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1. see – saw- seen – videti

saw – sawed – sawed/sawn – testerisati
sew – sewed – sewed/sewn – šiti
sue – sued – sued – tužiti
sow – sowed – sowed/sown – sejati

*sow (noun) – krmača

2. wind – wound – wound – u/zamotati, motati, obrtati, krivudati, skrenuti, vijugati...

*a winding (adjective) path/road/river – krivudava staza/put/reka

wound – wounded – wounded – raniti

wring – wrung – wrung – uvrtati, zavrteti, zavrnuti...

3. tear – tore – torn – pocepati, iskidati, razjediniti...

*tear (noun) – suza

4. to wonder – pitati se
to wander – lutati

5. lie – lied – lied (+ to someone) – lagati

e.g. Don't lie to me!

lie + to + direct object

lie – lay – lain (+ adverb referring to place, modifier of place) – ležati

e.g. She lay on the beach all day.

This verb is INTRANSITIVE.

Present participle of both lie (lagati) and lie (ležati) is LYING

lay – laid – laid (+ object) – položiti Present participle of lay is LAYING

e.g. She laid her head on the pillow.

Hens lay eggs. She laid the baby on the bed.
6. lie + ing = LYING
tie + ing = TYING
die + ing = DYING

7. rise – rose – risen (NO OBJECT) – dizati se

raise – raised – raised (+object) – podizati

e.g. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Mothers raise their children.
If you have any questions, please raise your hand.

8. hang – hanged – hanged (people) – obesiti, used for official executions

hang – hung – hung (things) – okačiti

9. find – found – found – naći, pronaći

found – founded – founded - zasnovati, osnovati (firmu, kompaniju npr)

10. bind – bound – bound – vezati

bound to happen – neminovno je
*binder – fascikla

11. fall – fell – fallen – pasti

fell – felled - felled – oboriti (npr. seča, obaranje drveća)

12. grind – ground – ground – mleti, samleti (npr. ground coffee)

ground – grounded – grounded – kazniti, temeljiti, položiti, nasukati...

13. bear – bore – born - roditi SE

e.g. He was born in 1986.

bear – bore – borne – nositi, snositi, RODITI (dete)

e.g. She has borne six children.

14. cease – ceased – ceased – prekinuti, to stop, to come to an end
seize – seized – seized – uhvatiti, to grab

e.g. Seize the day! (Carpe diem – Uhvati/uberi dan)

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