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2, February 1985
Copyright © 1985 The American Fertility Society Prinl<!d in U.s.A.

Sperm capacitation in the human female reproductive tract*

Hovey Lambert, Ph,D, t

James W. Overstreet, M.D., Ph.D.t:!:
Patricio Morales, M.S. t
Frederick W. Hanson, M.D.t
Ryuzo Yanagimachi, Ph.D.§

School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, California, and University of Hawaii

School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii

In order to fertilize an oocyte, human sperma- couples with infertility due to factors other than
tozoa must first undergo capacitation. Capacita- obstructive tubal disease,5 it seems likely that
tion is thought to involve a number of intracellu- pathophysiology of sperm transport and/or capac-
lar changes as well as alterations of sperm sur- itation in the female may underlie many cases of
face, but these events are not completely under- human infertility. To understand the etiology of
stood. I The process of human sperm capacitation these disorders and provide rational therapy in
is accomplished relatively easily in vitro by re- the future, it will be necessary to study more in-
moval of spermatozoa from the seminal plasma tensively the biology of human sperm interaction
and incubation of the washed sperm cells in cul- with the female reproductive tract. In this com-
ture media. 2 Sperm capacitation in the female munication, we report experiments which demon-
reproductive tract may occur during a similar se- strate that human spermatozoa recovered from
quence of events, but in vivo the cellular and the female tract have achieved and maintained
extracellular mechanisms may be different. For an advanced state of capacitation in vivo. We also
example, capacitation in vivo and in vitro appear report the results of in vitro experiments which
to be initiated by removal of seminal plasma con- suggest that this process may be accomplished
stituents from the sperm surface. This step, which during interaction between spermatozoa and cer-
is accomplished in the laboratory by dilution and vical mucus.
centrifugation of the semen, may take place in
vivo as the sperm migrate through the cervical
Since in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer Cervical mucus was collected from women who
have been successful in achieving pregnancy for were patients in our program for artificial insem-
ination by donor (AID). The mucus was collected
48 to 56 hours after AID by aspiration into a
polyethylene catheter inserted 1 to 2 cm into the
Received July 27, 1984; revised and accepted October 3,
cervical canal. Mucus was expelled directly into 5
*Supported by the National Institutes of Health grants HD- ml of recovery medium, and the medium was in-
15149 and HD-03402. cubated for 1 hour at 37°C, which allowed time for
tDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medi- sperm migration into the medium. The resulting
cine, University of California, Davis. sperm suspension was concentrated in a volume
*Reprint requests: James W. Overstreet, M.D., Ph.D., Divi-
sion of Reproductive Biology and Medicine, School of Medi-
of 30 j.Ll by centrifugation. The methods for sperm
cine, University of California, Davis, California 95616. recovery from cervical mucus have been previous-
§Department of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, John ly reported in detail. 6 The sperm suspension was
A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii. coincubated at 37°C in 5% C0 2 /95% air with cryo-

Vol. 43, No.2, February 1985 Lambert et al. Communications-in-brief 325

Table 1. Sperm Penetration of the Human Zona Pellucida and lary tube adjacent to PBS (- 15 ,...,1) containing
Zona-Free Hamster Oocyte During 1 Hour of Coincubat ion in immature human oocytes. Mineral oil was used to
BWW Containing 3 mglml of Bovine Serum Albumina
seal each end of the tube, and - 5 ,...,1 of semen was
Penetration of human Penetration of zona- injected at the oil/mucus interface. 3 The tube was
Source of_ _ _zo_n_a-'p:....e_ll--;:u-;-cl_·d_a_ _ _ _fr_e_e_h_am_ste---,.,r,...oo_c..:.y_te_
sperm No. pene- No. pene-
incubated for 4 hours at 37°C, during which time
No. oocytes trated b No. oocytes tratedC spermatozoa migrated through the 2 cm mucus
Cervix 24 17 53 22 column and into the adjacent PBS containing the
Semen 18 o 47 o oocytes.
aSperm were recovered either from cervical mucus 48 to 56 Sperm penetration of the human zona pellucida
hours after AID or from fresh semen. and sperm fusion with the zona-free hamster oo-
bOne or more sperm in the perivitelline space. cyte were assessed by phase-contrast microscopy.
cOne or more decondensing sperm heads with associated The ultrastructural morphology of spermatozoa
in the zona pellucida was assessed by transmis-
sion electron microscopy.7
preserved immature human oocytes (to test for
penetration of the zona pel1ucida) and/or zona-
free hamster oocytes. 6 In one set of six replicate
experiments, the Biggers, Whitten and Whitting- The cervical sperm populations tested in these
ham (BWW) medium containing 3 mg/ml of bo- experiments ranged in concentration from 1 X
vine serum albumin was used as the recovery 105 to 1 X 106 sperm/ml and were virtually 100%
medium. Sperm and oocytes were coincubated for motile. The quality of sperm movement in BWW
1 hour. In a second set of six replicate experi- was consistently better than in PBS, but there
ments, the recovery medium was albumin-free was no apparent difference in the quality of
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4), and the sperm movement in the cervical sperm popula-
coincubation time was 4 hours. tions in comparison with the seminal sperm popu-
In control experiments, spermatozoa were re- lations suspended in the same media.
covered from semen by layering a 0.5 ml aliquot The incidence of penetration by cervical sperm
of the ejaculate beneath 1 ml of either BWW or and seminal sperm into the human zona pellucida
PBS. The spermatozoa were allowed 1 hour at and zona-free hamster oocytes following 1 hour of
37°C to "swim up" into the medium, and the coincubation in BWW is shown in Table 1 and the
sperm suspension was washed twice by centrifu- comparable results following 4 hours of coincuba-
gation and dilution with the recovery medium. 4 tion in PBS are given in Table 2. In the control
The final sperm suspension was adjusted to 1 x experiments in which BWW and PBS were prein-
107 motile sperm/ml and was coincubated with cubated with sperm-free cervical mucus, none of
human and hamster oocytes under the same con- 12 human zonae pellucidae was penetrated. How-
ditions as for the cervical sperm suspension (i.e., 1 ever, in experiments in which spermatozoa were
hour for BWW and 4 hours for PBS). To deter- allowed to swim through a column of cervical mu-
mine whether incubation of cervical mucus in re- cus into PBS, three of ten human oocytes had
covery medium could alter the capacitation po- sperm in the perivitelline space. Ultrastructural
tential of the medium, six additional control ex-
periments were carried out after an initial 1 hour Table 2. Sperm Penetration of the Human Zona Pellucida and
of preincubation of the medium (BWW in three Zona-Free Hamster Oocyte During 4 Hours of Coincubation in
experiments, PBS in three experiments) with - Unsupplemented PBS (pH 7.4r
120 ,...,1 of sperm-free cervical mucus at 37°C. Fol- Penetration of human Penetration of zona-
lowing removal of the residual mucus, washed Source of_ _ _zo_n_a...:p_e_llu7;c,...id_a_ _ _ _fr_e_e_h_am_s_te--;:r-;-o_o-,cy:....te_
spermatozoa were resuspended in these "mucus- sperm No. pene- No. pene-
No. oocytes trated b No. oocytes tratedC
supplemented" media to a final concentration of 1
Cervix 20 8 55 3
x 107 motile sperm/ml. Sperm and human 00- Semen 16 o 69 o
cytes (twooocytes per experiment) were coincu-
aSperm were recovered either from cervical mucus 48 to 56
bated for 1 hour or 4 BWW and PBS,
hours after AID or from fresh semen.
respecti vely. bOne or more sperm in the perivitelline space.
In seven other experiments, - :15 ,...,1 of sperm- COne or more decondensing sperm heads with associated
free cervical mucus was drawn into a flat capil- tails.

