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How not to get

in the process of building

Part 1
How not to get
in the process of building

Part 1
We are living in the information-overloaded
age. It is up to us to search, find, correlate and

I assure you that every word is written in the

sense of adding some value to the heavily
exploited community of common man, who
want to build his own dream home.

This Part 1 consists of 6 Articles, which speaks

about basic, initial decisions and ideas for
building your dream home.

It is my pleasure in bringing out this series of

articles in e-book format.

Please do share your views and put across

your questions.

M. Senthilkumar,
CEO - HONEY Builders,
Build your house - Don’t build your stress

2 important factors to finalise before

building your house

You can fall in love at first sight with a place as

with a person – Alec Waugh

Place and Person:

Place – the location : The location where you

are going to build your house, is very
important. It is the place where you are going
to stay for long and build your future.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

We need to get used to the location, adjusting

to factors that are not in our control.

Prevention is better than cure. It is better to

check beforehand the legal stuff of the land.
There is no point in regretting later.

I know of many people who grumble because

they made the error of ignoring the things
that are disturbing them right now. Life can
become miserable if we fall under that

We need to make a checklist for the basic

amenities like school, hospital, market, etc.

Based on the number of ticks, we need to

finalise the location. The value of our lifestyle
is based upon where we live. Never
compromise on this.

Person – the contractor : The person who is

going to build our house is equally important.

The construction industry is not a

regularized one. A person without a medical
degree cannot practice as a doctor. It is
against the LAW of the land.
Build your house - Don’t build your stress

But in the same land, anyone can do the

business of construction. How pathetic it is?

As the owner the house, we need to decide on

who is going to shape our dream house.

A qualified, experienced and a reliable

engineer can pull the show.

It is always advised to check the background

of the engineer, like visiting his/her prior
projects and talking to their clients.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Do we need an Architect?

Life is Architecture and architecture is the mirror

of Life – I,M, Pei

While planning to build our house, we used to

scan the surrounding buildings and ask every
other person for an opinion. Everyone has an
opinion and they either speak from past
experiences or what they have heard.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Remember advice is free!

Due to our budget we look at ways to cut

costs. Some good percentages of us are not
utilizing the services of an architect.

Those days are improving a lot. We strongly

believe an Architect can help us, in many

Architects knew how to design the building,

in a better way. Based on the space available
and our requirement, they can deliver the
best plan.

Compared to the total value of the project the

designing fee of an architect is small. His/her
inputs have immense value. They consider
multiple factors what we couldn’t even think

The face value of the building is better in an

Architect designed building.

We can always share our opinion and modify

here and there. Most of the Architects we
worked with are really understanding and

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

helpful only. They own the building and give

their better care in designing.

We used to design every one of our building

with Architects only. The buildings speak for

Let us find a better Architect around and

make use of their services for the benefit of
our building.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Termites or Terrorists ?

Assumptions are the termites of relationships –

Henry Winkler

A wonderful building was built in 2011 at

Perambur, Chennai and the house owner was
very happy and relaxed that he invested in a
good property.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

In 2013 the tenant in the house is

complaining to the house owner. " Sir, the
doors are detoriating... Please check with it".

The house owner is my friend and he is in

New Jersey, USA. He called me. " Senthil,
please look at the issue and give me a

I visited the place and found a shocking view.

Couple of door frames and doors are damaged
to the core, that they can't be retained /
repaired anymore.

Why is this happening? Anti-termite chemical

application at various stages of the building
construction was not done.

If we left that unattended during the stage of

construction, we will regret for rest of the life
of that building.

The termites will find a way and enter into

different wooden portions inside the house. I
have found many costly wood works got

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Anti termite proofing is a simple and very

important work to do. It is the basic work to
be done in a building and the contractor must
educate the client about this.

Spending few thousand rupees will help us

sleep peacefully, later.

Let us keep ourselves safe, not invaded by


Build your house - Don’t build your stress

A Flat or an Individual House

Home is not a place, it is a feeling

– Cecilia Ahern

We always need a supporting mind around to

decide anything important. Whoever falls in
our radius of trust decides most for us.

