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jibe SD werk Corbels © <' Bin . fp ‘According t0/ACI code committee 318-08 article 11.8 brackets and corbels are“cantilevers having shear span to depth ratios not greater than unity, which tend to act as simple trusses or deep beams; rather than flexural members. The corbel shown in below may fail by shearing along the interface between the column and the corbel, by yielding of the ng or splitting of the compression strut, or by failure under the loading plate. tension tie, by crush localized bearing or she: Shear plane dtett. Compression strut ‘A s¢ (primary reinforcement) + Framing bar to anchor. stirrups or ties) stirrups or ties Section at face of support shall be designed to resist simultaneously V,, N\u factored moment [V, a, + Nyc — d)), and a factored horizontal tensile —— 4 force, Nuc mee Nu * For normal weight conerete, V, shall not be taken greater than the smaller yn “> of 0.2Of.'bwd, (3. +0.08f.) Phd and 11@b,d, while the reinforcement > wy is designed to resist factored moment [V, ay + Nyt — d)]. The {“reinforeement A, is designed to resist the factored horizontal tensile force, Nye from the equation below: MPH Nye S PAyf, and Ny shall not be taken less than 0.2V,. $a ¢ Mae SN —- Area of primary tension reinforcement 4,. shall not be less than the larger pees % of An), CA/3+A,) and 0.04bd where Ay is shear friction t hy reinforcement and can be calculated according to code 11.6, as follows: Me = Oech 48 where 4 is coefficient of friction in accordance with! ACI code art. — The coefficient of friction p shall be taken as: 24=26S mw = Jlaye of Ole — Ay (closed Sahn / 7 ON /Gonereie ple placed a gainst hardened Conerete anchored to as-rolied structural steel by headed studs or by reinforcing bars (see 1.6.10 where 1 = 1.0 for normalweight concrete and 0.75 for acne gt ee all lightweight concrete. Total area A, of closed stirrups or ties parallel to primary reinforeement shall not be less than 0.5(Ay-Ay). Ay must be distributed uniformly within (2/3)d adjacent to primary tension reinforcement. Ex: A corbel with the data listed below is needed to carry a factored shear force V,, and factored horizontal tensile load Nu equal to 445 and 178 kN respectively. Assume the corbel is casted monolithically with the column. Leh dS pts © Bs Conerete strength f:'= 34.5 MPa Steel yield strength f= 414 MPa Width 4= 380 mm A bar oley he cede Effective depth d= 508 mm de Overall depth = 560 mm Shear span a,= 100 mm Check the corbel and design an appropriate reinforcement according ACI code 318M-08.

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