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Emission Control

MAN B&W Two-stroke Diesel Engines

Contents: Page
Abstract ................................................................................. 3

Emissions ............................................................................... 4

Primary Methods ................................................................... 5

Fuel valve and nozzle optimisation and timing control ................ 5
Smoke evaluation ..................................................................... 6
Particulate emissions ................................................................ 6
Hydrocarbons (and trace organics) ........................................... 7
Sulphur content in fuel and particulates in exhaust gas ............. 7
Alpha Lubricator ....................................................................... 8
CO2 emission ........................................................................... 9

Secondary Methods .............................................................. 10

Water emulsification - NOx reduction up to 20-50%................... 10
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Humid Air Motor (HAM) ... 12
EGR and HAM system designs and component description ...... 13
Results from engine testing with EGR system ........................... 14
Results from engine testing with HAM system .......................... 14
NOx reduction up to 98% when using SCR ............................... 14

Retrofit Installation of SCR - Case story ............................. 17

Local Marine Emission Rules................................................ 19

Unified Technical File ............................................................. 19

Conclusions ........................................................................... 20

References ............................................................................. 21

MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark

Emission Control
MAN B&W Two-stroke Diesel Engines

The worldwide focus on fuels is gener- Methods to reduce exhaust gas emissions, the optimum reduction of exhaust emis-
ally increasing because of the focus on and techniques such as selective cata- sion levels can be met at all engine
exhaust gas emissions. lytic reduction and water emulsification loads.
are already in use on MAN B&W two-
During more than 10-15 years, the au- stroke engines. With turbo generator and turbo-com-
thorities have been focused on establish- pound system plants, the prime mover
ing rules for the exhaust gas emissions The authorities have so far focused on concept can reduce the plant’s con-
from marine engines, and today it seems NOx and SOx, but as soon as IMO An- sumption of fuel and, beneficially,
that IMO Annex VI will be ratified in the nex VI has been ratified, more attention achieve a reduction of emissions. The
course of 2004/2005. Hence, the ma- will be given to components from the concept utilises the high-efficiency air
rine industry will be under international exhaust, such as HC, particulates, CO flow from the turbochargers for a power
regulation. and CO2. take-off or power take-in system.

Compliance with IMO Annex VI requires These considerations involve not only the The next generation of emission control
the engines to be within the given NOx fuel used and the engine design, but systems, which is on the drawing board
level limits documented in a technical also operational issues and the use of and on the test facility, involves systems
file following the engine in operation. cylinder lube oil are influencing factors. integrated into the engines, where NOx
is reduced by operating with water in
In order to give operators a unified tech- With regard to lube oil, MAN B&W has the engine intake air, also called the HAM
nical file to be followed by MAN B&W introduced the so-called Alpha Lubrica- “Humid Air Motor” principle, and the
licensees, a procedure has been devel- tor, which enables the operator to make use of EGR (exhaust gas recirculation).
oped by MAN B&W and accepted by a considerable reduction in the cyl. lube
the flag states’ representatives, the oil consumption and, thereby, achieve a These methods, so far, look very prom-
Classification Societies. The unified tech- reduction in particulate emissions. ising, and a reduction of NOx of up to
nical file is described in a separate chapter. 50% and a reduction of particulates
Operational-wise, MAN B&W Diesel has and HC seems achievable, even though
Until now, local rules have been introduced proved that when installing a two-stroke final tests and production maturing still
for areas such as Sweden, Norway, and engine using HFO and a reliquefaction need to be taken care of.
the harbour of Hamburg, where for example plant on LNG/LPG carriers, CO2 and
a harbour-fee reduction is used as an SOx will be reduced and, at the same The reduction of the sulphur content in
incentive for the use of low-sulphur fuel, time, there will be a remarkable reduc- HFO is so far the most efficient method
but with limited impact on the environment, tion in operational costs, as the boil-off to reduce SOx, and this reduction has
especially with regard to emissions from gas will be regained as gas and put back therefore been the reason for a lot of
ships in international operation. into the tanks. considerations from the Industry. The oil
companies may need to change their
A general worldwide emissions limitation Another operational influencing factor is equipment to low-sulphur fuel produc-
seems to be the only way that all coun- the one where reduced speed of vessels tion, and the shipowners could face
tries can benefit from a reduction in emis- close to shore could reduce emissions considerably higher fuel costs.
sions. Emission limits must follow state-of- by approx. 20% per 10% reduction of
the-art technology and the ability of the speed. The technique for removing SOx from
market to adapt to such limits. engine exhaust gas on ships has
The latest and most far-reaching change proved to be very expensive and com-
It is correct that emission limits can force that has been made over the years in plicated and does not seem to be a vi-
the technology to be developed, but then our engine programme is the introduction able solution with the systems being
the solution chosen will not necessarily of the electronically controlled engine. used today.
be the optimum one. And the system
chosen on ships built wilI, on average, With an electronically controlled engine,
stay there for the ship’s lifetime, which the fuel injection and exhaust gas valve
can be more than 25 years. activation is fully programmable, so that

To comply with Tier 1
Exhaust gas EPA and IMO NOx code
Air 13.0% O2 1) Modification of
8.5 kg/kWh 75.8% N2 injection equipment
21% O2 5.2% CO2
From 2050%
79% N2 5.35% H2O NOx reduction
Up to 98%
Fuel 1500 vppm NOx NOx reduction
175% g/kWh
600 vppm SOx
97% HC SCR reactor
60 ppm CO
3% S
180 ppm HC
Lube 120 mg/Nm3 part.
1 g/kWh
97% HC
2.5% CA Exhaust gas 2) Use of water emulsion
0.5% S
3) Use of selective catalytic reduction

Fig. 1: Flow process and typical exhaust gas composition Fig. 2: NOX reduction methods