It's very important to choose people to our

inner radius. Without our conscious they are
playing a vital role. Birds of same feather
flock together.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

The following are some of the mind blocks.

Security level in individual house is poor…

Finding the right people to construct an

individual house and monitoring them is a
very tough task. It will demand most of your
time and your peace may be at stake. If you
have someone trustworthy then by all means,
Go Ahead.

Getting Loan sanctioned and receiving

interim payments at right intervals are tough

The legal issues of the land to be checked and

we should not fall prey to wrong people...

The list is endless...

But taking a risk and building your own home

for your own taste is one awesome task of
your life.

We always feel comfortable with tailored

shirt, for our measurements than a
readymade one.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Our tiny ideas can be implemented in our

home and they will make our life more
meaningful and interesting.

Take a nice deep breath. Air is free and the

breathing is happening automatically. Let us
take some calculated risks.

Definitely you will get rewarded.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Please… No low roof in Bathrooms

The Pacific is the best toilet for satellites

– Neil deGrasse Tyson

We used to have one or two number of lofts in

a room. Generally we will be having a lot of
unused and important (?) materials with us.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Wherever we go the materials also comes

with us. During this process of getting more
storage spaces, sometimes we insist to have a
low roof in toilets.

Low roof mean, low level ceiling inside the

toilet, ie, at 7’-0” height so as to access the
rest above space from outside.

Most of us are not thinking about the

consequences of having this low roof. While
designing also, we are squeezing the size of
the toilet. Generally we used to have a bath
room of size 4’-0” x 6’-0” or even lesser.

Pressure is inversely proportional to the

volume. By providing low roof, we are
reducing the volume of the bath room. It
results in increase in pressure and thus
results in temperature increment.

After using the bath room for 15 / 20

minutes, we will feel the temperature rise
inside the room. If we have sufficient volume

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

and proper air circulation we can easily avoid


Bath room is a place, where we use very little

time comparing with other rooms. But the
convenience we need to feel inside sets the
tone for the day. We should not compromise
on this small big thing.

Some people cut the low roof at a corner and

use that space for geyser.

Numbers of technical problems are in queue,

to attack us. We request you to have these
things in mind, while designing and building.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Do we really have Safe Grills…?

Wherever I am, I always find myself

looking out of the window, wishing
I was somewhere else – Angelina Jolie

Grills are provided in the building only in the

perspective of safety. To safeguard the house
from thieves and small animals, we provide
grills in windows.

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

They should solve this main purpose. The

design of the grill, material used for the grill
and how they are fixed with the window
frames are key points to check.

A minimum of 12mm square mild steel rods

should be used. Further down sized rods are
not advisable.

Having a design like flower, abstract designs

or god like images may look appealing for
some people. But a minimum gap between the
rods should be maintained, which is tough
while going for the designs.

We should not block air circulation by

providing close checked nets.

The way how the grill is fixed with the

wooden frame is very important. We must
look whether the grill is screwed in the
wooden frame or embedded into it.

It should be inserted for some 3 cm in

multiple points, at least for ground floor

Build your house - Don’t build your stress

Whatever we do, let us inquire ourselves

about the real purpose of doing it.

This small question will help us everywhere,

isn’t it?

What our clients have to say

It is our pleasure to have Mr. Senthil as

Engineer for our House in Mela Kalkandar
Kottai, Trichy. Their quality and timely
delivery is commendable. I wish them a
great success.
- Mr. P.Chelladurai, Ex - Air Force

You can either follow the guide mentioned

(How to choose your building contractor -
Step by step guide) or just close your eyes
and book Senthil.
- Mr.Venkatesh Balasubramanian, GE, Pune

We are very happy to associate with HONEY

Builders. Their involvement from Planning to
Handing over is exemplary. I strongly
recommend them to my friends and family
- Mr. M. Selvaraju, Shell Petroleum, Brunei

Senthil did an excellent job for our house in

madhavaram. It is rare these days to find
contractors with such high values and ethics.
Kudos and thanks.
- Mr. Jeyachandran, USA
M Senthilkumar BE

C2, Second floor,

AA Asirvad Apartment,
#25, State Bank Officers Colony,
Cantonment, Trichy, Tamilnadu.
PIN : 620 001.

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