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Common Presenting Signs and Symptoms

Please note that this list shows examples, and does not represent all possible presenting signs and symptoms
that may be encountered during a Step 2 Clinical Skills examination.
Abdominal distension Irritable infant/child
Abdominal pain Jaundice
Abnormal menses Jaw pain
Abnormal movements Joint pain
Altered bowel habits (e.g., constipation, Joint swelling
diarrhea, fecal incontinence) Leg swelling
Back pain Loss of appetite
Bloody stools/melena Mass/lump
Breast-related complaints Memory loss
Chest pain/discomfort Mood disorder
Child and adolescent behavior concerns Mouth and lip changes
Confusion Muscle pain
Cough Nasal discharge
Decreased sensation in extremities Nausea/vomiting
Dental pain Neck pain
Difficulty walking Palpitations
Dyspareunia Post-operative complications
Dysphagia Postpartum concerns/complications
Ear-related complaints (e.g., pain, tinnitus, Pregnancy-related concerns/complications
hearing loss) Pruritus
Easy bruising Rash
Epistaxis Seizure
Evaluation after a fall Sexual dysfunction
Extremity pain Shortness of breath
Eye complaints (e.g., pain, visual changes) Sinus pain/pressure
Fatigue Sleep issues
Fevers, chills and/or night sweats Sore throat
Flank pain Substance use
Genital complaints (e.g., discharge, lesions, pain) Syncope
Hallucinations Trouble concentrating
Headache Urinary complaints (e.g., frequency, dysuria,
Hematemesis retention, incontinence)
Hemoptysis Vertigo/dizziness/lightheadedness
High blood pressure Weakness
Hot flashes Weight gain
Indigestion Weight loss
Infant spitting up Wheezing

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