Another consideration for ships in ser- When talking about exhaust gas emis- whereas rules are formulated as absolute
vice is the operation on different fuels sions from ships, the relevant compo- emission factors (mass per unit, time or
with different sulphur levels. Ships were nents are NOx, SOx, CO, CO2, HC, and power) arrived at by calculation, based on
previously designed for HFO operation particulates, see Fig. 1. the concentration measurements.
only, with relatively small tanks for distil-
lates. If two fuel grades are to be used, So far, particulates and HC, together with Over the years, MAN B&W has worked
there will be a change-over situation when NO2 and water vapour (constituting visible with the exhaust gas emission issue in or-
operators change from one emission smoke) are being judged by not so accu- der to develop means to reduce the lev-
zone to another, e.g. 4.5% sulphur to rate opacity measurements. At this els so as to comply with limitations which
1.5% sulphur, which is the limit in the stage, and probably for many years can be expected to come.
low-sulphur restricted areas. ahead, NOx and SOx will be the only
components that will be given interna- There are, in principle, two ways to lower
MAN B&W Diesel participates in a project tional measurable limits in the marine (NOx) emissions, viz. primary and second-
in the European Union concerning the market. It is expected that HC and par- ary methods.
use of low-sulphur fuels and the impact ticulates will follow, but it is uncertain
of doing so on the marine industry. when this will happen. While primary methods prevent the NOx
and other pollutants from being formed,
The industry is still considering the secondary methods aim at reducing or
optimum methods of controlling HC and removing the already formed pollutants.
particulates, and the method of measur-
ing also remains to be agreed upon. The The most relevant proven methods for
situation is different for power plants, for NOx reduction are: fuel valve and nozzle
which there are often limits to all polluting optimisation, timing tuning, fuel water
components of the diesel exhaust gas. emulsification, Exhaust Gas Recirculation
(EGR), and Selective Catalytic Reduction
It should be noted that pollutants are usu- (SCR), see Fig. 2.
ally measured as concentrations,

Primary Methods
Fuel valve and nozzle optimisa- In MAN B&W Diesel’s engine portfolio, This also means more stable running,
tion and timing control this concept is named ME/ME-C, com- particularly at low load.
prising a range of low speed engines with
When the engines are delivered from the same bore, stroke and process pa- The benefits are obtained mostly in the
the engine builder, they have, unless rameters as their MC/MC-C counter- control of the fuel injection, where
otherwise specified, been prepared to parts. The “E” range comprises engines the system, with individually controlled
meet the IMO speed-related NOx limit with on-line continuous control of the fuel pumps with hydraulic oil activation,
curve. This is achieved with NOx-emis- timing of the fuel injection and exhaust allows optimum fuel injection (“free”)
sion-optimised fuel injection valves and valve opening and closing, by means of rate shaping at any load. Hence the
nozzles and, if necessary, a slight delay electronic control acting via a high pres- fuel injection pressure and, thus, injec-
in fuel injection. For the fuel valves, the sure hydraulic oil interface. Therefore, such tion intensity is a controllable parameter,
number and size of the spray holes are engines have no conventional camshaft. contrary to the situation on mechanically
the influencing factors, whereas for HC The ME-C engine is shown in Fig. 3. controlled engines.
and particulate control, the influencing
factors are the valve design and, in par- The operational advantages are outlined The independently controlled exhaust
ticular, the sac volume (explained later). in Fig. 4, and particularly important, with a valve timing adds to the benefit by en-
view to emissions, is that the on-line suring a more optimum air supply to
Compliance with the IMO rules implies timing control allows better NO x control the cylinders at any load condition.
no or a slight increase in SFOC for some over a wider load range, and lower part
engines. Therefore, the fuel consumption load SFOC and soot emissions. The ME/ME-C engines are now gaining
tolerance has been changed for IMO monumentum in the market, and prac-
compliant engines from 3 to 5%. The next step in emission control from tically all types are represented on the
IMO is expected to include a 30% fur- reference list, and the first seagoing en-
Technological advances developed over ther reduction from present IMO Annex gine featuring this principle has, with im-
the last decade have made it possible VI limits. The ME/ME-C engine already peccable results, logged more than 8,000
to commercially launch what used to meets this target, which is within the hrs. on board the Norwegian chemical
be referred to as the electronic engine. electronic control range, see Fig. 5. carrier M/V Bow Cecil owned by Odfjell.

• Well-proven traditional fuel injection pattern and technology

with increased injection rate during the injection period.

• Variable electronically controlled timing of fuel injection and

exhaust valves for lower SFOC and better performance

• Control system offers more precise timing and thereby

better engine balance and less noise with equalized thermal
load in and between cylinders, minimising the risk of prema-
ture need for overhaul.

• Lower rpm possible for manoeuvring.

• Better astern and crash-stop performance.

• Improved emission characteristics, i.e. lower NOx and smoke

values at any load.

• System comprising performance monitoring for longer time

between overhauls.

Fig. 3: S70ME-C engine control system Fig. 4: Advantages of ME-engines

At transient load and at low load, smoke
NOx [[ppm
is often visible, but typical smoke values
1300 Economy
Economy mode
mode Low NOXX mode for the most recent generation of MAN
1200 B&W engines are so low that the exhaust
1100 160 02 800
2003  0217 160 2003 17 800
2003  02 plume will be invisible, unless water vapour
160 Cylinder2003
800  0217160 Cylinder 800
1000 140 700 140 700
140 Pump 700
600 120
Pump 700 600
condenses in the plume, producing a grey
120 Cylinder
900 120
100 600
500 100120 600
500 or white colour. However, the NO2 may
80 500
400 80100 500
800 6080 400
300 6080 400
give the plume a yellowish appearance.
700 4060 300
200 4060 300
200 As mentioned, low and transient load
2040 200
100 2040 200
600 020 100
0 020 100
smoke will practically disappear on
140 160170
150160 190200210
170180 0
200210220 0140150
140 160170
150160 190200
170180 220230
200210 0
230 electronically controlled engines.
Particulate emissions
100 Particulate emissions in the exhaust gas
0 may originate from a number of sources:
16:37 16:38 16:39 16:40 16:41 16:42 16:43 16:44 16:45 16:46
Time • agglomeration of very small particles
of partly burned fuel,
Fig. 5: Mode-change demonstration on a 7S50ME-C engine at 75% load
• partly burned lube oil,

