English Worksheet Yr 2

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Alfred!’s (aily routine Read the text carefully. Alfred is an American bey. He lives in Los Angeles, California, He lives with his family in a modern house. He is eleven years old and he has got an older brother, David, and a younger sister, Emma. He starts his day at about half past seven. He gets up, goes to the bathroom, takes a shower, brushes his teeth and get dressed. Then he has breakfast and at a quarter to eight he leaves home and catches the bus to school. Classes begin at half past eight. He usually has lunch at the school canteen at half past twelve. After school, at a quarter past five, he goes home. There he does his school homework and when he finishes it he helps his Mum laying the table. At half past seven the family dines together. Alfred is a very helpful boy, so he helps his mother cleaning up everything after dinner He usually watches TV for a while after dinner and at about ten o'clock the most he brushes his teeth again, puts on his Spider Man pajamas and goes to bed. His parents always kiss him good night before he gets asleep. Alfred is a very happy boy! True or False? 1, Alfred is an American boy. enters 2. He lives ina modern flat. lone 3.Heiseleven years old, 4, He has got two brothers. end old-fasioned unhappy. together younger helpful finishes happy unhelpful 5. Alfred wakes up at eight o'clack. 6. He walks to school. 7. His classes begin at half past eight. 8. Alfred and his family have dinner at half past seven. Orr the following questions. 1. Where does Alfred live? 2, What's his sister's name? ~ 3. What time does he wake up? 4, Does he have breakfast at home? ~ 5. What time does he leave home? ~ 6. Where does he have lunch? ~ 7. When does he return home? 8. Does he make homework at school or at home? -- 9. Is he a helpful boy? —- 10. What about you? What's your daily routine like? ~ rat] Let's talk about F00D & Conversation cards What's your favourite What's your favourite How often do you eat ina food? How often do you restaurant? Why? restaurant? eat it? Describe an everyday Which country do you What food do you refuse meal from your country think has the best food? | | to eat? Why? ‘and tell how to prepare it. Can you give some How often do you ect fast What are the most examples of fast food food? popular dishes in your (also: junk food)? country? What do people usually Have you ever eaten When did you last go to. eat ona special holiday Tapanese food? Did you rice restaurant? What (like New Year)? like it? did you order? ‘Tf you visited a country Have you ever eaten Can you cook? What is where people ate snake or | | insects or snails? Would the last dish you cooked? dog, would you try it? you like to try them? What's the strangest Who usually does the Is there a pet in your food you have ever cooking in your family? family? What does it eat? eaten? ancake hy fiends! V go out! sometimes/ Saturdays! with’ my/ on 1! Swimming pot! goes/a week! the” wice ae cme “ oe a) He works ata hospital 1) They watch TV in the evenings, 6) Jane oes to school every day. 4) You lke playing with your computer 6) The father isa firefight nv play tennis! alter school. (never) 1b) Mary/ mood hee fricnda/ at a cafe. (often) ©) be! late for school. (never) »— @) They//make/ their beds in the morning. Gometimes) ©) Carla/ cook dinner om Sundays. (rarely) hair, o'clock. She (open the café and (et). (arrive) at seven o’clock and they (dy) scenes the kitchen, The first, ‘customers (come) inva about 7:30, Mandy (take) break at 10. ‘clock. She (finish) work at 2 years old family. His father isa teacher and his mother is a lawyer. Michact (not have) any brothers oF sisters. He ove) basketball and resins QHM) OBE professional basketball player. He ike) school @ ot. He Go) every day’ from Damn till 3:30pm. In his fee time, Michael... wt the verbs in bracket ito the correct Present Sirnpe form Her name is Mandy Taylor. She (work) at the Sip Café. Mandy ¢0) = to the eafé every morning at six the tables. The other waiters mes she (meet) is is Michael, He ommn (be) 10 le ave got) short, dark brown eyes and a dark complexion, Michael dive) in New York City” with his playing computer games and. he (enjoy) watching TV 1 ‘do my homework in the morning ~ always in the evening, She spend her fee time with her fiends. She prefers reading books. ‘you often do the shopping? Ther mother work i the bask? : We...-...lay tennis afterschool. * My parents, five ina fiat, They havea house {Your teacher speak Germaa? ‘ He do karate. Susan, Jam Spanish at school. They eat apples. They don’t like them.

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