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How could you break down ……….?


What are the parts of ………. and how are they related?
What qualities/characteristics do ………. possess and how do they relate to one another?


From the viewpoints of several people examine the issue of ……….
How can you tell a fact from an opinion? GRAPHIC
• Investigate all the facts that could have an impact on ……….


Deduce how the parts of ………. interact.
What were the motives behind ……….?
• Predict what would happen if one of the events/circumstances/variables changed?


DESCRIBE — give a detailed account of qualities, parts, etc.
ANALYSE — break into separate parts and discuss each part and the relationship between the parts
COMPARE—examine two or more things, and pick out the similarities and differences
CRITICALLY ANALYSE/EVALUATE—add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, reflection and quality to the topic
INTERPRET—explain the meaning of text SYNTHESISE—put together various elements to make a whole ANALYSING FLOWER

(examining the parts of something in detail and showing the relationship of the parts to each other; may involve description, comparison, interpretation and critical comment)

• Do I know enough about the topic?


What information do I have; is there more information I need?
What specifically do I have to analyse?


What are the parts of the topic; how do they affect each other?
Which parts are needed/not needed for the analysis?

• How are the parts connected and is there a pattern?
• What would happen if one of the parts were changed; how would
everything else be affected?

is composed of however
• What have I learned about the purpose of analysing?
as long as all BRACE MAP
in the case of for example
if ………. then for instance
provided that
is made up of
even if similar • ………. could be broken down in the following way/s:
• The issue of ………. can be viewed from different perspectives.
on the other comprises
• The main similarities/differences between ………. and ………. are ……….
hand furthermore
• If ……… were changed, then the problem/issue/event/experiment would be affected in the following ways: …… SWOT ANALYSIS
unless by contrast
• ………. would happen if ……….was/were changed.
differ when ………. then • The actions of ………. enable us to understand ……….
consists of because • Missing from the text is the ………. (view/perspective/opinion, etc.) © logonliteracy. No part of this resource may be reproduced
without the permission of the author, Patricia Hipwell, logonliteracy.
although so • There is a complex relationship between ………. and ……….
• ………. is a fact because ………., whereas ………. is an opinion because ……….
Licensed to Emmaus College,
• There is a strong connection between ………. and ………. Rockhampton; for the sole use of the
College's current teachers.

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