Smoke evaluation • ash content of fuel oil and cylinder

lube oil,
A traditional measure of the combustion Number (BSN value), the greater the
quality, and a traditional way of qualifying diameter of the plume, the greater the • sulphates and water.
the ‘emission’, is to look at, or to measure, amount of light it will absorb. For in-
the smoke intensity. The exhaust gas stance, a BSN of 1 will mean almost The contribution from the lube oil consists
plume, when it leaves the top of the invisible exhaust gas from a truck en- mainly of calcium compounds, viz. sul-
stack, may be visible for various reasons, gine, but visible exhaust gas from a phates and carbonates, as calcium is the
e.g. due to its content of particulate large, low-speed engine. main carrier of alkalinity in lube oil to
matter and nitrogen dioxide, NO2 (a yel- neutralise sulphuric acid. Once fuel is
low/brown gas), or of condensing water atomised in the combustion chamber,
vapour. Although it may be argued that the combustion process in a diesel en-
these components are either subject to gine involves small droplets of fuel which
separate legislation (NOx, particulate mat- evaporate, ignite, and are subsequently
ter) or not harmful (water), it is a fact that burned. During this process, a minute part
smoke and/or opacity limits are tradi- of the oil will be left as a “nucleus” com-
tionally applied in certain countries, e.g. prising mainly carbon. Consequently, particu-
in the USA. late emission will vary substantially with
fuel oil composition and with lube oil type
Unfortunately, methods of measuring and dosage. It is therefore difficult to state
smoke and opacity vary, and the figures general emission rates for particulates.
resulting from the different methods are
not really comparable. In general, the particles are small, and
it can be expected that over 90% will
When considering visible emissions, we be less than 1 µm when heavy fuel oil is
Now used used, excluding flakes of deposits, peeling-
should bear in mind that the larger the as standard
engine, the more likely it is that the As at 1999.01.26 off from the combustion chamber or ex-
Conventional fuel valve Slid type fuel valve haust system walls, which in general are
exhaust gas plume will be visible. This is Sac volume 1690 mm3 Sac volume 0 mm3
because, for a given Bosch Smoke much larger.
Fig. 6: Fuel valves for K98MC

Apart from the fact that a smoking en- As can be seen from the measurements, HFO can give several times higher par-
gine is not a very pleasant sight, the soot the slide-type fuel valve design has quite ticle levels than if the engine is operated
from an engine can cause difficulties, an impact on HC and particulates. on gas oil. A large part of the difference
especially if it is “wet” with oil. In such between HFO and DO is related to the
cases, it may deposit in the exhaust gas For compliance with the IMO rules, low- sulphur, which together with water forms
boiler, especially on cold surfaces, thus NOx nozzles are used. For HC and particulates. This is seen in Fig. 8.
increasing the back pressure and repre- particulate control in general, slide-type
senting a boiler fire hazard. Combustion fuel valves are used. The latest valves Correspondingly, long time use of lower-
process control, together with appropriate feature both the zero-sac volume and than-average sulphur fuels will, contrary
temperature control in the boiler, and the low-NOx spray pattern, see Fig. 6. to normal marine applications, call for
frequent cleaning, are the ways to avoid the use of lower BN lube oils in order
this problem [4]. It should be mentioned that the IMO not to overdose the combustion cham-
NOx-regulation, when ratified, does not ber with deposit-generating additivated
apply for ships where the keel was laid oils. This will be particularly relevant for
Hydrocarbons (and trace before January 2000. engines operated continuously at high
organics) load having less need for SOx neutra-
lising on the liner surface due to high
During the combustion process, a very Sulphur content in fuel and temperature.
small part of the hydrocarbons will leave particulates in exhaust gas
the process unburned, and others will It has been established that a certain
be formed. These are referred to as un- The sulphur content in fuel oil has a level of controlled corrosion enhances
burned hydrocarbons, and they are nor- large impact on the particle level in the lubrication, in that the corrosion gener-
mally stated in terms of equivalent CH4 exhaust gas. IMO has proposed re- ates small “pockets” in the cylinder liner
content. strictions of sulphur to 1.5% in special running face from which hydrodynamic
areas like the North Sea and the Baltic lubrication from the oil in the pocket is
The content of hydrocarbons in the exhaust Sea in northern Europe, and local ma- created. The alternative, no corrosion,
gas from large diesel engines depends on rine emission rules, e.g. in Sweden and could lead to bore-polish and, subse-
the type of fuel, and the engine adjustment Norway, are aimed at reducing the par- quently, hamper the creation of the
and design. Reduced sac volume in the fuel ticulate emission substantially (see also necessary oil film on the liner surface,
valves has greatly reduced HC emis- the chapter regarding local marine eventually resulting in accelerated wear.
sions. The sac volume is the void space in rules). Tests and analysis of exhaust
the fuel valve downstream of the closing gas have shown that a high-sulphur
face, as seen in Fig. 6.

PM – emission %
HC – ppm C1 (dry 15% O2) 100

1000 90
Conventional Slide valve
800 70

400 40
200 20
20 40 60 80 100 0.2 0.8 1.4 2.0
Engine power  %
Fuel-S %

Fig. 7: Hydrocarbon emission, fuel valve comparison – 7S50MC-C Fig. 8: Emission of particulates as a function of fuel sulphur content

This phenomenon also occurs on trunk Alpha Lubricator Particulates (EPA17)
piston engines where a bore-polished g/kWH
cylinder liner surface hampers the func- In consequence of the above, the cylin- 0.6
tioning of oil scraper rings and leads to der oil feed rate has an impact on the 0.5
accelerated lube oil consumption due to particulate emission. Tests show that 0.4
the open access to the crankcase oil. when reducing the cylinder oil feed
Corrosion control – not avoiding corro- rate, the particulate emission is also re-
sion – is therefore crucial, and adjusting duced, see Fig. 10. 0.2
the BN to the fuel oil sulphur content is 0.1 at 100 % MCR conditions
essential particularly on high-load Cylinder lube oil consumption represents 0
stationary engines. a large expenditure for engine operation, 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
and the reduction of cylinder lubrication Cylinder lube oil consumption (g/kWh)
It should be considered that, irrespective is an important development theme. Fig. 10: Particulate emission as a function
of the sulphur content being high or low, The aim is to reduce the cylinder lube of cyl. lube oil consumption
the fuels used in low speed engines are oil dosage, while at the same time main-
usually low quality heavy fuels. Therefore, taining a satisfactory piston ring/liner wear
the cylinder oils must have full capacity rate and maintaining, or improving, the
in respect of detergency and dispersancy, time between overhauls.
irrespective of the BN specified. This is
a newly developed technology now MAN B&W Diesel has achieved this by tronically controlled lubricator that injects
mastered by the well-reputed lube oil developing the Alpha Lubricator system, the cylinder lube oil into the cylinder at
suppliers, who can individually tailor a Fig. 9, which is a high-pressure elec- the exact position and time where the ef-
cylinder lube oil to the relevant fuel. fect is optimal, which is not always pos-
sible with the conventional lubricators of
today. Both for marine engines and en-
gines for power generation purposes,
very low feed rates have been demon-
strated, with oil consumption down to
0.5 g/bhph.

