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MEXT April-Mei 6.5

DAAD 15-Oct
Fullbright 15-Feb-19 Hold a master’s degree (S2)
Have a
Have a
Have the

Australia 1-Feb
Usia maksimal 34 tahun pada tanggal 1 April tahun keberangkatan.

Completed application form, including one-page study objective and 3-to-5 page research proposal
Copy of most recent (less than two years old) TOEFL ITP or IELTS scores
Two letters of reference, either from an employer or a university lecturer
Copy of academic transcript and diploma (in original language and in English translation)
Copy of valid identity document (KTP or passport)
Curriculum vitae
1. Lembar print-out e-mail konfirmasi registrasi online, yang berisi nomor ujian pelamar (pelajari bagian PROSEDUR PENDAFT

Be Indonesian citizens and not permanent residents of the US, or be currently living in the US
Possess leadership qualities and show experience in community service
Have preparation in, and a demonstrated commitment to their chosen field of study
Be proficient in English
Have an outstanding academic record
Demonstrate that they can realistically accomplish full-time graduate study or conduct research in the US
Demonstrate a strong commitment to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright scholarship program

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