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Which patient should the nurse prioritize as needing emergent treatment, assuming no other
injuries are present except the ones outlined below?

A) A patient with a blunt chest trauma with some difficulty breathing

B) A patient with a sore neck who was immobilized in the field on a backboard with a cervical
C) A patient with a possible fractured tibia with adequate pedal pulses
D) A patient with an acute onset of confusion

2. The nurse observes that the family members of a patient who was injured in an accident are
blaming each other for the circumstances leading up to the accident. The nurse appropriately
lets the family members express their feelings of responsibility, while explaining that there was
probably little they could do to prevent the injury. In what stage of crisis is this family?

A) Anxiety and denial

B) Remorse and guilt
C) Anger
D) Grief

3. A patient is brought to the ED by ambulance with a gunshot wound to the abdomen. The
nurse knows that the most common hollow organ injured in this type of injury is what?
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A) Liver
B) Small bowel
C) Stomach
D) Large bowel

4. A patient has been brought to the ED with multiple trauma after a motor vehicle accident.
After immediate threats to life have been addressed, the nurse and trauma team should take
what action?

A) Perform a rapid physical assessment.

B) Initiate health education.
C) Perform diagnostic imaging.
D) Establish the circumstances of the accident.

5. The nursing educator is reviewing the signs and symptoms of heat stroke with a group of
nurses who provide care in a desert region. The educator should describe what sign or

A) Hypertension with a wide pulse pressure

B) Anhidrosis
C) Copious diuresis
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D) Cheyne-Stokes respirations

6. When assessing patients who are victims of a chemical agent attack, the nurse is aware that
assessment findings vary based on the type of chemical agent. The chemical sulfur mustard is
an example of what type of chemical warfare agent?

A) Nerve agent
B) Blood agent
C) Pulmonary agent
D) Vesicant

7. A major earthquake has occurred within the vicinity of the local hospital. The nursing
supervisor working the night shift at the hospital receives information that the hospital disaster
plan will be activated. The supervisor will need to work with what organization responsible for
coordinating interagency relief assistance?

A) Office of Emergency Management

B) Incident Command System
C) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
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D) Philippine National Red Cross

8. While developing an emergency operations plan (EOP), the committee is discussing the
components of the EOP. During the post-incident response of an emergency operations plan,
what activity will take place?

A) Deciding when the facility will go from disaster response to daily activities
B) Conducting practice drills for the community and facility
C) Conducting a critique and debriefing for all involved in the incident
D) Replacing the resources in the facility

9. The announcement is made that the facility may return to normal functioning after a local
disaster. In the emergency operations plan, what is this referred to as?
A) Demobilization response
B) Post-incident response
C) Crisis diffusion
D) Reversion

10. A group of disaster survivors is working with the critical incident stress management (CISM)
Members of this team should be guided by what goal?
A) Determining whether the incident was managed effectively
B) Educating survivors on potential coping strategies for future disasters
C) Providing individuals with education about recognizing stress reactions
D) Determining if individuals responded appropriately during the incident

11. Level C personal protective equipment has been deemed necessary in the response to an
unknown substance. The nurse is aware that the equipment will include what?
A) A self-contained breathing apparatus
B) A vapor-tight, chemical-resistant suit
C) A uniform only
D) An air-purified respirator

12. Emergency department (ED) staff members have been trained to follow steps that will
decrease the risk of secondary exposure to a chemical. When conducting decontamination, staff
members should remove the patients clothing and then perform what action?

A) Rinse the patient with water.

B) Wash the patient with a dilute bleach solution.
C) Wash the patient chlorhexidine.
D) Rinse the patient with hydrogen peroxide.

13. A nurse takes a shift report and finds he is caring for a patient who has been exposed to
anthrax by inhalation. What precautions does the nurse know must be put in place when
providing care for this patient?

A) Standard precautions
B) Airborne precautions
C) Droplet precautions
D) Contact precautions

14. A group of medical nurses are being certified in their response to potential bioterrorism. The
nurses learn that if a patient is exposed to the smallpox virus he or she becomes contagious at
what time?

A) 6 to 12 hours after exposure

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B) When pustules form

C) After a rash appears
D) When the patient becomes febrile

15. A patient is being treated in the ED following a terrorist attack. The patient is experiencing
visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, and behavioral changes. The nurse suspects this patient
has been exposed to what chemical agent?

A) Nerve agent
B) Pulmonary agent
C) Vesicant
D) Blood agent

16. A patient is brought to the ER in an unconscious state. The physician notes that the patient
is in need of emergency surgery. No family members are present, and the patient does not have
identification. What action by the nurse is most important regarding consent for treatment?

A) Ask the social worker to come and sign the consent.

B) Contact the police to obtain the patients identity.
C) Obtain a court order to treat the patient.
D) Clearly document LOC and health status on the patients chart.

17. A patient is experiencing respiratory insufficiency and cannot maintain spontaneous

respirations. The nurse suspects that the physician will perform which of the following actions?

A) Insert an oropharyngeal airway.

B) Perform the jaw thrust maneuver.
C) Perform endotracheal intubation.
D) Perform a cricothyroidotomy.

18. A patient is brought by friends to the ED after being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
The patient sustained blunt trauma to the abdomen. What nursing action would be most
appropriate for this patient?

A) Ambulate the patient to expel flatus.

B) Place the patient in a high Fowlers position.
C) Immobilize the patient on a backboard.
D) Place the patient in a left lateral position.

19. A backcountry skier has been airlifted to the ED after becoming lost and developing
hypothermia and frostbite. How should the nurse best manage the patients frostbite?

A) Immerse affected extremities in water slightly above normal body temperature.

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B) Immerse the patients frostbitten extremities in the warmest water the patient can tolerate.
C) Gently massage the patients frozen extremities in between water baths.
D) Perform passive range-of-motion exercises of the affected extremities to promote circulation.

20. A patient with a fractured femur presenting to the ED exhibits cool, moist skin, increased
heart rate, and falling BP. The care team should consider the possibility of what complication of
the patients injuries?

A) Myocardial infarction
B) Hypoglycemia
C) Hemorrhage
D) Peritonitis

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