By applying low oil dosage as for the above,

emission is lowered, and also less cylinder
oil is wasted in the engine, where it could
end up in the system oil, resulting in in-
creased TBN and viscosity.

Fig. 9: 12K98MC-C with Alpha Lubricator System

CO2 emission
Production of electricity LNG consumption
Mill. US$/yr. Lube Oil + Maintenance HFO consumption
Emission control has turned into the most
important driving force for development. 14

Hence, this is an area to which extensive 12

development effort is allocated. This
emphasises both on NOx control, SOx 10
limitation, particulate control and, to an
increasing extent, on CO2 emission, the 8
latter reflecting thermal efficiency.
The so-called greenhouse effect is widely
discussed, and the CO2 concentration 4
in the atmosphere is looked at with
some anxiety. In any case, the low 2
speed diesel is the heat engine available
for ship propulsion with the lowest CO2 0



emission. This is possible simply by virtue





of its high thermal efficiency.

125K 150K 175K 200K
One (only) field of application where the Fig. 11: Operating costs for LNG carriers
industry has not yet taken advantage of
the heat-efficient low speed diesel is for
the propulsion of LNG carriers. The boil- By reliquefying the boil-off gas and return- To avoid immobilisation for overhaul of the
off rate of modern LNG containment sys- ing it to the tanks, and by using regular diesel, a twin engine fully redundant
tems is so low that this gas, when burned heavy fuel burning low speed diesels for propulsion system as shown in Fig. 13
in the boiler only constitutes about 30- LNG carrier propulsion, the CO2 emission is proposed. Environmental impact and
50% of the energy consumed to pro- could be reduced by up to 30%, and the economic savings are driving this industry
duce the steam for the turbines. The returned gas could be sold for up to USD towards it.
rest is supplied as heavy fuel. 3.5 million per vessel per year, as seen in
Fig. 11. The turbo-compound system of the two
proposed engine alternatives improves
the plant efficiency by utilising excess air
Tons per round trip (100 tons for CO2)
from the turbocharger to generate elec-
CO2 (100 ton) tricity to the ship grid, or returning it to the
SOx (ton) engine shaft as mechanical energy.
160 NOx (ton)
Particles (ton) For LNG carriers, an alternative to HFO
burning engines is dual fuel ME-GI en-
120 gines, where GI stands for ’gas injection’.
If the gas price is considered to be less
100 valuable than the HFO/DO used on the
80 HFO burning engine, a ME-GI can be
installed instead to burn the boil-off gas
60 (BOG).
The ratio between HFO and BOG used is
20 variable over 30% load, and can, as such,
be adjusted to the actual BOG amount
Steam plant Diesel MCGI MCGI + SCR available. This is described much more in
detail in a MAN B&W Diesel paper, ref. [5].
Fig. 12: Round trip emissions, 135,000 m3 LNG carrirer

In addition, ultrasonic homogenising
Alternative 1: Twin-engine solution
Alternative systems for stationary plants are used
Reliquefaction plant
on the island of Guam. The NOx reduc-
tion is approx. 50% with a 50% water
GenSet GenSet Return to tanks Boiloff gas
amount added, i.e. water constitutes
33.3% of the total volume of fluid injec-
ted into the engine.
The experience from the test and later
operation fully covers the expectations
with regard to NOx reduction and op-
eration of the units. For the two-stroke
Main engine engine, we have experienced 10% NOx
6S70MEGI reduction for each 10% water added.
The water amounts refer to the injected
amount of fuel oil, see Fig. 14.

In order to have the optimal spray in the

combustion chamber, it is recommended
that the water droplets in the fuel oil af-
ter emulsification are max. 5 µm. The test
Main engine results show that this is easily obtained by
6S70MEGI using the ultrasonic type, whereas for the
early mechanical type the size measured
was above our recommended limit.

Fig. 13: LNG carrier propulsion systems If the engine is to be operated on diesel
oil, it may be necessary to add additives
to stabilise the media. We have tested this,
and also in this case the performance was
good. The location of the homogeniser in
Secondary Methods the fuel oil system is shown in Fig. 15.

Water emulsification – With regard to NOx emissions, water emul- The addition of water to the HFO by
NOx reduction 20-50% sions showed a significant reduction in homogenisation increases the viscosity,
NOx emission with a relatively limited as shown in Fig. 15. To keep the viscosity
The NOx reducing mechanism resulting penalty in terms of fuel oil consumption. at the engine inlet at 10-15 cSt, max. 20
from the introduction of water into the cSt, it may become necessary to raise
combustion space is a combination of Since 1984, long-term service experience the temperature to more than the 150oC
the water reducing the maximum peak has been available from a 7L90GSCA which is standard today (max. 170oC at
temperatures in the combustion process power plant engine, operating on 30% 50% water) and to raise the fuel oil loop
because of its evaporation, and the re- water addition, complying with local rules. pressure.
sulting improved atomisation of the fuel,
thereby reducing the NOx emission. Tests have also been carried out on our The external fuel oil pipe system follows
research engine in Copenhagen (1L42MC) the Germanischer Lloyd class 1 pressure.
At the beginning of the 1980s, MAN B&W and on the Spanish island of Menorca The supply pump pressure can be
Diesel made tests on NOx reduction us- (10L67GBE-S) with ultrasonic type changed to ∆p = 9 bar instead of the
ing water-in-fuel emulsions. Before that homogenisers. Furthermore, tests have current ∆p = 4 bar.
time the emulsifier was mostly considered been made on a 5S60MC engine with
for homogenising of fuel oil to disperse nearly 50% water added. These tests Internally on the engine a stronger actua-
sludge and water remaining in the fuel and the service results are all satisfactory, tor may be needed for the governor, be-
after centrifuging. both with regard to NOx reduction and cause of the higher fuel oil supply pressure.
engine performance.

The water used for the emulsification
NOx  % rel. to zero H2O has to be distilled. It must comply with
60 the max. limit for fuel for salt (NaCl), as
the sodium can react with vanadium in
50 the fuel oil so that particles/deposits of
vanadium accumulate on the valve
40 spindles and valve seats, thus resulting
in leakages.
The water should be without other salts
20 as well, and be clean so that operation
will not result in fouling of injectors and
10 exhaust gas components and boilers.

