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and Guide

266 Counselor, Teacher and Guide

When you have completed your study of each unit, fill out the
unit student report answer sheet for that unit. The following are
directions how to indicate your answer to each question. There
are two kinds of questions: TRUE-FALSE and MULTIPLE-


The following statement is either true or false. If the statement is
TRUE, blacken space A.
FALSE, blacken space B.
1 The Bible is God’s message for us.
The above statement, The Bible is God’s message for us, is
TRUE, so you would blacken space A like this:

1 B C D


There is one best answer for the following question. Blacken the
space for the answer you have chosen.
2 To be born again means to
a) be young in age.
b) accept Jesus as Savior.
c) start a new year.
d) find a different church.
The correct answer is b) accept Jesus as Savior, so you would
blacken space B like this:

Student Report for Unit One 267


Answer all questions on Answer Sheet for Unit One. See the
examples on the DIRECTIONS page which show you how to
mark your answers.
The following statements are either true or false. If the statement is
TRUE, blacken space A.
FALSE, blacken space B.
1 I have carefully read all of the lessons in Unit One.
2 The Holy Spirit's existence is eternal.
3 The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, but with
less power than God the Father and God the Son.
4 The Holy Spirit possesses some but not all of the attributes
of God.
5 The Holy Spirit convinces the world of sin, righteousness,
and judgment.
6 The term Paraclete means “righteous judge.”
7 If we know the Holy Spirit as a Person, spiritual experiences
are more important than our relationship with Him.
8 The qualities, offices, and designations of the Holy Spirit all
indicate that He is a Person.
There is one best answer for each of the following questions.
Blacken the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have
9 The baptismal formula and the apostolic benediction are
evidence that the Holy Spirit
a) has personality.
b) is on a lower level than the Father and the Son.
c) is divine.
268 Counselor, Teacher and Guide

10 Which of these is NOT an attribute of deity?

a) Eternal
b) Omnipotent
c) Changeable
d) Omnipresent

11 Omniscient means
a) all-powerful.
b) holy.
c) all-seeing.
d) all-knowing.

12 Which of these is NOT included in the divine sufficiency of

the Holy Spirit?
a) He bestows holiness.
b) He makes our choices.
c) He gives power.
d) He imparts spiritual life.

13 If you are experience oriented you will see the baptism in the
Holy Spirit as
a) an end in itself.
b) the beginning of a wonderful relationship.
c) involving a divine Person.
d) a door to spiritual maturity.

14 The use of the pronouns he and him in Scripture references

to the Holy Spirit indicate His
a) personality.
b) deity.
c) sovereignty.

15 As an emotional being, the Holy spirit has

a) knowledge.
b) will.
c) desires.
Student Report for Unit One 269

16 In His office of Comforter the Holy Spirit is sent alongside

a) teach.
b) help.
c) administer.
d) judge.
17 The proof the Holy Spirit has to convince the world of the
righteousness of Jesus is that Jesus
a) died on the cross.
b) taught on righteousness.
c) returned to His Father in heaven.
d) performed miracles.
18 The Holy Spirit convinces the world of judgment by
reminding them of the judgment of
a) fallen man.
b) God's chosen people.
c) spirit beings.
d) Satan.
19 As our Counselor the Holy Spirit
a) provides instruction, illumination, and direction for our lives.
b) talks to God about us.
c) talks to us about God.
d) helps us with our problems, both physical and spiritual.
20 In His function as our intercessor, the Holy Spirit
a) offers us advice about decisions we need to make.
b) helps us present our needs to God.
c) comforts us when we are sad.
remaining instructions on your answer sheet and return it to
your ICI instructor or office in your area, then begin your study
of Unit Two.
270 Counselor, Teacher and Guide


Answer all questions on Answer Sheet for Unit Two. See the
examples on the DIRECTIONS page which show you how to
mark your answers.


The following statements are either true or false. If the statement is
TRUE, blacken space A.
FALSE, blacken space B.
1 I have carefully read all of the lessons in Unit Two.
2 The Holy Spirit spoke the word and the waters divided at
3 When God created man, He expected that man would be
obedient to Him.
4 A written communication is better than an oral one.
5 Although about 40 men wrote the Bible, it has complete
6 The conviction of the Holy Spirit always brings repentance.
7 It is the Holy Spirit who imparts spiritual life.
8 The main purpose of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is to
provide supernatural manifestations in the church.


