Underhill DM. 2008.
ferent fungal pathogens, and how this influenc- Fungal recognition by TLR-2 and Dectin-1. In Toll-like
es killing and cell behavior. These insights will receptors (TLRs) and innate immunity (ed. Hofmann F).
ultimately help shape the design of future treat- Springer, Berlin.
ments, particularly antifungal vaccines of which Bellocchio S, Montagnoli C, Bozza S, Gaziano R, Rossi G,
Mambula SS, Vecchi A, Mantovani A, Levitz SM, Romani
there are currently none available. As more ad- L. 2004. The contribution of the Toll-like/IL-1 receptor
vances in our understanding are made, it is like- superfamily to innate and adaptive immunity to fungal
ly we will see better diagnostics and treatments pathogens in vivo. J Immunol 172: 3059– 3069.
to help reduce the mortality of invasive fungal Biondo C, Midiri A, Messina L, Tomasello F, Garufi G, Ca-
tania MI, Bombaci M, Beninati C, Teti G, Mancuso G.

infections. 2005. MyD88 and TLR-2, but not TLR-4, are required for
host defense against Cryptococcus neoformans. Eur J Im-
munol 35: 870– 878.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bourgeois C, Majer O, Frohner IE, Lesiak-Markowicz I,
Hildering KS, Glaser W, Stockinger S, Decker T, Akira
We thank the Wellcome Trust and Medical Re- S, Muller M, et al. 2011. Conventional dendritic cells
search Council (R.A.D. and G.D.B.) for funding mount a type I IFN response against Candida spp. requir-
support. S.L.G. is supported by National Insti- ing novel phagosomal TLR-7-mediated IFN-b signaling.
J Immunol 186: 3104– 3112.
tutes of Health (NIH) Grant R01-DE022550, Bretz C, Gersuk G, Knoblaugh S, Chaudhary N, Randolph-
and A.G.H. is supported in part by NIH Grant Habecker J, Hackman RC, Staab J, Marr KA. 2008.
R01-DE018279. MyD88 signaling contributes to early pulmonary re-
sponses to Aspergillus fumigatus. Infect Immun 76: 952–
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