0 Therefore, for production of water for the

water emulsion, the most obvious source
on board ship is the water from the fresh-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 water generator.
Water content  % mass
As an example, it can be mentioned that
the theoretical amount of water which
Fig. 14: Typical measured NOX reductions when using emulsified fuels

From centrifuge

Aut. deaerating valve

Diesel Heavy
oil fuel Venting box
service oil
tank service


Fuel oil
drain tank
Supply Preheater
Homo Circulating
pumps pumps

Fresh water supply

Fig. 15: Pressurised fuel oil system with homogeniser

can be produced by the freshwater gen- A safety system to ensure that a change Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
erator for an 11K90MC operating at 90% in operation does not influence the stability and Humid Air Motor (HAM)
MCR load is about five times more than of the emulsion, and thus the reliability
necessary for 15% water emulsion, and in operation, has been designed and Modification of combustion air properties.
about 2-3 times more than necessary for tested by MAN B&W Diesel. For both the Exhaust Gas Recirculation
33% water emulsion. (EGR) and the so called Humid Air Mo-
Water emulsification in connection with tor (HAM) systems, the NOx reduction
Alternatively, the water drained off from an electronically controlled engine (ME/ effect is achieved by reducing the local
the water mist catchers can be used. ME-C) offers the additional flexibility ad- maximum combustion temperatures in
However, the available amount depends vantages: the combustion chamber, and reducing
on the humidity in the air. the concentration of oxygen by the ad-
• Optimal injection rate shaping with dition of inert media with high specific
The homogeniser control system must any water content. heat: exhaust gas or water vapour. The
ensure that the necessary amount of water NOx production only takes place at very
is added to suit the amount of fuel oil • “Free rate shaping” allows the use of high temperatures (2,200°K and above),
actually supplied. large water amounts even at low and it increases exponentially with the
engine load as pre-injection can be temperature. The EGR method is based
A micro-processor controls the addition used to compensate for a larger on a reduction of the oxygen content
of water so that the fuel/water emulsion ignition delay. in the cylinder charge, and the HAM
always consists of the correct amount method is partly based on reducing the
of injected water. oxygen content of the cylinder charge
and partly on increasing the heat capac-
A flow meter continuously controls the ity of the cylinder charge by the addition
flow of HFO and water through the of water vapour.
As mentioned above, these methods
(EGR and HAM) have, by calculations
Viscosity cSt
and tests, proved their capability for NOx
reduction, but they have never before
been developed to a commercial appli-
cation level for large two-stroke engines,
and they have not been fully optimised
with regard to cross-over effects on fuel
20 oil consumption, heat load conditions
and other emission parameters.
10 40% water
36% water After careful evaluation of the EGR and
25% water HAM methods, we concluded that re-
18% water circulation on the high-pressure side
10% water from the exhaust receiver to some-
5% water where in the scavenge air system after
the turbocharger compressor, with assis-
1 Temperature C
o tance from an EGR blower, would be the
most suitable EGR solution. Further-
75 100 125 150 175
more, high-pressure side water spray
* % water of the total injected emulsion Fuel: 380 cSt at 50 C humidification would be the most suitable
HAM solution for our two-stroke engines.
Fig. 16: Viscosity versus water percentage

Line for simple EGR
Hot exhaust Seawater
gas inlet injectors
SW Spray
FW Spray

Exhaust WMC
Diesel engine gas SW
Spray SW scrubber Freshwater
WMC drain Freshwater
Spray FW injectors

WMC Cold
EGR 1st stage exhaust
blower Flow change cyclone gas outlet
Auxiliary waterseparator
blower Non return valve

No. 1 + 2nd Stage
No. 2 Flow change cyclone
WMC waterseparator
Freshwater drain
Line for simple EGR

Fig. 17: Schematic design of EGR and HAM systems application on the 4T50ME-X engine Fig. 18: Design principle of the simple EGR unit

EGR and HAM system designs simple water separator unit after both, The water loop in the scrubber system is
and component description see Fig. 18. The first water injection cooled and monitored in a Water Treat-
stage involves humidification with salt ment Skid from DME (ref. Fig. 19) with a
Figure 17 gives a schematic overview of water in order to ensure that there is filter and settling system, cleaning the
the system. no freshwater consumption in the sec- used sea water.
ond freshwater injection stage. The out-
A number of EGR/HAM system con- let temperature of the first stage is ap- Combustion air humidification (Humid
figurations, as illustrated in Fig. 17, will proximately 100oC. This stage has a Air Motor – HAM) (red line Fig. 17). With
be outlined in the following. single multi-nozzle injector. this system, the engine runs with saturated
scavenge air at higher temperatures than
Simple Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) EGR with scrubber and water treatment a standard engine, because the con-
(green line, Fig. 17). The purpose of this When/if there is a demand for clean EGR ventional inter-cooling is replaced by water
basic high-pressure EGR system is to gas and/or water outlet from the EGR spray evaporation/cooling, just after the
test the performance of the simplest loop, a more advanced system is required. TC compressor, until the wet-bulb or lower
possible set-up. This EGR system con- temperature for the hot compressor out-
sists of a gas line from the exhaust gas This system is connected to the exhaust let air is reached.
receiver to a position just after the last system in the same way as the simple EGR
charge air cooler, but before the last water system, but the EGR line is routed to a If/when a scavenge air temperature of
mist catcher, so that the risk of fouling “bubble-bath” scrubber from the Canadian approx. 70 °C is acceptable, no conven-
of sensitive parts is completely avoided. company DME (EcoSilencer, ref. Fig. 19), tional scavenge air cooler is necessary,
which cleans and cools the exhaust gas. and only a relatively simple spray humi-
In the EGR line, the simple EGR system difier system is required.
has two water injection stages, with a

Results from engine testing
Freshwater Hot exhaust with HAM systems
gas in
Seawater Supply pump
As for the EGR system also for the
Exhaust HAM system very promising operating
gas out conditions have been obtained, as out-
Cooling water lined in the following.
pump Emission results. The measured emission
Clean brine parameters, as a function of the HAM
level at 100% engine load, are illustrated
in Fig. 22. As can be noted, the HC and
Sludge Scrubber PM emissions are nearly unaffected by
tank EcoSilencer the HAM level. The CO emissions increase
significantly with increased HAM level,
most likely due to the lower cylinder ex-
Sludge out
cess air ratios at increased HAM levels,
Water supply / Cooling water / Water brine which result in larger local regions in the
Circulating water
Sludge combustion chamber with lack of oxy-
gen. Furthermore, the expected signifi-
Fig. 19: “Bubble-bath” scrubber (EcoSilencer) and Water Treatment Skid from DME cant reduction of the NOx level has
been confirmed.