There is one best answer for each of the following questions.
Blacken the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have
9 The doctrine of the Trinity was not known at the time of
Moses because God's self-revelation
a) is progressive.
b) is known only by a Spirit-filled believer.
c) took place on the Day of Pentecost.
Student Report for Unit Two 271

10 Creation was an activity of

a) God the Father.
b) God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
c) all three Persons in the Trinity.
d) God the Father and His Son.
11 At Creation man received life when God
a) formed him out of dust.
b) breathed into him.
c) spoke the word.
d) gave him a companion.
12 When the power of the Holy Spirit moves upon a man's
intellect to express the mind of God, this is called
a) revelation.
b) illumination.
c) doctrine.
d) inspiration.
13 Plenary inspiration means that
a) Scripture in its fullest extent is inspired by the Holy Spirit.
b) some Scriptures are inspired.
c) the Holy Spirit inspires those who read the Scriptures.
d) the doctrines are inspired, but the recording of history is not
14 The role of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of Jesus
included preparing, anointing, and
a) tempting Him through Satan.
b) suffering for Him.
c) crowning the living Word.
d) disciplining by the Word.
15 Being set apart unto God and transformed progressively into
the image of Christ is a work of the Holy Spirit called
a) regeneration.
b) sanctification.
c) adoption.
d) repentance.
272 Counselor, Teacher and Guide

16 As the Spirit of adoption the Holy Spirit gives new birth and
a) makes me sinless.
b) gives me status as an adult in God's family.
c) produces the fruit of the Spirit.
d) changes my way of living.
17 When the apostle Paul said that we are God's temple, he
meant that if we are believers
a) most of our time is spent in worship.
b) we are free from the law of sin and death.
c) we should be involved in the work of the church.
d) the Holy Spirit dwells within us.
18 In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit usually came upon
chosen men so that they could
a) have revelations from God.
b) be victorious over enemies.
c) perform a specific service.
d) experience God's presence.
19 The experiences of both Old and New Testament men of
God confirm that the Holy Spirit
a) does not try to change a person's behavior.
b) transforms weakness into power.
c) chooses strong men to do His work.
d) functions best through men with great leadership ability.
20 Which statement best describes what followed the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit which began on the Day of Pentecost?
a) Since then the Holy Spirit's ministry has been apparent in the
b) That special outpouring ended with the early church.
c) All Christians have experienced the outpouring of the Holy
remaining instructions on your answer sheet and return it to
your ICI instructor or office in your area, then begin your study
of Unit Three.
Student Report for Unit Three 273


Answer all questions on Answer Sheet for Unit Three. See the
examples on the DIRECTIONS page which show you how to
mark your answers.


The following statements are either true or false. If the statement is
TRUE, blacken space A.
FALSE, blacken space B.
1 I have carefully read all of the lessons in Unit Three.
2 The Bible speaks of the fear of God as unnecessary.
3 The purpose of worship is to give glory to God.
4 The purpose of spiritual gifts is to show believers who is the
most spiritual among them.
5 Spiritual gifts are limited to the nine gifts listed in
1 Corinthians 12.
6 What I am is more important than what I say or do.
7 Possessing the gifts of the Spirit is more important than
possessing the fruit of the Spirit.
8 The standard of the fruit of the Spirit is love.


There is one best answer for each of the following questions.
Blacken the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have
9 Which of these words best defines the term "fear of the
a) Concern
b) Majesty
c) Holiness
d) Reverence
274 Counselor, Teacher and Guide

10 Which of these is NOT something produced by the fear of

the Lord? The fear of the Lord
a) keeps me from sinning.
b) brings salvation.
c) provides healing.
d) leads to death.

11 Praying and singing in the Spirit helps us to

a) edify the church.
b) express our innermost feelings to God.
c) reveal Christ to the world.

12 Which of these words can also be translated as worship in

various Scripture passages?
a) Humility
b) Salvation
c) Service
d) Faithfulness

13 Tongues, interpretation, and prophecy are called

a) utterance gifts.
b) miracle gifts.
c) ministry gifts.
d) power gifts.

14 The purpose of the gifts of the Spirit is to glorify Christ and

a) edify the church.
b) meet spiritual needs of unbelievers.
c) develop spiritual leaders in the church.
d) fight against evil.

15 Tongues spoken in public are

a) forbidden by Scripture.
b) the most important spiritual gift.
c) to be followed by an interpretation.
d) sometimes understood by the speaker.
Student Report for Unit Three 275

16 The most essential of the power gifts is the gift of

a) healing.
b) faith.
c) prophecy.
d) working of miracles.
17 Another term for fruit of the Spirit is
a) Christian character.
b) soul-winning.
c) pastors, teachers, and evangelists.
d) personality traits.
18 Which of these is the best evidence of what I am?
a) Prophesying
b) Possessing the fruit of the Spirit
c) Having the power gifts
d) Christian service
19 The only thing that will be of profit to me when I stand
before Christ is
a) my Christian character (love).
b) how many people I have won to Christ.
c) how many years I have served God.
d) my use of spiritual gifts bestowed upon me.
20 Which of these is NOT a reward of fruit-bearing?
a) It is timeless.
b) It brings Christian maturity.
c) It prevents trials in daily life.
d) It brings fullness.
remaining instructions on your answer sheet and return it to
your ICI instructor or office in your area. This completes your
study of this course. Ask your ICI instructor to recommend
another course of study for you.
276 Counselor, Teacher and Guide

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