326 Lambert et al. Communications-in-brief Fertility and Sterility

observations of spermatozoa in the zona pellucida possibility was not tested directly in these experi-
following gamete interaction in BWW and PBS ments.
confirmed that the acrosome reaction had oc- When BWW and PBS were preincubated with
curred. The human oocytes were always nonvi- cervical mucus, the zona pellucida was not pene-
able at the beginning of the experiments, and trated by spermatozoa in the media, suggesting
fertilization in vitro never occurred. that capacitation of cervical sperm resulted from
direct interaction with the mucus rather than
DISCUSSION augmentation of the media by the mucus. This
Human spermatozoa can be capacitated in vitro hypothesis is also supported by the observation
with relative ease, and any experiment designed that seminal sperm were able to penetrate the
to demonstrate in vivo capacitation under in vitro human zona pellucida in PBS after swimming
conditions must be interpreted with caution. through a column of cervical mucus in vitro.
Sperm capacitation and the acrosome reaction are The essential role of cervical mucus in human
prerequisites for entry into the zona pellucida and sperm transport has long been recognized, 8 but
for fusion with the oolemma.! Therefore, sperm its importance in regulating the physiology of the
penetration of the human zona pellucida and/or sperm cell may not be fully appreciated. In other
incorporation into the zona-free hamster oocyte is experiments, we have demonstrated that human
evidence for completion of both processes. In these sperm retain the ability to penetrate the human
experiments, ultrastructural assessment of sper- zona pellucida during at least 80 hours of resi-
matozoa in the thickness of the zona pellucida dence in the cervical canal. 6 The present study
confirmed that these cells had undergone the ac- suggests that human spermatozoa may achieve
rosome reaction. and maintain an advanced state of capacitation in
When recovered from the native cervical mucus the cervical mucus. It seems likely that the cellu-
into the BWW, spermatozoa were able to pene- lar and extracellular events which mediate hu-
trate the human zona pellucida and to fuse with man sperm capacitation may differ in vivo and in
zona-free hamster oocytes within 1 hour of coin- vitro.4 Further experiments of the type reported
cubation, whereas spermatozoa recovered from here may elucidate these differences.
semen were unable to penetrate the oocytes under REFERENCES
the same conditions. Sperm motility in the two
preparations was similar, and it is likely that the 1. Yanagimachi R: Mechanisms offertilization in mammals.
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PBS, a medium which does not support capacita- 4. Gould JE, Overstreet JW, Hanson FW: Interaction ofhu-
tion of human spermatozoa in vitro. Although 4 man spermatozoa with the human zona pellucida and
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5. Mahadevan MM, Trounson AO, Leeton JF: The relation-
the cervical mucus were able to penetrate either ship of tubal blockage, infertility of unknown cause, sus-
oocyte. As might be expected, the rates of pene- pected male infertility, and endometriosis to success of in
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zona-free hamster oocyte were lower in PBS than 40:755, 1983
in BWW. The lower rate of zona penetration may 6. Gould JE, Overstreet JW, Hanson FW: Assessment of
human sperm fWiction after recovery from the female
be related to the more sluggish motility of the reproductive tract. BioI Reprod 31:888, 1984
sperm cells in PBS. Nevertheless, the motility of 7. Gould JE, Overstreet JW, Yanagimachi H, Yanagimachi
cervical sperm and seminal sperm was similar in R, Katz DF, Hanson FW: What functions ofthe sperm cell
PBS; so this does not explain the inability of sem- are measured by in vitro fertilization of zona-free hamster
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8. Overstreet JW: Transport of gametes in the reproductive
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Vol. 43, No.2, February 1985 Lambert et al. Communications-in-brief 327

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