Results from engine testing the combustion chamber with lack of NOx reduction up to 98%
with EGR systems oxygen. Furthermore, the expected sig- when using SCR
nificant reduction of the NOx level has
Very promising operating conditions have been confirmed. To reduce the NOx level by up to 98%, it
been obtained during the tests, as outlined is necessary to make use of the SCR
in the below summary of the main results. Cleaning the exhaust gas with scrubber. (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technique.
As mentioned in the description of the
Emission results. The relative changes EGR system, the EcoSilencer has been With this method, the exhaust gas is
in measured emission parameters as a introduced in the EGR system to clean mixed with ammonia NH3 or urea (as
function of the recirculation amount at the exhaust gas and, if possible, also to NH3 carrier) before passing through a
75% engine load are illustrated in Fig. 20. reduce some of the emission compo- layer of a special catalyst at a tempera-
As can be seen, at increased recircula- nents. MAN B&W Diesel has accord- ture between 300 and 400°C, whereby
tion amounts, the HC and PM emissions ingly measured the emission compo- NOx is reduced to N2 and H 2O.
are reduced corresponding to the reduc- nents at inlet and outlet of the scrubber
tion of the exhaust gas flow from the at different engine loads. The reactions are, in principle, the fol-
engine. lowing:
The results from these measurements
This indicates that each engine cycle indicate that scrubbing reduces PM 4NO + 4NH3 + O2 → 4N2 + 6H2O
has the same production of HC and PM emission to 20-25% (highest at low 6NO2 + 8NH3 → 7N2 + 12H2O
independent of the recirculation amount, loads and lowest at high loads) and that
and that the HC and PM in the recircu- HC and CO pass the scrubber nearly un- NOx reduction by means of SCR can only
lation gas is eliminated during the normal affected. The NO2 fraction of the NOx is, take place in the mentioned temperature
combustion process. as expected, dissolved in the water, window, because if the temperature is
and the NO fraction of the NOx passes too high, NH3 will burn rather than react
The increase in CO emissions with in- the scrubber nearly unaffected. Fig. 21 with the NO/NO2. At too low a tempera-
creased recirculation amount indicates, shows a picture of the filters used for ture, the reaction rate would be too low,
as expected, that the lower cylinder ex- dilution tunnel PM measurements taken and condensation of ammonium sulphates
cess air ratios at increased recirculation before and after the scrubber at 75% would destroy the catalyst.
amount result in larger local regions in load and 15% recirculation.

Relative change in % Change in %
100 120
90 110 PM
80 95

100 100
90 90

200 300
150 CO
200 CO
100 100

100 100
80 NOx
0 5 10 15 20 0 zero 3 half 6 full 9
EGR ratio in % Absolute humidity (vol./vol.) of scavenge air in %

Fig. 20: Emission parameters at 75% load at various EGR ratios Fig. 22: Emission parameters at 100% load as a function of scavenge
air humidity

Before scrubber After scubber Exhaust

Bypass valve V1 gas

Engine SCR
proper Reactor
Fig. 21: PM on filters before and after scrubber

Auxiliary Air
The amount of NH 3 injected into the
exhaust gas is controlled by a process
computer dosing the NH3 in proportion
to the NOx produced by the engine as
a function of the engine load. The relation-
ship between the NOx produced and the Fig. 23: SCR flow chart
engine load is measured during test runs
on the engine testbed. The relationship
obtained is programmed into the process The catalyst has a monolithic structure, the catalyst as well as on the risk of
computer and used for the feed-forward which means that it consists of blocks deposits on the catalyst. The channel
control of the NH3 dosage. The ammonia of catalyst with a large number of paral- diameter is optimised according to the
dosage is subsequently adjusted for bias lel channels, the walls of which are cataly- dust content, the composition of the
by a feed-back system on the basis of tically active. The channel diameter has exhaust gas, and the permissible pressure
the measured NOx outlet signal. an influence on the pressure drop across drop across the SCR reactor.

used when the vessels in regular trade
Air are in the San Francisco Bay area. The
systems have performed to specifica-
Process tion ever since installed. No reduction in
computer efficiency due to use or ageing is re-
Ammonia ported. Fig. 23 shows the SCR flow
Evaporator tank chart, and Fig. 24 the actual system
layout on the 6S50MC. Fig. 25 is the
SCR reactor current reference list.
Air outlet Air intake Exhaust gas outlet
Deck High-efficiency turbochargers have to be
Support used. The exhaust gas temperature mea-
Static sured is slightly higher than for engines
mixer without SCR because of the ammonia/
urea heat release in the SCR process.
NOx and O2 analysers
2 The SCR reactor is designed as a semi-
rectangular pressure vessel for horizon-
Air 3 tal or vertical installation and flow. As an
1 example, the following main dimensions
(excl. support structure and insulation)
Orifice Highefficiency turbocharger are for an 11K90MC engine:

Preheating and sealing air Diameter, m : 2.4

Height, m : 4.5
Length, m : 15
Weight, incl. catalyst, tons : 42
The design and dimensions of an SCR
reactor are influenced by the exhaust
Fig. 24: SCR system layout
gas flow, the exhaust gas temperature
window, and the NOx reduction rate.

1 6S50MC ship NO X reduction 93-95% The optimum, and most common solution,
therefore, is that the SCR reactor is tai-
2 6S50MC ship NO X reduction 93-95% lor-made for a specific installation and it
3 6S50MC ship NO X reduction 93-95% is, of course, more convenient to build-in
the SCR during the construction of the
4 6S50MC ship NO X reduction 93-95% ship. Retrofit is also possible, though.
5 9K80MC-GI-S power plant NO X reduction up to 98%
The space requirement for an SCR unit
6 4L35MC-S power plant NO X reduction > 93%
in the engine room is considerable, on
7 2x7K60MC-S power plant NO X reduction > 93% top of which the piping and the mixer
between the engine and the SCR cata-
8 6S35MC ship NO X reduction > 93%
lyst also require a lot of space, so the
Fig. 25: SCR reference list for MC engines designer’s task is to make the SCR
system as compact as possible while,
at the same time, ensuring easy access
In collaboration with the Danish chemical Four vessels with 6S50MC engines for maintenance and operation.
engineering company of Haldor Topsøe were equipped with SCR catalysts for
A/S, MAN B&W Diesel has developed NOx reduction of 93-95%. The first ship As can be seen in Fig. 26, we have ex-
this method – well known from industrial was commissioned in 1989 and the last amined a number of alternative designs
applications – for use on diesel engines. ship in 1994. The systems installed are of SCR reactors.

If ammonia is used as the medium for
deNOx, the tank should be located on
Traditional vertical SCR Horizontal SCR
deck. In the case of urea, we recom-
mend that a tank within the hull struc-
ture be used, to lower the cost. Having
such a tank in the hull will also minimise
the space requirements, compared
with the installation of a tank on deck.

If it is not possible to find an appropriate

tank on board, the tank could be built
Engine integrated SCR Partial SCR
into containers.

We have been discussing the issue with

Lloyd’s and ABS, and it is fully acceptable
to use and build-in the tank for urea as

On the vessel shown in Fig. 27, the Delta

MAN B&W Diesel patent MAN B&W Diesel patent Pride, the medium is ammonia NH3, and
the supply system and tank are located
Fig. 26: Alternative SCR configurations on deck in a confined space which is open
to the atmosphere.

Retrofit Installation of
SCR – case story
In December 2000, an order was received
for the installation of an SCR unit on the
Norwegian owned LPG-carrier Navion
Dania, equipped with a 6S35MC main

The question of installing an SCR unit on

this ship had already been raised in 1999
when the ship was being built and, in order
to facilitate the possible later installation,
the ship and engine were prepared by
Hyundai for this option, i.e. space was
made available for the installation of an
SCR reactor of the proper dimensions.
Korea Line Corporation The urea storage tank was prepared
Fig. 27: M/V Delta Pride, 6S50MC, with selective catalytic reduction and, on the engine side, the sizes of
turbochargers and auxiliary blowers were
laidout for the installation of an SCR unit.
For contractual reasons, the ship had to
continue its operations, so the major
part of the installation work was carried
out while the ship was in operation.

opening and late injection timing is pos-
Prior to installation DeNOx mode with sible and, furthermore, modulated ex-
of SCR injection of urea haust valve timing stabilises the turbo-
Engine load 75.8% 77%
Turbocharger rpm 15,600 15,700 Hence, ME/ME-C engines and SCR
T/C inlet temperature 440 °C 440 °C systems are very compatible.
Scavenge air pressure 2.02 barg 2.10 barg
On the M/V Navion Dania, urea is used
NOx emission 1100 ppm* 132 ppm* (<2 g/kWh) for NOx reduction. The urea is stored in
Urea consumption - 62 l/h hull tanks.
* Measured during SCR test trial
Fig. 28: Engine performance data

The SCR installation work that, normally,

6S35MC, deNOx
would require off-hire was performed dur-
ing the scheduled guarantee inspections
of the vessel. 1. SCR reactor

2. Turbocharger bypass
The SCR test trial was completed in
July 2001, and the vessel has since 3. Temperature sensor after SCR 2 5
then been operating with reduced NOx 3
emission from the main engine. 4. Large motors for auxiliary blowers 8

The reduction of NOx emission for the 5. Urea injector Deck

6S35MC can be obtained between 4
40-100% engine load, when running on 6. SCR bypass
HFO with a sulphur content of up to
2.4%. Below 40% engine load, the in- 7. Temperature sensor before SCR
jection of urea is stopped due to low ex-
8. Additional flange in exhaust gas receiver
haust gas temperatures. The risk of
creation of ammonia-sulphate is thereby
avoided. Performance data are shown
in Fig. 28, and the actual system layout
is shown in Fig. 29.

SCR installation on an electronically

controlled engine. As for NOX reduction
by means of water emulsion, the flexibil-
ity of the electronically controlled engine
will improve the emission control and

When operating with an SCR catalyst, it

is difficult to maintain the engine dy-
namics and the turbocharger stability at
transient engine loads. However, with
the electronically controlled engine, a
faster load-up by early exhaust valve Fig. 29: M/V Navion Dania with SCR catalytic reactor installed

Local Marine
Emission Rules
On 19 May 2004, 15 countries represen- The environmental differentiation means In Tier 1, there are no limitations on
ting more than 50% of tonnage in IMO that the ship-based portion of the fairway CO, CO2, HC, particulate and smoke.
had ratified IMO Annex VI, which will dues is differentiated according to the
come into force on 19 May 2005. ship-generated emissions of nitrogen EPA does not set sulphur limits in Tier
oxides and sulphur. 1, however, EPA is planning to designate
Countries like Sweden and Norway have part of the US coastline as a low-sulphur
introduced reductions in harbour fees Basically, the authorities give a rebate restricted area once the IMO Annex VI
for ships operating on low sulphur fuel on port dues when a ship reduces the has been enforced.
and with a low NOx level, in order to emission level. As an example, a ship
encourage low pollution applications. A will be given an additional rebate of SEK EPA has adopted the IMO compliance
similar scheme has been introduced in 0.90 per unit of the ship’s gross tonnage rules with only minor exceptions, i.e.
Hamburg. if the sulphur content of the bunker fuel the technical file and survey programme,
is lower than 0.5 mass percent for pas- however, minor additional work is ne-
We foresee more local rules like these senger ships, and 1.0 mass percent for cessary, incl. an operation manual.
coming up, especially if IMO further other ships.
prolong the ratification period and enfor- The manufacturer is responsible for
cement date for new IMO regulations. These environmentally differentiated fair- demonstrating that the engine can
way and port dues came into force on meet the emissions standards through-
European Union 1 January 1998. out its useful life which, in EPA terms,
The EU is in the process of deciding on corresponds to three years, or 10,000
which restriction limits to follow. Accord- Norway hours of operation, and which may not
ing to the Danish Ministry of the Environ- The Norwegian Maritime Directorate is- be less than any mechanical warranty
ment and Energy, the EU is in favour of sues guidelines on emission limits. The that the manufacturers offer for the
adopting the IMO Marpol convention, limits do not apply to all ship types and engine (extended guarantee and
and thus expand the low-sulphur restric- are based on a calculation of the total subcon engines).
ted area to include also the French coast emission load factors from NOX, SOX,
in the English Channel, and the North Sea. the type of fuel, and the use of redundant Manufacturers must include a deterio-
machinery. The higher the emission ration factor for emission control com-
Status: Awaiting ratification of the IMO factor, the better the protection of the ponents throughout the engine’s useful
Annex VI. environment, and the less is to be paid life (three years).
in tonnage tax by Norwegian owners
Sweden and operators. This rule became effective Tier 2
The Swedish authorities decided to aim on 28 November 2000, and applies to Tier 2 is the next step to be adopted no
at a 75% emission reduction by the be- ships above 1000 net register tons. later than 27 April 2007, with a state of
ginning of 2000. In order to reach this technology that may permit deeper
goal, the authorities apply financial in- New EPA emission rules emission reduction. This may also apply
centives in the form of environmentally Tier 1 to non-US flag ships.
differentiated fairway and port dues. Valid for all marine engines larger than
Reduced dues primarily stimulate the 30 litres (category-3 engines). An approx. 30% reduction below IMO
ferry traffic and other maritime traffic to Annex VI NOx limits is being considered.
and from Sweden, regardless of the ship’s Valid only for US flag ships built after 1 In Tier 2, limits to emissions like SOx
flag state, to take measures which would January 2004, and for existing ships HC, CO and particulates are expected.
benefit the environment, such as using which have had new engines installed.
catalytic converters or making other
technical improvements that decrease The NOx emission level is in accordance
the nitrogen oxide emissions and pro- with the IMO Annex VI speed curve.
mote the use of low-sulphur bunker fuel. EPA will issue certificates, Marine Clas-
sification Societies or Survey Societies
will not be authorized to do so.

Unified Technical File

MAN B&W Diesel has, since the publi- The advantages of using the unified For current testbed and sea trial compli-
cation of the IMO Technical Code in 1997, MAN B&W Diesel TF are as follows: ance tests, this is not a major problem,
worked together with the licensees and but the issue will be much more impor-
classification societies (representatives • Certainty of market acceptance of tant when the IMO Annex VI is ratified,
for flag states) to find a uniform design the TF and focus will be on follow-up at sea,
of the technical files (TF) required under where changes and adjustments will
IMO’s Annex VI in order to survey com- • Satisfied customers who are able to take place.
pliance on board. show engine compliance when checked
at sea by the flag state From time to time, some ship owners
The technical file being the technical test
contact MAN B&W Diesel about these
trial’s documentation for a specific engine • A survey method based on principles issues, and some owners have already
or engine family. familiar to the crew onboard demanded a unified system in order to
avoid working with different TFs, de-
Many of the first TFs produced by the • More engines can be accepted within pending on which licensee and classifi-
engine builders were based on different the same groups, thus resulting in re- cation society were involved in an MAN
demands made by the different classifi- duced expenses B&W engine delivery.
cation societies and, therefore, they
were not consistent. Basically, this is • Less money spent on emission mea- At sea, in case a ship owner changes
because the IMO Annex VI does not surements components, this unified system will
give sufficiently detailed instructions on
also allow change of the engine’s NOx
how to draw-up the TF in practice. • Parent engines can be shared between components while maintaining IMO
MAN B&W licensees, which will greatly compliance.
As a licensor, MAN B&W Diesel has as reduce the number of emission mea-
such assumed the task of coordinating surements and future certification costs.
the work to prepare a uniform TF to be
The unified TF is the standard TF intro-
used both by the licensees and the Design of Technical File
duced by MAN B&W Diesel and ac-
classification societies. The task in- The principle of the MAN B&W Diesel
cepted by the relevant classification so-
cludes the necessary procedures for unified concept is that the performance
cieties’ headquarters and introduced to
ship owners, if later engine adjustment data (i.e. measurements of pmax , pcomp,
licensees for all future engines built.
or changes of components become pscav , Tscav and pback) can show whether
necessary. an engine complies with the NOx limit. Assistance from MAN B&W Diesel
If the operator has changed compo- In case of any questions regarding the
nents or adjusted the engine, the en- application of the TF, please contact
gine will be out of compliance when the MAN B&W Diesel, dept. 2110. The de-
engine is later checked by the flag state tailed description of the survey methods
for compliance at sea, unless extensive can be found in the TF (Chapter 3 and
testbed testing is performed to validate Appendix B).
these changes.

Conclusions References
The development of new measuring MAN B&W Diesel has introduced a uni- [1] “Emission control, two-stroke low-
equipment for emission control will con- fied technical file for the licensee and speed diesel engines”, paper pub-
tinue in the coming years, and especially the engine builder after acceptance lished by MAN B&W Diesel A/S,
techniques like HAM and EGR will be from the relevant headquarters of the Copenhagen, December 1996
further developed and tested. The con- classification societies’ representing the
cern of local authorities will change from flag state in connection with the Annex VI [2] “NOx control in practice and demands
focussing on NOx and SOx to include also emission code. made on owners and engine builders”,
smoke, in particular, and CO2. MAN B&W Diesel paper for meet-
The challenge to shipowners will increase ing at the Maritime Museum in
The IMO Annex VI was ratified in 2004 as vessels are required to have, or be Bergen, March 2000
and, thereby, an international exhaust prepared for, emission control equipment.
gas emission limit for ships will be intro- The sulphur content in fuel will have to be [3] “NOx Emission Reduction with the
duced, but more local rules may also be reduced, and vessel tank systems will Humid Motor Concept”, 23rd CIMAC
introduced. have to be prepared for dual fuel and Congress, Hamburg, April 2001.
dual cylinder lube oil systems. In some
Local rules that encourage the use of areas, the operating profile of the ship [4] “Soot Deposits and Fires in Exhaust
emission cutting means, such as SCR will have to be adapted to local rules for Gas Boilers”, paper published by
reactors, through harbour fee reduc- reduced smoke emission. MAN B&W MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Copenhagen.
tions can become more dominant than Diesel A/S makes every effort to facili-
today, whereas an international rule is pre- tate adaptation to emission regulations [5] “LNG Carrier Propulsion by ME-GI
ferred by the industry on the ground that the for engine builders, yards and shipowners,
Engines and/or Reliquefaction”
emission cutting means on board are the with a view to achieving the global tar-
Sept. 2003
get of a cleaner planet. The latest gen-
same wherever a ship is operating and
eration of electronically controlled en-
trading. SCR units are preferably in-
gines are an integral part of that policy,
stalled during the construction of the
as is our recommendation for use of
vessel, however, as seen on the Navion
two-stroke diesel engines as prime
Dania, retrofitting is also possible.
movers for LNG ships instead of steam


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